Zoe Sugg #67 Boring and beige, will never be a Deyes.

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They are literally a rich version of people who scrounge benefits .. sit on their arse all day scrounging money from working people!
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In Alfie’s new vlog they said their year is about spending time with the girls (completely get that) and slowing down and not doing as much. Yes I agree they should spend time with their kids and they’re in a really fortunate position to be able to do so but how the fuck can u acc slow down anymore? They do absolutely nothing all Alfie does is take up a hobbie for a week, spend money on the top of the range stuff for it and Zoe pretends to catch every illness under the sun, posts on yt once in a blue moon and thinks she’s doing us a favour by posting her weekly update on insta which all of the photos are taken on one day.
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Zoe saying they make a good parenting team, yep because Alfie does 80% of the parenting and the grandparents have them the other 20%
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Also when Alfie said how do parents do more then clean cook and look after the kids? errm because they have no choice you idiot, they have bills to pay and unfortunately for them they cant sit on their backside all month and still earn thousands.
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They have cleaners and gardeners and car valets. They do very little, lets be honest they barely work that is why they are lounging about all day with the kids.
Yes that's it definitely and they get breaks all the time with someone else minding the kids. Plus they never show anything hard it's all the positives and never any struggles. Think need a break from social media too fake. I would love to see a real day in the life
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Whenever they do these types of videos they always out themselves for how incredibly ignorant and out of touch they are.
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God I felt genuinely down after watching that vlog

I seriously think his content should come with a trigger warning for anyone feeling any kind of way with your life, be it struggling with anything physically, mentally, financially maybe grieving the loss of family member
basically if times are tough brace yourself before watching would be my advice tbh .
Reactions: 13
Ha, as someone who would very much like another baby but can't afford it, all their videos are so fucking depressing. Imagine having all the time and money to give your kids the best start in life imaginable, and dumping them on their grandparents so you can stagnante in bed for days. Grim.
Reactions: 23
I think what blows my mind the most is that they still don’t get criticised in the comments.
We’re in a cost of living crisis and their audience have no issue with their unashamed wealth and laziness. Zoe spent three months in bed last year leaving others to help take care of their toddler and nobody acknowledged what a privilege that is!
Their audience are either equally as privileged, which doesn’t seem statistically possible, or still so blinkered by ‘Zalfie’.
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I think about this ALOT. Not even just for Zoe and Alfie but other influencers that I’m on tattle for. People go on and on about how much hate they get on posts and negative comments. Imo I very rarely see influencers getting negative comments warranted or not. Zoe and Alfie should be criticised a lot more than what they are, not even saying this to be a dick but people absolutely bum suck Zoe and Alfie on their socials it’s so clear to see. Is it a case of they’re positive on their posts hoping to get a reply? Completely separate but relative, influencers Sophia and Cinzia don’t get half as much hate on their instas and yt as they should, I always see girls constantly gushing at everything they do when really it’s a bit questionable.
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For me it's the gloating -

We are the PERFECT parenting team. How lucky are we .
How amazing is this perfect life we have .
How blessed is our life to get to do everything we want.
How amazing is it to be parenting these perfect girls .
How fantastic are both our families.
So lucky that we don't need to go out and work so we can just soak up our perfect existence day after day and on and on and on

Ok Alfie we see it you are blessed, but much like the £1 challenge read the room maybe.
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They said they were slowing things down for a year to focus on the girls but then said they had put too much into their diaries. Anyway heres a sneak peek of their jam packed diary....

Week 1
Mon- Zoe- get nails done
Tue-Alfie's parents has the girls
Fri-Alfie- Sick gym workout with ma Boi's!

Week 2
Mon-Tracey has kids
Wed-Alfie- play golf with Joe
Sat- Zoe-day at Garden centre with Mark

Week 3
Mon-Kid's at Alfie's parents
Tue-Zoe out for lunch with Anna
Fri-Alfie meeting for Hello Fresh

Week 4
Mon-Alfie meeting for Futureself clothing
Wed-Zoe-get hair done
Fri-Alfie massage after a 5k run on treadmill.

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They claim to be slowing down every bloody year and yet they don’t even do any work anyway. Lazy twats, like somebody said, they’re no better than benefit scroungers but people don’t see it the same solely because they have money
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They claim to be slowing down every bloody year and yet they don’t even do any work anyway. Lazy twats, like somebody said, they’re no better than benefit scroungers but people don’t see it the same solely because they have money
I just don't get why he doesn't just tell the truth and say Zoe and Myself are now retired millionaires.

All this skirting around it with things like 'we've slowed down now to just soak in the family years' and 'the office is now an unused room up in the attic for the foreseeable'

I imagine they could legitimately call themselves landlords as i assume they own many properties around Brighton and are coining it in with rent while minions do the renovating but they never publicly admit to that he'd rather just talk twaddle .
Reactions: 23
Dont forget many will have their comments moderated to the extreme. They’ll have certain words automatically filter them out and the. Either personally - or a staff member - further go through and remove comments. Theres been so many cases of this being able to be seen live. Notable ones have been things like apology videos after someone did something awful - the comments will be deleted by the thousands.

So many of these influencers curate their image down to the comments - can’t have anyone actually see things for what they really are.
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As influencers go, I actually like Zoe and Alfie - they seem like nice people and good parents - but so many of their posts when it comes to parenting and life in general is very tone deaf.

They say they're slowing down... but when have they ever had a super busy life? I'm only judging by their vlogs, but I'd imagine it's very rare. Everything has always been on their own terms, on their own schedule. And that's very lovely for them, but them complaining about how tired they are now with 2 kids, "how do people do this" etc... come on.

Both have come from quite privileged upbringings too, which I think shows... if either one of them hadn't been, I think there'd be a bit more self-awareness there in how daft they sound sometimes.
I'd actually really rate them if they were honest about that kind of thing. It's no bad thing to be aspirational - I love hearing about how people have made a success of themselves, like good for them. It's worse when people pretend and hide things to try and be relatable.
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Zoe in today’s vlog, crouching to the camera but loud enough so Alfie can hear: ‘Does anyone else have a partner with savage hayfever who never takes a tablet but just says how bad their hayfever is?’

Alfie in next clip: ‘Does anyone else have a partner who just doesn’t understand how brutal hay fever is?’

Zoe writes on the bottom of his clip: ‘If it’s that brutal you should take a tablet mate’

The passive aggression is uncomfortable

And the pure irony that Alfie could say this about Zoe’s anxiety, emetophobia or any other issue she moans about and hides behind instead of push herself to get better. Earlier in this same vlog Zoe talked about how she told Alfie he has to take over parenting for anything to do with sick. And how she finds it ‘so interesting’ how she can be so afraid of sick whereas Alfie just gets on with it.

The entitlement and lack of self-awareness is wild
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Does he have a choice though if she isn't willing to help? what does she expect him to do leave the child with sick all over them and the floor etc?
IS SHE JOKING? advertising Betterhelp when she already has a therapist?
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Does he have a choice though if she isn't willing to help? what does she expect him to do leave the child with sick all over them and the floor etc?l

When I was younger my emetephobia was bad and I couldn’t even clean up the cat sick so I called my mum to do it and she turned to me and said ‘no one LIKES having to deal with sick but it has to be sorted’ and she’s right and I’ve since been pushing myself to handle it when my cat throws up. Even if it freaks me out.

It’s a situation where if your kid is sick you just have to deal with it because in that situation they need you. As a parent you can’t just go nope not dealing with it…. What would she do if ottie threw up when Alfie was out? Just leave her covered in sick alone until he got back?
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The way he talks makes me regret forming ears.

Also, DYING to know how long Zoe ran for on the treadmill (not to take the piss, genuinely just curious). Hope she keeps it up… but she won’t.
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