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My nibling was with us for their half term, we were (as is tradition) watching old Brit crew videos. In one of them Zoe goes to a cafe and orders beans on toast with grated cheese. Nibling turns to me and says "now I know that witch has more money than sense."
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Apparently there's a video doing the rounds on Tiktok, unfortunately she didn't save it and I don't have it but that could be the rumour?
I just tried to search it on tik tok and couldn't find anything.
If she ended up liking it it might be in her previously liked and I think if you go onto her own main page she can see previously watched too. Hopefully that helps her to find it for us all.
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Anyone know what the bruises on Zoe's thighs are in this pic? Injections? I know nothing about pregnancy tbh
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zoe and Alfie are too boring to give Portuguese gems like Lisbon, The Algarve, Porto or Madeira a chance tbh. Stick to what they know whilst Alfie pretends he’s pining for more
Yep living their bland, basic, beige life !
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And if you have to move your eldest (like I had to - boring personal story but cheaper for us to do one room rather than redo the nursery into a bedroom for an older child and make a new nursery) then you need to make it feel special, exciting and like they are part of the process which means involving them as much as you can in the choices or making the room what they would like to have as it’s their room. Not making the room look like a bedroom in a nursing home.
Which she wont be she will be shipped off to Nanas while they get the decorator in.
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Yep pretty much - they made some minor headlines in the daily mail, and went all out with the sex angle before clearly realising that it wasn’t the numbers grab they thought it would be, and a year later it’s no more. Like you say, it was clear that wasn’t actually Zoe at all so it all just came across as try hard and insincere, trying to be.cosmo when really Zoe is girl talk magazine at best (if anyone remembers that late 90s gem 😅).
Lmao!! She defo is more girl talk than cosmo! I LOVED girl talk in the mid 2000s 😂😂 that’s such a blast from the past haha
Isn’t it dead. Zoe got rid of all the staff. Not posted anything all year when she decided to ‘slow down’. I’m guessing she’s left it all up incase she wants to reignite it at some point but I can see why it’s not linked in her bio. The sex toy stuff was so off brand. Zoe would never would review a sex toy herself.. or talk about that topic. Didn’t she review the better than sex mascara once and was giggling that more like better than chocolate or something equally cringy.
LOL so true.. the nearest Zoe has gotten to sex talk is giggling about that mascara 😂
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Tbh I will say I’m very shocked she went on a Summer holiday right when Autumn was starting!

Off topic but my husband has Russian in him and I’m always amazed when I see it in written format lol, looks so crazy to me, hearing it sounds like typical Eastern European but the alphabet is impressive 😂
Haha! The alphabet is definitely the easiest part of the language believe it or not!
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Ooh are you allowed to give hints as to what its called??

As for Louise, I never understood their friendship anyway! You could tell Louise struggled with Zoe and didn't like the fact that she was more popular! And the same with Tanya to be honest. I don't believe their friendship!
That’s it! Would have posted it before but couldn’t be arsed to search it up 🤣


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