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Does his woman understand the meaning of lockdown? Seriously? How many supermarkets did she visit just to get chocolate?

No wonder the country is fucked.
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Skjermbilde 2020-12-04 kl. 18.05.26.png

I know this vlog is an #AD for Native, but subtle product placement much? Because who tf brings their deodorant on their bath tray?
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What is their obsession with Zoe being so ickle and smol?!
Even today’s vlog Alfie’s like ‘unfortunately you’re too small to help’

I was expecting her to be 5’0 or below by the amount they mention it but upon googling she’s legit my height! And I’d consider myself average 🤣😅😅🤣
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THIS! So many of her crew suffer from this now. Both Tanya and Niomi’s social media are basically just advertising platforms to make them cash and it so obvious. Those disclosure laws are the best thing that ever happened in the UK because now everyone has woken up to that fact that they were getting paid big money to praise brands literally 24/7. And the thing that’s most frustrating is they don’t even put out decent content besides the ads! I mean I could deal with the ads if they were actually producing good content at the same time.

YouTube recently recommended Jim Chapman’s video on ‘questions I’ve never answered’ and I was curious so I clicked. Probably one of the more real videos he has done. Basically said he got in at the right time and that they could basically upload anything and people would watch it because there was not much out there. They got lucky. Now the quality is higher and more competitive.

I think people like Zoe are feeling this now. They realise that what they were doing wasn’t that special, and now there are all these people with lots of talent on the platform and she can’t compete. She isn’t offering anything unique. I mean maybe the women’s health stuff might go somewhere...she is trying a bit with that.

Also if you are reading this Zoe, that middle part in your hair is doing you no favours. Please go back to parting on the far left or right of you head. It makes you look younger and fresher. I really do think it would make a difference.

Sorry I just needed somewhere to write all this out to get it out of my system.
In know a lot of people on here don't like Jim but I respect the fact that he was honest about being in the right place at the right time. I read an interview with him last year where he said something similar about the Brit crew, "it could have been anyone" etc. Alfie, in contrast, still seems to think he's some pioneering creative/entrepreneuer despite quite literally gaining fame for "the pointless blog".

Zoe is in a similar predicament because she gained notoriety for being inherently normal, and she was able to sustain this brand for quite a while (moving to the not-mansion and bringing in a team to do her bidding definitely killed off the relatability). She's still arguably the ultimate basic bitch, which is why she hasn't became completely irrelevant.

The recent vlog at the pumpkin patch was so telling in terms of how greedy she has become:

  • Visit Tulley's to pick up gifted pumpkins, followed by gifted beige food
  • "chilled afternoon" on the sofa with mark - this became a sponsored post on insta for Sky
  • Long AD for the Good company
  • All outfits in the video affiliate-linked to the high heavens
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Dr Marten

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So yeah she went to 8 supermarkets:

Sainsburys local
Co op local
a big Sainsburys
Sainsburys local (again, one closer to home)

You’re a complete twat, Zoe.
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Na Zoe stopped doing her main channel because she would have to make it clear she was gifted all of the shit and was also paid to talk about them. She can no longer pretend shes your best friend showing you things she absolutely loooves & most definitely paid for herself :cautious: every so often she complains about disclosing stuff (she thinks its confusing for viewers.. when its not). So she’s still sulking because she has to tell the world shes a walking advertisement who will take a pay-check from anyone.
THIS! So many of her crew suffer from this now. Both Tanya and Niomi’s social media are basically just advertising platforms to make them cash and it so obvious. Those disclosure laws are the best thing that ever happened in the UK because now everyone has woken up to that fact that they were getting paid big money to praise brands literally 24/7. And the thing that’s most frustrating is they don’t even put out decent content besides the ads! I mean I could deal with the ads if they were actually producing good content at the same time.

YouTube recently recommended Jim Chapman’s video on ‘questions I’ve never answered’ and I was curious so I clicked. Probably one of the more real videos he has done. Basically said he got in at the right time and that they could basically upload anything and people would watch it because there was not much out there. They got lucky. Now the quality is higher and more competitive.

I think people like Zoe are feeling this now. They realise that what they were doing wasn’t that special, and now there are all these people with lots of talent on the platform and she can’t compete. She isn’t offering anything unique. I mean maybe the women’s health stuff might go somewhere...she is trying a bit with that.

Also if you are reading this Zoe, that middle part in your hair is doing you no favours. Please go back to parting on the far left or right of you head. It makes you look younger and fresher. I really do think it would make a difference.

Sorry I just needed somewhere to write all this out to get it out of my system.
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£50 for a print is absurd.
She’s not a well known artist and they’re not amazing work..
I’m horrified that she thinks that’s acceptable. Did she not look at average prices for other prints??
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Zoe is live now talking about her next goal is


jesus, have we not suffered enough?
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Why is this girl always chewing gum and vlogging with it hanging out of her gob? AND why does she whinge about editing when she doesn’t do anything fancy at all? She just cuts it up and puts it together doesn’t she?
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Chatty Member
I can’t work it out...does she give no shits about her own family, is it that the Deyes have taken her over or is that they must kiss her arse because she’s the money maker?
The Deyes are her dream scenario! A happy nuclear family, non-divorced parents, a sister and brother-in-law who she and Alfie are best friends. Plus they all seemingly bow down to her as their main income source. The opposite of Zoe’s divorced parents, her brother (and likely her parents) seemingly not liking her boyfriend, etc. If she hangs out with the Deyes, she can pretend all these issues with her own family doesn’t exist 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ Pretty sad IMO. Especially considering if she and Alfie ever split, there goes 90% of Zoe’s support system
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Chilli pepper 19

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Joe’s actually left a comment under the vlog saying how much he liked that car. Im convinced joe thinks he’s a prick
Joe definitely knows he is. If you see how he's behaved over lockdown, Joe's slowly frozen Alfie out of his vlogs and streams and barely features him now, even when he stayed at theirs for 2 weeks. And when he does he openly mocks him. I think the stalking on Dianne's yoga stream and general leering when she's near Alfie was the final straw but also Joe's pretty savy and good at spotting when someone could be toxic for his brand.

I think he only tolerates him because of his sister
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Her latest Q&A came up on my Youtube recommendations and omg it's so nauseating seeing her sit and talk about the old cosy days of Youtube. As others have said, it was cosy for HER because she could rake in millions and not have to disclose anything about her sponsors. I can only imagine over the years the amount of stuff I thought she'd actually bought/hauled herself but was actually sent to her. Maybe that's naive of me but you have to remember during Zoe's peak 2012–2016 you really didn't have to disclose a single thing.

I noticed it was definitely around the time of the new guidelines and rules coming in that she pretty much dipped from her channel in 2018, by which point she was already irrelevant on Youtube anyway but it could't have helped that so much of her content would now have to be flagged as gifted or an advert.

A good example of this was when she did an entire video for Bath & Body Works in her 2016 Vlogmas and I remember thinking at the time it's so weird that you'd do a video about how much you love candles that you can't even buy in the UK.
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Chatty Member
Nahh, for once, I actually think Zoe is thrilled about the engagement news. Now Alfie can't dump her to go with Lotty. He's going to have to get over his crush, officially.
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Looool. Can we not police how many baths someone has? I am also for criticising her when appropriate but this is ridiculous.
The point is she’s now taking the money and doing ads for sustainable Products/ companies but then sticks two fingers up at them by having copious amounts of water guzzling baths! Hypocrisy at its finest
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Anyone else think how exhausting it must be to go out and pick your dinner up all the time, instead of just... cooking it yourself?

This is the roast I made at the weekend - massive portion cause I hadn’t eaten since breakfast (and this at night). So much nicer than their cold collection and I presume not much more effort really?!
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