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I still just think it’s so odd that they don’t even both own the house! I mean I get she obviously earns more and is keeping herself safe ... but jeez!! It’s not like she couldn’t just buy him out if they did split! It just screams to me that they’re not serious, and I feel it’s the only reason Alfie has to stay with her! Pretty sure there’d be a prenup if they did marry! 🤣
I think it’s for the best he’s not an owner, she’s protecting herself so if he does run off with the 20 year old model she can’t be forced out of her home, I would do the same.
What is weird is that after 8 years of being together Alfie hasn’t made any further commitment to the relationship, if he proposed tomorrow Zoe would say yes so fast his head would spin! Also if he did propose that doesn’t mean they have to get married tomorrow, plenty of people are engaged for years before actually getting hitched, his unwillingness to move their relationship to the next level after 8 years has to be setting alarm bells off for her. If she was smart she would ask him point blank what the deal is, if he’s not willing to move forward she needs to start looking for someone who is, especially considering she said her biggest fear is not having children.
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I dread for her to be pregnant, she'd suddenly become a parenting expert like that Giovana fletcher. We'll probably get a book deal about how she's the only woman on earth to ever have a child probably teaching us how to walk again. 🙄🙄🙄 wed also get an over priced super drug maybe boots range of zoella baby stuff.
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Chatty Member
Ugh, the Zoe I really liked. She was full of life and had a sparkle about her.
This was when every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to date her. Yet she chose fucking Alfie.

Said it before and I’ll say it again, she would be much better with Jim 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I find it interesting that Zoe and the Zoella brand were happy to post about Black LIves Matter so they could post affiliate links to books and yet neither have posted about the passing of Nicole Thea and her baby. Black women are 5 times more likely to die in childbirth here in the UK, and it’s something that needs to be addressed.
This is a prime example of influencers jumping on the band wagon so they can appear wok only to never speak about it again.
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Why can’t she just admit she doesn’t want to be online anymore? She’s got enough money to live off? Why not just do a post to say you’re retiring from the internet and then come back when you’ve had the child you’re long for in OK 😂
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Lmao why is this so predictable? I mean nothing wrong with having different "ideal vacation" choices from your s/o but this is classic Zoe and Alfie and exactly what we always talk about lol.
Thing is, Zoe, as boring as she is, is at least honest with what she likes and dislikes and she would 100% enjoy this. Alfie picking number 3 is laughable. He wouldn't last 5 minutes backpacking or camping at a festival and when did he become such a yogi?! What a twat.
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Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s feeling the pressure seeing Poppy and Sean’s new puppy, especially as cockerpoos tend to be highly intelligent. She always has to one up them, including pets.
It definitely has to do with Poppy and Sean getting a dog, seeing how attentive they are and making sure the puppy is doing everything she should be is inspiring Zoe to become a better owner. This is all stuff they should have been doing Nalas entire life, but I guess now is better than never.
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Is this someone from team Zoella, trying to make excuses for Zoe. She has family, it may not picture perfect, but she has a family. Her parents divorced 10 years ago. She lived with her dad after the split for years. Her mum got rw-married years ago. Also Joe & Zoe moved houses a bit as kids, cause their father is in property.

Also you don't need Christmases or birthday as an excuse to visit your family, she doesn't do it. She has 3 elderly grandparents still alive, who she visits once a year, she has no excuse of not going to visit them cause she was close with them, she has multiple cars to travel to see them, it's not as though she has to go to work. Zoe is selfish & lazy & can't be bothered. Dianne saw more of her family in the past year than Zoe. Joe has already been to stay with his mum, stopped off at his dad's to visit & saw his Gran from a distance.

Yeah break-ups are hard, but it's Zoe's own fault why she has so few friends, she dumps them if any there to say anything critical to her & as for family she never visits. She has no one to blame but herself.
Definitely not Team Zoella? I’m an oldie from GG. Definitely don’t think I’d be mentioning business practices or ghostwriting if I were.

I just don’t think someone being a shitty person precludes them from having complex feelings OR being blameworthy. I thought I made it clear Zoe was to blame for not having friends - she wasn’t there for Louise, and has managed to lose everyone else not related to Alfie as well. I mean, I called her only friend Mark a sycophant. She surrounds herself with yes-men and anyone who isn’t is swiftly given the boot.

I also don’t think anything I wrote - that she’s stuck in a bad relationship because she’s so very hung-up in her past - is a flattering account, but of course it might not have read that way. If so, I apologise. I do think her wants (family, security, understanding) explain some of her behaviours, though, however shitty. Being grownup and responsible for your own actions doesn’t make hard decisions any easier. I don’t think she’d still be with Alfie if she didn’t love his family so much.

I’m with you on the not-visiting-grandparents thing. I really wish she still lived in Lacock or at least the Cotswolds, and I somehow see her making a return in the future. I don’t know what she talks about in therapy, but it’s clear she resents her family for breaking the illusions of her happy(ish) childhood. She was so close to her dad before getting in with the Deyes, and now he’s nowhere to be seen - my theory is that he got a new partner a little after she moved out and now she doesn’t want to visit. She has effectively replaced her own family with Alfie’s. It’s my belief that childhood effects us far more than we can imagine.
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Chatty Member
The extensions make her look so much older! And of course Alfie runs off with his friends the second he can. Romantic trip as a couple? Cute staycation with mama spending time at the beach?
Nope he needs to run off with his mates like a teenager.
What's the point of them going on holiday, all they do is sit in a hotel room & order room service. Also what was the last holiday they went without taking other people with them, so they could play board games.
Also watched Dianne & Joe's vlog of their little holiday and I don't think Zoe & Alfie would survive a holiday with them, they would actually have to go outside and go running & hiking & eat non processed, non fast food. A holiday with Joe & Dianne would kill them.
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I always think Alfie looks like he can’t stand Mark personally! He always give him that look of “how dare you treat my girlfriend better than I do, she never has this much fun with me!” 🤣🤣🤣
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Honestly I think the reason Mark doesn’t address his sexuality is because he is an uncloseted gay man and is making no attempt to hide that, because it’s not important. It’s not as if he has made up a pretend girlfriend who we don’t know. Or tried to imply he’s straight. Unless I’ve missed something? He’s just going about his business. This isn’t a pop at anything that’s been said here it’s more the preoccupation with the ‘is he gay’ thing from the fans. There’s no need.
THIS omg
Not sure what the speculation is about... not everyone 'comes out' some people are just 'out'! and Mark is one of them??
There's an interview here:
That has this quote:
“It was a bit intense at the start because when [we started making videos together], obviously it opened up a lot of criticism, including ‘you’re trying to steal Zoe away from Alfie!’ Which we were all like ‘uh – don’t have to worry about that!’”
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Chatty Member
I can imagine why she feels stuck in the relationship.

They’ve been together for 8 years, and during that time Zoe has rid herself of every close friend she had that isn’t related to Alfie Deyes. She spends Easters, birthdays and Christmases with the Deyes’, Poppy’s the closest female friend she’s had in recent years, Holly, if I’m not mistaken, was Alfie’s friend/cousin first, Brighton is Alfie’s home town. Mark is the only friend *she* has left, but he was a fan of hers before anything else, and a sycophant even now (though I like him and do think he’d be supportive when they break up).

And I get it - she likes the way Alfie’s family operate, the way he’s been brought up, the way they’re still very close. They probably share values, politics, and life goals. Alfie, Poppy and Sean also have the same weird job she has. They understand each other’s work, and Brighton is the hot-spot for progressiveness and innovative careers in the first place. Alfie and Zoe even share offices there. It sounds like a match made in heaven - on paper.

I think, to her, her own family has become fragmented. They are no longer a whole. Her home is on the market (thanks to the user who posted about it being on rightmove - it’s lovely and Lacock is a truly idyllic place). Going to her parents probably doesn’t feel like going “home” anymore, but to some foreign, unknown place. I’m also pretty sure both her mum and dad have new partners and Christmases might be awkward and “unfestive” to her around them.

I can see how she might think of losing Alfie as losing family, friends, hometown AND Christmas all at once. That would be daunting to anyone. Zoe might not end up being the best wife or the best mother, and even if I haven’t been a fan of her business practices and ghostwritten lies in the past, I still believe family is more important to her than anything else. She lives on nostalgia, on simpler times when she watched Home Alone and her parents were together and Christmases were fun. She desperately wants family, and she desperately want to recreate her memories and regain that joy with her own little family. She likes rainy days because everyone’s home, having a hot meal and willing to indulge in her dreams of cosy togetherness. IMO she’s latched onto Alfie not because of some sort of extraordinary love, but because Alfie is the key to all the families she desires - his family and a new family.

Breaking up is hard, but it’s harder without your own support group. From what I remember, Zoe wasn’t all that supportive of Louise when she divorced Matt, and she barely acknowledged Pearl’s birth on social media. How karmic that she’s all alone now. I hope Mark and Joe will be there for her in the end. I can’t help but wish her the best.
Is this someone from team Zoella, trying to make excuses for Zoe. She has family, it may not picture perfect, but she has a family. Her parents divorced 10 years ago. She lived with her dad after the split for years. Her mum got rw-married years ago. Also Joe & Zoe moved houses a bit as kids, cause their father is in property.

Also you don't need Christmases or birthday as an excuse to visit your family, she doesn't do it. She has 3 elderly grandparents still alive, who she visits once a year, she has no excuse of not going to visit them cause she was close with them, she has multiple cars to travel to see them, it's not as though she has to go to work. Zoe is selfish & lazy & can't be bothered. Dianne saw more of her family in the past year than Zoe. Joe has already been to stay with his mum, stopped off at his dad's to visit & saw his Gran from a distance.

Yeah break-ups are hard, but it's Zoe's own fault why she has so few friends, she dumps them if any there to say anything critical to her & as for family she never visits. She has no one to blame but herself.
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Chilli pepper 19

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What's the point of them going on holiday, all they do is sit in a hotel room & order room service. Also what was the last holiday they went without taking other people with them, so they could play board games.
Also watched Dianne & Joe's vlog of their little holiday and I don't think Zoe & Alfie would survive a holiday with them, they would actually have to go outside and go running & hiking & eat non processed, non fast food. A holiday with Joe & Dianne would kill them.
Plus Alfies arm would fall off watching Dianne doing yoga and watching her and Joe having sex through the keyhole

I really don’t think she’s had any work done to her face. I think she’s too much of a wuss to do anything. I remember her talking about getting a small hidden tattoo one time and her mum pulled a disgusted face, so I doubt she’d get work on her face done because that’s very obvious 😂 and look at her forehead in this picture! Definitely no Botox there
Is it just me or does her mum look younger than Zoe now?
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It would be such a risk for him to cheat with being a ‘public figure’, it would have to be someone who didn’t know him and so couldn’t use it as blackmail, so probably an older woman. And what woman in her mid 30s+ would want to shag Alfie?! I’ve just got visions of him saying some daft shite like ‘this is so sick’ part way through
the thought of Fraggle shagging made me think of this quote from a women who described having sex with a certain politician ‘like having a wardrobe fall on top of you with the key sticking out’
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New vlog is clickbaiting getting married and you can just tell Alfie is so uncomfortable when it's brought up. It's sad tbh he should just break up with her instead of constantly getting her hopes up
Wow, I’ve seen some clickbaiting but this is a new low, and to say buying Gucci trainers sums up her lockdown, when people have lost their jobs and lost family members. She has reached a new low and should be ashamed of herself.
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as irritating as she is i can't help but feel bad for her. she obviously had and still has the dream of getting married and having a family but is stuck with a man child for a boyfriend. she cant leave him because she is literally closer to alfies family than her own. i know alfie knows that and i feel like she knows it too but is in denial maybe. Im not her so i have no idea what its like but its obvious alfie couldn't care less about her feelings (like when he laughs at her for saying she would study criminology). if she actually does realise her relationship isn't going anywhere I hope she leaves him before its too late because she will end up being 40 unmarried and without kids and thats when alfie will leave her for some 20 year old instagram model. her videos make me kind of sad now because thats all i think when i see them together. sorry that was so nice but i genuinely feel for her and i never thought i would say that about a tory
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