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Alfie confuses himself with his fantasy self. He likes to think he’d be doing all these adventurous things but he never does. He’s got the money, has flexible work- hell he’d probably even make more money from putting out travel vlogs here and there compared to his normal ones. At least Zoe’s a little more grounded on what she’s really like. She still says Some things that are more of her fantasy self speaking but mostly she seems pretty ok with staying at home and being boring, and doesn’t mind admitting it lol
To add to this, I don’t actually see Zoe as the kind of girl to hold him back from travelling - like when he’s gone on trips away before she’s been fine with him not being there, so I’m pretty sure it’s his laziness that means he doesn’t do stuff. There is literally nothing stopping him from doing it
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There's SO much she could do that it's frustrating to see her waste away her time making glorified Nesquiks and playing animal crossing on the sofa. Off the top of my head:
-Couch to 5K (but actually stick with it) And who knows, maybe even a 5k-->10k after that?
-An actual decent book review, once a month, by Zoe not her blog people.
-Home reno stuff (such a wasted opportunity she didn't jump on that)
-Dog school/something for Nala
-More cooking/baking
-Some makeup vlogs
-Get involved with more social causes. She dipped her toe into the BLM stuff. Do more.
-Occasional online shopping haul (maybe say twice a year for winter/summer so as not to be too wasteful)
-Some travel stuff (once normal service has resumed)
If she invested time in stuff like this then the occasional mundane update wouldn't matter so much. But it seems that's all there is these days.
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No one deserves Jim foisted upon them, not even zoe.

Does anyone think she could have chosen to settle for Alfie as she was so hurt by wilf cheating on her, and Alfie was widely percived to be 'punching' !
and being younger easy to control (compared to wilf)

She should leave him now though. Never seen two rich people so miserable with each other who could leave, but don't.
I actually think she’s genuinely into Alfie, I don’t think he’s that into her though, if you look at all her vlogs starting from the beginning she’s always the love sick puppy, and even though they don’t actually show a lot of affection in general, back then he seemed into her, now I would say he wouldn’t mind being with someone like Lottie but he’s not going to act on it because it would destroy his career. Jim is the perfect example Tanya made him, her following became his following, and as soon as they announced the divorce Jim became more irrelevant than he already was. The same thing would happen to Alfie, his entire audience is there because of Zoe, if they ever broke up he would need to find a new job so he could afford to buy all his childish toys!
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Thing is, Zoe, as boring as she is, is at least honest with what she likes and dislikes and she would 100% enjoy this. Alfie picking number 3 is laughable. He wouldn't last 5 minutes backpacking or camping at a festival and when did he become such a yogi?! What a twat.
In fairness to Zoe, that’s so right! She might not be the most exciting person l, but she knows what she likes and what she doesn’t and she’s true to that.
could she more adventurous? Definitely! Does she miss out? Yes! But if she doesn’t care about not doing stuff and enjoys what she does do, the. Up to her I guess.
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One thing that has annoyed me so much about influencers recently is that they went mad posting about BLM but now Boohoo are actually facing allegations of modern day slavery, and exploiting BAME workers, and everyone is silent. Getting gifted free cheap tat from Boohoo (who own Nasty Gal, Miss Pap and PLT) is their bread and butter. Disgusting as Zoe has worked with Boohoo before several times. It's been in the news for days but seen nothing from anybody -
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I saw someone comment about how she could just hire an editor to make her nonexistent workload easier.
Do you think she has avoided that because she doesn’t want anyone else to get any credit. Everything has to be her.
She did hire someone to write her books so I wouldn't see how that would be an issue :ROFLMAO:
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I think her laziness and lack of work ethic has just been emphasised and highlighted for me during this lockdown time. With nothing else to do and nowhere to go, Zoe could have stepped up and made some interesting and useful content but it just goes to show there is no drive there or creativity. Unless there is an ad to do, she is clearly not bothered. But eventually if her output dwindles surely the ads and endorsements will also and then what will she be left with? Surely she could see this!!
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"I'm so smol, I wear a childs mask, childrens clothes, I can fit through a teeny weeny hole, my head is so smol I wear childrens sunglasses".. rinse and repeat! Jeeze we get it already! Although 5"5 is above average height for a woman in the UK so not actually small at all. Just slim. Slim but eats junk food all the time 🤨 more like picks at bits of junk food to stay slim and appear super human with a super human metabolism. I wonder if when she gets pregnant she will struggle with weight gain abd getting bigger as her identity seems to be how smol she is.. it must be so nauseating to be around for Poppy and Holly.. well anyone other than Alfie who seems to encourage it.
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Their relationship is so odd to me. I don't care if they don't want kids and/or marriage; I can't say I'm holding my breath for any type of announcement. But Zoe, jokingly or not, makes wedding/kid remarks a lot and there is always radio silence on Alfie's part. I'd find it equally bizarre if the situations were reversed. They either have a dumbass inside joke about clickbaiting or mentioning something that won't ever happen or Zoe is hiding behind the excuse of chaging her mind while making digs at Alfie for not going down on one knee yet. Idk what their relationship is like off camera but the whole thing smells like stale basement air to me. They are in desperate need of airing out their situation.

edit: so many typos.
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That’s good for you.

but has been a whole social media influencer with subscribers from all over the world and I’ve never seen her with a black person or a person of colour, I just find that really odd.
I’m not saying she’s racist I’m just saying I find it odd.
Surely it would be more odd for her to hang out with a black person or person of colour just because of the colour of their skin?
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In her new vlog (titled ‘they’re planning my hen do’ btw i wont get into that🙄) she shows off her new Gucci trainers as her ‘symbol of lockdown’.
Her memories of lockdown is a splurge on designer trainers and playing animal crossing, meanwhile the majority of the country have lost their jobs and are seriously struggling to bet by!!!! HOW OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY CAN YOU BE?!!!

This vlog is too much - Little dainty pea head zoe strikes again ‘I was telling Alf i found this mask that is for kids and it fits PERFECTLY’

All this talk of her being desperate for kids i actually dont think is true, she wants to be ickle wickle zoe peahead and be coddled for the rest of her life
The sharpie eyebrows, the giant costume bra, the desperate attempts of begging for attention... I didn't enjoy her back then either but when she was a huge deal, I honestly didn't think she'd end up this way - a caricature of herself. Washed up, barely relevant ex-YouTuber, only hanging around so she can pocket some ad money. She reminds me of those 80s Hollywood celebs who end up doing infomercials on shopping channels.
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I get what you’re trying to say, but maybe that’s what she feels comfortable/confident in?

I don’t like this narrative that women should wear things that are ‘flattering’ - we should be able to wear what we like without people speculating that we’re pregnant!
Thank you for saying this. Purpose of every single piece of clothing isn't to make us look as slim as humanly possible. It's not a great picture of Poppy, her posture is weird and the dress looks bunched up from the wind probably but it says more about Zoe than Poppy imo.
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Probs cos most straight guys can't put up with her and find her annoying (unless they fancy her or using her for fame). Remember watching her trying to interact with Zach in NY, was painful and he couldn't give a shit about her hair extensions or whatever she was nattering on about. She seems to struggle being friends with girls as well if they're prettier than her or won't put her on a pedestal. Gay bffs seem to be ideal because she can't get jealous of them.
Thinking back she does have a lot of gay male friends mark, jay, mouse (i think his name was), troye, connor, tyler, joey, alfie. I mean it doesn't really matter but is interesting.
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Why the fuck is a grown man sitting on a worktop like a 5 yr old? Grow up you bloody idiot!
And why the fuck is the lazy cunt eating out of a pan. Put it in a bowl or on a plate.

Then go and sit at that massive dining table, or that table in the conservatory.

I'd be more concerned if they actually prepared food on the worktops, but I suppose it's not as bad when it's just putting takeaway boxes on the counter.
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That’s probably made her so happy like it’s adding fuel to the marriage conversation... I dunno seems bizarre way to want to commit your life to someone... does she not know that it doesn’t have to be like this and she could be with someone who adores her and respects her idea of marriage and is ready to have a family with.

Also I feel like if they were to break up and Alfie met a cool model type girl who was different and fun he’d be so excited he’d give her a ring straight away just and want a family with them straight away... don’t know why but I just have that feeling
for sure. It’s so clichéd. The guy in a long term relationship who doesn’t want marriage or kids because he’s ‘not ready’, then when they eventually break up he’s engaged to a new model within 6 months and starting a family.

it’s the classic - he’s just not that into you.
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I think she needs fresh air, hobbies, new friends, a part time job somewhere and a break from Alfie as I think he’s behind this reclusive behaviour somehow. If I was her mother, I’d be there sorting this out as that girl is like a shadow these days. First things to go are that bra and the hair.
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this comment reminds me of a vlogmas video where Alfie was saying how much his mum liked hosting and Zoe was like ‘so do I’ and the smugness in her face because she was getting to host was just so annoying and bitchy-I actually don’t mind her but that really annoyed me and I felt bad for Amanda.

Zoe always seems to go extra but when you strip it back it’s always the same shite-massive cheese boards/nibbles tables,the same eggs for breakfast,dum dum donuts or massive tubs of ice cream etc-she just throws money at everything and when she does actually attempt to be creative like when she sets the Christmas table,it looks pretty shit.
Zoella likes hosting but Amanda still had to cook Christmas dinner because Zoe can't cook anything other than sausages and microwave mash.

She'd definitely try and do Christmas dinner from frozen packets if she actually had to cook it herself.
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