New thread!!! Hope the title is ok, Continue here if so!!!
if you’re not feeling up to it,
just skip this thread completely!!!!!
Don’t overexert yourself by commenting or reading comments if you’re just not feeling up to it.
nobody wants ANYONE to feel like they’re under pressure, just do what you can!!!
Half a comment if that’s all you can manage.
protect your mental health at all costs and if that means going to bed for the month so be it!!!
if you’re not feeling up to it,
just skip this thread completely!!!!!
Don’t overexert yourself by commenting or reading comments if you’re just not feeling up to it.
nobody wants ANYONE to feel like they’re under pressure, just do what you can!!!
Half a comment if that’s all you can manage.
protect your mental health at all costs and if that means going to bed for the month so be it!!!