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Paxton dad and his family so much for him. She’s a liar. Pax auntie have spoke out on TikTok about Zara and all her lies. She’s the narcissist. She stopped Pax seeing his dad. So he went to court and won. Then she put a video up saying it’s his first weekend with daddy as he didn’t want to know before but it went to court and now he is seeing him 🙄
Make it make sense Zara. Why would you go to court if his dad didn’t want to know?
I seen her other half gifting everyone she was battling last night which pissed her off. She didn’t want to go live with people as didn’t want them asking questions. She’s trying to get up on the rising stars.
someone commented saying she took her new fella on holiday with Pax after 2 dates. Did you see her reply video?
pretending to call Pax saying where are you? The person was not on about this holiday. She went on holiday a few weeks back with Pax and her new fella joined them. She’s vile.
There is videos of Pax opening all his Easter gifts of his daddy and family where she stopped them seeing him so he had his gifts late. He had plenty of toys etc.
Everything that comes out her mouth is lies.
Speedo is not with his girlfriend anymore but he’s sort of seeing his Mod Ciara. She goes over there and his usually in his bed whilst he is live.
He been gifting himself every Sunday to get on the weekly board then begs for gifts. I used to like Speedo but his true colours are coming out recently. He got rid of mods who don’t gift etc. Tells people he’s not there to talk so basically gift or leave.
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Chatty Member
This Karl James info is interesting. This man should have his own thread for conning middle aged lonely women and calling them a “team”.
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Get the violins out , everyone feel sorry for zara , its just another way for her to stay relevant have in common with other people , for something to discuss ,why tell the whole of tiktok your private life ?? What is she gaining from that , her little boys dad i dont know , but i know his family and they are really lovely genuine people , so the way she makes out that its him etc i cant see it , but i dont know what goes on behind closed doors , but there is always two sides to every story…
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Chatty Member
Oh and I were Lee would I have trusted zara with one speedo the other nite..... hmmm. They were planning on dating I believe she was seeing this new guy when they had the live date on tt. And were planning on meeting up... hmmm
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Chatty Member
She isn't my cup of tea but she must have money anyway. I know this begging is an easy way of making money but the other big begs had nothing before they started. Whereas she has a nice car, house etc. So if it all stopped tomorrow I doubt she would be that bothered.
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So is she not with Eliot anymore then? I did wonder as used to see him in her lives but now no mention of him anymore!
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She cheated on her ex so many times, as everyone local knows, and tried to paint it out like a woe is me? Someone put some heavy threats on her live before- which honestly is unacceptable to threaten someone with a child - but even her mods are like what is going on?

just caught her live and her mods are being so aggressive and keep blocking gifters that don’t “stay in her lane”, someone said what are you having for tea and another asked what she bought today, gone straight away I’m guessing as they were chatting non stop and then zero, very weird and cult- like, she is nothing but a trashy beg who works in a call centre :ROFLMAO:
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Everytime I see her holding that baby, I flinch. Her little head is flopping all over the place and all her Mum is arsed about is showing her outfit to a load of strangers on the internet.
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I'm not 100% sure but she went to mykonos about 2 months or so back and ask p dad to have him so she could go with her new fella and when she got back he wouldn't allow her to take p home and has stayed with his dad ever since. Bit there's lots to it
So say zara wouldn't allow p to see his dad it went to court and ps dad was granted access after not being able to c him for 6 months or so. Seems she's living the high life now with new fella with no regards for her little boy.
Some one on her luve asked where p was and every1 went in on said 'troll' asking them where their child was. I dont think zara realises she was alway kn live with her son so obvs ppl are going to ask why she's bever with him. It's not trolling when you put ur whole life over social media
She seems right lonely. I dont recon she's gotbany friends and well wug man came along with bags full of money and she went with it
Oh wow thank you for that. If I hadn’t of read here, I’d never of known she had a son!
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So shes broke up with lee because hes been paying a sex worker and shes found out and apparently she saud he was coercive controlling and baby is due nect week
erm wtf😮He is such a melt as well,with his toupee and his rediculous turkey teeth
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That crep dhe spouted is all contraindication. No need to plaster kids on socials. Infact a lot of celebs bc they know the dangers. She wants the freebies though
youre right .The only celebs who do are those who are reliant on social media for a career
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