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VIP Member
Don’t forget the obligatory sped up clip of her replying to emails on her sofa this evening and making out she has done a 15 hour day except she hasn’t actually done any work as she just hops from coffee to brunch to coffee with her influencer mates!
You called it, the speed up “oooh, look at me how busy I am wirk wirk wirk” video. 😂😂 You my love, are Nostra-bleeding-damus!!! She’s so dull, so predictable 🙄
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When the instagram gravy train dries up what job do you think she would settle with? Fitness trainer? Swimwear designer? Travel organiser? When the money dries up she is going to have a shock at having to assimilate back into the reality of the working world.
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I read a study at work on how the rise of veganism is so London-centric and for millennials earning over a certain amount (I.e a lot!) She must be spending at least £30 a day to lounge at private clubs and eat fancy vegan and veggie food. Not all of us have that luxury and she seems to have no comprehension of how snooty it makes her come across. What happened to making a healthy lunch at home and working in a library to support your local community?
Exactly this! Case in point, I’m London based and regularly walk in and then straight out of these fancy vegan places for lunch, they regularly charge about £10 which is shocking for a lunch! Who is she appealing to here?
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Exactly this, she is only releasing it to make money, she doesn't care about what recipes or content it contains, all she knows is that for every person who buys the books she will earn a %age, that's the one and only reason she is pushing it.

For all we know, she sits down for a dinner of steak, fish etc, followed by equally non vegan deserts 😂 we just don't know.

She certainly doesn't cook any of these 100's of recipes that she's flogging. 😡 She's far too busy answering emails, drinking coffee and eating lunch at fancy expensive restaurants, not to mention the busy time she has on her laptop at the Conduit Club 🙈
She likes the thought of being busy and thinking shes a professional. Shes only a professional at selling stuff
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Active member
When the instagram gravy train dries up what job do you think she would settle with? Fitness trainer? Swimwear designer? Travel organiser? When the money dries up she is going to have a shock at having to assimilate back into the reality of the working world.
Sad reality is she is earning good money and probably more than we think. Plus Ant has a good job so if they stay together they can invest in property etc. Zanny doesn’t care about her followers just trying to make as much money whilst she can so I don’t think she will need to do a 9-5 soon
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Oh she kept that quiet, maybe she has had more angry followers calling her out on flying so much, as all the retreats b4 she bangs on about them for weeks in advance.

Very very sneeky Zanna, so much for going off line, she was on route to Sri Lanka and for some reason didn't want to post about it... Ummm I wonder why, hopefully others are realising just what a hypocrite she actually is.
Yeah, she deffo tried to hide that. What a load of shit she is full of. Honestly, she's believing her own hype. People aren't stupid, well not all of them anyway, only her ass licking followers. Surely soon they will see everything she does is contrary to what she's preaching. She's coming over more and more desperate all the time. I actually cannot find one good thing to say about this person.
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When she does an story of her walking along a beach and then that fake smiley laugh... It’s like she is looking down on everyone else!!!
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Apologises for being boring but doesn’t apologise or reflect on a totally indulgent and unnecessary long haul trip for the sole purpose of a shoot for her OWN swimwear. Because there’s no unbelievably beautiful beaches in the UK. And she supposedly wants to help save the planet! Ok then Zanna.

And people why general patience is running out for the indulgent behaviour and gross double-standards of these influencers.
Somebody needs to volunteer to drag her off that plane like they dragged that guy from the top of that tube in Canning Town this morning. I'd pay good bucks to see that 😂😂 She's a joke!
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I’ve said this before. I’m no linguistics expert but the commentary sounds so much like her, she uses the term lovely when referring to people and the overuse of emojis sounds just like her. She’s desperate.
She’s started showing the little pictures next to each message to show that they’re real!
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She is so out of touch with the normal non-millionaire, non-narsaccistic person on the street.

She has never worked 9-5 in an office in a city, she has no dam clue that for some they cannot 'just spend 5mins in greenary' they are too busy working to pay the mortgage and put food on the table.

Vile person she is, really makes me feel 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮 🤮
99% of those she expects to read her post are at work, at work trying to battle their mental health issue. But Its clear shes out of touch with reality.
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I do think the charity thing is a touchy subject, at the end of the day any money even if it is £1 is good and helpful. We shouldn't moan at people who are donating, its the whole..... 'why dont the rich give there money away it would solve world hunger' blah blah

Its better than nothing also ifs shes running as a busy ( or any business in fact) you cant just be like, ok going to give away loads of money.

I guess the sales push is to show evidence of success, more sales equal more stats, likes comments ect that can be used to leverage brand deals and partnerships.

Not saying i agree with it, i hate all the moneymaking of social media.... like these bloody bamboo knife and fork set.... like single use plastic doesn't have to be single use! I used an ITSU spoon ( if you know you know its a good spoon haha) for like 2 months everyday for my cereal at work. There is no direct link that that spoon will now be strangling a turtle.

I like Zanna, I hate the tough outer defense shell that makes us feel shitty for trying to support or query.
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Who even gives a shit about her workouts? Why does she think we care?

Thank GOD though she has decided to stop sharing about her health issues. Doubt it’s for the reasons she gave though.

I think that about 99% of the shit she posts. Her health issues are nothing and could probably be addressed if she ate a healthy diet. She thinks she's so fucking healthy, then why does she spend 50% of her existence at the doctors? She needs meat ffs. Look at her, she looks grey! She can't see it and goes about trying to influence others to be just like her. It's dangerous. That bitch needs some kind of regulation to curb the shit she's spouting!
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Oh yes forgot the swimwear, can't wait to spend £120+ on a plain nondescript, not very nice swimsuit.
And her followers are fool enough to buy them. More money than sense some people, they need to open their eyes and see how they are being conned by this women.
Why would anyone buy those swimsuits. They remind me of school leotards. No style, no substance. And £120+ is just taking the piss! How dare you!
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Does she really have a healthy relationship with exercise though? She can't go on holiday without having to work out every day and forces Steph to do it with her even though I don't think Steph exercises daily. She woke up at 4 am to go on a hike and then straight after breakfast was in a boot camp style fitness class. She regularly wakes up stupidly early off her own accord just to be in the gym at 5 am when she doesn't actually have to be (i.e. she doesn't have to be in the office by 8) and it seems like a few days without the gym breaks her. Doesn't seem that healthy to me...
Also she's an enormous bragger. She always lets us know just how early she gets up. Firstly, who cares? Secondly, she never says what time she went to bed. If you go to bed at 9pm and get up at 4am that's still a perfectly reasonable 7 hours sleep. If she was doing this all on 4 hours sleep believe me zanny super busy superwoman would be letting us know!

I don't have the time or strength to read all the emergency surgery stuff but does she ever actually mention or thank the medical team who saved her life, or acknowledge that? All I have seen is her bigging herself up, how she is such a strong fighter... How lucky we are there are people who dedicate their lives to helping others, instead of being a pointless influencer/ professional holidaymaker
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Off up north in first class. She’s sooooo like all of us don’t you know 🙄
And soooo sustainable. She’s so brazen with sharing how unsustainable she is now. It’s like she just couldn’t care less because the ditzy minions who blindly follow her don’t pick up on it.

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT = we are planning on house hunting next year. That’s not an announcement!! You already live together!!!!!
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Shes making sick ppl look stupid, like I overcame an emergency surgery and I am stronger than before.

Someone said they had a theory of how she developed the twist / blockage in her intestines.... anyone know what answer was given
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