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On their way back home and banging on about Impossible burgers on Air NZ. What's wrong with these people, do they not research ingredients. This surprises me no end as they are all about healthy eating. That shit is bound together with KY Jelly basically (methylcellulose) which is also a laxative. Been pooing good Zanna 🙄 Yeah, real healthy! Delusional.
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She’s boasted so many times about getting A* in her A Levels too. She’s beyond full of herself.
I have a good degree but I don’t go around telling people my classification every time I mention it. I just say I have a degree in psychology and leave it at that if anyone asks.
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I wonder what her friend Venetia Falconer, who has been very outspoken about why LFW goes entirely against everything sustainable fashion is about, thinks of Zanna showcasing there...
Agreed! I do think about this a bit. I genuinely think Venetia is one of the very few Instagrammers actually practising what she preaches (but also managing to not be too preachy about it). Zanna would do well to listen to her.

Happy Monday for Zanna! Leaving Nat once again to take care of Stay Wild Swim on her own as she swans off somewhere super important no doubt.
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The fact that shes no longer vegan is a huge red flag as far as her ethics and sustainability ethos is concerned. A vegan diet - although not perfect - is the most sustainable. Claiming shes "plant based" is just a massive cop out and just a way of saying - I'm bored of veganism and I'll eat whatever I want"
It doesnt make SENSE!! Sure shes not eating meat. (That weve seen)..but even a veggie diet isnt as sustainable as a vegan one. It's a huge red flag. Why arent people pulling her up on this? As a vegan myself - in my opinion- there is no such thing as "plant based" you're either vegan or not. She lives in London - one of the most vegan friendly cities in the world, its not exactly difficult to be one...!!! Makes my piss boil.
She wants to appeal to as broad a church as possible. Presumably she thinks labelling herself vegan may alienate potential followers. And it means she can partner with non-vegan brands without upsetting anyone. It also gives her massive leeway to occasionally wear leather etc without having to justify herself.

In other words it’s all about the benjamins.
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UOTE="idoneitatem, post: 591185, member: 36110"]
Bit of a lurker, but I got here through googling "Is Zanna a hypocrit.

Anyway, feeling the need to post my thoughts on Zanna.......

She just makes me laugh more than anything. Ultimately becuase she's an attention seeking narcissistic hypocrite.

FYI, bit of background on me - I've used the same gym she did for a while and would witness some of her workouts.

What interested me most though was how she initially transitioned from becoming a PT to the Chelsea lot, to this self styled advocate for plant based eating and sustainability and yet, travels the world at every opportunity, and still tells us all how much damage we're all doing and in turn posts random workouts that don't really achieve much. And yet, somehow she is still getting paid.

I believe ultimately, she is just blessed with a gab. An inane ability to just talk and talk and talk and talk, endlessly!. That's it.

She's not an advocate for strength, health and fitness, nor is she a vegan in the true sense of the word. So what is she exactly then? All she is I think, is a wannabee looking to get paid for travel guides and playing some irrelevant sustainability card to make herself more bankable to equally toxic brands that also are only interested in one thing; making as miuch cash as she can...

All these influencers just crack me up. Chessie King is probably the daftest of them all but lets no go there, here..

Zannas workouts..... when she does post them, are random and basic. She never talks about mobility, stretching and functionality, something a good PT would do. Nor has she never has been able to lift any weights really, I've witnessed her doing seated barbell hip thrusts with what was about 40-50kg in weight including the bar which is lame given the amount of time she had to train; I've seen girls the same weight as her lift, easily, twice that weight. The same goes for all her high rep leg workouts. She doesn't have a butt, nor any muscle on her legs and yet posts videos about "toning" yet there's really no such thing. If you're going to workout, either do so to build a bit of muscle or strength. Definition or toning all comes with it depending on rep ranges, and zanna doesn't seem to have a clue about what these are.

I'd argue she would look the same, if she didn't work out.

One thing that made me laugh a while back, was she posted a vlog on her Canada Goose jacket that she was given but loved wearing. She was getting pulled up on it, because of the companies ethics and the use of fox fur, and her response was to remove the label so it couldn't be identified and yet still wear it. I mean, :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:.

Ultimately, for someone in her position (Global brand advocate for Adidas along with with working for many other large companies) and she is preaching about sustainability, and how we should use less plastics, become vegans, lower your carbon footprint and yet, she she has travelled to more countries this year than most people will in their lifetimes, and is set to do so well into 2020 and beyond. It's hypocrisy in every sense.

Lewis Hamilton was slated the other week by other F1 drivers for coming out and saying how much we should all be doing to save the planet, and yet he travels the planet weekly, not to mention partakes in a career that is known for it's significantly large carbon footprint. So he was rightly pulled up by others on not being the greatest advocate for sustainability, and Zanna I'm afraid as much as she likes to think she is, simply isn't.

I would like for her to be interviewed live on this at some stage, and someone pulls her up as well as others have done here on her global carbon footprint to date. I suspect, for once in her life, she might actually be speechless.

Ultimately, if she cared about the planet, wanted to be a proper vegan, she would not be travelling, she wouldn't be working with unsustainable brands, nor would she be supporting brands such as Addidas or Apple who are known for their employment of workers in slave labour conditions, and where goods are manufactured in the developing world.. It's as simple as that.

For now I continue to watch and enjoy some of the comments posted her on her, knowing that I wasn't the only one thinking how daft she is.
Bravo! What an eloquent post. Couldn't agree more
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Well-known member
Surely if she is donating to charity it's better to do it officially to get the benefit of the tax free gift aid bonus, that would have raised an extra £250. Also did she set up the bundle company as it features so many different people, have they all agreed to this commission to charity?
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Exactly. She has every right to block people who are rude or abusive. But to block people raising a point about the whole AIM of her Instagram profile is ridiculously immature and short sighted!
It's guilt and fear she knows what people are saying is completely true, and must feel guilty lying to them, and fear as others will come to realise what a fraud she really is and end up on Tattle. ☺

There needs to be rules and regulations brought into Instagram, it's all unregulated and people can make money by basically being fraudsters and are getting away with it.
Zanna being a prime example!
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These challenges she is doing are such clickbait bullshit. So next week she's going to write a journal but doesn't know where to start :sleep:
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I also have no idea why she gets scar physio. Is that even a thing? Never seen it offered in hospital I work at
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She's running a fitness class on January 6th for charity. Can anyone go? Would love for someone in this group to go and report back on how inevitably obnoxious she'll be! I am working or I would totally be up for it.
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Her engagement must be dropping, she always posts a flesh shot to up the numbers. She’s so trashy, she thinks it’s empowering. No love, all that gets you is sycophants and pervs 😂😂
As long as they add to her follow count, sycos & pervs are fine with Zanny chops🤣🤣
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I still don’t get what she’s raising awareness of? Her post suggests the colonoscopy was a recommended follow up to her problems in January, which happened spontaneously so isn’t something you can prevent by being aware of it. Which is all great but how does our new found awareness of this help people? I’m in agreement with all your comments above - she just seems incredibly self absorbed!!
She almost suggests it for bowel cancer which is way beyond her pay grade. That procedure will never find out if her bowel will twist again. A couple of months ago she kept whining about stomach pains and said then that she would need further investigation. She's turned it around to gain popularity again but it seems to me it's just her hypochondria rearing it's ugly head again 🙄
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I’m on a roll now. Another thing, she’s going to some incredible places, but her photography skills are that of a 4 year old. All she does is selfies of her working out, picking up rubbish or talking to camera. You look at the most successful influencers and they are all visually stimulating. I want to see the beautiful scenery, the local life, the foliage, the architecture, anything but that bloody scar 🤮 She could literally bore for Britain and doesn’t have a creative bone in her body. OK, my work is done 😂
Yep all photos of me, me, me, me and oh me, me, me and my equally smug friends
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Made the mistake of watching her 'what I eat in a day' video. Sometimes (most of the time really) this kind of content just feels so pointless... like who is it benefiting? How cringe is it that people are grown adults literally filming their every day boring activities like sitting on the sofa and going to the gym and calling it work? There was a time when I thought about starting a youtube channel like this and I'm so glad I didn't. Of course I don't mean this about all youtubers / content creators - some make genuinely useful and worthwhile content. But this just feels.... not worth it? Like a waste of time, on the whole?
I think pretty much everything she ever posts is pointless, it's all about her & her life and not forgetting her holidays.
I really think her followers expect to get her figure if they do as she does, which we all know is never going to happen, she is so far up her own backside and completely out of touch with the person on the street.
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Ha I just checked and Ant has posted photos of him alone or with Zanna in Austria, Dubai, Iceland and Colorado this year. Why can’t she just speak honestly about them travelling a lot and enjoying it?!
This is what gets to me. Either travel or bang on about the climate/sustainability issue. You can’t do both, you just end up looking like a liar/hypocrite. She seems relatively educated, I don’t understand why she doesn’t get that.
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Always trying to flog her shit ebooks that no publisher thought good enough to invest in. Under the guise of supporting good causes of course.
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