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"Sharing my truth" WTF, is this narcissist on, who does she think she is, ugh,
She just doesn't get does she, 🤨
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She features in a new video from Adidas about their new sustainability initiative. She's taking some clothes out of a wardrobe. I wonder if she was able to film that with a wardrobe in the UK or perhaps needed to take another long haul flight to shoot with an international closet?

Also I wonder how much free kit she gets as an Adidas ambassador. She only bangs on about her mint green suit she's worn TWO WHOLE times to awards ceremonies. Now that's what I call sustainability.

It's her JOB guys. Then when she's not working so hard how convenient that her PASSION is also flying all round the world!! Most decent people would probably then reassess their passion but not old Zanny chops.
"Zanny chops"! 🤣🤣🤣
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She now has ringing in her ear so is off to the walk-in 🙄 That girl is either a hypochondriac or has Munchausen syndrome. And, what the fuck is an un-eco friendly plane. Delusional! Maybe someone smacked her in the ear when she was asleep, Ant, was that you? 😂
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I commented on her post about her ethical tops stating that although it's great to push sustainable items rather than the alternative, it's still pushing consumerism and encouraging people to buy more stuff they don't need. This is the whole reason the planet in such a mess in the first place!! She said i made 'valid point' but she wants to create a space for the people who do want to buy, so they're able to do it ethically. She then deleted the comment!! Some people had commented that hey already owned one of the tops and liked one of the others she had posted, she commented to encourage people to buy another one!! When will these 'Sustainable' influencers get in their heads that consumerism is the issue here, no matter how ethical your brand is you're still pushing consumerism which will still have an influence on people buying non-ethical clothing. Just encourage people to reuse and shop second hand!!!
I’m not surprised she deleted your comment. She doesn’t want other people to see that she’s being questioned as she’s aware it will have a snowball effect on her “job”! Her days are numbered as it is, people are catching on. I see more and more people joining this thread.
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Should have started a book at Ladbrokes that both her and Steph were gonna bring up Mental Health Day. It's just self absorbed shite. All they have are daily struggles that, literally, every other person on the entire planet has. But of course they'd have it worse than anybody else because they are so self absorbed. No sympathy whatsoever, they are trying to make a serious issue fashionable and mainstream and just smacks of jumping on yet another topical bandwagon. They actually belittle a serious issue with their drivel. Shameful!
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Another thing that annoys me is her Corona challenge to use reusable cutlery. I'm sure almost a year ago she bought her set and blogged about it.
It also gets me that she pretends she's from a poor farm family, but is obviously extremely wealthy.
If I'm being totally petty I hate her eyebrows too. That trend is so annoying, look at any A list beautiful movie star (insert any here: Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, Anne. Hathaway, Beyonce, you get the picture) not one of them does that. I just wanted to stress that, I also hate the veneers.
Oh and the emergency surgery survivor PLEASE, does everyone that has appendicectomy wear that badge of honour? The scar therapy afterwards 😂😂😂


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She thinks shes smart tagging vestiare or whatever they are called when she “tags” her bag, shes always got a designer bag like Givenchy, Prada etc, not very vegan bags and now shes got a new designer shes tagging vestiare not the actual brand because she knows how shit of a person she is for lying
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Oh god that too. Genuinely makes me a little sick that Zanna earns that much when she's such a bad influence.

And for fuck's sake how has she spent months pushing her crap recipe e-book at every opportunity only to then post today about how much dairy she ate a week ago and so woe is me i must go to an expensive facial and moan about the whole thing on instagram. Oh and then get a cab home like the eco warrior i am. Too posh for the tube of course.
All information freely available on Companies House. Zanna works under Zanna Van Dijk LTD. Chessie is PopCKorn LTD, and Steph is Beaufont Betty I think. So disgusting, also bet they get loads of tax relief as them gadding about is 'work'. I'm not fully clued up on finance so if I've quoted their capital wrong then please correct me
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I can't believe she's now posting about intermittent fasting. Basically she's gone to Amsterdam and ate food, and now essentially dangerously crash dieting. Think this is the worst thing she has done, so damaging
There is no physical need to fast unless a qualified medical person says so. All this flitting between fads is just wrong!
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My GP was convinced I was having a glandular fever (Epstein Barr virus) relapse - I’d had it 15 years earlier. But I think that was because it was the easiest explanation of my high white blood cell count. I pushed so the doctor realised I’d been in the locality where there was a known outbreak of this particular virus, so I then pushed for a referral to the tropical diseases hospital. The doctor said it was otherwise *possible* to have that virus based on circumstantial evidence (symptoms, blood work and location) — and I think that’s what’s happened to Zanna but she’s decided to turn it into a definitive because it sounded the most dramatic.

Very happy to be corrected but I’m not sure British GPs have the resources to diagnose specific tropical diseases and in such a short time span as she is claiming, based on my own experience. Not the doctor’s fault though, he/she would have been very clear with her.
I’m sure her doctor was clear, but of course Zanna would choose the most dramatic suggestion. The sweating and sore joints could be a myriad of things, doctors are not prone to guessing but it may have been one of many suggestions which could be confirmed with tests. They don’t usually guess, and if they do, don’t discuss it with you.
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Once upon a time she made a point of refusing to answer questions about her makeup as she wasn’t on SM for that life, it was all about being altruistic and sharing her fitness ‘expertise’. Well, that boat has long sailed eh?
It’s had to, the pond is running dry 😂 She will post about absolutely everything now and is an expert of all.
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It's on the back of those mugs buying that, let's face it, mediocre swimsuits, that she can please her own ego by buying £1,000+ second hand leather designer handbags. She's shown us 2 in the last week. She's a boastful bore 😴 She seems intelligent. I don't know how she can't see that "showing off" constantly is going to turn people off. She's so into status with her designer shit and private club. It's laughable because she must look out of place in these places 😂
Last week she said she was shamelessly plugging her businesses and doing more ads as she needs to earn more to pay people. And then today she has admitted she is ‘privileged as fuck’ as she Can purchase a new designer givenchy handbag. Absolute TWAT
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"Just two girls trying to save the planet"

Is this some sort of a joke, who the f**k does she think she is. 😡 How can anyone with an ounce of respect say such a thing, when she takes flights more often than most people take a 💩.

She needs to be stopped and brought down a peg or 50!!!!! Urghhhhh! How is she allowed to carry on with this fake persona.
Maybe it is code for make as much money as possible while going on as many flights as possible?
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