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I also dont wear shoes indoors, nor do guests. However, I wouldnt expect them to be bare foot.
Also, with "totally hazardous building works" going on in the "absolute building site" (aka removed carpets), id probably just provide people with shoe covers to wear in specific rooms (depending on which rooms you have to walk through to get to the "hard hats required building site" in the mansion).
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omg i just went back and looked. you know you are on the fucking beg when you accept free pasta. i wish these companies would send free food to the people that actually need it.
There's another practically invisible gifted on her doing squats in the garden too!
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I saw a quote that said that unfollowing models and influencers and following artists, creators, designers, writers is a way to make yourself focus on what makes humans great, creating and creativity and making something good, instead of on feeling insecure by comparing our bodies/lives to those of others.

I've unconsciously been doing this throughout COVID, and it does feel better. I'll still pop in to check on the hypocrisy that is Zanna's life, of course, but it's just so much nicer to see my feed full of peoples' drawings and art and fun quotes vs idiots feeling smug and getting paid way too much to sell us crap.
I think this is great advice! I unfollowed so many channels and Instagram accounts over the last few years that made me feel crap about my life/situation/body... whatever.

Zanna was one of them. Occasionally I watch the odd vlog as they pop up in my recommendations but she is still as fake and unlikeable as ever.
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Chatty Member
So as I was so annoyed with her talking companies money to advertise their products then refusing to engage with their desired audience when questioned about said product or just deleting comments I contacted companies to express my disappointment. Two companies have got back to me so far asking for the name of the influencer and the posts. I wonder if they will start to realise she’s not what she seems. Wishful thinking maybe.
Which companies to you contact?
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Chatty Member
Because if she wasn't doing something then there would be nothing to share on her Instagram...
Probably why she struggles to sit still and not book trips ... all these things give her 'content'.. without them she is just a 'normal' person.
I actually look forward to the day people like Zanna have to get a proper job because people stop following her/she doesn't get free stuff anymore/doesn't get paid to sell sh*t... I honestly do not know how she will cope...!
Sponge off Ant I’m guessing!
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I am sure Ant moved the furniture from their old flat before or same weekend as her parents where down - why not put their old bed in one of those unused bedrooms !! Imagine !! Maybe not until an interior designer has told her she can !!
That was a really nice bed, just as well. Why not use it until you get a proper one in?
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So, at least a good recommendation here. I agree re glass nail files, they give you a smoother, better finish and can last for a few years (unless you drop it on a hard or tiled floor. Also some really cheap ones can be really bad quality, as bad as cheap paper ones).

Finally, a review of sort. But the question is: she got sent that cream deodorant, didn't she? So shouldn't say #gifted somewhere?

Lastly, when was the last time she paid for a dinner? Also, what's the point of just showing it? Tell us something about, is it nicely seasoned, packed with veggies or have the used some vegan replacement that is actually super delicious and almost like the real thing? You can do so much better Zanna.

EDIT Came back to say she needs to stop putting her hair in plaits to make it wavy. Looks like straw. Maybe do the plaits differently? Sorry if this is mean but she just looks like peasant.
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Chatty Member
Also in England what are the current covid rules re number of people in your house? Because if she was in wales right now she’s be breaking the law!!
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I think she's taken note, she's taken out the fitness instructor description. Seems a more accurate description now.

Watched the video with her parents and thought it was ok. Would be helpful if she stood closer to her parents when they're talking as you can hardly hear them, and they do seem quite knowledgeable. She seems a lot more 'normal' with them, I get the impression they're no-nonsense kind of people.
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I’m aware of that as I live in wales!!😊. Rules here are max of 6 indoors but they have to be from an extended household rather than any random 6. I just wondered what the rules were in England currently
Oh sorry, I misread your message! I responded while on the walk earlier and must have had a mild sun stroke! ☺ Wherebouts in Wales are you?
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Chatty Member
I could understand doing the flooring first if you were then pulling up floorboards because you need to re do electrics, move radiators, sort pipework etc but I'm sure that the previous owners would have done all that during previous works. All Zanna and Ant are doing is changing the aesthetics to suit them - perfectly acceptable but not exactly a huge reno. We've lived in our house for three years with a bathroom and kitchen thats falling apart but no money or time to do it up for another few years!

Also I really don't get why if they are that annoyed by the carpet in certain areas, they could just pull it up, sand down the floors and paint them for a temporary fix surely?! But that would mean they have to get their hands dirty 🙄
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Chatty Member
She absolutely deleted it for that very reason. She is so highly strung.
I sometimes wonder why we never see content about her brother... Maybe he distances himself from her as she is such an idiot
i heard they (?) came out as trans a few years ago. she literally NEVER mentions them whereas when she was first growing her following she would talk about them and i’m sure there were even pictures? find it unusual that if they do have a relationship she doesn’t share it, given that she shares so much about her life online (intimate relationship, friendships, relationship with parents) i’ve got a strong inkling she doesn’t see them anymore?

found this tweet from 2011 and that’s literally the only thing?


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After contacting the company in her instagram post above, their response:
"We’re very appreciative of Zanna for supporting our small business, but we have to leave it up to her to decide how she’d like to post things. Hope you get to try our food soon 🥰"
Actually that's not true it's up to the company and Zanna to ensure the disclosure is correct they too could be fined if they didn't specify she has to declare
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