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Haha!!! I thought this was my chance to ask the dreaded question and I was BLOCKED! No topic off limits 🤣🤣🤣
Someone please let us know if she talks about it at all.
She really is a nasty piece of work, I cannot wait for her life of lies to come tumbling down, she is such a bitch.
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So she wants to write an ultimate London guide BUT she wants ppl to tell her the best places to see, where to eat, hidden gems, and use peoples reviews for her own gain?! GTFOH I will report her and expose her for this. That isnt a guide. You are supposed to share your OWN, not steal others reviews of places

Ive made a tweet, find it if u can, ive exposed her
Shouldn’t she know this herself given her week consists of sitting in coffee shops and having brunch?
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Since I was kicked off her instagram for liking a post about long haul flights 🙄 I’m missing her morning coffee thoughts. Who am I going to aspire to now? Where am I going to buy those once in a lifetime but on offer each month vegan recipe bundles? Where can I get my ridiculously over priced plain swimsuit for my next 15 long haul holidays? How am I going to learn that it’s ok to date someone shorter than me? Do I still worry that Zanna is hopelessly over worked and how will I find out if she’s stress cried today?
My life is just not the same....
Haha, well I can say that the coffee morning thoughts are as boring as ever, those vegan bundles are now back on offer after the ONCE in a lifetime offer, it's now a TWICE in a lifetime, will we be honoured with a THIRD??
The overpriced swimwear are still for sale 💤, they are sustainable you know.
She still dates little 🐜, he has a thumb print on his forehead, that's cause he's shorter than her I think?
I to worry about her busy days spent eating, drinking coffee and blocking people who dare tell the truth.
Yes she still cries, bless her she needs to de-stress so obviously has 346765 holidays booked, I'm sure that will help her.
Thats a quick run down in the life of Zanna, busy, busy busy.

You could always open another account if your struggling to cope and need the lying saleswoman in your life 😉 🤣🤣
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I really think she just wanted her brand to be higher end, ie. luxe and aspirational (sold in Selfridges, featured in glossy magazines, and didn't they get invited to a fashion show?) which I think is half the problem with more than a few so called sustainable fashion brands at the moment. If they truly want to make a difference the prices need to be more accessible to the general population, with smaller profit margins being a key factor. It's Zanna's narcissism and ego that's the issue here!
Definitely. I think Zanna measures her success in terms of features in Vogue, Selfridges stocking their items, exhibiting at London Fashion Week - everything you've mentioned. Profit should be important but, if she truly wants to drive change, she should also be measuring success in terms of innovative products (who needs a Stay Wild water bottle when there are 10,000 other brands out there?) and enabling customers to make more sustainable and ethical purchases. Stay Wild's products are neither innovative nor affordable, if you ask me.
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Watched 5 mins of the live, she doesnt know how to cook or what shes doing, shes so cheesy with how she speaks, cringe , you see a lot of her gums
  • Sick
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She said they werent gonna buy a house in 2020 but why is she talking about interior products for the house? They r deffo buying in 2020, she isnt a good liar at all
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VIP Member
So she wants to write an ultimate London guide BUT she wants ppl to tell her the best places to see, where to eat, hidden gems, and use peoples reviews for her own gain?! GTFOH I will report her and expose her for this. That isnt a guide. You are supposed to share your OWN, not steal others reviews of places

Ive made a tweet, find it if u can, ive exposed her
I thought exactly the same. She expects everyone else to contribute to her “free” content. Not an original thought in her head. I’m also 100% sure there are many many London guides that will be so much better than hers. It’s been done to death Zanna, talk about flogging a dead horse. She’s a joke. Can’t find your tweet 🧐
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Chatty Member
I can’t wait for the day she has a child because her world as it stands is going to come crashing down lol!
she’s always says she doesn’t want children. Maybe that’s why...!How would she focus all her time on herself and her social media if she had to look after another human?


So why does she fly 1000s of miles to the Maldives for a bikini photo shoot when the park is just as good?


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I don't quite understand what she gets out of all these stupid little lies? The stuff like not watching TV, only drinking one coffee a day. Is she desperate to be the epitome of #healthgoals or does she just think she's better than the rest of us who do this stuff? Because honestly I couldn't give a fuck (and might actually respect her a tiny bit more) if she was just honest and said "yeah I'm tired today so I'm on my 3rd coffee, can't wait to get home tonight and relax watching Netflix". At least then she'd be a bit more relatable and isn't being relatable the whole point of influencers anyway?
She doesn’t care what you think, she’s a much better person that you, get over it, end of. She’s a twat!!!
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Please don’t tell me that Stay Wild Swim are branching into fucking face masks?! I bet they will cost about £70 each as well.
Of course they are 🤢 money grabbing Zanna had to get on board! She really is a jack of all trades, master of none
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Active member
This is the end of Zanna's travel career. Because, whilst Corona Virus exists and more cases appear around the world and only until a vaccination is available, and we're talking about 18 months away here in the UK, there will be no international travel - around the world. Certainly not out of the UK. London is about to enter lockdown, and so will the rest of the country follow.

And whilst all this is going on, who wants to listen anyone like her or any other daft influencer going on about exercising and being a vegan etc, when people are more concerned about their jobs, food and paying their rent or mortgage or keeping their own business afloat. This is the end of generation Instagram influencer. And probably the world.
Really would be careful about what you write online, saying this is the end of the world is an overreaction and causes panic.
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This thread has really opened my eyes to her!! I have been following her for years and even bought her merch before (ffs). She posted a Q&A and I asked how you fly long haul in sustainable way (as I have to take several flights this year, and it concerns me as someone that actually gives a crap about the environment, not doing it for likes). She blocked me immediately. I messaged her personal account and asked why she would blocked me. She replied that she only blocks those that make "certain comments - what did I post?" I replied and said I've been following her for years and asked a genuine question about sustainability and flying and she hasn't replied.

I'm done, I'm out. This thread is so eye opening and I realise now how false she is - it's driven me to seek out this thread and post here... such a twat.
Welcome, don't feel bad that she's blocked you, I think everyone on this thread has been blocked, I've been blocked from 2 accounts 😂, any mention of flying and your blocked.

Remember zannas mantra is "Do as I say, not as I do"

Just wish more would realise what we have all known for a long time. This b###ch needs to be stopped, but unfortunately can't see that ever happening, she buys followers and so companies think she has a huge following 😔
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Todays schedule for Rosanna consists of writing, aka, copying and pasting other peoples writing wprk and saying its her own

She has already done a HIIT workout this morning, no doubt another HIIT session and running will be happening also later. This is not fucking healthy. Its like she has an illness or something with this obsession of exercising

Her body is also looking very anorexic. She has said she exercises for aestethics. When she was blonde health she use to be training to be a body builder
I wouldn’t usually say this but...
All that exercise and impressive difference if she states it is for aesthetics. She has pretty much looked the same i.e. bones and no muscle. So...I wouldn’t really be harping on about all this strength training etc if I were her.
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