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Jesus zanna. STOP ADVERTISING CRAP! Forcing up sales of non-essential items which people have to prep and pack and ship and bring to your door. She clearly just has literally nothing else to do/offer! Can’t she do some volunteering? Age UK have asked for volunteers especially in south London where old people are extremely isolated and even more so now that regular volunteers are all staying inside. She could do something useful with her time as she doesn’t have to work 9-5 like most of us!
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Behind on the granola chat. Just looked at the ingredients - it’s 50% peanuts? That’s a notoriously cheap ingredient. It’s the cheapest nut by far. Even at Tesco you only pay £2.40/kg for peanuts and whoever’s making this granola is buying the ingredients in bulk. Another shameful rip-off move by Zanna.
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Use emotional needs to gain sympathy. Thats exsctly what shes doing. Shes laughing her way to bed now

shes a fucking muppet and it hasnt broken her cos shes been laughing and dancing (jinging her boney arms) thisweek on her insta stories. Shes a fucking fake bitch

Blocking ppl who like comments she doesnt agree with. FUCK YOU ROSANNA, you fucking muppet and shit show

And no it didnt take u 7 years to start flying, u got ur rich parents to fund and pay for your social media life t the beginning that u gave u jump start and upper hand, I fucking hate liars

you dont need to fly to work, u choose to do that

same as u choose to go to LFW dressed a fucking idiot with a green suit, I hope ppl never stop calling her out for her bullshit
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I only have one Instagram account I can watch her on but if I had more I’d ask “Zanna, if it was a great collaboration paying vast amounts of money, would you put your clothes on if the post/story called for it.” What the actual fuck though. She’s all about sustainability but I bet they have the heat on so much in their flat it must be tropical. It’s actually chilly in London today, I’m here and wouldn’t dream of prancing around in my bra all day. She’s just a fucking exhibitionist who is up her own arse. TWUNT!
She uses her body to sell, bit like a prostitute, she proved that when she done the Guardian bit, her top was so tight and her boobs pushed up as far as possible, it didn't go un noticed, many called her out on it, 🤮 she is such an exhibitionist, I guess the lack of true friends makes you act like a twat.
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I'd be interested in hearing how she justifies the pricing of Stay Wild. I mean how she truly justifies it, not the reasons she gives to her followers for the crazy prices. There are plenty of brands out there offering sustainable swimwear at much more reasonable costs so it clearly can be done. Stay Wild's margins can't be as tight as she claims.
I really think she just wanted her brand to be higher end, ie. luxe and aspirational (sold in Selfridges, featured in glossy magazines, and didn't they get invited to a fashion show?) which I think is half the problem with more than a few so called sustainable fashion brands at the moment. If they truly want to make a difference the prices need to be more accessible to the general population, with smaller profit margins being a key factor. It's Zanna's narcissism and ego that's the issue here!
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Well I'm laughing this morning with the new measures set by the government, that means Rosanna won't be able to go to the gym, the Conduit club, the many coffee shops, lunch dates, but most of all the narsassist can't get on a plane 😂 😂 😂 😂

God, her insta is going to be her at home 😴 just shows that her life is one big holiday she has nothing major to worry about whatsoever, unlike the rest of us who are worrying about our jobs, paying our bills and our children etc.

Hoping that this virus will see the end of people like her on Instagram.

For everyone else stay safe and well xx
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So Zanna’s done a post on ways we can help out at the moment. She’s also suggested we share this post of hers so we help as many people as possible, definitely not because she wants to promote herself and boost her own account :rolleyes:

The post itself is, as usual, the pinnacle of hypocrisy. I can’t imagine Zanna ever helping out her neighbours, she hasn’t taken part in the Olio cook for kids campaign, has she ever given blood? She tells us to buy from small businesses but is more than happy to grab all the gifted items she can from these companies, without paying for a thing. We should all donate to our local food banks, but she’s free to accept a tonne of free food. And finally, we all need to stay home so that there’s nobody around to disturb her on her 3 daily walks.
My thoughts exactly. She has a nerve to take freebies whilst telling the rest of us to buy it so she can also get the commission from an affiliate link. She’s out several times a day whilst the rest of us are advised to stay home. She is the ultimate hypocrite. I just wish everyone else would just catch on to her.
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Her last story made my blood boil. She hasn’t let herself listen to certain music lately because it made her sad that she had cancelled trips, when she had ALREADY been to South Africa and NZ this year, places people would save their whole lives to visit. I hate this word but she’s a cunt
I think I talked about this a lot earlier in this thread- this year was the first year I could both afford the cost and to take time off to go on a foreign holiday. Still Europe, so nothing as long haul as Zanna seems to take every few months. I'm devastated I missed it, because I've worked so hard on minimum wage the last few years to get to a more comfortable job where I can afford to take the time off without being paid next to nothing for my holiday days (seriously, my contracted hours at my retail job were 16 hours a week, if I took a week off and used my holiday pay- that's it, that's all I got paid). Hearing Zanna complain when she's been on two long haul trips this year alone makes me so angry. Some of us have to work hard to afford time off, Zanna.
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She’s finally uploaded the video showing her making her coffee 😂😂😂 on YouTube. The video itself is yet another exercise in, look how productive I am, I’m so great, look how much I get done before 930am 🤦‍♀️
For anyone who doesn't like coffee, I'll film my tea making tutorial this afternoon and upload first thing tomorrow. I know, you're all welcome 😘😘

Also, just went to have a look at the video (some major procrastination going on today) and found it pretty funny that the ad playing before the video started was an Adidas one. But yes, it's another massive brag from her. She seems obsessed with telling us all how organised and productive she is, it's really weird.
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Without her hight and body shape she would be a total nobody, she has zero to offer anyone. Her sheeples are in awe because of her body, all must think if they do as she says then they too can look like her (minus the gums obviously ) 🤮 she has used her body to get where she is, she has been called out with her lies, being a qualified instructor, working as a speech therapist etc, it's all bullshit, she has nothing to offer other than her body, which she loveeeessss to show off every chance she gets.

She has zero empathy for others, zero idea as to what 'normal' persons lives are. She really is a vile person, no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I certainly wouldn't be proud to call that my daughter.
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I thought I’d heard it all. My lunchtime ham and cheese sandwich actually came out of my nose when I saw this. Expert barista Rosanna. She’s just a joke 😂😂😂
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I'm actually a big believer in letting people moan about trivial things. I'm lucky enough to not have lost any loved ones but the lockdown has still sucked. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I'm not disappointed over my cancelled travels or postponed new job. I really don't like the culture of "somebody has it worse than you so you can't be upset".

Zanna moaning to her hundreds of thousands of followers about her 57th gifted long-haul holiday this year being cancelled is just ridiculous though. I'm not posting on my instagram about how devastated I am to not be in Buenos Aires right now because I appreciate that in the grand scheme of things, I'm really very lucky. I haven't lost anyone close to me, I have a job still (even if it's on hold right now), I have food and a house. Even if Zanna's disappointed her trips aren't going ahead, she needs to get some perspective and realise that many of her followers probably have much bigger issues to face right now. I kind of understand her being upset but she shouldn't post about it so thoughtlessly.
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She is mental!

She's still issuing her NZ travel guide, and trying to flog her swimwear. 🤦‍♂️Luv - you ain't travelling 5k from your house for the next 6 months - let alone going for a swim OR an international flight! The travel career is over already!

Also, she's been making coffee for all of a week - and now, she's ready to issue you a guide on how to make coffee..... Honestly, what planet are these people on!! This is exactly the problem with these influencers; They've either all got some sort of personality disorder or definitely a severe case of acute narcissism - why would you think publishing a guide on how you make coffee, having only done so for all of a week, is of any interest to people! At least get a bit skilled at it, or direct to others that actually know what they're doing!
Why is Zanny spouting all this nonsense about the world regenerating anyway?
We ALL know she's sat at home planning all the extra flights and trips she's going to take to make up for this time she's been cruelly forced to stay grounded, and writing it all down on her stupid whiteboard
She'll be the first one at the airport banging on the doors to let her on a plane the second they reopen....
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Wow that’s a new low even for her. I thought she’d be supporting our hardworking frontline staff, because you know she needed surgery and nearly died folks....have some respect and at least acknowledge what she’s saying
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She generally doesn’t offend me much apart from her ridiculous £100 bikinis and the fact she constantly has her tits out when it’s 9 degrees outside?
I work out in my house and never feel the need to strip down to my bra!🤦🏼‍♀️
oh and the granola that’s £6? Who is buying this shit?
Oh and any opportunity she has to talk about the fact she almost died! I’m surprised she hasnt mentioned it yet comparing it to covid-19

Hmm maybe she annoys me more than irealised?
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Poor Tally, no wonder she’s not feeling good in her own body when a swimsuit fits like that! It’s not you Tally....
I 100% agree with this. Zannas intentions are obviously great in terms of her using different varieties of models to advertise, but the actual designs clearly have no thought given to the “other” bodies who will actually be wearing them. If the cups aren’t structured, they don’t have adjustable straps, and the material or cut isn’t right they just won’t suit anything other than a size 6 with no curves. Sad but true.
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Don't banish me but I don't actually hate Stay Wild Swim that much, I think (some of) their designs aren't all that bad. Crazy prices though and I'm shocked that people spend that much on swimwear. To be fair, Zanna probably doesn't realise that the average person doesn't go on 74936 holidays a year so won't actually get that much wear out of it.

What I really can't stand is the constant promotion of it during these times under the premise that we should be supporting small businesses. Zanna's idea of helping small businesses seems to involve asking them to gift her things so that she can post one story of the item. She then has the nerve to go on and on about how we should support her business by buying overpriced swimwear (despite many people's holidays being cancelled) and bloody £14 face masks! The small businesses I'm supporting are the ones whose owners are begging for them to stay afloat so they can feed their families and provide for their children. I hardly think Zanna's in financial ruin and I really don't feel the need to line her pockets further.
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I think she said CWY because zanna can’t pronounce her r’s and she did a story saying she was “having a little cwy about not wanting to come home” and how emotional she was feeling looking at the mountains 🙄🙄🙄
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