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Does she fill up a drinks dispenser thing with cordial? I just find that so weird when it's just 2 adults in the house working from home.
in the latest snack food haul I think it was. I doubt bubzzz even uses it, give it a few weeks she won’t either it will be up in the spare room under all the other crap she wants to declutter push in one corner.

not even sure how she is a WW ambassador she’s probably the worst content I’ve seen. Like she buys food with no clear meal plan and doesn’t even pre point stuff - she was so shocked the pork sausages were so high point well duh… she’d really be shocked if she actually read the nutritional content and understood it at all

its just so she can put that bloody apron on and perch her glasses on her head (she doesn’t even wear reading glasses ,those glasses are for screen use? She won’t need reading glasses until she’s 40+) why is she obsessed with being older?
i thought she had a prescription she’s said it a few times, who knows maybe she doesn’t know the difference… not sure why she would want to age herself like that lol. My god the apron! is it an American housewife thing do you think? Please take it off does if your not cooking!! Doesn’t need to be part of the outfit and it’s fugly anyway (wonder if she wears it when she’s at her desk “working”! Lol)
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I haven't watched, but really, rice on a roast dinner, that's :sick:
It’s ultra weird and an extra carb that should not be on a roast dinner ever… she’s sabotaging herself poor cow.

I find it really odd, that, as anxious as she is to go to church, Bubs won't stop his gaming for an hour and go with her! I appreciate sometimes you just have to step out and do things on your own, but, especially as they'd had an hour long faith chat at the garden centre(😴) I'd have thought he'd maybe want to support her!
She needs a therapist, not God!
I don’t think she was anxious it’s just being nervous in a new situation (normal for most ppl), she’s probably playing for sympathy imo.

would it be hypocritical for him to go (even if it was to support her) if he doesn’t want to go to church and pray, I think so.

It’s a bit like diets, having a faith when your partner doesn’t will only be a strain and lead to failure
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Looks like the baby plans may be on hold - no way she’s loosing her goal weight for the year on that junk food diet… I’ve changed my eating habits the past year and haven’t felt denied anything and still lost over 4 stone.

Why is her NEW shirt sooo big? Do you think she plans to grow in to it with the new junk food diet 🫣🤣
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Eeesshh its been a mission with mummy dearest and her visit to France. Now back home and back to usual self. While in France she managed to fall down a hill and break her shoulder and then did the same again and broke her arm!!!!
Have no bloody idea why miss prim and proper has disappeared for a while (don't really care either) its soul destroying watching her vlogs. I just usually go on here every couple of months to catch-up on what she is up to as its a lot more fun.
Looks like nothing has changed anyway. Still hollier than though and happy happy happy - OMG what an act being so perfect.
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She’s probably just filming another cosy , homely , and peaceful vlog aka nothing happening :censored:
Lol she’s got to the point where she has realised there is nothing happening and she has bored here self as well as her viewers
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Snore fest. Didn’t miss anything, went food shopping again and washed her curtains, her skin though damn - she’s gonna be really leathery and wrinkly when she’s older the skin damage is real
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I have the magic touch. Lol
lol - shame she sprinkled it with a heap load of boredom (and salt) wow that was not a day in the life, more like a an afternoon and I think half of it was doing the dishes (again lol)

Cooking with the ‘greasy’ straggly hair down 🤮
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I laughed out loud at the waiting by the door, as if she does that everytime he gets home!

I guess she’s spent a tonne at the garden centre and there’s no money left at the end of the month for food? I noticed in the weekend blog she passed comment that they order a lot of takeaways too.

I’m sure her goal at start of the year was to begin to save for a house deposit?
haha I came to say the same things - if I did that with my fella he’d ask what was wrong, I’d personally find it so suffocating it my partner did that.

Few vlogs ago she said they didn’t have room for bigger shops and were wasting food because it would spoil!
I don’t think there hard up for money she just had a new bloody iPhone as well
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They are a weird pair, and it super annoys me they didn’t take gizmo, she’s so quick to knock gizmo but she’s the human and he’s a dog and can be trained.

this was the spoilt view - it’s not as bad as she made it sound imo… they sunk all that money in to camping gear and he seems like he hates it. I’m damn sure they never wear spf - he should know better he’s ginger - and I’ve seen her sun damage
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Rarely on FB myself and I haven’t checked, I would expect it to be the same old stuff tho - was she having a coffee at a garden centre? Lol… Tbh I unsubbed from her YT chanel a while ago she was sooo repetitive and it was boring.
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God she’s boring. So a jumper she bought was too ‘form fitting’ shock horror. The #modest tags will be out in force the next time she posts a photo photo in an attempt to repent.
What’s the obsession with coffee, baby’s breath, hating her job. she wants to be a full time housewife but Bubzzzzzz won’t be able to support that.
i translated ‘form fitting’ as being too small… I think she’s feeling negative about her body atm, she’s done no fashion videos for ages (or the freebies stopped coming?)

I hate her consumerism and wastefulness

I thought she was going to stop buying useless things and start saving.
she can’t stop herself she’s and incredibly empty person
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I’m sorry who has rice with a roast dinner?! Rice - she needs a slap…

it’s a lazy Sunday roast - fresh made yorkshires are so easy… i howled with laughter at last weeks roast and her attempt to cook
I haven't watched, but really, rice on a roast dinner, that's :sick:
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I like watching Candy as she constantly reminds me what an exciting life I lead in comparison to her! 😂 ....If you have to prep that much fruit/veg for freezing, you're buying too much veg! Those carrots were black ! :sick: I've seen people point out to her in the past that the veg box is really expensive and the produce doesn't last long at all

She said it's fun to sit and plan the week ahead with Bubs - he looked to be concentrating on his card game .........
He was totally bored and not interested at all. When I’m asking my fiancé about meals he’s least looking at me, engaged in the conversation and coming up with ideas as well.

She said she was -27 points for the previous day, that’s coming straight off 8lb gain! They need educating about food. I think this was filmed the day after her last vlog and that was like 2 weeks a go she dated her veg…
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New thread title courtesy of yours truly with 6 votes.

Candy is still 'on plan' with WW which she reminds us about every video. Fair play to her she has lost weight but the weekly food shop is still full of junk food.
Bubzzz is still appearing in his dressing gown in most vlogs with his eyes half shut. Is this man ever fully awake? We think not. A recent vlog showed him in his pyjamas at 5.30pm after Candy had finished work.
'The Mother' as some of us call her effed off to France to see Candy's brother for Christmas, so we did not get to see her sat in her coat in Candy's 'cozy' house on Christmas Day.
Candy refers to her period as 'Lady Time'. Cue serious eye-rolling from us tattlers.
Candy made 'steak spaghetti' in a recent vlog that looked so disgusting even Bubz claimed he wasn't hungry.
There is a theme with Candy's vlogs, she never goes out, they never have date nights, so every vlog is 'homely and cozy'.
She has cut down on her spending but there are some very questionable fashion choices that make her look 80 years old. Anyone have a photo of the embroidered boots? She loves her pinny and could pass for 50+ in some of her looks.
The dogs don't get walked together because she can't control 2 little Shitzu's. They are always going to 'pee and poop' in the back garden. No wonder it's ruined.
My favourite moment, as per the title, was the clear message to all that Candy and Bubz NEVER HAVE SEX. They would rather hold hands and do 'devotionals' in bed.
Which is of course how babies are conceived...
She does rude she loves rude but he has always go a headache . Hence the dressing gown looking at the stars falling asleep the old man

He is defo up to no good. Can sense it a mile off.
He not gaming he watching Porn. He too tired to preform the headaches keep coming. DIY job there

New thread title courtesy of yours truly with 6 votes.

Candy is still 'on plan' with WW which she reminds us about every video. Fair play to her she has lost weight but the weekly food shop is still full of junk food.
Bubzzz is still appearing in his dressing gown in most vlogs with his eyes half shut. Is this man ever fully awake? We think not. A recent vlog showed him in his pyjamas at 5.30pm after Candy had finished work.
'The Mother' as some of us call her effed off to France to see Candy's brother for Christmas, so we did not get to see her sat in her coat in Candy's 'cozy' house on Christmas Day.
Candy refers to her period as 'Lady Time'. Cue serious eye-rolling from us tattlers.
Candy made 'steak spaghetti' in a recent vlog that looked so disgusting even Bubz claimed he wasn't hungry.
There is a theme with Candy's vlogs, she never goes out, they never have date nights, so every vlog is 'homely and cozy'.
She has cut down on her spending but there are some very questionable fashion choices that make her look 80 years old. Anyone have a photo of the embroidered boots? She loves her pinny and could pass for 50+ in some of her looks.
The dogs don't get walked together because she can't control 2 little Shitzu's. They are always going to 'pee and poop' in the back garden. No wonder it's ruined.
My favourite moment, as per the title, was the clear message to all that Candy and Bubz NEVER HAVE SEX. They would rather hold hands and do 'devotionals' in bed.
Which is of course how babies are conceived...
On plan in her dreams. Snacks for now snacks for later. Between the actifry double take mind twice the quantity being cooked for her! Coffee here milky and sweet all the rubbish she buys. Spend spend spend but no money coming in miii

She does rude she loves rude but he has always go a headache . Hence the dressing gown looking at the stars falling asleep the old man

He not gaming he watching Porn. He too tired to preform the headaches keep coming. DIY job there

On plan in her dreams. Snacks for now snacks for later. Between the actifry double take mind twice the quantity being cooked for her! Coffee here milky and sweet all the rubbish she buys. Spend spend spend but no money coming in miii
Going camping should be fun the chairs are ready nice big ones because she is going to need em. A settee too i bet. Of course the cooking facilities are a must all fried and WW friendy
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