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Abi da Walker

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No other animal sleeps with its vital organs exposed … well not many live in houses, fly their families across the world or practice wellness either … by her own logic, maybe she should move her family into a cave?
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Hello everyone, I've been following this thread since January and want to thank you all for the nuanced conversation.

It feels like a good time to share the following information about Histrionic Personality Disorder. Obviously I am not making any claims, I am not a mental health professional, I am simply intrigued by the overlap of characteristics that our favourite grifter shares with the following list off of .

A person with histrionic personality disorder may:

-Feel underappreciated or depressed when they’re not the center of attention.
-Have rapidly shifting and shallow emotions.
-Be dramatic and extremely emotionally expressive, even to the point of embarrassing friends and family in public.
-Have a “larger than life” presence.
-Be persistently charming and flirtatious.
-Be overly concerned with their physical appearance.
-Use their physical appearance to draw attention to themselves by wearing bright-colored clothing or revealing clothing.
-Act inappropriately sexual with most of the people they meet, even when they’re not sexually attracted to them.
-Speak dramatically and express strong opinions but with few facts or details to support their opinions.
-Be gullible and easily influenced by others, especially by the people they admire.
-Think that their relationships with others are closer than they usually are.
-Have difficulty maintaining relationships, often seeming fake or shallow in their interactions with others.
-Need instant gratification and become bored or frustrated very easily.
-Constantly seek reassurance or approval.

The page has more fitting information, but I don't want to overload this post.
Again, I am not saying YG has this disorder.

I am curious about your thoughts.
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Off she goes, flying on one of her ancestral planes that her forefathers created, so she can go and frolic in the Maldives. We should start having Rachel bingo on her trip. I’ll start the list:
Lea the Pisces
The sea is her home
She feels privileged
Bear is born to travel
Breastfeeding pic
Non existent postpartum stomach complaint
We can cross off “bear is born to travel” 🤣 she’s such a moron “it’s like he knew that he would see the beach” bro he doesn’t know a damn thing he’s a fucking infant

Also - telling her followers if her vacation is triggering then to check back in when they’re home? She could have just not said a damn thing - or could have avoided that entirely by not centering herself / her grief re: the Israel/hamas war
It blows me away consistently that she is not able to enjoy a SINGLE day, even on vacation, away from her phone. She can’t go an hour without posting or babbling to the camera posting videos of herself rambling. I think she is addicted truly
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Clearly Little Miss Asshole Hypocrite reads here.

I seriously doubt she's donated anything and will doubt she's donated anything until she posts receipts. And I hope she donates at least as much as she/her creepy daddy spent in her ridiculously tone deaf vacation.
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Not only that but how she says "sizable". Hasn't she been going on about how strapped for cash they are because of how large of an investment the house has been (lest we forget poor Dennis and his meager sailboat saga)? Now she has money to make a "sizable" donation. Why even ask for advice on IG, I'm pretty sure if you Googled this, you'd find way better, less biased suggestions. All for that clout.
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Yes I seem to remember her offering some sort of discount code for the course?
Oh wow, I must admit, Im glad I missed it. And not at all surprised!

Her responses to the questions about breastfeeding in her stories are soooo superior and condescending. She immediately assumes that any woman experiencing postpartum issues of any kind had some sort of horrible medicalized birth experience.

Her responding to a mother that her milk hasn't come in possibly due to 'unresolved birth trauma', 'medicated birth', 'c-section', etc is absolutely HORRIBLE and so victim-blame-y and gross.
Based on her logic, any woman with a child born via c-section doesn't have a shot in hell of having a normal child or postpartum experience. Because a c-section apparently immediately dictates every other experience around birth and postpartum (and immediately makes it THE WORST THING EVER).
Again, following that shoddy logic, she believes these poor overly medicalized women and children must go out into the world SO FUCKED UP beyond belief, never to live a normal human existence. All because of their hospital birth or c-section.

The judgment and disdain for women and mothers who aren't running to the woods to freebirth their babies and never set foot in a hospital (unless it's convenient for them, a la Rakel) is dripping out of every ugly pore on her body. It's no wonder she looks as terrible as she does. The outsides match the insides.
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It's also so telling of Rachel's shit parenting that her response to the bus incidents is to just stop the bus. Instead of teaching Lea responsibility.
So she gave a 6yo only two chances to try out something new, exciting and on a high level of responsibility and because Lea didn't perform perfectly she takes it away? Poor Lea, I hope this doesn't make her feel like she failed (now or later), not that Rakel isn't f-ing her up in many, many other ways...
To me it seems like Lea had pretty good reasons for her age to miss the bus/ bus stop.
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I feel like Dennis's "work" is either for Daddy Big Bucks Brathen or is actually just some volunteer thing so he can just skedadddle whenever.
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Couldn't agree more with what everyone of you said.

From her starting yoga again to giving out delivery/PP "advice" (more like judgement) to her manifesting a tick-free life 🤪 - it's all nuts.

Her breastfeeding and delivery rants are SO harmful and toxic. She doesn't realize that she's shaming the majority of women of her community and shitting on their choices/experiences. And keeps putting them down even when they are already clearly unhappy with their situation (like that lady that wanted to bf but couldn't). And uses the misery of these people to support her agenda.
It's beyond ridiculous that she's publically so against evidence-based medicine but takes her children to the doctor when she think it's right.
Which is fine to do, but where does she get the audacity from to shame other people for going to a doctor when THEY think it's right?
Also, why even shame people for going to a doctor after all.

She's such a toxic person and she seems severely unstable. Im certain she's not going to proper therapy.
She also doesn't seem to understand that not everything in life has to go perfectly for it to be fine in the end. Plenty of people are probably not happy with their pregnancy/delivery experiences out of various reasons and simply because it's already a delicate and life-changing process as it is.
But that's life - things just sometimes don't go the way you want them to go but that doesn't mean it can't be fine in the end.
A women might have a difficult pregnancy and might not even like being pregnant - and she can have that experience and everything else after that can still go perfectly. That women might not be happy about her pregnancy experience but it's possible that it's still okay for her in hindsight. One doesn't always have to be happy about something for it to be okay in the end (obv it's not possible to apply that to everything in life but I think you know where I'm getting at. Things are rarely all black and white. And things rarely go perfectly in life.)
But Rachel doesn't understand that because she can't deal with inconveniences or loss of control whatsoever. Also she's not able to see shades of grey (no second thought here lol)

Also her doing yoga just seems inauthentic to me. Firstly, I don't believe she's really back to practicing yoga. And secondly - she's one of the worst yoginis I can imagine. I could NEVER practise yoga under her judgemental, mean guidance. Also she can't let go of controt at all and I also think she has never heard of the concept of the sufferings. If she did, she wouldn't try to tear her community apart with her radical views.
She really is the opposite of a role model.
I also don't think she's particularly kind or cool in real life either. Plus she's probably a mean boss who treats her employees badly and as inferior.

Also her dump post about the ticks - I think she's never heard of the theory of when you think about something you notice it more frequently as your mind pays more attention to things when they are already on your mind. So obviously the ticks don't come to her when she's not thinking about them because SHE'S NOT THINKING ABOUT THEM/NOTICING THEM. Is she dumb?

And that last paragraph lol - hated that description of what's Finneas supposedly going to be like. If she thinks he's not going to be much of a talker she probably won't let him talk much in the future so it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
And she contradicted herself again in that posting - she said Finn is not going to be much of a talker but in the next sentence she said he's going to tell the world all about his wisdom or some bs

Sorry for that massive rant, the past days with Rachel have been wild 😂
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Tea ceremony 🙃 I just stick the kettle on and get on with my day 😂😂😂😂
First tea ceremony as a mother of two, don't you forget. Because it's sooooo different to drink tea when you have two kids vs one... Like does she drink tea with her vagina or her uterus or what?
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Yeah the way the cord was wrapped around his neck and she yanked it over his face/head... Did not look peaceful. Or safe.

That story with Lea and the strawberry vs weeds and the ending with Lea screaming "I'll lick your butthole" and acting super obnoxious... That child is such a little diva already and has zero limits. Watching Brooklyn 99? At 6? Great parenting, Rach.

And yeah, totally agree on a spiritual ugliness surrounding Rachel lately. She also looks so much older than she is. We're basically the same age and I sure as hell don't look like that or spend thousands on silly powders, I actually work for a living, don't have a lake for cold swims, have real life stresses... Guess it pays not to have baked myself under the sun in my teens and 20s or smoked and done drugs like Rachel is always so proud to share.
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How ancestral of her to be going to the Maldives in October. Nothing like polluting massively and late stage capitalist tourism that destroys ecosystems, huh, Rach?
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I took a quick gander at those statistics she posted from someone else’s account, and while they did cite their sources, she failed to mention that those statistics are ONLY for the country of Australia, not the entire world. A very important detail to leave out, IMO. And let’s not even get into her non-stop confirmation bias, particularly as this shit storm she’s created continues to get larger and larger (on purpose, of course!)


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I keep thinking about all the scenarios she's mentioned in the last few months that are 'dangerous' and 'traumatizing' for newborn babies.

Going by her own logic, infants can be traumatized the moment they exit the womb (and even in utero). She's mentioned 'traumatic' things like hospital births, putting a hat on your baby, wiping your baby off, having doctors present, wearing a bra while you give birth, etc.

Yet, when I watch her birth video, I can't help but hear her judgemental voice rattling off all of these ways women traumatize their babies while I watch her whip the cord off her son's neck so quickly and carelessly.

A birth where the baby exits the womb only to have his neck snapped back from whiplash from his mom removing the cord only to then immediately be surrounded by the sobbing, heaving, shaking sounds and sights of my mother, who is so clearly having a trauma response herself....hmm, yes that sounds like an ideal, definitely not-traumatic birth for everyone involved, especially the baby. Finn definitely won't grow up to exhibit trauma responses because of being birth in all this trauma and drama!! I'm shocked these things didn't make her judgemental lists of how mothers fuck up their babies. /s

Sarcasm aside, this is the deeply unhinged level of hypocrisy she operates at these days. With Rakel as his mother, I bet the method, set, and setting of his birth is probably going to be the least traumatic thing about Finn's childhood years. Just like any other child born via c-section or to a mother wearing a bra. I wish she could hear how absolutely unintelligent her 'logic' around all of this is.

Watching that birthing video of hers was a LOT and honestly left ME a little traumatized.
I can only imagine how her husband and children must truly feel (though I doubt they're allowed to take up space with any contradictory feelings in Rakel's presence).
Yet, she's the first person to sling arrows at other mothers for the 'traumas' they inflict on their babies through circumstances surrounding their birth. Disgusting.
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Did she explain why hats and bras traumatize babies? I wonder how she get this stupid ideas. And if babies get so easiliy traumatized what is with having a phone pointed at you all day? That is okay and not traumatizing at all?
I am happy that she is getting backlash on her birthing video but most of the comments make me really sick. What is this with her follower admiring every word and deed she does? And yes, what is this bs with the "hidden" agenda to monger fear about birth? Here in Germany there is no such thing. There is also no forced labour induction or forced unnecessary medical treatments. No one can truly believe that it is more dangerous to give birth in a hospital than do it all alone at home?
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Omg the only way their different births can affect them, is if she makes it a big deal. There were no medical issues with either. No forceps were used. It's all fine. Back when Lea was born, she claimed it bad been all good after getting to hospital. She's the one that's going to fuck up those kids.
The stories about how different births will affect the children has officially done my head in. That level of naval gazing is insane. INSANE! Also, does her pro free birth, every woman should have one, wants to “shout it from the rooftops” all encompassing personality remind anyone else of her pro vegan personality? Like, exactly? And look where she is now. 🧐
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Instagram is just her job. She doesn’t care about putting good out into the world or creating joy. She loves to stir controversy and equates being unapologetically close minded to being a strong carefree woman. Her work is IG. She pretends like it isn’t, but she has become so formulaic in everything she does. Last I heard she was subtly trying to push her Spotify and so transparent. She wants to gain more followers there thus ad money. I stopped following when I realized all she does is create scenarios to support products she shills.

I get being an influencer and making a living that way, but do it honestly. It’s a simple hashtag ad. A lot of influencers make money and don’t have to build their platform on judgments and exploiting her kids. That’s what bums me out most. I can’t imagine growing up and realizing my entire childhood was served up as entertainment for millions to consume. How she hasn’t thought about that is beyond me. Mind you she isn’t the only influencer, but it’s just so clearly a violation of privacy to me. If you have a private IG or know your followers it’s one thing to share some pics. When it’s millions of strangers and you are using their development and experiences as content it’s so bad. Like one way or another these kids, again not just YG, will grow up and have to process this information, and I hope they all flourish and are great, but it’s still a risk to their future selves. At least take shots where your kids faces aren’t shown, like have them chatting in the background or looking away or put a funny sticker on them.
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Guys! Soon we’ll be able to buy coffee from Dennis! So ancestral to co-opt another product rather than buy straight from the ethical, ancestral source! Why do they feel like they have to put their fingers in EVERYTHING? Or maybe rich people with no careers are just that bored and unimaginative?
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