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omg don’t you know Rachel is the best mother ever because Lea doesn’t have screen time and watched her mother push a kid out her vajay and doesn’t eat sweets and lives in the middle of nowhere and doesn’t get vaxxed or use modern medicine and survives off of herbs 🧡🧡🧡🧡

like, eff all you mothers who let their kids watch tv and gives them some sweets and protects them against life threatening illnesses. You’re the real witches here…. 🙄
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She’d hate my mum, I’m fully vaccinated, born via c-section, wasn’t breastfed and…get this…I don’t eat organic grassfed pig basically still alive meat or drink tea made from weeds in my garden 😬😬😬😬
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I can see it both being a lie and being real. She lies about everything , why not this? But also. Getting packages to your door is not the same as checking a mailbox. I rarely if ever check my mailbox but get packages weekly or more.

As for child services.... If the UK ones haven't given a warning to the Saccome Jolys, it doesn't surprisw the swedish one wouldn't do anything about Rachel.
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I didn't catch any of the comments before she turned them off. What was being said?

Just another example of her goading controversy for attention then acting like she's 'above' all the drama.
Same as us! That is ok for her to do what she wants but a.) be honest that you’ve have had medical attention and b.) as an influencer it’s pretty irresponsible. A couple of midwives commented too saying that what she’s saying is unfair and they work hard and really care about their mums to be.

No one was rude, they just politely called her out.

She epitomises a spoilt child chucking her toys out the pram, she can dish it out full throttle but man can she not take it!
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In my opinion, she seems to want community now because she is having a hard time with the baby and needs help with that, in spite of being there with him full-time, having a partner who seems to be there a lot and doesn’t seem to work that much, having her dad, brother, mom and the whole Mykaela/Olivia crew close, a lengthy PAID maternity leave, financial abundance, and a big safety net with her dad’s wealth to fall back on. My God, she would never survive in the real world.
I think this is spot on. We never see her mother and she never mentions her mother anymore, but then yesterday in her stories she films her mother dancing around with the baby in the living room. I know her mom has/had issues, but at the same time, she’s clearly using her when it suits her needs. I personally would not tolerate that, but I think she feels like she owes Rachel all this stuff for being a “bad mother”. It’s a really sad situation, and I feel for her kids and her constant flip/flopping about who she wants in HER life, with no regard for what her kids want or need. I guess they both use each other in a way, if you really think about it, so they’re two peas in a pod… 🫣
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Why do these morons are even asking her advice on what to do about a baby’s stuffy nose? Like WTF? Who the fuck is she to advise people on anything.
Does she come up with these questions herself?
She sucks.
She is the embodiment of why no one should believe people just because they seem confident. Rachel presents herself like she’s an expert in “natural parenting,” when in reality she knows very little. She can literally hear a couple sentences about something on a podcast or see an Instagram post and be spouting off about it the next day as though she’s been studying it for years.

She is so prideful about not doing things “like most people.” That’s going to her bite her eventually.

Aaaand now she’s insulting pumping, which is beyond f**ked, and spouting off more nonsense. She could simply say no, I’m not finding a need to pump right now, but she really loves upsetting people and causing emotional harm. Just a plain mean girl underneath the hippie facade.
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Oh…. You don’t? You’re done with the homestead farm life, then?
I feel like all this "I'm isolated, I miss having a community" talk is her gearing up to her next scam. Maybe a course on building community or some nonsense. Because let's be honest, she's not really isolated. Her father and his young family and her brother live very close by. She's a half hour or so from the city. She's hamming it up for some purpose, I'm sure of it. Nothing is genuine with her.
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Okay, I finished reading the transcript and it is not worth your time to read it or listen to the podcast episode. YG speaks a whole lot without saying much.
Lea was her little doula (like the true guru she is), this birth was the most incredible thing in everyone's lives, but also the most mundane everyday thing.
She says intuition a million time, plus dog ate mucus plug, like someone here already said.
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This is the most privileged shit ever! She’s manifesting a couple? Oh fuck right off, Rachel!
She has so much free time already. Which mother of two can realistically go for swims, the sauna, have tea ceremonies, meditate, record 5000 stories each day? The list continues and yet all she does is complain, complain, complain.
Can’t help but feel that she’s just really unhappy underneath it all. Or maybe she’s just a massive c**t 🤷🏼‍♀️
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So a reporter has been following her around for a year as though she is an authority on childbirth and maternity care? She is not a medical professional, not a doctor, not a midwife, just one of the millions of women who got pregnant and gave birth this year. Would have much rather heard about Olivia’s experience given that she’s had two home births and seems to have a more objective view of the world and the “system” as Rakel likes to call it. Maybe they’ve been interviewing her for a year to secretly gather information for the expose we’ve all been hoping for….
And that poster for it? It has such a Aryan power vibe.

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Can’t believe she was bragging about recieving parental leave benefits without paying into the system. Very yogi and anti establishment of you Rakel to munch of a system which should support the weakest in our society, but greedy grifters like you c*#t use to their advantage. If you didnt work in Sweden before parental leave you still get 250SEK per day to live off. I would be so ashamed applying for this money if I was in her shoes.

Skatteverket should look into her earnings and check if they pay enough taxes on the earnings such as podcast and ig-ads. Also if the main country of residence is now Sweden, don’t forget to pay taxes on your rental in Aruba!
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It's very obvious that she is not actually enjoying having a second child.

Maybe she had forgotten how very dependent and demanding babies are. But it's clear she hated everything.

I also wish mothers would stop saying things that sound like they're more to convince themselves than anything else but that shame other women in the process.

Motherhood is the most powerful thing? So I guess all the women who choose to not have babies or can't have them are actually wasting their lives or something according to Rachel.

View attachment 2418737

And yes she looks like actual shit. I have a fever and acute pharyngitis and I still look less shit than she does. The internal ugliness and crap can't help itself from showing in her appearance.
You mean to tell me a child with zero limits and discipline who has been raised to think she's mega special has no idea how to be responsible? Yeah. Checks out.

View attachment 2418764
I guess the initial thrill of her ‘amazing, unique and extremely powerful’ free birth and the admiration has started to fade away. GOOD!
Now suck it up buttercup and smell the coffee.
She’s nothing special and her kids are not special either.
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It wouldn't let me quote myself so going to screenshot my previous thread title nomination!
#5: just a plain mean girl underneath the hippie facade.
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I have a bad feeling about her birth. Home birthing with a midwife is one thing but wild birthing is so stupid for me.
Yep. I
Exactly. "No outside presence". What a risky move, and unnecessarily so.

I really hope she's fine and her baby too, but someone I know had a homebirth last week, everything was fine until she started hemorrhaging. Thanks to the midwife, she made it.
She's so ignorant.

You can give birth at a hospital without medication. My mom did that over 30 years ago, it's nothing new.

She sounds like a total tinfoil hat. It's depressing that people this dumb are reproducing and have a platform.
Exactly this. I’ve had two medication free births, one at a birth centre in the US (with university educated midwives) and one through the public hospital system with midwifery care, in Australia. My second birth in particular was very much undisturbed. I understand that is not universal and that unnecessary interventions and birth trauma associated with that are a problem for many women, but Rachel is taking it to an extreme. Especially given she needed a hospital transfer with her first birth.
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God she’s SUCH a prick. I had delayed cord clamping with my first and it was great. With my second she shot out and wasn’t breathing. They whipped her away and spent 40 minutes resuscitating her! It’s pot luck how your birth goes and she was VERY lucky hers went well
But she doesn't realize that and she now says if she has a third baby, she'll have a fully wild pregnancy and not go to the doctor ever.

Truly the worst person I've ever followed.
Love to you. My kiddo was preemie so she also got whisked away for breathing care, and it was very hard to not have that immediate skin-to-skin but when it did happen later in the day, it was as intensely magical as it possibly could have been. Sincerely f$&@ Rachel for shitting on anyone’s birth experience that doesn’t conform to the “ancestral fantasy.”

I do think the anxieties are still in her and are now being expressed via complete denial and delusion. It’s like the people who accused everyone of “living in fear” in the thick of the pandemic but they themselves were actually so fearful that they were in deep denial. We know Rachel has had a lot of anxiety about the well-being of her loved ones in the past, and I think this is actually a progression of that. It’s quite worrying, really. I think the pastel-Q people got in her ear at some point with some of their unhinged beliefs, and it probably felt like a convenient alternative reality in which to escape her fears. I really hope her kids will be ok.

Really what she’s doing can’t even be labeled “ancestral” because that would at least involve community care. It’s just hyper-individualistic, delusional BS.
She's like the Q people who believe in absolute self reliance for when they topple the government or whatever. It's scary
I'm sorry but she's a clown.

Speak to your nipples with love.

And saying she's now perfectly fine just by pushing through. What a world


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2-3 hrs is still a lot for someone who claims to be Mother Earth incarnate.
at this point i think she reads this forum. a lot of her posts seem in reaction to things posted here. I think she will regret the amount she uses her kids to promote her lifestyle. i can’t stand all the drama anymore but i hope Dennis puts his foot down as she is creating trouble where she doesn’t really have to for her entire family. I miss the yoga. Tired of the homestead, medical industrial complex mumbo jumbo
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If I’m not mistaken she didn’t even say board, literally just room. She wants two people to come do three full time jobs for them (don’t know much at all about farms but what she described sounds like two FT roles, plus a FT childcare role, all of which require high skill levels) in exchange for living in a tiny cottage. I guess for food she’ll generously allow them to sneak a carrot and a parsley leaf here and there. Where do I sign up 😂
She's so completely disgusting for this. Wanting someone to fill what should be the roles of MULTIPLE people in exchange for a shitty old cottage on her property so that she can continue to do nothing all day. Sounds like she's learned plenty about exploiting the labor of others for her benefit from her billionaire daddy 🤢
She really just wants someone willing to exchange their time and effort to be in proximity of THE 'Yoga Girl'. I'm sure she still has a few sycophantic, obsessive fangirls that would jump at the chance, but I think the majority of her audience (rightfully) sees this ask for precisely what it is: complete and total exploitation.

Like someone else said - it's absolutely wild of her to uproot her entire family to move across the world, have another baby, and build a farm when she doesn't want to DO any of it! She just wants to perform ancestral farm mama for her phone when it suits her, but barely two years in she's ready to hand off all the farm work and childcare to someone else. This woman needs a massive reality check to come her way 🙄
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This article and journalist now live rent-free in Rachel’s head. She’s giddy at the attention and at the same time also clearly furious at this person for critiquing her. How very yogic to call someone “bitter and sad” for questioning her (widely considered to be dangerous) choices.

Also now giving birth at home was mundane…I thought her birthing the sun was earth-shatteringly miraculous.

I scrolled back to her first birth announcement out of curiosity, and it says she gave birth at the hospital in as much peace as she had at home. I like how there’s just been no explanation for this, just as there’s been no apology to all the people she attacked for eating meat over the course of several years.

think at this point Denis must be questioning every day if his marriage is worth the hassle, I wouldn't be surprised if he secretly talks to other women.
He comes off as very much checked out mentally and emotionally. Like just kind of goes along with everything while his mind is engaged elsewhere.
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She's reached new levels of insufferable. She sounds like an uneducated asshole with serious mental health issues and regardless of what social services say, she's actually a bad mother who has already fucked up one kid and will fuck up the next one. You bet that if she lived in the Swedish equivalent of a council state, social services would have looked closer.
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