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Back to Lea being some fucking spiritual guru. She's 6. 6 years old! It's called the 'naivety of youth'!
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So if Lea does in fact have ADHD (I’m not saying she does, but she does have some *potential signs*—which is all that comment was saying), she’ll grow up without the support she needs because her parents want to think she’s “normal.” Rachel likes to think she’s so edgy and alternative but just like your average boomer parent in many ways. I didn’t get an ADHD diagnosis until adulthood for the same reason; my parents had a stigma against neurodivergence and wanted to think their children were “completely normal.” Meanwhile I had to struggle and feel like I was secretly deficient in some way my entire life, when all I needed was to be told that my brain just works differently and get the kind of support I needed (which for ADHD sometimes includes medication and sometimes not). The confidence and entitlement Rachel feels to speak on things about which she’s entirely ignorant is so laughable, but also ultimately very sad because her kids may very well be the ones who have to deal with the consequences of her hubris.
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Did she really just put her baby who “flips himself over” constantly in an unbuckled bouncy seat on the deck *while she was out in the water*??? And the story about all the meat and fish being wasted! Artisanal sausage?? Wtf even is that? A way to make a former vegan feel better about herself? I just literally can’t with her anymore.
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She's just the luckiest woman. Everything in her life just works out perfectly for her. Guess it's a mix of luck, white privilege, and money but still.
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She is truly disgusting and super ignorant. Let's make women stop trusting their doctors! That won't hurt them at all!! Let's make up nonsense!!
Okay, I have never done this before, but I just reported those two stories for misinformation.
YG has absolutely no authority to claim ANY of the 'reasons' she gives for a baby not breastfeeding. Putting a hat on a newborn? Seriously?

These two slides are wild.

Also in regards to her deciding that anxiety after her first birth was solely caused by the evil doctors and her therapist supporting this theory?
No therapist and especially a trauma informed one would let this be the outcome of sessions.
I am starting to think the therapists she sees or has seen in the past might not be university educated and licenced psychotherapist, but are comparable to her mould 'doctor'. Maybe they also just took an online course in 'healing'
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Her rant about lying the baby on the back or on the belly is just as nuts.
Those recommendations are based on statistics and scientifical research. But because of that it means for Rachel to do exactly otherwise.
And QueenBW you are right, she can do what she wants but she spreads it to her followers and that is dangerous.
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Pretty sure her Swedish ancestors did not use weighted blankets. As always, when it suits her, she does whatever she wants in contradiction with all of her other holier-than-thou MoRaLs.
Also, a weighted blanket on a BABY??!! I'm not a mother but it sounds cuckoopuffs to me.
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Rachel, do you think you are special for weighing and measuring your baby at home!? Geez, why must you shit on everyone else in order to make yourself feel important? Most freebirthers don’t spend the time you do bashing the medical system, they just choose to live without it. Why can’t you? Why are you obsessed with tearing others down? What’s wrong with you?
it’s mind boggling this arrogant idiot was once a yoga instructor. Everyday she discredits her previous “yoga” work more and more. She would be cancelled if her yoga book came out today. She REALLY needs to take the “yoga” out of her Instagram if she has any respect for it. She doesn’t carry yoga’s values and she knows it too. It’s beyond shameful for her to continue to abuse it.
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Can’t believe she was bragging about recieving parental leave benefits without paying into the system. Very yogi and anti establishment of you Rakel to munch of a system which should support the weakest in our society, but greedy grifters like you c*#t use to their advantage. If you didnt work in Sweden before parental leave you still get 250SEK per day to live off. I would be so ashamed applying for this money if I was in her shoes.

Skatteverket should look into her earnings and check if they pay enough taxes on the earnings such as podcast and ig-ads. Also if the main country of residence is now Sweden, don’t forget to pay taxes on your rental in Aruba!
I'm guessing it's a bit more complicated because she had a Yoga Girl office in Sweden for a while, they had an office and a team. So I imagine they paid taxes for that for years, even before the move. And I think it might be that she incorporated her Yoga Girl corporation in Sweden.

That said, considering her father is a millionaire and she makes heaps of money just from recording nonsense for an hour every week, I would be ashamed of myself for claiming benefits when I don't actually need them.

Also, if she's claiming maternity leave pay but is actually still working (calling recording the podcast working is a stretch but that's where she gets her money), isn't that fraud? I would imagine if you have an office job and go on mat leave and get your pay, you shouldn't also be going into the office and being paid extra through that. Cause that's what she's doing. She's claiming a monetary benefit supposed to be to keep the mom home, not working, but she's still making money off her usual work.
She's got to be joking.

Calling her concerned followers idiots. Admitting she had no idea if the baby was head down, saying it would have all been more dangerous in the hospital. And then topping it off with claiming her social media break was amazing. It was barely a few weeks and she would pop up and post ever couple of days.

What a fucking liar.


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She’s despicable really in the way she exploits her own kids for trying to retain an image that she images herself to be.
Why can’t 1.9 million people see through her fake facade?

YG peaked a few years ago and has been on a downward trend for awhile. Recently over a 100,000 people disliked her content so much they unfollowed her. Out of her 1.9 million remaining followers she only gets only 1-5% engagement. I wonder how many of her followers aren’t even actively using Instagram anymore. Maybe she paid for bots early on. However according to Rachel’s podcast bio she inspires millions everyday!!! 🙄🙄🙄 Her rating on Spotify dropped from 4.8 to 4.7 recently too. It’s like the more people get to know Rachel the less they will like her….


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She’s so disturbing. Also over the years she didn’t really pay Laika or Quila much mind? I followed her way back in the thick of her Aruba days. I honestly didn’t realize she had two other dogs because all she posted was Ringo. Those poor old dogs being forced into crates, flown across the ocean…
Same here. It seemed like Ringo was the new and improved objects, as she never (barely ever) mentioned the other two dogs by name or otherwise.
I desperately hope this will not be Lea's fate now that she has a (cute) new brother.

I think the only other dog she talked about extensively was Pepper, who died unexpectedly and he is another example for her grief tourism narratives.
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Oh God. I won't repost here but she's posted to her grid, with an actual photo of dead Quila. This woman is mentally ill.
She’s so disturbing. Also over the years she didn’t really pay Laika or Quila much mind? I followed her way back in the thick of her Aruba days. I honestly didn’t realize she had two other dogs because all she posted was Ringo. Those poor old dogs being forced into crates, flown across the ocean…
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Exactly. I find it hard to believe that she didn’t pick this bowl out ahead of time or maybe even buy it especially for this purpose. She thought about every other detail of her birth way in advance but doesn’t think about or prepare for what the placenta is going to be in? They knew they weren’t going to cut the cord right away so whatever they used was going to be in close proximity to her and the baby for awhile. And, most importantly (🙄) the container would be in photos they took which she will later post to the ‘gram. This all seems like the kind of thing she would plan.
This was exactly my thought process as well… sure, you just picked some random bowl from your cupboard, we believe you!… I’ll bet you anything she has no problem blatantly lying about these kinds of life details and stories because Dennis (or anyone else in her life for that matter) doesn’t bother fact-checking her stories, since he already gets too much of her at home, he can’t be bothered to watch her stories.
And as for bashing the journalist, claiming she spent “a good amount of time researching the bowl, no doubt”… uhm, have you not heard of reverse image search Rachel? It takes all of 1 minute, max. She just loves the idea of someone spending there whole day trying to get to the bottom of her very ordinary placenta bowl…
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I keep thinking about all the scenarios she's mentioned in the last few months that are 'dangerous' and 'traumatizing' for newborn babies.

Going by her own logic, infants can be traumatized the moment they exit the womb (and even in utero). She's mentioned 'traumatic' things like hospital births, putting a hat on your baby, wiping your baby off, having doctors present, wearing a bra while you give birth, etc.

Yet, when I watch her birth video, I can't help but hear her judgemental voice rattling off all of these ways women traumatize their babies while I watch her whip the cord off her son's neck so quickly and carelessly.

A birth where the baby exits the womb only to have his neck snapped back from whiplash from his mom removing the cord only to then immediately be surrounded by the sobbing, heaving, shaking sounds and sights of my mother, who is so clearly having a trauma response herself....hmm, yes that sounds like an ideal, definitely not-traumatic birth for everyone involved, especially the baby. Finn definitely won't grow up to exhibit trauma responses because of being birth in all this trauma and drama!! I'm shocked these things didn't make her judgemental lists of how mothers fuck up their babies. /s

Sarcasm aside, this is the deeply unhinged level of hypocrisy she operates at these days. With Rakel as his mother, I bet the method, set, and setting of his birth is probably going to be the least traumatic thing about Finn's childhood years. Just like any other child born via c-section or to a mother wearing a bra. I wish she could hear how absolutely unintelligent her 'logic' around all of this is.

Watching that birthing video of hers was a LOT and honestly left ME a little traumatized.
I can only imagine how her husband and children must truly feel (though I doubt they're allowed to take up space with any contradictory feelings in Rakel's presence).
Yet, she's the first person to sling arrows at other mothers for the 'traumas' they inflict on their babies through circumstances surrounding their birth. Disgusting.
Very well said. I’ve noticed that she’s said a lot recently “we need to change the narrative that birth is scary and dangerous” I’ve never heard anyone, ever, describe birth as frightening or scary or like this horrific frightening extremely risky experience? Personally or in a more general sense. What narrative is she referring to? Is this how all the free birth moms have brainwashed her into referring to the GP who have hospital births? It’s just so weird I don’t have that sense at all about the general “narrative” surrounding giving birth
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So Quila passed away, not sure how couldn't take Rachel's performative grief stories for too long. But she's there, boobs out, crying. Saying she's so so tired but so grateful. And so heartbroken. What kind of psychopath do you have to be to film yourself crying while breastfeeding claiming to be heartbroken? Why does everything have to be performed for others?

She's like that "if a tree falls in the forest but no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?" thing. If a Yoga Girl cries without filming, does it even count?
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I reported her for misinformation too. How horrible for her to say that all babies born with c section have issues. It is often the last option when the baby or the mother are at risk. And Rachel shames them? She is so lucky for having two simple births without complications and two healthy babies.
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Lol. Don't worry, Rachel, you scammed them with your maternity leave so you're even.
The maternity swindler. UnBEARable privileged Rachel BRAThen. I’m ok- you’re not, but I will cry pretend tears for you, then fuck off to an extended Maldives holiday. Ps- I’m looking for some slaves to come and run my farm so I can spend all day on my phone.
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I think at this point Denis must be questioning every day if his marriage is worth the hassle, I wouldn't be surprised if he secretly talks to other women.
Same here! 😅 The way she makes him work on their “beloved farm”. I always think he looks exhausted. Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he questions his life and longing for something else.
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Did I just waste 10 minutes of my life listening to Rachel whinge about Dennis buying a $300 boat when she has easily spent $100,000+ decorating the new house from top to bottom (decorators, furniture etc), putting in a new bathroom, air con, wrap around decking and paying a permaculture designer to create, build and plant her fantasy garden??

Complaining he’s not supporting her enough because he doesn’t have boobs and is not on paid maternity leave. That it’s impossible even to go to the toilet on her own with a baby, yet going out in the garden to harvest various herbs totally manageable! She is so unbelievably spoilt and in this bizarre world of her own creating that she has genuinely lost touch with reality.

Rachel’s expensive garden hobby where each precious head of calendula probably cost her $10 to grow vs Dennis budget boat Reno….
We posted about the SAME thing at the same damn time 🤣
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