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Well-known member
Proud to say I was among those who reported her "art". Sorry, Rachel. It's not art. It's borderline preggo porn and an ego stroke for you. Plus, it's a clear violation of Instagram rules. You can like them or not. You can think they're prudish. But they're the rules. If you don't like them, you can fuck off to OnlyFans.
Totally agree. Rachel should take that shit to OnlyFans.
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She's been saying that since the Aruba days. It's also bs because there are apps to caption your videos externally and then upload them. It'd take more time but if she actually cared, she'd do it.
Yeah. Too much trouble for her. It’s like she does the bare minimum to get by. Like with the podcast doesn’t have any more guests or plan content- just hits record and talks about what’s on her mind. Which for a long time now has been so dull.
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Lea seems like such a bright, sweet kid who is multilingual and so bubbly, and her personality will be squashed by that awful woman who will try to force her to hate modern medicine and worship weeds. It’s almost upsetting to see!
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Mystery solved. She sent Lea back to Sweden with her sister Emelie. I cannot imagine my mom letting me go on a 20+ hour trip on my own when I was just 6 just so she could stay lazying about in a resort.


Also someone explain to me how this woman is basically my age
She looks like she could be my elderly aunt.

Also, we knew this already but she's a nutjob

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She has the bald spots of a much older woman. But sure, Rach. You're the picture of health and we should all do exactly as you do and give you all our money.
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Well-known member
I mean, why? Just why? Who does this relate to? No one, and I mean NO ONE wants to see your husband literally (and figuratively) kiss your ass. She is so fucking weird!
And, how do we even know that it wasn’t staged and planned?
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@Suzecakes yep Dennis is on the payroll so does as he’s told (with the recent exception of boat gate).
Previously on her podcasts he’d said he was happy to stop at one as Lea was so independent and didn’t want to go back to being tied at home. Oh well!
Probably wants to milk the Swedish maternity system a bit more with more kids.
  • Sick
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I saw her post and if it’s true I’m so disappointed in the Sweden social services, not even a warning? If they saw her social media at least they should have told her not to show her children half naked (or totally naked in the case of the baby) there are child predators saving all those kind of pictures, she actually is putting them at risk!
I agree! She us such a Meghan Markle. Always the victim .. by the way .. the fact that she is exposing her children constantly is child abuse and so on…
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@feelingsalty so from what I can remember the first property was an air bnb she rentedwhen she first went back to Sweden with Lea, it was a tiny holiday cabin by the lake and she was convinced it should be hers. She begged the couple to sell it to her (despite it being tiny and Dennis not being keen). They said no it’s a family home we aren’t selling.

When Dennis moved over they then moved to a bigger cabin by the lake, possibly owned by someone in her family and they lived there until they bought the farm. I definitely remember her saying her dad owned a little place on the same land as the farm but it was empty so she and Dennis started showing up at this place and “working” on it. The farm had been someone else’s family home and the husband had died or was very ill, the lady who owned it had tried to sell before but pulled out so Rachel made her case for buying it and obviouSly succeeded. I think she did a whole podcast about it around Christmas time last year when they moved.
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She just looks so much older and crone like. The waddle. The tired face. Even with a tan she looks ill.
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Are you talking about the time where she said she did something really stupid and didn’t want to talk about it and she was in the bath and said her uterus was contracting? If so, on the next Friday pod after that post she talks about having said something dumb to Lea and she was spiraling about it. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me. Lea had a little milium (blocked sebaceous gland) on her nose and asked Rachel if it could be removed because she didn’t like it and Rachel said that it could be removed if it bothered her. Lea started crying and Rachel thought that she had ruined Lea’s self image in some way. She thinks Lea needed her to tell her that the little bump was no big deal and that she was still beautiful.

Anyways, this seemed to be the thing she was referring to in her story on Instagram, but I can’t know for sure. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me but she went on and on about it on the pod, ‘cause ya know, she didn’t feel like talking about it, except on the pod where she gets the $s to talk about it, ‘cause it’s Rachel. 🙄 IMO she over dramatizes things and does that baiting thing to funnel people to her pod. If that’s what she did, I find those tactics 🤮. I thought she had fallen or done something reckless to hurt herself.
Yes, thank you.
If this was the stupid thing than it was a typical silly Rachel thing.
Rachel ruins Leas life on a regular basis by recording every little thing and giving her no privacy at all. This is no big deal for her. But not saying Lea how perfekt and beautiful she is made her spiraling? 🙄 OMG this woman!
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For someone so terrified of toxic mold she seemed perfectly content walking right into this abandoned, dusty, moldy house with her baby on her hip…..
Also, does anyone know where Dennis is working now?
Swedish mold = good!

Aruban mold = death.
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Call me mean, but somehow I wish that Lea starts to revolt against her parents and I wonder if Rachel would post that too.
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That's the thing. She can't ever just let something be a thing kids do. It always has to be extra special, amazing, best in the world. Remember when Lea did finger painting and Rachel went on and on about how talented she was and how her paintings had hart and soul and whatever?

It's really sad because lies like that can really fuck up a kid's ego and confidence once they go out into the world.
The fact that Lea looks just off camera and smiles halfway through - she knows she's supposed to be performing for the phone. And then, of course, as soon as she performs for mommy's camera, she gets praised as if she's the first child to ever sing a song. Like others have said, she doesn't have perfect pitch, there's nothing about this that is otherworldly impressive...she's a kid being a kid and singing a song on the radio...groundbreaking 🙄
But in Rakel's world, every normal moment has to get turned into content to monetize and trot all over her social media feeds. 🤢
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I reported her for misinformation too. How horrible for her to say that all babies born with c section have issues. It is often the last option when the baby or the mother are at risk. And Rachel shames them? She is so lucky for having two simple births without complications and two healthy babies.
Yeah, as someone said easier- detached from reality!
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