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It's like she is trying to emulate her friend Olivia who recently had her 3rd baby - alone at home in the bath...the difference though is that was her 2nd at home birth and nearly sure she had a doula with her 2nd..she also seems a much more emotionally stable and grounded person
Definitely taking into another level! Lol


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God, I despise her. In her AMA she is harping on and on about she’s planning for a wild birth. No doula, no midwives, of course no doctors because god forbid people who have dedicated their lives and trained to help others. But Lea will be part of the birth because that won’t be traumatising for her at all to see her mother in a lot of pain and hear her crying and screaming. Oh, due dates are also incredibly harmful.
FFS, please someone remove her internet access. She’s spewing so much bullshit and really thrives from creating drama.
A while ago I did report and wrote to Instagram about disabling her account for the above reasons. Never heard anything unfortunately.
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Ah yes, the social media break has been broken 🤣 She couldn't help but share a ridiculous semi naked photo of her. She looks grotesque.

Also, if Dennis wants to be a photographer, why is she hiring/getting freebies from this Naomi person? Who's gonna hire Dennis if Rachel doesn't even hire him herself?

I read yesterday a NYT article on a massive study on maternal mortality that found that 30% of deaths happen after birth, between the child's 6 weeks and first birthday. Vascular issues appeared to be a huge thing as was mental health. But sure, Rachel, it's all magical and safe and doctors are idiots.

ETA: oops forgot to attach the photo.
Grotesque is spot on.
There’s actually no word in the vocabulary to describe this hideous creature.

With regards to maternal mortality, there is also a high percentage of fetal death in the very later stages of pregnancy when the baby dies due to being overdue and the cord can no longer support the baby in the uterus with essential oxygen and other nutrients.
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And she’s staying another week at the $3000 per night resort where unsurprisingly they do everything for you!
Wonder if Dennis works for Daddy hence being able to take another week off “work” with no notice!
Did she know they were staying for longer or was it decided on a whim to drop a load more cash to live the life of luxury?
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Here is Rakel spouting off about her modern medicine t
If I was her, I would get myself checked out at the doctors. She looks someone who has terminal illness. She doesn’t just look really old, but actually looks ill (and old).

She’s gone way past her heyday. She’s done.
Like the other poster said previously, she looks outside exactly as she’s in the inside. Ugly.

Re: the poll above ⬆
There’s no option of ‘I don’t give a damn how she gives birth to her fetus’
And her hey day was shakey to begin with.. I personally think the constant tan helped her looks. The tropical background didn't hurt either. Without it she's just a ghostly, sun damaged complexion in against a muddy cold Swedish backdrop.
Oh and brace yourselves guys, there must not currently be enough chaos in her life and/or her engagement needs a boost so she is ‘threatening’ to share some of Lea’s recent post-vegan test results and kick up some vegan drama. She needs to fund those stump diggers and excavators for Dennis, the farm hand who is also good with children, wrap around porch, lake house reno, new sauna, current bathroom reno, and manual labor for her gardens. It’s called manifesting guys, look it up! 🤣

p.s. She seems to be kind of cheap paying for labor (e.g. wanting to find a farm hand who can also babysit, getting free massages on tour, wanting to trade boarding in her BARN for free manual labor, etc). What is that all about??

She lacks any intelligence I swear.
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She’s just throwing this whole tray of cookies into the garbage?! Would have thought she’d be composting them for her magical little farm to feed her medicinal herbs. How wasteful! Anything for the views
WHY is she throwing away all those cookies?? (I don't follow her on IG)
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Well her father made his fortune being a bigwig in some of the biggest licensed gambling companies …
So one could say he preyed on people’s vulnerabilities to ensure a healthy bottom line for his bosses. Not very ancient or yogi really, accepting money borne from peoples addictions
Yes, was referring to her dad
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The text message reads like Lea cried because Rakels sister left, but it's worded wrong. It says, word for word, "Lea cried for you for almost an hour". That's not how you would normally say it, it's a very anglicised way of writing swedish, which she does a lot. But her translation make it sound like they put Lea on a plane!

View attachment 2572522

That said, I can't believe she thinks she limiting screen time for her children when she's constantly filming them and herself. I know it's not the same, but it's very clear Lea is aware she's being filmed and hamming it up for the camera. The instagram stories of her interacting with the staff and the other children make her look like someone who is used to being the center of attention without boundaries.
So Lea didn't go home? Funny how she's not showing her in stories then, which makes her look like she did go home when she didn't then.
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Addresses are public in Sweden so it is as easy as to google her name. She seems to still be registered in her old house but if you look up Dennis he is registered in the new house. You can also see how much they paid for the farm.
How much did they pay?
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It's rude, entitled and annoying. Rachel is raising that child to be an absolute nightmare.

Also, this might be my paranoia around security, but a 6 year old child with so little sense of caution is a walking danger. What if next time she sits in someone's picnic blanket it's a pedophile? What if next time she joins a group, they kidnap her?

As a mother Rachel should be teaching Lea to be confident, yes, but also cautious.

Sure, Sweden is relatively safe but bad people can be anywhere.
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[QUOTE="Dgkater, post: 15140129, member: 365924"
Did she tell what the stupid thing was she talked about a few days ago? That really made me curious.
Are you talking about the time where she said she did something really stupid and didn’t want to talk about it and she was in the bath and said her uterus was contracting? If so, on the next Friday pod after that post she talks about having said something dumb to Lea and she was spiraling about it. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me. Lea had a little milium (blocked sebaceous gland) on her nose and asked Rachel if it could be removed because she didn’t like it and Rachel said that it could be removed if it bothered her. Lea started crying and Rachel thought that she had ruined Lea’s self image in some way. She thinks Lea needed her to tell her that the little bump was no big deal and that she was still beautiful.

Anyways, this seemed to be the thing she was referring to in her story on Instagram, but I can’t know for sure. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me but she went on and on about it on the pod, ‘cause ya know, she didn’t feel like talking about it, except on the pod where she gets the $s to talk about it, ‘cause it’s Rachel. 🙄 IMO she over dramatizes things and does that baiting thing to funnel people to her pod. If that’s what she did, I find those tactics 🤮. I thought she had fallen or done something reckless to hurt herself.
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I would strongly suggest to report any of her stories or posts that you feel or believe is out of order, anything from hate comments, gaslighting comments, spreading misinformation, far right ideas, lies, any kind of nudity (especially involving her kids) and all kind of woodoo stuff.
I used to report her various shit to IG, some still awaiting review, not sure why is not being acted on.
She needs to lose her platform both her IG account and podcasts, that is the only thing to shut her down for good, without those she’s nothing.
I no longer follow her stories or any of her bullshit, I’d rather have my tooth pulled without anaesthetic.
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Is it true that you cannot put captions on instagram in sweden? Anyone from Sweden here?
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