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She is an infuriatingly condescending person for someone who is so blatantly stupid as shit and neglectful of her children.
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I mean, why? Just why? Who does this relate to? No one, and I mean NO ONE wants to see your husband literally (and figuratively) kiss your ass. She is so fucking weird!
Also her obsession with the word nourishment irritates me beyond belief lol
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Welcome @IsPepsiOkay01 !

Agree with everything you guys have said. Rachel has gone past the line of "whatever, it's you life" with all the faux medical advice she's dispensing.

She's a compulsive liar too. Wonder how she'll change her tune about all of this in the next few years.
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But coming soon, Rakel the wild woman expert, will be packaging up her ancestral herb and tincture practices to another over priced book. Don’t forget she’s been doing this for almost a whole year! Expert level - BEGINNER!
I think she’s probably surprised she’s not been offered a reality tv show to showcase her talents 🤔.
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She is truly disgusting and super ignorant. Let's make women stop trusting their doctors! That won't hurt them at all!! Let's make up nonsense!!



I was born in one of those eeeviiiil hospital births where the doctors *gasp* listened to my mother and used zero meds, but did indeed pass me to my dad first before my mom, then my mom, then cleanup. Guess what? I was breastfed til I was 9 months. No issues. Guess I'm some sort of monster anomaly according to Rachel. I should have grown feral and malnourished. Oh no wait, that's her kids.
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God, I despise her. In her AMA she is harping on and on about she’s planning for a wild birth. No doula, no midwives, of course no doctors because god forbid people who have dedicated their lives and trained to help others. But Lea will be part of the birth because that won’t be traumatising for her at all to see her mother in a lot of pain and hear her crying and screaming. Oh, due dates are also incredibly harmful.
FFS, please someone remove her internet access. She’s spewing so much bullshit and really thrives from creating drama.
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She did that in Aruba and hated it 😂

She doesn't truly want community. If she did, she could have easily built it in Sweden by now. It's more accessible to her than it ever was in Aruba. She can't honestly believe she's the only person in Sweden interested in an 'ancestral' way of living. What Rakel really wants is to have folks fawning over her and falling over themselves to worship her every word and move.

There's a reason their Aruba studio has been for sale for almost 2 years now. Aside from the overly high price point, no one on Aruba wants to touch anything Rakel-related with a ten-foot pole. She was not popular with natives and locals on the island for a variety of reasons including the fact that she is just not a community-oriented person. She's a lazy narcissist with a deep desire for attention and praise. Her inability to build a community where she lives, both on Aruba and in Sweden is proof of that, in my opinion.
yep, she had this incredible opportunity to build a beautiful yoga community in Aruba, get involved with charities and the locals etc., but she has blown that big time with a high and mighty attitude.
Good riddance Aruba, and deep down she knows as well that’s why she’s hiding away in Sweden.
I don’t think she is popular in Sweden either, that is why she cannot or don’t want to start any kind of meaningful project. Instead, she just wants to admire herself via Instagram, that’s why she’s on it all the time, she believes her own hype encouraged by those sycophantic mob.
By the way, that studio in Aruba will never sell, unless it goes to auction. I think they closed the cafe already and also man child Dennis hasn’t got anything on his super-duper photography website. What a pair of losers 😂
One more rant against the evil evil system and how it tries to keep away mothers from their babies...

I don't get how anyone can stand to be near her. She sounds annoying and exhausting.
Honestly, I don’t follow her stories at all, I only see what’s going by reading this thread, but I’m exhausted by all this pointless baby talk, who actually gives a shit about her baby?
Feed him and sleep with him however she wants, jeez it’s frigging tiresome and frankly boring.
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Reprehensible. A uti in (or outside) of pregnancy can turn into sepsis scary fast. Cranberry and warm socks?? This is a new level of irresponsibility, ignorance and ego, even for her.
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Yall really called it. I'm lmao over how predictable she is.

also- when is she going to admit that she massively fumbled the bag by moving to sweden? She and her family all look so much happier in a warm climate. Hell, even her boring ass content is more palatable when she’s surrounded by water and palm trees. The ancestral Swedish rebrand was a a huge flop. Can’t wait for them to all go back to the cold, dark, isolated nothingness of the “farm”. I know her family resents her for tearing them away from the Aruban good life.

Why is she still walking like she’s 9 months pregnant. That slow ass waddle. Is that her natural gait?
Oh! She already said in today’s podcast that they will find the way to live half a year in the tropical weather and the other half in Sweden and a whole bla bla bla about how Bearrrrrr was mesmerized by the ocean because it’s in his DNA and somehow he remembers lol lol 😂 I MEAN! Only one year ago she was in Aruba COMPLAINING about how she missed the first snow in Sweden. She made her life and her family’s life sooo miserable.. now they have plans… yet again.. because she just realized how much she misses the beach… INSANE YOU GUYS ..
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I did a quick research and it seems that homeschooling is not allowed in Sweden except for some special conditions.
Good for Lea. At least she will be around kids and normal people half of her day.
Saw her latest stories. Of course, Fin wears an amber necklace, which is highly dangerous for babies because they can strangle themself with it. 🙄
Sometimes I think she does all what is controversial on purpose just for the conflict. And risking the safety of her child for it.
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I’m all for like yay the birth went well (I’d never ever ever wish for it to not have as much as I dislike her lol we’re not sadists) BUUUUUUTT the way the cord was around the baby’s neck I was a bit like…imagine if she hadn’t been able to get it off or something had been wrong.

I’m probably overreacting I just find the concept of no medical person there to help terrifying. Even just a midwife on standby??? I couldn’t do it alone at all. And maybe that makes me paranoid but this is your child, I’d always want the best care for my child. Fair enough have a home birth but don’t pretend as if nothing could go wrong.
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I think she genuinley believes she limits screen time and that she is present in the now all the time. She's addicted but she doesn't understand she is.
Yes. She’s performing presence. Performing her idea of good parenting. Performing yoga (or did in the past anyway). Performing being an “ancestral” earth-connected woman. And she doesn’t know the difference. She thinks performing is being. That’s how she convinces so many other people too; she’s so convinced of it herself.
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And we're on to the fourth thread for our always controversial Rachel Brathen!

In the past thread, she moved her family to a new "farm", engaged in despicable grief tourism, and continued to look like a thumb.

Can't wait to see what this thread brings around!
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Back to Lea being some fucking spiritual guru. She's 6. 6 years old! It's called the 'naivety of youth'!
View attachment 2323969
Yep. It's her innocence and also just the fact that she probably can't fully comprehend the concept of mortality at the ripe old age of six. And with all the stuff Rachel has no doubt told her, she's probably also got very weird ideas.
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In her birth video, does Dennis seem super awkward and odd in that video? He is just sittint there and smiling, not really saying anything, not really doing anything. Just seems super passive which I guess is how he always seems.

And her reaction honestly feels a bit performative to me. She seems to be crying but there don’t seem to be actual tears? Maybe the video is poor quality and they are there but I can’t see them.
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She is a really, really dangerous person. Shaming moms for taking their babies to the doctor. Encouraging them not to, because it's interfering with their intuition.

I hope her kids don't suffer for her horrible decisions but sadly they already are.

Also, almost no Lea since the baby was born. Clearly already relegated like an old toy.

Adding the screenshots of her nonsense here for anyone who doesn't want to give her the views/use alternate methods
Again, not a mother but even I know that if a baby is having respiratory issues you should run, not walk, to the doctor.


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I didn't catch any of the comments before she turned them off. What was being said?

Just another example of her goading controversy for attention then acting like she's 'above' all the drama.
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She said something in the rant in her stories today about the whole social services thing, like ‘she GOT to experience’ a little drama, even though it came and went by the time she found out about it. It just sounded odd to me; like she was happy on some level to get some drama, even though it could have been a horrible thing for her. In my opinion, any kind of drama is like oxygen to her. She feeds on it.
For sure. Why even mention it?
A new low in a way to use your children to gain traction on social media 😞
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They are for two years in Sweden now, just recently moved to her "manifested" farm and now she talks about leaving again? Tearing her daughter again to another country and away from friends and family? Didn't she say that she found her true home in Sweden?
The manifested farm 🤮She was under no illusions as to the culture in Sweden, she is Swedish for sobbing out loud. Was it strategic so she could continue to play the role of “freethinking rebel”? Or is she so self absorbed she didn’t even think about her very non conforming family living in a very conforming society? Both are equally absurd. I guarantee they are already taking about Costa Rica again.
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