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Well-known member
Something I always wondered- did they get any sort of insurance payout with the mold situation?
I'm not positive about Aruba, but generally speaking, insurance coverage for mold-related issues is usually quite limited and often requires a specific incident (such as a flood that results in mold growth). I would assume that since they had ongoing mold issues for years (if Rachel is to be believed) and that they neglected to address leaks or commonly flooded areas of their home (by Rachel's own admission), the insurance payout was limited to nill.
However, with that said, I can undoubtedly see Princess Rachel throwing a huge tantrum with the insurance company in order to get more coverage than the average person would have.
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Happy 2023 everyone.
Although it feels a bit weird to be on a gossip site ,🐒😈🤘I actually find it does help me get better insight into humans and people's opinions are on here often way more actually authentic then the persona she puts on. So if the truth is ugly, and hilarious, I'll take it.
More tattling ployzzzz you funny mo'fukas
Agree, I like truth and realness as well so I much prefer this site to Rachel’s page. The truth is in short supply with her and other influensters. 🙄
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How long do y’all think they are gunna make it in Sweden before they relocate again? I just really can’t imagine Dennis being down with living there full-time/forever
I could see her convincing Daddy to spend money to buy her a 'sanctuary' somewhere in Costa Rica so she can flit between her multiple properties depending on her mood.

Either that or Dennis is gonna file for divorce and move back to Aruba or get himself and Lea a city apartment in Stockholm or Amsterdam
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New member
Why would she think that a child needs to see her mum giving birth? As much of guru she thinks Lea is, she's just a small child. She is going to need so much therapy when she gets older. As natural as birth is, even I would not like to see it to be honest. There are plenty of fathers (grown-ups you know) throwing up and passing out, even though they want to be present and helpful.
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I think the holy egg told her to eat animal products again? Now the holy fetus told her? And haven't we figure out that she wasn't vegan anymore long before her announcement? But at that time she was not pregnant if she is now for 12 weeks.
She should take notes of her stories/lies She gets confused too.
The holy egg!!! I cackled.

I'm sure she can make it work, with some tweaking. The holy egg told her to ditch veganism, the holy fetus told her to go public with her decision so she could openly nourish it with delicious steak. Such an honest agglutination of cells.
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I haven't looked at her page in ages but it popped up the other day. I immediately came here for all the updates :) better reading your funny comments than her nonsense firsthand.

And her diet is shocking. This woman does not understand the concept of balance. I've consumed animal products all my life and I would feel unwell after eating how she does. It makes no sense how a body could handle it after being vegan for so long.

It again comes to her kid she could have chosen to have Lea eat a balanced diet with some animal protein but is instead dragging this child from one extreme to the next with her. And none of those extremes are healthy for a developing body. Like they have enough resources that Leas diet can include all vitamins etc without constant supplements. Collagen, green, protein powders aren't designed for todlers. The text above where she says oatmeal didn't agree with Lea because of veganism is batshit crazy. So what if Rachel didn't decide to change her diet for her reasons she would just have her toddler have severe food allergies, without addressing any possible causes.
Yess also its crazy she adds an egg for “extra” protein. They seem to eat excessive animals foods, its waiting for new health problems.
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I take comfort in the fact that she's looking worse and worse (even early this year, so not shaming her pregnancy looks).

It's like everything nasty that she's done, all the lies, her meanness are coming out and making her look haggard, grey, and hard.
My thoughts exactly. She looks so sickly in that screenshot posted above and her hairline looks like it's massively receding.

How big is this new house?!?! The last few stories she's posted it looks massive. Not only does this woman have FOUR houses now, but her fourth seems to be an unnecessarily massive farmhouse 🤮
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So in her stories yesterday she was talking about wanting to hire a farmhand who is also good with babies and dogs? And then later talked about maybe in the future converting a stable on their property into a living space so they could do a trade for farm labor in exchange for living space I assume. We all knew she would never do the actual hard manual labor that comes with farming. It seems she just wants to live on the farm and call herself a farmer without doing the hard work.


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Side note and a random one, driving home for holiday i guess I had a really old podcast still in my downloads cause one from I think 2017 came on about giving up sugar. It’s like an entirely different person! I know people change and evolve, but seriously listen and it’s like the narrative and even her voice and laugh are different. So strange. She also discusses her sugar addiction eating bags of stroopwafels. Maybe that’s why she felt so shitty after Lea was born, according to her grand anti-veganism announcement it was no meat lol!
This is weirdly a little comforting to hear that she genuinely wasn't this unhinged a few years ago! I'm sure the tendency and/or predilection was always there but it really didn't seem like she was this disingenuous and out of touch with reality when I followed her. Maybe a few moments here and there, but it really did seem like after the Aruba cancelling, something snapped.
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She's also a liar, let's remember that. For years she said Lea's birth was magical and while she did end up going to hospital because she'd been in labor for many many hours, it was a fast delivery once there and they left the same day or the next. Now it's a "trauma".

I was watching Daisy Jones and the Six (really recommend it, btw) and there's this character that's really resentful and always feels slighted, so another character tells him that he likes feeling slighted/or aggrieved, I forget the word used. Because otherwise he'd actually have to hold himself to a higher standard instead of blaming everyone else for the things that he doesn't get. And I thought of Rachel. She likes feeling attacked, aggrieved, slighted, traumatized. She'll never actually heal because she derives attention, and heck even money, from all these crusades of hers.
Hahaha, yes! I edited my comment to point out exactly what you said here!

PRECISELY! Haven't seen that show, but sounds like they are spot-on about how people like Rakel operate.
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Well-known member
Wow, Rachel shared some post from Brianna Madia and how this woman hired a forensic investigator to go after "the bullies" that led her to feel suicidal. And then she went an named them online, "outing them". Mind, these people were on Reddit. They largely, from what I gathered, weren't commenting on her actual socials. So she had to go out of her way to find them. Is this bullying? I'm not a lawyer but it feels like a stretch. She then goes on to say that even upvoting a mean comment is bullying.

Rachel is all "yes, this, I've been so bullied." And look, if people are DMing them awful stuff, absolutely constitutes bullying. But there's something called freedom of speech and going on a forum and saying X person is vile, is not the same thing.

Influencers trying to be the victims. Sigh.
Is there nowhere one can express their displeasure with Rachel or disagreement with her ideas? Certainly not on her IG page where she will block you if you dare disagree with her. She puts herself and her opinions out there. People have a right to comment.
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Her old home in Aruba had color and Spanish tiles. This one is is trying for Kim Kardashians all white everything home. And everyone take comfort those floors will get scratched to shit with those dog nails 💙

Oh a the wood floors in the kitchen! Not the most functional for spills.
What are you talking about @bluecoffeecup that is what every ancestral farm looks like! 😂
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No idea who she is, but what happened to her, do you know?
Something about a Reddit or subreddit thread starting after a gofundme (GFM) was set up by a friend of hers after her dog was ran over and needed surgery. Turns out it was her ex who ran over the dog. She came clean and offered to refund any money to anyone. And out of like hundred’s of donations only a handful wanted refunds.

Then she got trolled by people who didn’t donate wanting refunds. People made loads of fake account and accounts about her, contacted her sponsors with lies. She lost sponsors which she relied on as an influencer.

She makes comments about people thinking she was still living off the GFM money raised.

She met a random woman in a tattoo shop (I think) and they became close friends. But the woman was on the thread and shared personal things.

She checked into an Airbnb & people found out where and sent the owners messages saying she was partying and drug taking.

Her ex husband and his family joined the thread saying what a bitch etc she was, and I think sharing personal things.

She had a book out and people claimed to get advanced copies, put 1 star reviews and contacted a book shop on her tour claiming she was racists so that book shop stop was cancelled.

It does seem that these people were going to extreme lengths to interfere in her life, and her influencer business and book sales

All this lead her to consider suicide which she talked about but that seemed to add more fuel to the fire. She said in the 38 min video she left social media for a while and even bought a gun and considered doing a live story where she shot herself.

She was very upset that her ex husband & his family were on this thread. And in the end got some sort of private investigator to find out who some of the people were and named them. She is still willing to post more names of people who are saying untrue things about her and risk their own careers.

There was a lot more she talked about. But I guess the bottom line was don’t online bully social media influencers. It made her think about suicide (there was a term she used which I think the thread made fun of). And she got really close to suicide.
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Yes, was that the canopy thing over the crib that was a strangulation hazard?

I don’t know why she has to continue pointing out and ranting about criticism on her posts. That’s part of the deal of becoming an influencer and putting your life out there? Just scroll past and move on unless it’s really nasty, then I guess you can block people. It just screams insecurity and narcissism to me. She is interested in a monologue, not a dialogue.
I think so. I honestly didn't read through properly. The second she starts going off all high and mighty I check out.

Exactly. If she doesn't want any external input on her choices and decisions, then stop sharing said choices and decisions with the entire internet.
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1. Her Christmas tree is ugly. One thing that has become apparent is that Rachel has no flair/style. She can't artfully decorate a tree, doesn't paint, doesn't draw, sculpt, refurbish old furniture, personally home renovate. What does Rachel actually do that interests people? What does she produce? Instagram photos on her endless rich girl problems? Screams into her camera for performative activism, gives the go ahead to put her face on a pancake box produced from the States?

Also who buys a white fucking couch with three dogs, and a child, and dirty Dennis.

Also she's a pack rat imo. Ohhh the cabin is much much too small for her to fit all of her room full of crystal balls, 1000's of bottles of ashwagandha mushrooms, green powders, tinctures, clay binders, sweat bags, yoni steam ingredients/organic douches.
I agree with you 100%.
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My one problem with her saying she wasn't pregnant when she was back when she announced the no longer vegan thing is that... She didn't need to go and say "no, I'm not pregnant." Why the lie? She didn't need to address it at all, since those had been DMs.
That is a good point. She has always gone back and forth on a second child, and sometimes it seems like she does just for content. In any sense I’m sure the next big announcement will be a big house, and then they’ll Air BNB this one too!
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Filming herself while driving and emotional. Looking at the camera every 2 seconds. Nice one Rachel. Nice 👏👏👏👏She is a total idiot. I don't even know why I bother using my energy looking at her sometimes because there are plenty of idiots out there. But I think because she acts like she is amazing, and then continuously does really immature, selfish, banal things, I'm honestly shocked she has such delusions of grandeur. It's like watching a psychological circus.

Also did you guys ever see this:
I actually like the song but wonder is she really feels like the song is about her.

Cringe da fuk is this I dare not watch 😅🙄


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Even if being with Rachel when she is delivering her Baby will not traumatize Lea, my question is, why should she witness it? She can not help, in my opinion it is not a necessary experience for her and if she reacts not how Rachel and Dennis predict, what then? They can not care about Lea in that moment. Or of something went wrong during birth and things get messy? I think it is reckless and selfish.
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Anytime she has Dennis on the podcast, I find myself more and more shocked at their dynamic because it honestly seems like he doesn't even really LIKE her as a person in so many ways.
The most recent podcast was over an hour of her cutting him off, leading him into giving answers she wanted him to give, and then belittling him the rest of the time. It felt SO OBVIOUS that Dennis did not actually want to be on the podcast and everything about it felt forced and awkward. Dennis generally seems like a passive person and she's so completely domineering that he just 'yes ma'ams' her until she leaves him alone.

He insisted several times that she bullied him into going vegan and how tricky it was for him and every single time she TOLD him he was wrong.
She eventually caved and apologized for bullying him into that decision, then immediately tried to get him to talk about how much better he feels eating meat. He blatantly says he felt better physically after going vegan and feels more sluggish/like he's gained weight since eating meat (though he does admit to missing fish specifically). He speaks to her controlling nature and the fact that he was hesitant to change diets AGAIN with this new non-vegan train she's on, because she's constantly changing her mind and he's the one who has to suffer the consequences.

The entire thing was truly painful to get through. His answers are all short and he seems very uninterested in continuing to keep up the grift alongside her. It was almost pathetic how longingly he spoke of wanting to get an actual job, have some sort of structure and schedule, and not be living in the countryside so far away from any sort of community. (He mentions several times how he desired to live in a more urban/city environment in Sweden but Rachel forced the whole family into isolation and 'farm' life.)

He seems less inclined to help her paint these false narratives about their life (he calls her out on falsehoods on multiple stories she tells throughout the episode) and generally seems over it (whether IT is the podcast or being a sidekick on the never-ending Rakel Brathen reality show is yet to be determined).
Even if I were still a 'fan' of hers, I would find this episode more awkward and off-putting than anything else.
Thank you for this recap.
This is Rakels content. Talking in detail about her morning breakfast. Is anyone THIS interested in this level of description.

You know you have no life when. Try getting a job Rakel?

Agree with other posters this woman has like disordered eating, I bet she keeps a diary of everything she consumes.
The hours long tea session pulling pagan cards.
Who relates to this lifestyle? 😐
I'm reading the transcript all I can do is laugh that Dennis is saying he never had the same negative experience with veganism as Rachel did--he lost weight, felt fit, wasn't concerned with the "label" of veganism. And now he's talking about all the weight he gained with this free for all diet Rachel allows him to have now.

Not quite the anti vegan endorsement Rakel wanted him to share.


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