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She is desperate to reach out to Taylor.
She has gained success in the past with trying to talk to celebs, like she ended up speaking to Hillary Swank, Jen Aniston (who I immediately lost any admiration for lol), she loves the fact Lindsay Lohan blocked her, who am I missing. She's a clout chaser
Diane Keaton. 🙄
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And here comes the bone broth! In the recipe from yesterday. Soon we’ll see Rakels own slowcooked ancestrally made holy bone broth and her slurping it looking more smug than ever.
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So we got a main house yellow, a big red “guest house”, a carpenters workshop/barn?, an old home with an old barn, and a boat house! Plus new Reno’s to the floors and interior designed paint colors. Mansion in Aruba, regular home in Aruba, Poor little rich girl! These shoestring budgets. Remember when “she didn’t do ads? They were beneath her” now she’s soaking up all that ad money for all they are worth in the podcast and on Instagram. $$$$$$$$$$$$$

I look at Jonna Jinton, she has 1.2 million followers and only does ads for her jewelry making business. She has her art, YouTube etc. but she doesn’t hawk constant different random ads like Rachel does. Again I reflect how Rachel is truly just a talentless influencer just raking it in indiscriminately. She has no purpose but ad shilling.
100% Shilling and bragging. That's all she does these days. Nothing about her feels authentic or inspirational.

Poor Ringo has gotten quite fat since leaving Aruba. I am guessing since he hates the cold so much he doesn’t get enough exercise. Also, loled at Rachel in this video saying “Ringo, where is your coat? What an awful mother you have”. You said it, Rach!
Wow. Poor Ringo. That's almost animal abuse.
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new to this thread but you’re completely right, I gave birth 2 months ago in hospital with 0 intervention - the most important thing they did was my little boys newborn checks. It was about his health more than anything and I think people that do it ‘all natural’ with no checks are being far too nonchalant with their babies life. We’ve meddled with evolution for thousands of years - complications that could kill you now result in medical intervention that can save both baby and mum, why would you want to risk missing that chance?
Agreed! I don't know how it works in Sweden, and she's let it go on for so long it's probably too late now, but I imagine the key is building a good relationship with your OB-GYN. Finding one you trust and one who has the same vision as you do of what you want your birth to look like, in an ideal scenario.

Rachel really has gone very QAnon this past year and a half.
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@bluecoffeecup I love your enthusiasm but just a reminder that it's against Tattle rules to message the influencers and then come and post about it, etc. It's all meant to stay on the site 😃 don't want to see anyone banned!

It's so funny how she thinks she pulls off the unbothered, carefree, "will take your criticism in stride" attitude when all she comes off as is pissy and Hurt in her massive ego.
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How is she possibly justifying doing ads for Walgreens alongside her "wild" (except when it doesn't suit her) pregnancy? I guess she still wants the option of grabbing a bottle of Tylenol, or perhaps that's where she's really buying her super ancestral bone broth?

Ads for Walgreens and phone games sounds strongly to me as if she's struggling to find brands to pay her...
Yep, they definitely sound like bottom of the barrell advertising offers.
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Once again YogaGirl is charging us $20 to sit and watch her drink tea for an hour. All you need to bring is tea, teacup, and tea towel for spills! Wow that website course itinerary really must of took some solid time to create. She's a true artist and hard worker. Careful she doesn't have a burn out again.
Free for members who, you know, pay for yoga classes, but get to watch the almighty celebrity Rachel drink tea instead.
Very enlightening. Much value. Wow

Just saw this meme..
Exactly!! 100%
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It's started. "So I could nourish properly".
So predictable. I despise her.

So have I, that’s why I will completely stop looking at her or even talk about her. I will no longer give any of my energy by engaging anything to do with her, honestly I’d rather just not know, I find that even just by looking at her and that smug smirk on her mug, something deep down really sets me off.

Im sorry to hear about your miscarriages, after my one and only daughter, I had my fair share of losses and then secondary infertility.
Her behaviour massively triggers me, I think I’ve mentioned in one my earlier posts that for the sake of my mental health, I have to stop acknowledging her existence.
Despite everything handed to her on a plate and a silver spoon in her mouth, all she does is whinge, moan, cry and complain. She has everything that someone could ever ask for (even another pregnancy just like that), she’ll never acknowledge others pain, worries and struggles, it is all about her and her privileged life. And she’s keeps getting everything she wants despite her nasty, evil ways.
Where is Mother Karma when you need her eh?
fuck her.
She is ugly inside and out. That’s her karma. Her husband probably despises her as well lol. I will probably stop looking at her garbage lest I give her pathetic page traffic. I will await for snarky recaps here.
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On instagram stories today Denis looks thrilled to be on the podcast 🤣

I actually like him on the podcasts- wish he would do one of his own. With his own voice. About being away from his own ancestral home, being bullied into being a vegan, and how she never believed in his dreams of the house in Aruba (things she has talked about).
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She said in her first announcement that she was 12 weeks which is quite early, she wouldn't know the gender etc. I did think her bump was quite big for 12wks!
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When is she going to understand that lipstick does not look good on her? And why does her skin look like leather chap pants?

Also, not surprised she's a fan of Meghan and Harry. Privileged whiny wankers all around.
Yes exactly. She doesn't have a mind that discerns, she just agrees with every Hollywood celeb and their multimillionaire privledged thoughts on. After all she's like the Markle's--- has no job but is rich! It's hard being criticized for that.

RANT: Girl is obsessed with America and shooting off about their policies. WORRY ABOUT SWEDEN, talk about the issues there and how backwards people are who don't think exactly like you are. But she never has shit to say about Sweden. Because oh wait, it might make people hate her there. Like it did in Aruba when they wanted her unpatriotic/ungrateful/whiny/rich ass out. Don't I hear of the crime in Sweden going through the roof? Yet shes there--nice and silent on it. She needs to be a performative activist for countries far far away. Not actually someone who does "activism" in real life for her country to make it better.

How gross to not brush your teeth (probably not wash face either) and put on ugly lipstick, and go out. How do you not have time to wash up before you go out?? Who puts makeup on an unwashed mouth. She is disgusting.
:ROFLMAO: it's true. What's weird is she looks worse with makeup. How does that happen? Usually it enhances women's beauty, but it makes her look fug.. (I'm an ass) but so is she so its ok to say.
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Also no OfFeNcE but those poems she writes are cringe. Emo Teenager with no nuance or technique for describing a feeling. Reminds me of my old Facebook posts when I was 15 thinking I was all that posting a picture of a tree with an extract about Life 🤣
^^^^ This. I noticed on her post the captions are like, what the fuck is happening. Is she going for a Maya Angelou-style poetry slam?
"The wind in the trees, the dogs just sneezed
Lea walking around, her feet on the ground,
Dennis is in his cage rattling the door,
I should let him out to do a chore,
Nourishing teas, my aching knees
Ancestral chants, pregnancy pants,
And everything is just so sad and so fucking beautiful 🥺
-Rakel Brathen on any of her posts.
If an animal is in pain without hope it can get better, then it is a blessing to put it to sleep. But it is strange for me if there is more like cancer or her condition will not allow surgery why does Rachel not tell it?
I hope that she at least is decent enough not to poste the euthanasia or a dead Laika tomorrow.
Thats my thought too, why wouldn't she just blab the dog had cancer? She has no qualms about sharing about anyone else, and her dogs medical condition is where she draws the line in sharing? LOL

Again, I think it's lazy for her not to do the surgery. Rachel can't be bothered with caretaking the dog in a vulnerable state, she has a baby on the way and tea to drink. Theres no time to bring Laika to potty with a bum hip.

And yes I fully realize I don't have all the facts. But to me, it wouldn't shock me that she's putting Laika out of her misery earlier than need be. JMO
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Dammit okay….. sorry y’all are right, it is giving cringe, I must agree @Kipanchew influencers have completely lost the plot.

It’s natural to want pics, but a photoshoot when your dog can barely move? Filming your severely ill dog on a bed for reels? I couldn’t bring myself to make a sad reel of my sick dog. Maybe it’s her way of coping and seems normal in her warped view of influencer reality, but it’s inauthentic and feels weird and just….cringe. I empathize with anyone losing a pet, it’s heartbreaking, and I hope an animal in pain finds relief, but I hope for alls sake there is actual grieving and healing going on behind the scenes of this weird performative influencer lifestyle.
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Yep. Rachel is a drama-monger. She lives for drama, creates it, basks in it. Any and all drama are good.
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The one that I found really silly was the one about "little Sun" (aka her unborn fetus) met his aunt and how they've known each other for a long time. Way to make it about you, Rachel. As always. Because you and your beliefs are what matters here, not the fact that a young woman passed away from a really unfair, fucked up, draining illness.
This poor unborn child is already being guru-fied by Rakel because heaven forbid a baby just be allowed to be a baby and not an all-seeing, all-knowing, spiritually-destined dead relative incarnate. Poor Dennis has just lost his baby sister and instead of leaning into supporting him, Rakel is making it about her and her unborn baby? 🤮
I can imagine that all of this grief tourism (such an apt term, by the way!) is making it much harder for little Lea to properly process an already difficult situation.

Rachel's bio pronouns are still visible for me 🤷🏽‍♀️
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Ah, just Rachel our there again, doing something that goes against a lot of medical advice, then making it an "act of rebellion" and passive aggresively turning the focus on people who say anything other than ass-kissing statements.
I would actually have less of an opinion, but she crucifies anybody (does anyone actually or is she causing drama) who may ask.

Alcohol is addictive so if we all listened to what our body tells us we would eat chocolate and drink beers all the time. 👌
I don't have much of a place to comment on what this stranger does. But her flaunting of drinking through pregnancy is once again irresponsible as best medical advice is to avoid avoid, so even if most people who drink don't effect their baby, how about just do something not totally selfish for once, to give baby a better chance. Like the blood tests, the recommended scans etc.
Or atleast do it quietly, and not with a big fingers up to anyone that may have questions. She has a responsibility when addressing so many people, and to the wrong person it could give them an IDGAF attitude too, but they end up drinking a lot, because queen of health *cough* Yogagirl says so.

Annnnd of course an advert to round off her bragging rich people meals

OMG. This is sooooo strange to me! Isn't like having glasses of alcohol a literal fucking red flag no no in pregnancy? Like rule #1.
She literally has thrown every advisory/precaution out the window when it comes to being a little less selfish during a time you're growing a human being?

She probably heard Olivia's antidotal advice how she drank it up during her pregnancy and everything was fine, "so go head Rakel, you do it too."

Whatever, her baby's brain.
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, her ads in this pod were for Walgreens (which I thought had bad western medicine drugs) and some sort of game ( the kind you play on your phone). WTF? Seems very off-brand. Is she just desperate for money these days or are her numbers tanking and she doesn’t have much choice in ad offers?
Dang! I really should’ve bet some money! Seriously that’s insane and I don’t know if it’s funny or sad or both. 😳 How did she go from aligned and purposeful ads to Walgreens and phone games? She stopped making money for helping others and it just all goes to lining her many properties, shame.

Funny thing is the topic is interesting, how our bodies need different foods in different seasons, but she’s so obsessed with showing she’s right or her way is the universe’s way. It would be sad if she wasn’t so judgmental and preachy still. She professes about no longer being a judgmental vegan 😂 but she just judges vegans now!
I saw the title and skipped. Cant listen to that agaiiin. Not even for background cleaning. It d be interested if she would invite a guest on the show, a nutrionist or someeething.Show different pov. But that may not serve her narrative.
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