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Saying in a story how she is triggering people recently because she keeps posting meals with meat and it upsets people so then she gets triggered too. She said she is just causing drama so she won't post a meal tonight with meat in.
Fake laughing and goes on to immediately post beef meal with a bitchy post targeting Vegans again.
So YogaGirl acknowledges she is causing hurt feels and making herself emotional in the process. Decides to do it anyway.
Slow clap for the massive attention whore that is Rachel. What damn every damn fucking damn "yoga every damn day" was she practicing that she is this damn undeveloped.
What a mean girl bitch.
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Is she forgetting the fact that her body would not progress her labour last time? She needed to be in the hospital for and Lea's safety?

I hope she isn't too far from a hospital.

I would have considered a home birth for my 2nd as my first delivery was very quick and straightforward at hospital but because I live a good 30 mins from my nearest hospital I was not going to take that risk.
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If you believe Rachel, admittedly a big if, her brother's cows are not milk cows but used for land upkeep. Her brother bought some cows in July or something from a farmer nearby and she believes that's how the impregnated cow made it there.
But didn't she say that she is gonna drink raw milk from her brothers farm? Some cows must provide milk then.
That is the problem, she lies so much you cannot trust her with anything 🤷‍♀️
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I looked at her stories today. Lmao, I can’t watch her stupid talks, wide eyed ugly owl look, staring into her own eyes on the camera giggling about the universe. I skip those. I can only read the text post for gossip. She’s now telling people where she puts her rose quartz dildo. Or as Rakel likes to make it sound cutesy, her moon pleasure magic 🪄 wand. Barf 🤢 🤣🤣
She has literally no privacy in her life.
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Haven't seen such blatant undisclosed ads in a while. Oh Rachel.

Also, where's the (undisclosed) ad for the powders she used to drink and swore by and said she was feeling her best only to then say she had felt ill for ages? Guess they didn't renew her partnership?
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Besides the day to day annoyances, overall YG has become such a drama-loving, complaining, aggressive grifter. It’s so sad how every aspect of her life is reframed to be an issue, and I don’t believe for one second she believes that. It’s a type of con where she boasts a problem and the solution is where she makes money. How no one can see that in her following is beyond comprehension.

I mean she rewrote her beautiful birth story with Lea to be this traumatic incident she must now process. How can someone like that be someone anyone seeks to get advice? Her birth story is hers, but I followed her back then and recall it being a tough experience, but overall an empowering one. There are women out there who have truly experienced trauma in birth, from health complications to downright mistreatment, nothing about her birth story was (even how she retells it) red flags. She wasn’t progressing, that’s all the midwife told her and yes it can be dangerous if labor goes on too long! It’s not always ancestral sacred nonsense where baby comes when they want. Newsflash it’s a newborn, sometimes they need help getting out and thanks to modern medicine many previously fatal complications are now 100% preventable.
This 100%! All birth experiences can be challenging but although disappointed to have not had Lea at home, she seemed relieved and ok to have gone to the hospital. And left with a healthy baby … in a country you can access healthcare quickly in a emergency.

Her hypocrisy levels are now interstellar.
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She always puts herself on a higher horse. Dennis sausage is bad because no meat from an organic small farm or her bothers forest but it's a different thing when she eats her swedish cheese stuff or in restaurants.
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LOL right on cue, she posts stories of ONE of their barns as well as a carpenter's workshop??? Am I missing something? Why on earth does she need a carpenter's workshop? Are we to believe Dennis is about to pick up a hammer and do some actual manual labor on his journey to becoming farm manager?!?

It's easy to laugh and poke fun, but honestly all of this is so disgusting and braggadocious. She should be ashamed, but instead she's baby-talking and laugh-smiling about all of her privilege and money
Yeah, exactly. Where is her self-awareness with all this bragging?! I swear she had at least a little more of it a few years ago. She is lost 🙁
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This woman triggers me to no end. Today on her stories she is complaining about not feeling well and having to be in the bath for three hours straight and saying how that can’t be normal. But is she going to go to an actual doctor or any doctor? Maybe not?

Also, she has a couple of comments about America on her stories today. Every time she talks about America, I just want to go all ‘Will Smith at the Oscars’ and tell her to keep my country’s name out of her mouth. 🤣 I have no problem with others talking about the US but something about when she does it just grates on me. I know a lot of her followers are in the US so she has in the past commented a lot on what goes on here. It used to be much worse. Maybe it’s that she seems to be often uninformed and doesn’t know what she is talking about (per usual) and is maybe using commenting on it to bolster her engagement (also per usual) and therefore income that makes it kind of 🤮. I hope she never moves here.

Yikes. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt and hope she will turn things around and want her to do well, but then she opens her mouth. 😱

p.s. I listened to part of the last pod. Dennis said he did feel bullied into veganism by her and that James Aspey guy (vegan activist) and he was resentful about it for the first year. He said after the first year, he didn’t mind it, except for missing fish. She tries to talk him into her narrative that she didn’t really bully him into it, but kind of made it difficult for him to not be vegan since she was in charge of the cooking, etc. He holds strong and disagrees and says no she did bully him and then she does apologize for bullying him. No shit, Rachel. We weren’t even there and we knew she bullied him into veganism. How deluded is she in her own narratives that she can’t even admit to herself the reality of her own actions and her husband’s feelings about them?? Wow!!
I feel like in that last podcast, she dismisses his feelings a lot? Like talking about her wants but when he states his experience or wants she bulldozes over it..? E.g. about farm life (he does not want a farm life at all). Also, he is clearly uncomfortable with them not working and really wants to work. Rachel doesnt give an F
Anytime she has Dennis on the podcast, I find myself more and more shocked at their dynamic because it honestly seems like he doesn't even really LIKE her as a person in so many ways.
The most recent podcast was over an hour of her cutting him off, leading him into giving answers she wanted him to give, and then belittling him the rest of the time. It felt SO OBVIOUS that Dennis did not actually want to be on the podcast and everything about it felt forced and awkward. Dennis generally seems like a passive person and she's so completely domineering that he just 'yes ma'ams' her until she leaves him alone.

He insisted several times that she bullied him into going vegan and how tricky it was for him and every single time she TOLD him he was wrong.
She eventually caved and apologized for bullying him into that decision, then immediately tried to get him to talk about how much better he feels eating meat. He blatantly says he felt better physically after going vegan and feels more sluggish/like he's gained weight since eating meat (though he does admit to missing fish specifically). He speaks to her controlling nature and the fact that he was hesitant to change diets AGAIN with this new non-vegan train she's on, because she's constantly changing her mind and he's the one who has to suffer the consequences.

The entire thing was truly painful to get through. His answers are all short and he seems very uninterested in continuing to keep up the grift alongside her. It was almost pathetic how longingly he spoke of wanting to get an actual job, have some sort of structure and schedule, and not be living in the countryside so far away from any sort of community. (He mentions several times how he desired to live in a more urban/city environment in Sweden but Rachel forced the whole family into isolation and 'farm' life.)

He seems less inclined to help her paint these false narratives about their life (he calls her out on falsehoods on multiple stories she tells throughout the episode) and generally seems over it (whether IT is the podcast or being a sidekick on the never-ending Rakel Brathen reality show is yet to be determined).
Even if I were still a 'fan' of hers, I would find this episode more awkward and off-putting than anything else.
Yes THIS exactly. He said he felt great on a vegan diet but she tries to spins his words so it fits her narrative?
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Was there one day when she did not post on IG? I mean even if she considers it "her job" she could take a day off.
It seams Dennis sister is dying and she still posts random stuff. I think it's pathetic.
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I didn’t message her that though!
I just approve of it greatly.
Will talking about someone else’s message still cause the same rule breaking?

What’s fucked is that she always doxes people basically and sends people to harass others. And she sees no rule breaking on instagram
I meant because you mentioned maybe sending her your brilliant podcast covers hahaha. You were likely joking but better safe! I know you didn't write the messages.

Oh she absolutely loves setting off her fans on people but alas. She's unadulterated terribleness.

I don't think she looks cute in these photos. Anyway, who calls themselves cute??
A friend of mine hates being called cute and says cute is a relative of ugly 🤣 so yeah, Rachel is looking uglier and uglier. Sorry cuter. Probably all that evil inside pouring out
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Ok off topic, but I’m wondering if Olivia’s sister, Antonia Rothschild, who’s profile I’ve come across a few times (in the yogi crowd) has had beef with Rachel. They used to follow and comment on each others posts, and now they don’t follow each other at all. The last time Rachel left a comment on her post was in November ‘22. Dennis and Antonia still follow each other though.

Wondering what happened and if it’s maybe because of Rachel’s bizarre views/behaviours. Must be awkward anyway as Olivia is Rachel’s best friend. Gimme the teeeeea!
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I am very late to the game in this comment, but how cringe was her pregnancy reveal on Instagram?? It just seemed so choreographed to me and poor Leah was so awkward in it. This is how I imagine the planning conversation for that reveal going: Rachel: ‘ok, so I am going to have my back to the camera and my hair will be wet so it looks darker than normal and people will be unsure of whether it is me. I will be holding Lea on my hip in part to cover up my butt crack. Lea, have your head on my shoulder. As I slowly turn around, Lea, slowly pick your head off my shoulder and look at me and smile. Then, I will look back at you, smile, and embrace you. After that, I will cradle my belly, look up at the sun for a bit, and then walk towards the camera with a super smug smile on my face as we walk out of the shot.’ Poor Lea forgets to ask Rachel what to do with her arm around Rachel’s belly so it is just loosely on top of Rachel’s belly with the hand in a weird open claw position. I can’t imagine it is good for a child to be made to perform like this for the ‘gram and capture a staged moment to put out to the world. Anyways, the whole thing just made me cringe.

A couple of other points on her pregnancy:

1) That looks like at least a 4-months pregnant belly to me, if not more??

2) She says they don’t know the sex of the baby, but would she really be calling the baby he/him, if she didn’t know? I think she may have found out in the ultrasound. That will be quite a disappointment for Lea if they are calling the baby he/him and it turns out to be a girl.

3) The ‘wild’ pregnancy thing. Yikes. If someone makes a choice to do that, fine, but she is going to romanticize that and put it out there as the preferred way to do things when she likely knows very little about it or has thought very deeply about it. Oh, and as others have pointed it out, she jumps off the ‘wild’ pregnancy thing pretty quickly to get an ultrasound. I don’t blame her for that. It’s just another thing for her to be hypocritical about when it suits her.
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I also feel like she knew earlier on with some test. If not that, you have a 50-50 chance of being right with a guess. It’s not that magical if you guess correctly. This doesn’t make her a super-special magical unicorn as she would like her followers to believe.
Thinking exactly the same thing!! Plenty of siblings hope for either a brother or a sister and Lea just happened to hope for a brother.

This isn’t some major spiritual event where it turns out Lea is psychic! 🤣
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I totally agree that Rachel is "so sad and hurt" about Lindsay Lohan but is so clearly just thrilled to be able to namedrop a person of notoriety in "connection" with herself for the social media traffic. Not dissimilar to when she makes poor Lea sing Taylor Swift songs just so she can tag her in the hopes of having her story shared by Taylor.
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