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I’m in mourning.
gonna pretend yaz didn’t get that tattoo, and me and Lee will be running off into the sunset. he also looks like he would throw you all over the bedroom like a rag doll. I’m here for it.
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I'm so glad someone picked up on the tattoo being a dig at Lee, I wanted to say it but thought it might have been a reach, but I 100% agree. At least Eden can say goodbye to her free Disney arm sleeve now
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She wants what Lloyd is like with Eden she basically said when she spoke about how Lloyd “opened her eyes.” She wants someone who will rim her and never hold her accountable when she fucks up, someone who’s her slave, who cooks for her, cleans up after her etc, does everything for her and just agrees with everything she says. She clearly wants someone who will post cringey montages on social media. I think what she fails to realise is Lee is GROWN MAN, who didn’t grow up in the age of social media and has said before he isn’t big on it. He has his own business to run and a house to run. Why the fuck would he spend his spare time sat on social media making shitty montages?

She doesn’t live in the real world, she lives in this tik tok world where she wants to portray this perfect social media relationship where the ground she walks on is worshipped and she’s got someone going yes queen slay! Every five minutes. She really does need to grow the fuck up and start acting her age and thinking about her future. When she first started she seemed to have her head screwed on straight saying she was saving to start her own Bridal business, now all she’s arsed about is buying pickles, shitty ugly clothes and slapping 50 pounds of makeup on her face. She definitely hasn’t thought about Wolfs future during all of this either.
Absolutely spot on 👌🏻 Eden & Lloyds relationship is not anything anyone should aspire to have.
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Chatty Member
Why does she have to wales with wolf and stay with her ex. Just seen the video where she surprises wolf with a trip to his dad… that’s really sad. Lee has lost weight. Lee babe it’s fine, don’t make the effort for me.
You’ve already decorated the house, you deserve lots of foot rubs xxxxxx
He looks bloody good and he has done a lovely job of decorating the house! Good for him! Wonder when I can move in 🤔
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Ocean Pearl

Chatty Member
It really is pathetic how much Yaz has changed to be back in Ebens shadow. She’s committing career suicide. When she was back in Wales with Lee and Wolf she seemed so put together, the videos of them out and about hiking and at the beach etc was what her target audience loved. Now she’s just a mess.
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She just said one of Lees friends watched the podcast and relayed all info to Lee which stressed him so she's blocked said friend on all platforms....
If what she's saying online is stressing Lee out when someone tells him about it, she shouldn't be saying it?? Noooo content is far more important 🤦‍♀️
And people say Lee is the controlling bad guy in the relationship. If it was the other way round heads would be spinning
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1. yaz, stop telling my man what to do. me and Lee are doing fish content now. A koi carp is officiating our wedding or whatever.
2. Funny how she does “emotional” posts as soon as she leaves lees house. It’s like someone mentioned before that she wants Lee to see those. Very manipulative.
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That’s exactly it isn’t it, it’s all absolutely fine when both parents are single and things are running smoothly, you’re still fine with the exchange it’s not awkward, you may still go on days out and things.. the minute a new partner comes in a lot of the time it goes to shit, because you have to respect how comfortable your current partner is and how your ex behaves towards your new partner. So bare this in mind yaz, once Lee meets someone else - which he will because he’s working with the public and meeting new people probably every single day, you won’t be his priority anymore. It will be Wolf - the new partner - his mum - the dog - the fish and then maybe you
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Wow ! Unfortunately my Dads health isn’t great and I’ve had to call an
ambulance on a few occasions, NEVER, never have I thought to whip my camera out ! Firstly because of dignity, I just wouldn’t do that to my Dad it’s degrading plus he’s unwell therefore not fit to consent. Secondly, even though I’ve had a fair few experiences with ambulance calls, each and every time it’s happened I’ve been too concerned with my Dad, what’s going on and wanting to get the all the correct details from the crew ! In fact the one and only time I took myself away was because my daughter was there and being young I wanted to comfort, reassure and play with her. Thirdly, paramedics are not zoo animals and they don’t need their fucking picture taken for the purpose of social media ! I don’t care that they live their life online there are some things that don’t need to be made into content. Finally the way she’s sharing photos and paragraphs but not actually saying what the issue is gives major facebook ‘at the hospital hun’ status and that alone is cringe inducing infuriating !


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Not to be dramatic but literally traumatised at her cheese grating her crusty foot for the whole internet to see
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So she didn’t do her one day of work cos she can’t sit in her old beauty room? Sorry, but get a fucking grip. She doesn’t HAVE to stay with Lee if it’s “too hard” for her, I’m sure she could find an AIR B n B up in Wales or a hotel for those times she’s decided she randomly wants to stay over there.

“I can’t face questions I can’t answer I can’t let people find a narrative I’m not allowed to correct” who does she actually think she is? SHE is the reason why everyone knows about her and Lee. She was the one making snide comments and allowing her sister and little legs to make snide comments about Lee. She’s alright to sit and reap the sympathy of it when people are telling her she’s such a strong mama and the best blah blah, but as soon as someone says maybe it’s not the best idea to be carting Wolf about every fucking week because of HER best interests and to think about her child, she throws a paddy.
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Lee must have a lot of patience to put up with her coming back into what’s now his home (not hers anymore) and taking over again after she’s left him. Plus filming him and being all cocky, making jokes about his ‘bachelor pad’. I know it’s probably just to see his son that he’s putting up with it, but still. No way I’d be letting my ex do that even if we did have a child together!
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I think her demeanour changes around him and she seems like a nicer person. I actually find her likeable when she is in lees presence, weird I know! Maybe it’s just lee that I like 🤣
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