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I See You Baby

Well-known member
Holy moly.

I do the school run, attend a kids party, do bath and story time (feel free to Google any of the terms you’re unfamiliar with Rebecca) and I come back to find Rebecca has excelled herself with her lies and nonsense.

If FFA isn’t her (it is, but hear me out) how mad would you be if you’d paid for the scrambled egg brochure to never receive it, but find out she’s sending her (imaginary) friends the recipes for free 🤣

Shameless, smelly, scruffy, sex-obsessed, super-sized slug of a woman.

Please ask her old neighbours to make that SS report ASAP. They could literally be saving that poor boy’s life.
It’s ok guys - she’s a Virgo ergo, she gives the best head. Ffs - this is a girl that threw up and gagged on a bit of eggshell in her macdonalds breakfast muffin - allegedly (and wasn’t wanting compo - definitely not).

But of course she is SO SECXCHUAL. Christ. Professional as ever - and another treat for her lad in about five years time to read.
Clearly wasn’t the best head of Plantony’s life as he ditched her as soon as he found someone less insane 🤣
Hey Rebecca, sorry, FFA.

How do you know RSM (long term Twitter frenemy of Rebecca) then, as she’s the only other person you’ve attempted to defend on here?

Schoolgirl error, chump 🤣


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Chatty Member
Jfc read the room. This has seriously pissed me off. This isn’t about YOU or KINK. Men who have sex with women who are asleep are not ‘practicing a kink’, that’s RAPE. I would bet almost all do not have this kink they’re just RAPISTS. Stfu making everything revolve around your and your interests for once. (I know she is saying ‘don’t do it’, but that’s so insensitive to me idk)


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Oh lets not when it comes to her body and weight loss/gain/loss/whatever please?

I’ve been where she is with weight loss and if the jumper is baggier than last year it’s a big deal. If I saw the comments on here about my weight loss (or not) I’d probably go into a
downward spiral and I’m in a good place emotionally.

There’s enough stuff that actually matters to discuss, like sleeping with a bloke who’s had his kids removed, and giving him access to her kid, for starters. How fat she is or isn’t when she does this is neither here nor there.
In the nicest way possible, this is a gossip forum. It doesn’t need to be frequented if it will affect your mental health, just like how she doesn’t have to read here. People don’t get to dictate what is gossiped about (within reason). Also, one of the main issues people have is how much she talks about this so called “weight loss” with no sensitivity to those who are struggling with an ED, like she supposedly has.
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What does the 'like me' part refer to? If it's 30 other women who are also mums, it's a ridiculous outfit, if it's 30 other women who are also grifty Twitter OF mums, I assume it's fine.
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It all sounds pretty dreadful but I'll do some advice for free here. Don't stay friends with his friends. They've done well this time but there's absolutely no guarantee they'll remain not his friends (and tbh, I very much doubt there were *no* signs at all to them unless they've known him for a month) and they have no loyalty to you. Cut them loose too.

Stop posting stuff like this on your social media. Presumably this guy will have read the twitter posts (including the ones about the Clare's Law). Take your safety and that of your kid more seriously. Everything that happens is not an anecdote for twitter.

Report that guy to the polis. Even if it just goes on as a piece on intel, it's there. You can do it via Crimestoppers anonymously. Give them details of the threats he made as that's an MO.

I've seen far more cases of Social Care not intervening when they should do than the other way round. Take that shit seriously.

Invest some time in RL friends (good ones) as the twitter ones are just an echo chamber of sad bedroom wankers and folk with really poor boundaries.

This isn't victim blaming at all and I'd have given very similar advice when I worked in DA as unfortunately we have to look after ourselves, as well as weeding out cunts (the latter of which isn't always easy to do at all). It's shit, but it is the way it is.
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Maybe it is Jack, she can't handle roundabouts drive

Or a 17 yo, she's probably hoping for more child benefit
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Not fully caught up yet but had to jump in here. Rebecca. You consistently try to make us out to be bad people for HOLDING YOU ACCOUNTABLE FOR THINGS YOU ARE NOT ONLY DOING, BUT SHARING ONLINE.
YOU have the power to stop this (and - spoiler - not by coming on here pretending to be your own acquaintance and telling us to stop). You’re choosing not to, and we have a right to comment on your disgusting behaviour.

And while we’re at it, did you send the boots back?
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Hold my beans

VIP Member
I'm changing my reaction from a :mad: to a :ROFLMAO:because she is a joke. She has no idea that people go through far worse than her every day. Newsflash Bex, you are not the biggest victim of the internet, you are a grown woman with the emotional maturity of a 12 year old with a child of your own. Try putting your energy into being a mother for a change
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Chatty Member
Omg I can’t believe she’s is experiencing [insert current talking point that has been a popular discussion on twitter lately]

What a coincidence
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RSM HAS SPOKEN. Aye, the cycle will continue and I do agree that her radar for bad cunts isn't great, so a bit of time sussing them out wouldn't be at all a bad thing before they enter Bex Towers (sort of a euphemism).

Love the juxtaposition of yesterday's 'people in work are evil if they don't donate to foodbanks' with 'ew Wetherspoons is gross, why do people eat there.'

They go because IT IS CHEAP, you raging snobby bellend. The food really isn't that bad (curry club 🙌) and the drinks are less expensive than most places. Some folk, such as single parents, like yourself, go in the morning as the breakfast is affordable and plentiful and value for money and it gets you out of the house (and someone else cooks for you and it's cheap). Some older folk go as it's a cheap pint and some company (and someone cooks for you and it's cheap). Some folk go as they're low income and still want to have a meal out and a social life (and someone cooks for you and it's cheap).

Also, almost noone (apart from some men) finds online dating easy. It's a fucking cesspit at the best of times. You are not special in finding it difficult.

Am guessing she'll be off to All Bar One for her date tomorrow then 💅
The pressing point for me is whether I can ever make a fucking post without having to edit it. I'm one step away from getting a Nokia 3310.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Nobody here has either said she is too fat to fuck or has lost 'unhealthy amounts of weight'. Bizarre.
We have said she is a neglectful mother and has stolen SIX THOUSAND POUNDS.
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I ALWAYS wear tiny skimpy outfits exposing my cleavage and patterned fishnets when I go bowling.

I will give her one thing - she isn’t short of bloody confidence, is she. No doubt all the staring were people wowed and definitely not eye rolling at her bowling shenanigans. It’s Jack Monroe sober raving with glow sticks at a Haven Kids Disco all over again. Actually embarrassed for her!
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Having helped Bex clean the old house when she first moved in, I think that's a bit rich. Under the radiators were thick with grease and dog fur from the previous pets in the house - she took pictures - and the carpets stank of dog piss at the time of moving in. In fact when she ripped them up to put brand new flooring, the carpets had huge yellow stains underneath. Again, she has pictures.

When the oven was condemned because it wasn't safe (which the landlords tried to bully her into reconnecting) underneath was so gross she spent hours scrubbing the floor, and again has a before and after. I'm not surprised she didn't deep clean before she left, after the way she was treated and the state of the house when she first moved in.

Let's not forget she spent hundreds on repairs to the house and removing rubbish that has been left behind the cabin and inside the house, because the landlords (whom you claim not to be, simply a friend of course) had no business being landlords in the first place.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Yes well don't believe this. No one messaged her. She read here and it at last penetrated her thick skull that betraying her child's privacy is fucking awful.

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I don't think it's anything to do with the world shifting, it's never been at all appropriate to share your child's private business and people as old as God's dog will have commented on what you put out there. It's the early 2000's equivalent of sending it out on a chain email.
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Innocent times when we couldn’t say Bex’s name and she was called Marmite mum! Can’t believe that was 2 years ago and they are all still grifting. Groundhog Grift.
Ah yes, MarmiteMama and PumpkinTwat.

I like to think that we HAVE saved a few people being relieved of the odd tenner here and there. The ones that have the power of google at least. And if not, well our favourite scammers have certainly wound their collective necks and begging in since their threads appeared. We sometimes forget it was almost relentless, the woe drip fed into people’s phones, day after day. Now it can be weeks between subtle begs and outright begging has all but dried up.

The cheerleaders that chip in relentlessly and almost as if to spite us are very much signed up to the sunk cost fallacy of it all - and more fool them.
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1. It shouldn’t come to being called out on the internet to consider this.

2. What happened to her home schooling???

3. If she EVER has the temerity to consider us as interfering hausfraus she can remember this. Fucks sake!!!


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I’m very pro trans rights but the whole “non binary” thing with her kid feels like it is absolutely forced to gain maximum attention.
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VIP Member
You're all missing the best part: all Bex's rooms are beautiful WHEN they are clean and uncluttered.

It follows that the event of clean and uncluttered is rare enough for the disclaimer to be made and, thus, I conclude that Bex's rooms look like shite most of the time.

Thank you, thank you. Please stop laughing and clapping. You're not the first people to tell me I should have been an urban anthropologist.

In 2020 or 2021 Bex wrote a 30 thousand tweet thread on her hoarding. The thread is long gone, of course, and it included descriptions of (things like) bags of dog hair and blah blah post traumatic poverty trauma (PTPT). @fishingforanswers could you pop in with a reminder of the details?
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