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VIP Member
that is very interesting! thank you!

can I ask what you mean with Will not suing the European press and the UK not running the story as they need to have two sources - that there were no sources or that it is likely to be true (therefore sources) and this is why Will didn't sue?
Thank you.

The short version is: If the story were wrong, he could have sued the Euro press, but he didn't.
A true story he can't kill abroad, but he can do that at home.
A false story can be contested in the court of law anywhere, because there are journalistic standards and responsibilities to be upheld, which are set by law.
The story wouldn't have run to begin with if two sources hadn't confirmed it. Will wanted to sue on the grounds of "privacy" not on grounds of misinformation (like the Ssexes did when the story was "H abandoned the marines" or what it was, as comparison for a lie by the press that was successfully contested).

The long version is:

Will is very sue-happy. He's sued the press or threatened to countless times. Public perception was that Will was the more-difficult-to-deal-with brother, but the press pack has maintained that Harry is difficult as well, which has transpired into the public since he married.
Since Will married, the Cambs' image has been greatly white washed and reporting has changed, there has been a great clamp-down on what the press reports. When they get too pssed off about something, they'll report stuff and even post pap pics, a big no-no and which goes against the press-Camb agreement (though it's really a general press-Winds agreement, but all members have to play along, hence the Xmas party and other parties hosted directly by KP and the Cambs wheeling out the kids at those parties like circus animals).

The laws are such that Will can (and in fact should) sue if such a fat lie were to be reported. This is a massively damaging claim, no matter whether you are a future king or Joe Bloggs from down the street.

But, as said earlier, the Winds don't have the reach in Europe to stop stories like they do in the UK. It would be shocking if they did. If the story were false, they'd have grounds to stop the story and have the papers issues apologies and corrections. They can't stop a true story.

They can kill stories in the UK.

He threatened via his lawyers a privacy claim. Which makes sense, as this doesn't just affect the adulterers, but also their spouses and children, plus the old personal history (Di&C&C), so the story is effectively massive but also damaging to numerous people, some of them minors.

If the story were false, he could have sued on those premises and received a settlement like the Ssexes (write aplogy and correction), but he didn't. He claimed "privacy breach". Well.

If he hadn't threatened to sue, we know the press, they would've gone really to town with it, as we could see with the DailyMeghanMail (it would've become the DailyRose).

I know Will, the cheating stories of the past, him dropping K like a hot potato at every turn, chasing after other women, and I know a leopard doesn't change his spots, but I was honestly shocked at the story at first and didn't believe it, even though I was waiting for a story like this to happen (due to his past behaviour as boyfriend).

I have mulled this story over a few times and with everything that's happened I am very certain on this.

The papers' duty was to check on the story, they needed two sources to verify the story ("yes, W&R are shacking up") and it was easy to find sources. Via multiple channels, because the journos are inter-connected, aristos are part of the journo troupe, the Cambs' circle is well known etc etc. The easiest thing is to find someone willing to talk.

Further, the press sits on a tonne of stories. They have material till the end of days. There are things only now made public about long dead people, so you can imagine what they have on the living. Contrary to popular belief, they don't publish everything.
Some stories need fleshing out, some need a better time, some are held for leverage (a "you scratch my back I scratch yours" thing mostly) etc (many reasons why some stories don't make it to print).

Even the France pics, the pap who shot them has said on the record that he has much more revealing pics. You can guess what that is.

Also, if the story hadn't been true, they would've had "sources" claim how happy the Cambs are and that the story is wrong.

I have written a few times about typical palace PR and for anyone who remembers my posts I think you can see I was right (about the current PR crisis): The Cambs are out and about and (more importantly for the Rose claim): there are countless stories in the press where "sources claim/close to/insiders say/whatever that Will does not feel trapped!" etc. We have a barage of "sources say" type of stories to counter the Ssex/Oprah interview.
There have over the years been countless counter stories paid for by the palace on the Cambs whenever there was criticism.
Not with Rose.
They wanted the story killed and forgotten. Anything else would've dragged it on and it's only really damaging if true, hence you want it dead and buried, never to see the light of day again.

Sorry for the verbose post, but I just wanted to mention these "smaller" things as they make up the big picture.

For those with a keen eye and a memory, K, Jecca and Rose all resemble each other somewhat. The only outlier in looks was Isab Calt.
There were cheating rumours between Jecca and Will, never made the papers, but during that period Kate dressed like Jecca (notably, the Vogue shoot).

So with the recent Ssex court win, how the press operates etc etc it is quite easy to see that the Rose story was true.
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What a sad life, one of the articles on the Norland nanny says she has no boyfriend, no children of her own, is "completely devoted", all she does is take care of W/K kids but somehow poor Kateums is still exhausted. Bless her heart.

It makes sense the nanny/nannies would be in the family bubble, they cannot very well have been in and out of the house(s) all throughout lockdown. So all the staff must have been carrying on as normal. It is condescending of the Cambridges to act like they are just like any other parents when some of us have had to choose between working and staying home with children, or alternatively working full time while doing all the household duties plus childcare PLUS acting as teachers too.
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I'm not damning her. Im pointing out that it would never have been private. It was an unannounced visit according to the Palace.
It was going to make the news as it would be obviously photographed or videoed by someone. She wasn't wearing a face mask either which enabled anyone to see who it was.

It was very nice of her to go. Im sure she is as moved by Sarah's murder as the rest of us are.
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Chatty Member
I don’t begrudge them it at all as they’ll be working for as long as they live with no retirement at 65, just potentially another 30 more years of work after. Don’t blame them for making the most of it until Charles becomes king and he needs to step up.
The reason the job of Monarch can be done perfectly competently by a 94 year old is surely because it isn't onerous at all. There is no reason why they don't do as much as anyone else. Are they going to sit around until they are King and Queen before stepping up? That's ridiculous. They could be in their 60's by then if Charles lives as long as his parents.
Kate was moaning abut 'homeschooling' in lockdown even though whatever homeschooling she was doing, she has a highly educated nanny and staff on hand 24 hours a day to do every single other thing. If I had a nanny I wouldn't be supervising work given to my kids by their expensive private school, Id get her to do it. I think she was lying to make herself look like 'just another mum' when everyone knows she is not. I thought it was disingenuous. It annoyed me when I didn't really care what they did before.
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Pippa surely has a very nice cushy life, but Kate is the one that will be in the history books
True, Pippa’s bridesmaid dress might get a mention! Tbh I don’t think being in the history books would matter to me, soon enough you’ll be history to the extent that no one will care. I’m sure The Queen’s reign will be noted for its length, but apart from Queen Victoria, Henry 8th etc there s are tons of monarchs most people couldn’t name.
I’d rather have my privacy while alive to enjoy it.
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VIP Member
I personally feel that Diana's ring will always be Diana's ring. Much as I loved it when I was a little girl, loved seeing it on Diana as a teen, I would be horrified to be given it as my engagement ring.
I feel it would come with such a weight attached to it, a symbol of a fairytale that was more of a grimms fairytale and was worn by a young woman who was ultimately cheated and used.
Its a stunning ring however I would prefer a diamond engagement ring if I was kate and would feel odd having Diana's ring as my engagement ring.
It would have been fabulous as a right hand ring or remodelled into a tiara setting. It could still play its part without being something as intimate as an engagement ring.
Its almost as though William decided he would recycle Diana's rather than spend the time and money on something just for Kate.

I do appreciate the sentiment of passing on your late mothers engagement ring but only if there was a happy marriage attached to it.

I'm sure Kate was terrified of anything happening to it.
She does really suit sapphire jewellery and wears sapphires a fair bit so maybe she does love having it.
I must admit that when they got engaged, I was imagining how Carol and Kate etc felt at having a try on of one of the most famous engagement rings in the world.
I love the aquamarine ring that Meghan got and wore at the evening reception. That was the ring that Diana bought herself after the divorce and often wore in place of the sapphire. Much better karma.
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VIP Member
You only have too watch the way that they interact with each other, to see that they are very much in love
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"We are very much not a racist family" William was filmed saying this in response to a question from a reporter. And that he hadn't spoken to his brother yet "but will be" (sounded a bit like a threat to me).

I am sure he hates the fact that his own brother prompted journalists to ask these questions
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The whole oh I didn’t know anything about the Royal family, I didn’t Google. Not only is that unlikely but there is a lot of evidence to support her knowing a ton about the Royal family, there’s a picture of her childhood bedroom & it’s a shrine to Diana including pictures of Harry! How can anything else she said be trusted?!!!

At least Kate is genuine, or more genuine!
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Yeah she wasn't all sweetness and light. There were a lot of rumours about her and James Hewitt claimed he had an affair with her, which I think there's some truth in. Also there was a bit of a conspiracy theory Harry was his if you're into that sort of thing.

I realised how sad the whole thing was when i saw the documentary on camilla, and they are such a good match but it just didn't work at the time. He was under pressure to marry soon, camilla wasn't considered high enough in the aristocracy. She married and also had a miserable marriage. He really did love her so it's no wonder his marriage to Diana never worked.
This is the saddest thing. I've sat very close to Charles and Camilla in the theatre and it was clear how much they love each other. They're a lovely couple. At least they have each other now.
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VIP Member
The simple fact is that money buys you options.
If you are wealthy and bored then there has to be something wrong.
I could easily put my time in, I like my own company, I would happily learn new skills and crafts, would possibly use my cash to start a service to help others, would delight in shopping, having my hair done, nails done, beauty stuff all taken care of.
I'm a stay home mum now and I fill my time really quickly. If I had oodles of cash, I'm sure I could do it even better.
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VIP Member
I didn't buy the affair thing for a second. The photos published that supposedly proved there was an affair were simply William leaning to speak to a woman whose arm he touched! So ridiculous!
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Kate got the life she wanted/deserved. Whether that's a good thing...

She seemed to be prim and proper but for all we know she's a minx behind closed doors. You don't tan topless at a French chateau if you are a stuck up princess. That Kate was more interesting than Zoom call "I cut my kids hair today during lock down" Kate.

It would be so easy for Wills to have affairs and no one would know. He knows there's nothing he could do to make his wife leave him. She's stuck in and that gives him a terrible amount of power.

I do wonder with technology now and the exposing culture if one of his women would deliberately or accidentally expose him in the press though?
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Apparently they made cards last year too. He is still Wills mum and it must be hard for him that Diane didn't live to see his children.

Slightly off topic but l don't think they (the grey suits) supported Meghan at all. All they had to do was sit back and watch her inevitably fail.
On the grey suits, as the dm pointed out, there were hardly any "grey suits" surrounding the Ssex couple. They employed their own people and at the start she was given several high ranking female staff as well as US American J Knauf, who is in his 30s, so their age. The whole team was fairly young and nicely split male/female.

Diana complained about "the men in grey" and back then they were indeed mostly men, older and firmly on Charles's side, constantly leaking about her to him and then to the press.
Meg picked up the same "men in grey" trope, only it doesn't really reflect reality. Then it turns out she was a bully and flip flopped between bullying (female!) staff and buying them flowers and even jewellery, like an abusive boyfriend.
I genuinely don't remember stories of Diana being a bully or difficult to deal with as employer.
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Ah yes, the infamous prickly British humour when they cannot take a joke ;)

He was discharged after the Oprah interview so as to milk maximum sympathy points.
I doubt if his Doctor cares about the Oprah interview any more than I do. People even thought that he had died and it was being kept a secret way before that. Anxiously waiting for the breaking news as Prince Charles was crying 😁😂
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I think his response was appropriate. The statement from the palace already expressed the "sadness" and empathy for h and m from the whole family.

William would never say that it was not him or Kate that made this (alleged) comment -> then he would imply that someone else made it. We already know it wasn't PP or TQ and William would never hint at his father or Camilla.

Harry should have never made this comment publicly. Or if he really feels he needs to say this, then he should have put all the cards on the table and revealed everything - when was this conversation and who with
Or perhaps before each of them spoke to millions of people H&M could have clarified how many conversations took place & when because they both said different things. Most crucially even Meghan said she assumed racism with Oprah playing it up because that’s her role in this whole fiasco.
They both most know they ramifications of making such a serious allegation but they put it out there as an assumption. An assumption.
William played a blinder today IMO calm & collected. Harry is a loose cannon.

Charles and Anne were 5 and 3 when she became Queen. She buggered off to Malta for months without them even before she was Queen! She wasn't close to her children because she just wasn't close to them. William will likely not be King until the children are adults or at least teenagers. It's an insult to all working parents to believe their work is so difficult that they can't do it without neglecting their children! People have to work 8 hours a day and manage to bring up perfectly rounded children and be perfectly close to them, yet going to Wimbledon or going to a film Premiere or shaking some hands and asking inane questions for half an hour is so onerous it cant be done without depriving your children? The bollocks the Palace and Royal Reporters put out to justify this family existence! The work they do even as Monarch is not onerous, otherwise it would not be able to be done by a 94 year old.
The difference between 40 hours a week for a regular Joe & them is the scrutiny though. That said they could probably step it up a bit even just for public perception.

Given the number of issues amongst the Queen’s children perhaps the Queen wishes she’d been a more hands on parents. 3/4 children are divorced. I think Anne is the only one who has been scandal free (although I may stand corrected on that).
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Literally never heard of this before today. And I bet no average person has either. Whereas I know Charles' Duchy of Cornwall makes delicious biscuits and he has a passion for the environment.

William needs to get off his arse and stop shagging mistresses.

Hey, it helps with the potty training. Every time they see the nanny the kids are reminded to poop!
I knew of the Earthshot prize. It was launched last year, Sir Attenborough was part of it.
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Well-known member
oh yeah 😁I didnt notice t hat
! So shes just put flatter extensions in just to pretend shes not still getting her hair done in Lockdown!
One rule for them, one rule for everyone else as usual..... It irritates me when they're always playing the 'we're just like all of you' line. They're not; they use their position to gain things others can't in lockdown and they should be called out for it.
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