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The above links of the paralympics shows Kate being present on 3 occasions (one of them a gala type event) and Will on 2, yet how present were they at the olympics? Pretty much every day.
Like Kate's always at Wimbledon, but was at the women's tennis how often?
Just to let everyone know that my inclusion of several links proving Kate did attend the Paralympics, is not as far as I am aware, a full and accurate representation of her schedule.

I did not and do have a copy of her diary.

I didn't feel I needed to post links detailing Kate's activities during the UK Olympics in 2012, as I thought that the links provided were sufficient to prove that the claim that William and Kate had, as claimed in this thread, skipped the Paralympics for a holiday, were untrue/a lie.

I am more than happy for others to take the time to check how many times Kate went to the Olympics or to determine how often Kate attends women's tennis and other questions.

I personally can't be arsed, but am willing to share my research tips. Google. Wow, that place is A-MAZ-ING! 😂
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The Tatler article was very interesting. I don't think it was a load of BS, I think it was quite true.
Tatler has insiders (for aristo/upper class/royal gossip) like no other paper, as that very class works for Tatler, is friends with employees and jointly hosts parties with them all in attendance. There's in particular during summer one big party and you can bet your last penny that everyone invited (aristos etc) plus all employees come. It's in summer and very secret/exclusive, they at times report on this party, but very minimally.

You have this with no other gossip mag. When they write something, they know what's up, because they are right there. They are part of that inner circle and if anyone knows the real gossip and scandals and whether any of it is true, it's Tatler.

Tatler only lost in court, because they couldn't prove anything in the court of law. Meaning, no one will come out as witness and no one will speak publicly. Everyone who contributed did so under promise it'd be anonymous. Obviously the subject and surrounding people of the article were not amused, so it had to be shut down.

Tatler's loss in court is not proof that the article was hogwash, but it very much is proof that it was close to the bone, otherwise the reaction wouldn't have been this big from side of the Cambs.
Well the woman who wrote the article is besties with Vanessa Mulroney, and part of the Mulroney/Markle clique of witches and hangers-on, so her vindictive side was always going to twist the narrative to put Kate Cambridge in an unflattering light.
Of course no one from the girlies stepped up on tatlers behalf to claim ownership of the snide comments , they're all busy shitting bricks at potentially having to give evidence and be questioned in court over lying alongside Markle about her input into People Magazine pissing on Thomas Markle and about her input into the Finding Freebies book where the writers trilled about Meggy taking a dump in the woods:rolleyes: ... "much to her prince's delight." :sick:
Whatever floats yer boat I say :poop: , but anyway the coven are developing severe legal allergies so hopefully that teaches them to keep their snouts out of other people's family squabbles that are none of their business.
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No. If I don't know something I google it. It's easier than other people having to keep answering and consequently means that if I sneeze, I don't have to trawl through 250 papers of people saying untrue things and 250 pages of people responding with the truth. 😂
It was Princess Michael of Kent. No idea what relation she is, with all these hangers on I get confused.

Edit, I took your advice and Googled again, this is wife of Prince Michael of Kent, Queen Elizabeth II's first cousin

It would be easier to look the other way if the princess didn't have history of racism—but she unfortunately does. In 2004, she reportedly told a group of black customers in a West Village, NYC restaurant to "go back to the colonies" after she complained that they were being noisy.


How many bloody people does this family have that my money supports? Benefits cheats get the publicity but these people don't?
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Kate may well remember (in the dim and distant past when she wasn't associated with William) what it is like to walk alone, but this smacks of PR, PR on the back of a murdered woman. Goddamn hyenas. And no mask, ffs.
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I do quite like Kate and William, however, the press coverage of them over the past few days has been very OTT, so obvious it’s after Harry and Megan’s interview 🙄
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Just to add to a comment earlier in this thread regarding Nannies that the Cambridge may/may not have...

I work at a place in London that Kate has often brought the children to. Though they park on site they join the other tourists and mill about quite happily looking at the things they want to see. This is during normal opening hours and done without any fanfare or special treatment. From my own observations it is clear that Kate is a hands on mum, the children are very relaxed and tactile with her. I'm not denying there is a Nanny - I've also seen her a few times with the children, but those children clearly spend a lot of time with their mother too.
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Conveniently an ‘off duty’ journalist was standing near the path she was walking on. I mean come on, its just a PR stunt. They are trying to make them relevant and make them seem like they are one of us. The royals are so protected. I doubt she could have randomly decide to go to clapham common without their security team assessing the risks.
It was carefully staged, look how wonderful Kate is compared to the wicked witch Meghan.
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Has her accent changed? She went to the same school as Miranda Hart and thats the sort of Received Pronunciation accent the pupils pick up.

So her mom's a 'social climber' and only married him for his money LOL what a load of completely unfounded nonsense, the sort of view a 'glass half empty' type of person may perceive, I'm more the the 'glass half full' sort of fella and think 'Well done that woman' for meeting a guy, marrying, raising well balanced children and being in that family, a hands on sort of woman (and husband) and I'm happy for her and the family she created.

In my decade in the Army I worked with some officers who came from wealthy/private school families and to be honest they were some of the most well grounded and hard working people I've ever worked me. The so called upper class get a bad press for much of the time.
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Actually I prefer Meghan's style to Kate. Kate has dressed inappropriately with skirts flying up so why is she getting a pass but not the others? It is a matter of taste. You prefer Kate's 'appropriate' dressing, others find it dull and bland. The point is why are we discussing what they (only the women??) look like and not what they are doing? Surely that is a far better and healthier discussion. Or are we saying that the only part that matters for royalty is that they dress according to some outdated rule book because frankly of that's all we are bothered about I'm sure we can get that done by others and far more cheaply.
Unfortunately I think that is what people want. A wife who does nothing but smile, shake hands, dresses appropriately and pushes out a few babies. None of the Royals are role models to me or my children and I cant think of much really to admire in any of them. At best they are just 'there' as they always have been. Dutifully hand shaking and giving us some pomp and ceremony to gasp at occasionally. There are also other women from other Royal Houses who are older than Kate but dress better and as a result look younger. Michelle Obama was always stylish. I dont think Meghan did look that great a lot of the time. I think shes very short and was swamped in material for a lot of her clothes but I loved the green caped dress that everyone else hated so what do I know
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Your second sentence is true - but with regards to your first sentence: just because it is widely reported doesn't mean it is true
The same could be applied to anyone, no?
I was abroad when the news William cheated on Kate with her own BFF. It was reported ALL over Europe but the UK? Silence. A few articlesbut largely very subdued. I returned a week later, I never saw ONE story in the British press. We need to remember the Royals DO have control over the British press to a large extent and can still wield some authority on stories being printed. Which is WHY its so fucked up Meghan’s abuse from the media went on for SO long.
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MAybe Kate's coat was a nod to her wedding dress, given the location.

But her wedding day was certainly not the last time she felt relevant - this made me laugh actually. She had so many moments in the media last year - Hold Still, the Mary Berry Christmas TV Special, Photographer of the Year, 5 Questions etc

I think her outfit wasn't too bad, although she looked tired
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Tbh i feel bad for her, maybe she has anxiety of public speakin( i have it toooo and everytime i have to say smth to ppl i paaanic) and being a royal is fuulll of speeches and stuff like that. I really feel like she's carrying out her mom's ambitions, i see kate living a suburban life being a housewife with a nice man who loves her and being happily married and living a quiet life, i feel she's draiiined now and maybe she just started realizing everything was her mom ( and pippa, that girl seems the og social climber) ambitions are not for her..
Totally, my point (which I failed to say) was mostly just that she should've taken lessons, which she didn't do till Meg came along. Since Meg Kate's changed a great deal (and still not great, but at least we've had an improvement).

When your only job is giving speeches and you have to give a dozen a year or so, you should prep and part of that are lessons.

Kate's said she wished to live in the countryside and be a housewife and that's perfectly fine, but then she should've found a husband like that.

Pippa has the life Kate's always wanted and Pippa has it all: the connections, the riches, none of the responsibility, accountability or scrutiny.
I do think Kate's at times jealous of Pippa, but Kate has realized the family's (*ahem* Carole's) dreams.

Will treated K like shit when they were dating, if a man treats you like shit as gf he isn't going to be much better as husband.
There's no switch.
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Chatty Member
View attachment 477359View attachment 477360

Yep, this woman. She's been with them for a while, hasn't she? I wonder what they pay her, does she live with them full time?
She definitely lives with them. I think that's the point of the Morland nannies and the pay like the rest of the roles the royals advertise for is shit for what you have to deal with. The picture above - why did they make her wear her official uniform at the christening?! Am i the only one who thinks that's weird? Like putting her in her place?
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Who's voting in their polls? Almost everyone I see online are starting to question them, Stacey Solomon was questioning them on Loose Women the other day, a massive public forum and the overwhelming majority of people were agreeing with her. They know that when Charles becomes King, they're going to have massive problems because he's just not as likable as the Queen, why else would they be advertising their family on their wedding anniversary?
Loose Woman?.. The gov polls. The British ones, the ones that count. As the monachy is British not American. America has no control over the monachy. I do agree that PC may have work to do. But I do believe PW and Kate are popular enough.
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Chatty Member
If she's homeschooling, what is the Nanny doing? Let's not forget they've got a full time Norland-er costing them a pretty penny - although it won't mean anything to them.
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Really enjoyed the interview this morn and I hope the message about the Mind Matters campaign gets across.

But anyone who's in a privileged position is bound to get slated atm. The 'oh you're in a 500 room palace with acres of land, don't talk about mental health' type comments.

In one sense I do get it because of course things will be so much easier for them in almost every way. But I also think people are being harsh when they are genuinely trying to help, and (dare I say it on this thread!) Harry and Meghan are too
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I never got people who defended them not working saying that they'll work when their kids are older or when the queen dies etc. Do people honestly believe that years of them being lazy and a light switch goes off and they're going to hit the ground running with engagements galore?

Kate has barely worked a day in her life to follow him around allegedly and William played pretend air ambulance for a while.
She should have married a millionaire businessman so she could be
A lady of leisure and go out to lunch, play tennis and go shopping for expensive clothes. It must be tedious for her to have to endure royal duties.
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The PR machine have been pushing the Cambridges this week to counter act the meghan and Harry claims.
I've seen a lot of stories about them which all help to portray them as the better of the two couples. Thats how the Palace PR machines work.
I've no doubt kate wanted to pay her respects and she could well have done a private phonecall or note to Sarah's family.
Going to the bandstand was an obvious PR move even if she only had good intentions, the PR machine would have been delighted to highlight it.
Whereas had Meghan done it she’d have taken her own camera crew and ensured Scobie “leaked“ her “selfless” act. :rolleyes:
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