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Kate dresses way too old for her age and it puts years on her. Obviously she has to dress conservatively, I'm not suggesting that she should head out in a crop top and hotpants, but she needs to have a look at how the European royals dress, especially Queen Letizia. She always looks very appropriate, but also very stylish and she's almost 10 years older than Kate yet looks the younger of the two.
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I don’t begrudge them it at all as they’ll be working for as long as they live with no retirement at 65, just potentially another 30 more years of work after. Don’t blame them for making the most of it until Charles becomes king and he needs to step up.
Although calling what they do work is insulting at least Charles, Anne and the Queen have been doing so from a very early age and even now do double the engagements that these 2 do.

That and they have a team of house staff and from people on here 3 nannies, with 2 of the children at school so what in the world are they doing all day?
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I personally don’t think it is healthy to say or assume that if the woman is not playing hard to get or making herself so available, the man will cheat or she won’t be valued by the man equally or highly enough.

Melania Trump also played hard to get and look at Donald Trump.

A man cheats whenever he wants. And the same applies to a woman because cheating doesn’t just apply to men.

I would think both William and Harry are aware of the ‘three people in the marriage’ situation with their parents and will take notes accordingly.
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What do you mean by ‘knew better’? Better than how Harry treated Chelsea when he was in his 20s?

I don’t believe the rumours unless I see any solid proof. They seem to have a stable marriage with three lovely children.
I mean by dropping her when he felt like it and leaving her to defend herself as a way of testing her loyalty, which is horrible. Then there's his staff calling her a mattress and allegely celebrating when they broke up - none of that behaviour is acceptable no matter what age you are.

If you had a daughter would you let her be treated like that? Or is it because he's rich and a Prince he gets away with it?
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Have you seen her public speaking skills early on?
Those were... wow.

I remember when she was pregnant with G and recorded a short speech of like 20 seconds and it was said it took many takes and in the end video she was bright red and still fumbling!!! (she wore some black&white dress, might've been for EACH)

The engagement interview also allegedly needed many many retakes and loads of help from Will (even in the official video you see her often pass the bucket back onto Will to take over).

It's what our girl's most seasoned at, unmatched experience 😂 🤷‍♀️
Tbh i feel bad for her, maybe she has anxiety of public speakin( i have it toooo and everytime i have to say smth to ppl i paaanic) and being a royal is fuulll of speeches and stuff like that. I really feel like she's carrying out her mom's ambitions, i see kate living a suburban life being a housewife with a nice man who loves her and being happily married and living a quiet life, i feel she's draiiined now and maybe she just started realizing everything was her mom ( and pippa, that girl seems the og social climber) ambitions are not for her..
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Their Instagram account has shared the Mother’s Day cards that the children made for Granny Diana. Very sweet (Charlotte’s handwriting is better than my 9 year old’s 😄) but it’s also very good PR!
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I cant even look on the Harry and Meghan one. Im glad this one hasn't gone the same way.
I'm dying to read reaction to the interview last night and have a balanced conversation about it but know it won't happen on their thread here.

I would love to know the story of what happened, who cried, what could make 2 grown women argue over a kids dress and why Kate let it remain in the press that she had been made to cry when it wasn't true.

I think Kate is far from the angelic figure she comes across as.
She certainly isn't and there are stories pointing towards a less than angelic personality.

The Cambs let it remain that way in the press, because it was a better image for them.
The woman who made the other one cry would be (and obvs was) labelled a btch and the crying one a poor dear having to put up with that.
Of course they wouldn't correct the story officially. Entirely self-serving.

The wedding story has made me look at Kate in a completely different light - i always figured it was Carole who was the calculated one...
They are cut from the same cloth; and Carole is no doubt still the steel behind Kate.

Gosh the meg and Harry threads are lethal🙄 and full of misinformation, they’ve taken snippets from the interview and totally changed the narrative. Why such hatred for them but none for Kate & wills? Iv always thought Kate looks absolutely miserable
I'm honestly baffled how sugary people have become towards the Cambs since the Ssexes came onto the scene.
It's quite a phenomenon, would love to see an attempt at an explanation for this switch.

The comments used to be as vile towards the Cambs as they are towards the Ssexes (with some good truths spoken), now the Cambs are sainted.
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I'd like to think Prince William isn't a cheating ratbag. Nothing to do with him being royal or whatever, simply because he's the father of three beautiful children and the best gift he can give to them is respecting their Mother.
He could have split up with the Duchess of Cambridge and show her the maximum of respect as the children's mother; As heartbroken as she'd be, at least she'd have chance to grieve, to assess their incompatibilities in preparation for a new partner in future and pick herself up with some of her self esteem left.
If it's true, keeping up appearances and trying to move on fixing the marriage and also trying to work out who her real friends are will do real, deep psychological damage. And that's avoidable.
That's *if* it's true, if both PW and Rose Chumley (not typing that mess out lol) are both suing, there's a fair chance that it isn't.
Re: Diana and Charles, theres no winners there. He felt trapped and mismatched, likely damaged by his education/childhood & unable to meet her emotional needs and did wrong by her. Its crap but it's human.
She knew she wasn't the love of his life, had little emotional resilience in the first place due to her childhood, and looked for love and affection wherever she could find it.
That's wrong too, but again, it's very human.
The pain we as a species inflict on our partners baffles me. I just think, royal or getting up for your normal job in the what you need to do but don't destroy someone with weakness and societal expectation.
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I think that rumours of an affair are untrue and extremely hurtful to William and Kate. They are clearly in love with each other and devoted to their family.
I thought it was said that Wills and Kate’s people decided to test Meghan by sharing a ‘rumour’ of a Wills affair with her...and then see how long it took her to use it as currency. When she spilled the beans to the press, that was it. I suspect this is one of many reasons why the RF was so willing to cast her adrift. Harry just chose to stick with her.
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I worked with a girl who was thin like Kate. She absolutely HATED people saying to her 'omg, you're so thin', 'are you ok', 'you should eat more'. She ate loads. She was just naturally thin even after having children. But like she said, nobody went up to the fat girls in the office and said 'omg, you're so fat'.

I think William and Kate are as happy as ever. I never see any unhappiness in her.
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What a load of old shite. Your class isn't about just money.
Her parents aren't upper middle class, they were working class and worked their way up to middle class.

She didn't have that accent prior to university, her siblings and parents don't have it.

Her mum was an air hostess. They built up some money from having their party pieces store. Im pretty sure once the daughter started dating a Prince, their business was going to grow exponentially as everyone wanted to order from them.
I still find it hilarious at how she out poshes most of the royals with her new found accent.
She speaks as if she's wearing someone else's teeth and her arms whizz about like windmill blades.
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It’s impossible to say what that shrug was but I find it extremely unlikely she’d shrug him off in public. This is the woman who put on a smile a few hours after her topless pictures were published. She’s a pro.

And as someone else pointed out, in the rest of that event they were laughing, joking and touching.

Might have just been swivelling/shifting on her seat
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I also think William knew what life for Kate would be like. He wanted to make sure the same thing didn't happen to her like it did with his mum. I think he wanted to make sure she would be ok. Which clearly she has been unlike Meghan. Who just thought she could waltz in and take over and change the monarchy. Meghan could have modernised it but over time. She was just impatient at being second best to kate
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Chatty Member
Regarding Kate's accomplishments - she graduated from college with a History of Art degree. But she never used her degree in any job (to a meaningful degree) and spent a decade waiting for William and going on vacations with him and her family.

People say she does photography and plays sports well. OK - yes at an amateur level. It's not like she was a prize winning photographer or a photographer who traveled to war zones to get the best shots. It's not like she won any awards playing tennis or skiing. Now winning medals at the Olympics or a Grand Slam - that would take actual hard work and dedication. Anyone can take some online Masterclasses in photography and get decent at it especially with the newest Digital cameras. Anyone can practice skiing for a few weeks a year in Switzerland (if they have the money to rent a chalet) or practice tennis in the summer (in their own tennis court in their home) and get proficient at both. Spare me the excuses for Kate's lack of accomplishments. Kate lived off the backs of her parents then the tax payers.

I have the greatest respect for Kate's parents though - they worked hard, found a niche for their businesses, and their children obviously benefited form their work and money.
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Chatty Member
Have you seen Wills and Kate? @Uppompey
Yes, quite often one or the other but there's no fuss and certainly no staring they just blend in believe it or not. It's a really lovely warm nurturing school, not the snooty hothouse the press would like you to believe!
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I think Kate is a good catch for William. She is loyal and diplomatic, beautiful and talented - look at her sports talent and athletic body, her accomplishments in photography and her grace and charm when at engagements.

She might not be perfect - but let's face it: she is above average and most of us couldn't even compete with her.
Please. Kate is pretty but hardly supermodel in her looks. She's healthy and athletic looking though - that I'll give her. But she studied Art History in College which is a joke of a major - basically for rich girls who don't need to work.

I bet if a lot of girls had no full time job and had all the time in the world to work out, play sports, had the massive $ to buy clothes that she does, pursue our interests like photography, we'd be better off than she is.
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