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If I was Catherine I’d have been fuming to have been given that cursed 80s monstrosity of a ring! I’d have made sure I got my own ring and a nice one at that.
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I think that rumours of an affair are untrue and extremely hurtful to William and Kate. They are clearly in love with each other and devoted to their family.
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The card thing has left a slightly bad taste in my mouth, I lost my father really young and 90% of my childhood I didn’t miss him because I just couldn’t comprehend it. I had no interest in making him Father’s Day cards because I was a child. The wording particularly of George’s is abit much, she’s a grandparent they sadly missed out on and will be talked about fondly by William. But they don’t know what they missed because they never met her.
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Is bouncing back after pregnancy the sign of something virtuous or important? A woman grows a baby for 9 months, it shouldn't matter if it takes a day, a week or months for her to lost all sign of the bump. Its a matter of healing and luck, its nothing you have control over.

Kate gets plenty of people talking about some of her outfit choices, she doesn't always get it right either and dresses very safe and old fashioned for her age.
She does have some beautiful outfits but not all of the time.

Just remembering seeing more of kates knickers when her short dresses would blow up around her arms, than I ever have of any other royal woman
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The Scandinavian, Spanish and other houses are related to the Windsors.
Through, amongst others but most recently, Victoria.
On the other hand, all the houses are also related through, amongst others but most recently, Christian of Denmark.
Vic & Chris were contemporaries and Vic was called "the grandmother of Europe" and Chris "the father-in-law of Europe".

That said, Madeleine of Sweden was allegedly on a list of "eligible bachelorettes" for Will.

On the press.

Keep in mind that UK press is required by law to have two sources who confirm the veracity of any story they run.
So if a story is in the paper, there is some truth to be found there.
No matter how much they like to pretend, but the press doesn't (because they can't by law) lie just like that about the Windsors (anyone or anything, really).

Keep also in mind that France has much much stricter privacy rules than Britain, which is why the Cambs successfully sued the French press for the topless photos. They can thank Caro of Monaco for the strict privacy laws.

Europe ran the story of Will's cheating not because of lack of privacy or whatever. If anything, Europe's rules on privacy are stricter.
The fact that they ran the story and Will hasn't sued speaks volumes, as well as the fact that the UK press backed off.

UK press running the stories of K brushing Will off or the Covid breaking thing is small fish. There have been more "brush offs" over the years between the Cambs.

Sure someone's spouse having exes and having loved others doesn't mean their love for their partner is any less, but Will broke up with K to chase after these other women and went back to K when they wouldn't date him.

The aristos and other royal houses are not only not so much into inter-marriage anymore (eg Marg of Denmark has always preferred foreign daughter-in-laws, which she got), but they also actively avoid the Windsors. Literally no woman who Harry and Will chased wanted to marry into the family or put up with the shit they'd put their women through.

Marrying into a royal house isn't what it used to be, the prestige is long gone.

On above: Other royal houses love to mix with each other in terms of friendship, holidaying together, making each other Godparents, stuff like that. They go together to the Olympics, games, have social media campaigns they run together (eg recently Vic and Fred + families for the world or Euro cup, some sports event).
It's the Brits that have distanced themselves. Liz used to have a good rapport with the other houses and Charles as well actually. Past that it's gone to shit.

Weddings are attended by the Wessexes (low on the chain, he may be the queen's son, but who cares anymore?) and the Brits are rarely at any Christenings or even Godparents.

The most embarrassing was Will and Kate not recognizing and not greeting Felipe the Spanish king at an official function (WWII memorial) a few years ago, even though he moved to greet them but was ignored, and W&K&H at the Olympics in London ignoring the Swedes (Bernadottes), even though they attended the same event and sat close to each other. Daniel etc were completely ignored, not sure maybe Harry talked to someone at some point, it's been a while, but I remember commentary back then what a shytefest it was.

So nowadays the Brits are ignored, which I have to say they have brought onto themselves, whilst the other houses maintain good personal relationships spanning generations.
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It seems so strange to make a nanny wear a uniform like that, it's like something from 1930s. I guess their whole set up is archaic, but you'd think you'd want someone looking after your kids that looked normal.

I've always thought this about William! Whatever else I might think about the others they have all set up something that has really benefited people. At my work we have DofE volunteers every year, it's a fantastic scheme. My brother got excellent support from The Prince's Trust when he was unemployed and look at the success of inviticus games. William could definitely have done something if he had the inclination, commitment or imagination. I suspect he has none.
I wonder why William gets away with being lazy but everyone around him is attacked, his wife, his brother...
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Kate is disciplined when it suits her. Just because she enjoys staying slim etc doesn't mean she has the same enthusiasm when it comes to work. I would be enthusiastic about yoga and swimming and shopping every day in her position.
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Norland do a great PR exercise of pushing the motion that their nannies are the best.
I'm sure there are many excellent nannies that wouldn't even look at norland. To me its an outdated nanny training institution. They look ridiculous and they haven't moved with the times at all. In 2021 no nanny needs a bloody uniform. If they are good enough to look after someone's wombfruit then they are good enough to select a suitable outfit for themselves each morning.

The turd brown starched dress and sturdy lace up shoes should really have been left in the past along with frilly aprons and black frocks for maids.
The like to portray exclusivity but they are no better than any other nanny training company.
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I never got people who defended them not working saying that they'll work when their kids are older or when the queen dies etc. Do people honestly believe that years of them being lazy and a light switch goes off and they're going to hit the ground running with engagements galore?

Kate has barely worked a day in her life to follow him around allegedly and William played pretend air ambulance for a while.
I don’t begrudge them it at all as they’ll be working for as long as they live with no retirement at 65, just potentially another 30 more years of work after. Don’t blame them for making the most of it until Charles becomes king and he needs to step up.
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Chatty Member
She could have done it anonymously if she wanted, stick a face mask and casual wear on and no one would be the wiser, then release that she went. But she went without a face mask to get photographed.

Kate and Will have got a great PR team.
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Missed opportunity.

If they weren't so racist, those 4 could have been the two power couples to bring the monarchy into the 21st century. What a combo!

So you're saying that Megan was such a witch that she would not allow a seamstress to fix a child's dress? That sounds ridiculous.
No, I thought what happened was the dress was too small but Kate didnt want Charlotte to go to another fitting and wanted her to wear tights. I think Kate was in the wrong but the press made it into evil witch Meghan made Kate ( a grown woman who who had already had her wedding but decided to make another womans wedding all about her) cry.
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That's not true though, now is it?:unsure:
Recent YouGov polls show that the royals, the real ones, not the drop outs, had an upsurge in popularity while the ones who tried to toss grenades at them via the Porka interview hit rock bottom, only just managing to stay above the twat Andrew.
Sounds about right from my experience among colleagues and extended family, where quite a few are as far from royal fans as it's possible to be.
The general British sense of fair play has appreciated the Royals being calm and controlled under a disgraceful unnecessary and untrue barrage of abuse and lies and can respect that they have maintained their dignity while others roll in the gutter trying to drag them down with them.
So yeah. More popular than ever, and rightly so.;)

They(we) don't shut up because Ginge and Cringe won't stop putting out press releases trying to look busy and caring when they actually don't give a shit for anything other than making money.Three days in a row this week, .. lecturing govs and pharma to do what they are already doing FFS! ie Providing free vaccines and equipment to other struggling countries. The silly cunts are hopping on a bandwagon that left the station months ago. There are plane loads of Brit breathing aparatus sat in India since last week waiting to be distributed. Maybe go tell India to fuck off the caste system so that the poor get to use medical aid, rather than it being exclusive to the higher castes and wealthy. But Mr & Mrs Cuntchops and Selena the kidney abuser would rather yap at Boris Johnson.They haven't a bloody clue.
You 'heard' Ginge whining at Porka that he only had the money his dead mummy left him (yah, his mummy died over 20 years ago, lest he let us forget). Oh boo fucking hoo. So that's around 9 million quid, plus another 15 million from great granny due him in a coule of years ... and he was angry that daddy no longer was giving him the yearly 2+ million quid pocket money he was gifting him from the royal coffers. Plus his wifey is allegedly worth £5million. Newsflash lazy arse ... when you resign your job you lose the wages and the perks. It's called 'real life'. Get used to it.

As for the books. The Cambridge assisted one is totally for charity, every penny. Non profit for any person.
The smeggy vanity project one is for smeggy's new shoes and to pay the three separate PR companies they have churning out shite to make them look relatable and 'kind'. With a whole 1% to be donated to charity by the publishers, apparently standard procedure with many such books. It's not a huge leap to say the 'charity' smeggy has nommed will be her own created alleged charitable foundation ... yanno, the one copied from the clinton foundation that screwed over the victims of the Haitian earthquake back in the day.

So, when they get out of our faces lecturing and whining about their hard life we'll all have nothing to talk about now will we? :m The sooner the better.Greedy grasping bastards.
Sounds like you're going to have an ulcer thinking about the sussexes.
This is the wills and Kate thread or at least I thought it was.
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I think Kate is a good catch for William. She is loyal and diplomatic, beautiful and talented - look at her sports talent and athletic body, her accomplishments in photography and her grace and charm when at engagements.

She might not be perfect - but let's face it: she is above average and most of us couldn't even compete with her.
She takes photos of her kids and plays tennis. Many women would have an athletic body if all they had to do all day was go to the gym and play tennis! I would say many, many women could compete with her in terms of talent, intellect and accomplishments!
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All the people clutching their pearls about Meghan's "treatment" (her account anyway) really need to look up the nasty things that are said about Kate and her family on a daily basis. There used to be a forum called Royal Gossip that was shut down; it's since been resurrected to a point, with many of the same people spouting the most vile things. I will not repeat what has been said over there, but the allegations are extremely serious - far more serious than what Meghan alleges.

I don't think being front and centre is naturally in Kate's personality, but she is definitely making an effort. The likes of Sophie were always going to be better at it given she had a career in PR before she married in to The Firm. And of course Meghan was a natural show pony. Hence I'm of the opinion that it's not laziness per se, but reluctance and shyness on her part to be more involved. I could be wrong, but that's just how I see it.
While I agree that she might be naturally shy, she had 10 YEARS to decide if that was the life she wanted and 10 YEARS after to up her game for speeches etc. She also never held down a real job in her life other than working at Jigsaw for a few months because the royals told her to and her family business, which god knows what she was doing there and how much actual work. The same can be said for Pippa - taking little tidbits of work here and there until she bagged her husband which makes me think that they're both lazy sods.
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Well, there is a legal investigation so more might come out or at least a result
I find it odd that they're launching this legal investigation into her bullying when it has been well known for years other members have been horrible to staff - why now? Also where's the legal investigation for Andrew and his involvement with Epstein which is apperantly going on?

The cards and her and Sarah's memorial was definitely for PR, while in sure there are great intentions behind them
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Chatty Member
Give me Pippa’s life any day!!! €17m house nice! Nanny I assume so she can pop out for coffee, lunch, shops etc. Yes please 😉

As opposed to 17m nursing home, school etc visits wearing LK Bennett & feeling the pressure to stay thin, contribute, rear perfect children including the hier, no thanks! Plus William is rumoured to be a grump!
Would Pippa have been able to snare her whale without Kate bagging the prince? I don't think so. Carole needed Kate to bag the prince as to boost the whole family and have them set for life.
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They need to update this uniform and bring it into the 21st century. No offence but you can see the shape of a brassiere under it, does it even have a lining.

First up they need to make it darker, so stains and paint stained bebe fingers dont leave a mark. Have a winter uniform which is made of sturdy wool. A summer one which is made of cotton or linen. Also need to be more flexible and have a choice which can be trousers or shorts - all the female uniforms seem to be dresses. Interestingly the college that trains them has some male nannies, and they all wear a tie and jacket, and look much better than the female students.

I get that some wives may want the nanny to looks as frowsy and frumpy as possible, but if your husband is the type to get turned on by sturdy shoes and brown tights, he may very well fancy the nanny no matter what she looks like!

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I took the cards to granny Diana as a reminder to Harry that he wasn’t the only one who lost his mother at a young age. Something Harry seems to forget
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It could be the reason behind the brothers’ alleged rift. Harry disagreeing with William’s abuse of trust.
I think the rift was caused by william pointing out megzit's dodgy past regarding allegedly being a yacht girl (among other things), but Harry didn't want to hear those things.
I recall reading that after the engagement was announced a courtier told Charles they needed Harry's decision on some minor royal matter and Charles replied "No point in asking Harry, he's cunt-struck at the moment." and Charles made the decision.
Apparently Chas is rather fond of the word cunt. I bet he's using it a lot more at the moment.😉
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