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I would also prefer Pippa's life for the ability to travel and visit restaurants and theatres etc.

I sometimes phantasise about being rich and carefree. How nice would that be? a yummy mummy
It would be very nice indeed. If it’s any consultation I’m friends with one or two & they are bored & feel lacking something.
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See I assumed Will and Kate didn't have loads of household staff. Not entirely sure why but I thought Nanny and housekeeper for sure, yet not butlers/maids etc. Though maybe they do have lots? I don't know.

However many staff they have I agree they're not really middle class regardless - it's a rarefied, weird existence.

It's most of all a life I would not enjoy!
Spot on, its not a role I'd take on thats for sure. Its not so much that they have an army of servants waiting on them hand and foot but they do stay in properties that require a lot staff to keep the homes well maintained. From what I've read things like meal times tend to be very informal and even the Queen is reported to enjoy putting her feet up and watching corrie street (quite a fan it seems); formal dining is reserved for formal occasions.
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The coat dress would have been so much nicer if it was all over lace rather then a panel.

I think she is into fashion, but she has lost her way a bit. I remember her wearing jeans and wedges and high street dresses.

Dioes she have a dresser?
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I imagine it will be used much like the Royal Family YouTube channel that exists already. Footage from events, talking to charities and organisations they're patronages of etc.
They did an Instagram name change as well!
I found some of the behind the scenes stuff and videos of the staff setting up the flowers, or the dining room - unpacking the giant table for a state dinner - really interesting. The swipe up and subscribe stuff, not so much, it’s not like the need ad revenue.

If I was Catherine I’d have been fuming to have been given that cursed 80s monstrosity of a ring! I’d have made sure I got my own ring and a nice one at that.
I’ve always through this. She literally had no choice - and it’s because Harry gave it back to William she had to wear it. It’s coming back into style with more coloured gems, but 10 years ago it was completely out of style.
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Andrew?!!!!! Really?!!! The guy who hung out with Jeffrey Epstein after he’d served time for child sex abuse?!!!
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I believe the sex tape has been doctored - it's her head that has been magically put on a porn star's body (I don't know how they do that, but I've read it's happening a lot and the porn stars are annoyed as they're not getting the full credit for their work). Besides, the body in the footage is not that of Meghan's (without meaning to sound overly rude, she has a square shape and bird-like legs, whereas the woman in the widely-circulated footage - and photos - is voluptuous with shapely legs).
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I know someone who works for a national newspaper and she has said that William has cheated in the past but they couldn't publish.

He's lucky that Kate has been able to turn a blind eye. She has her eye on the fact that she will one day be Queen so good luck to her!
Fancy the future King Of England being stupid enough to get caught 🙄 it’s great how people who work for newspapers and are told not to publish articles but still go around telling friends about it 🤣
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I don't think the European Royals can risk marrying each other, can they, because they are too closely related and have been marrying each other for generations. The risk is too high, hence why they have all started marrying 'commoners'.
Queen Victoria made sure of it with everyone marrying into European royal families.
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Chatty Member
James Middleton has or had a profile on Tinder and it comes across that he is gay? Did I understand this correctly?

I just saw Kate and Wills wishing everyone a happy st Patrick’s day!! She really looked worse for wear!! As if something has taken a lot out of her
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Thank you. :)

Like I said, I have a softish spot for her, but I don't see the point in glossing over her missteps and pretending like she was always perfect.
She's had some lessons and has improved quite a bit and I love seeing that, but there's no denying what's happened and I think honesty and calling it like it is is the best way 🤷‍♀️
I dislike Meghan, but she's done some things well and dressed well at times too (saying this because I keep reading how many seem to comment "she never dresses right/well/whatever", but she's had some great pieces), no need to deny that either..

You can dislike someone and praise them when things are done well; and you can like someone and criticize them when deserved.

I dislike Meghan and I am not above praising her, I kinda like Kate but criticize her when deserved and I used to dislike Camilla, but have warmed to her (I don't see necessity in the "princess consort" bs, keep with "queen consort" and call it a day, frankly I've been of that opinion since forever).

Most frank, if I had the choice I'd retire all of them :cautious:

The Cambridges have been criticized massively for the spending on their Kensington Palace apartment and their country manor Anmer Hall.
Kate had their tennis court moved at A Hall, so she gets "a nicer view". The tennis court has been moved only some metres further, is now encroaching onto the neighbour's land (with his permission) and cost a fortune.
Then there's the 3 kitchens and so much more.

Google is your friend, unless you like yer blinders more, then keep them on 👍 but please don't accuse me of "sensationalism", lies or give some bs excuse like "happens to anyone", because no, it doesn't and shouldn't, esp when on the job and in such positions.
Nobody is perfect, definitely. You have brought some interesting points to the table this evening, thank you 💞
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I do agree, the woman has had 10 years inside the royal family, 8 years before that waiting and hopping from one job to another while being lucky enough to have her parents support her while she hangs out with the prince and gets drunk, and years before that in COLLEGE ! I've not been to college but my friends used to have oral presentations alll the tiiime ! And even before that, she went to fancy private schools who are supposed to teach students public speaking.... So in my opinion there is no excuse, being a full time royal is her job, everyday people fuund their lives, even though i think she was pretty and seems down to earth, there is no excuse for her horrible speech skills
Ironically she could have asked her sister in law for tips...
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Chatty Member

She didn't have extensions, the other October photo just showed her feathered front sections of hair which are short curled - my hair is very long in the back and shit in front when given a bounty blow dry. The above is October 2020

Lol short but yes shit at the moment it needs a cut!!
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OH MY GOD. Turns out he actually is. What a piece of s***!!! William, Meghan and Kate's friend! Surely she thought he'd fall madly in love with her and eventually marry her, like Charles and Camilla.
I hope the rumours aren't true. I hate what Charles and Camilla put Diana through all those years but the main problem was that Charles had already been in love with Camilla years before he got married and thought Diana should just go along with it like other Princesses of Wales before her. I digress though.
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I think kate gets it right sometimes but she has worn some shockingly bad outfits over the years, whereas Queen Latizia is always spot on
I don’t like the first blue dress and I wasn’t a huge fan of that ball dress but I love the green dress and like that coat dress too?

Personally I’m not a fan of these outfits of Queen Letizia so I don’t think she is always spot on?

Again it’s just down to taste and you and I have different opinions on what we like which is fine


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My point being she's only wearing a band in the wedding photos and no full set. She wore the same plain band to Louis' christening too. Yet at Wimbledon 2019, the regatta event, the diamond stack is back again? Seems a bit odd to me. I'm not necessarily saying I think there's any truth to the rumours of them being divorced but I do find that a bit weird.

Also if you look on this forum,8452.160.html they discuss how Michael used to wear a signet ring (in place of a wedding ring, like Charles does) which he now no longer does apparently.
I don't see the point about her rings? I have a wedding ring, eternity ring, engagement ring. Sometimes I just wear my wedding ring. Other times I have all 3 on? Why do you find it odd she doesn't always wear the full set?

Michael isn't wearing a signet ring in place of a wedding ring in the photos of Kate & William's wedding? I believe Carol, Pippa and James all wear a small signet ring on their little finger though.
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These other women that William dated seem if the "Old money" brigade with Royal connections. They have also carved out their own careers with varying success. Kate is not in the same class really, her Mum is of working class origin who married upwards. But they don't have the same royal connections or aristocratic links as the others. They are also familiar with how royalty works do didn't want to be stepford/ royal wives
Kate did not have a career but was determined to land William by being what his family wanted or a Stepford wife and brood mare. She must have massive confidence to pull it off .
Yet Kate does have some interesting aristocratic/landed gentry through her father’s family. Also her paternal Gfather was co-pilot or something with Prince Phillip. Although not born into the royal courtier cadre, she’s a commoner but well connected several generations back.

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve heard “Prince Philip is dead but they’re delaying the announcement” rumours. It was literally going around two or three times a year at one point.

The last time, around this time last year IIRC, my brother and his girlfriend swore blind that their friend’s dad had Palace links and it was definitely true. They even said “why would our friend lie to us?” I said nah, it’s bollocks, this is such a regular urban myth that goes around.

I was so smug when I was proved right 🤣
‘Why would our friend lie to us?’

Because they knew that you’d believe it, you numpties.
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Meg looked better than Kate?
Kate's shape looked rectangular? This is not true - Kate had a waste, but Meghan hadn't. Meghan has a rectangular shape.
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One thing that's been rumoured since the engagement is that the Windsors (even Liz and Charles) found out about W&K's engagement only on the day of the press conference/interview, but that the Midds knew for much longer.

I don't know whether anyone ever came straight out and said so or if it was only ever hinted, but in any case that rumour has been now confirmed in the docu special for their 10th anniversary.

It was also revealed that Kate went shopping for an engagement dress the day before the press conference, which is madness to me to leave it that late when you've been engaged for 3 weeks already and knew what was coming. She then had to resort to a dress she already had, as she couldn't find anything (you can never find anything good under last minute stress!).

Another rumour was that the ring was Harry's and he flipped a lid when he saw it on K's finger, as W allegedly took it out of the vault without asking. Since the old rumour about the Windsors not knowing anything till the day of the press conference has been confirmed as true, the chances that the ring rumours are true are quite high.
They spun the story as W asking H for the ring and H agreeing, but I doubt that (now). (so now H (Meg) has D's gold Cartier and W (Kate) the ring, when originally they chose the other way round after she died)

Considering Liz has to approve engagements, it's odd that she didn't know anything, imagine not telling your grandparents (whose approval you need by law) and your dad till you broadcast it to the world.
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