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I'm on the fence about the affair. Wills and Kate seem so lovely, relatable and family oriented but that doesn't mean it can't be true. Wills has a type which Rose Hanbury fits. This article is from January but she looks a bit miserable here. Perhaps there was an affair which Kate put a stop to and Rose is taking it harder than Wills. He and Kate seem very relaxed by comparison. Who knows, I'd rather it wasn't true but they had issues when they were younger.

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Why are people referring to Oprah as Porka? I can only assume it's a weight shaming thing and it's bang out of order imho.
I thought it was to do with her telling lies, or something. Porky Pies - Porky - Porka. I could very well be wrong, though.
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Just watched the documentary and they can across so well. But did anyone else see when Wills put his hand on her shoulder? And she shrugged it off so noticeably? Either can’t stand his touch anymore or just don’t show public displays of affection?!?
I see a lot of people made a big deal about this on SM but in another photo, they're all stood with their roulades and you can see she has one arm around William.
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Okay ... for those who asked:

For William - Google, 'Prince William peni*' (replace the * with an s), click on images, and you will see it there (look for the image of him in a red and white sports jersey). It's not very exciting - it was taken when he was relieving himself at a sporting event.

For Kate - read here:

There used to be many Google-able images showing her flashing (whether deliberate or not), but the cleaners have been in.
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There have been a couple of psychics - as well as Nostradamus apparently - say that Harry is the next King. So read into that what you will ... others have said Charles' tenure will be short (I can see the Queen living for a few years yet, so that might be why), and William's will be just as short. Most won't reveal the reason for it, but some have speculated that the Monarchy as it currently is, will end.

I don't think there was an affair. I believe that Kate and William are solid. They probably get annoyed with each other from time to time, but that's a given in any relationship. Before Rose came on the scene there were rumours about William and Jecca Craig; yet they appeared made up also. She is married and has her own child(ren?) now.

I heard that the whole affair story was made up by Nicole Cliff (I think that's her name), who posted it as a half-joke, to take the heat of Meghan and Harry.

Just because there's nowhere else to put this, I will say that I think there'll be one more divorce announcement before the end of the year - Sophie and Edward.
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Exactly. This story has escalated through Twitter because Meghan's crazed fans are upset with William for not defending her in the press. Look at the hashtag princewilliamaffair and you'll find so many of them encouraging their followers to trend it as revenge.

To the person that said it's been confirmed by loads of high profile people - not true. The food critic Giles Coran (known for being a wind up merchant) tweeted about it and deleted it swiftly. No-one else of note has spoken about it.

All the British royal press that have been confronted about it on Twitter have said there's nothing of substance behind the story (that they've found).

Of course William (and Harry) are both capable of cheating, as is Kate, as is Meghan. But this one has been spread like wildfire on the internet by a group of people who are looking for vengeance with no regard for an innocent woman (as far as we know) and how this could destroy her private life.
Excellent post 👏
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^ I agree Diana had mental health issues which would have been very difficult for those around her, issues stemming from her childhood like you say and made even worse when she felt her husband didn't truly love her. I can't help thinking she wouldn't have gone on to have affairs herself as a result of this though. Maybe I'm just being naive. It's great things have worked out well for Charles and Camilla in the end, it's just a shame everyone involved was hurt along the way. Sorry for the O T.
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I’ve just read on the celeb gossip thread that Carole and Michael Middleton split up ages ago and are only seen in public together to keep up the appearance of being a happy family. 😲
Has anybody else heard the rumour?
It's a very old rumour but not true at all. Also, why would they even need to keep up appearance of a happy family?! It's as ridiculous as the William affair rumour!
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Oh really? She looks tiny in the photos! I wonder why her engagement coat swamped her so much? She is a beautiful woman with a lovely figure but that outfit was not good!
She might not be short for "normal" standards, but photographs have the tendency to make people look shorter yet heavier, this is why models traditionally had to be tall and very skinny.

I think this is also why Kate looks so good in pictures - she is tall and very slim. She is not much shorter than William.
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As an aside. I thought the Palace were monitoring the social media accounts? Or is it just precious Meghan that gets protected?

It’s William and Kate’s 8th Wedding Anniversary today. Kensington Palace put Some photos on social media yet I saw lots of comments about the supposed affair so I’m surprised these haven’t been deleted.
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They would have less scrutiny if they did something useful. The scrutiny is mainly around their workrate. Charles had set up the Princes Trust, Phil the DoE award, Harry Sentebale and Invictus all in their 30s and all after leaving the armed forces, yet William hadn't managed to do anything with anything as close to that impact. His family will benefit from the Royal gravy train continuing. No one else. Hes nearly 40 and he does what 150 engagements a year? Mostly with his wife, half of which are sporting events or entertainment things.
wasn’t Shout started by William and Kate? The mental health text service, they just don’t have their names attached to it so people don’t really associate it with them, but they provided a lot or most of funding, research and did the launch
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Kate has never been bog standard middle class, 'upper middle' yes. The Middleton's have been around a while, been entertaining members of the Royal Family since the 1920s, she went to a very good school, speaks with a perceived English accent long before meeting William et al so never your standard middle class.
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I hope they stop travelling or flying together as a family now. If there’s a fatal accident then, after Charles, Harry would be become King! Or even worse, if that’s not possible because he has no HRH then the next in line after Charles would be Andrew! :eek:
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I don’t think she wrote a book? She was involved in a photo competition/projected. And the winners are now shown in a coffee table book published by the National Portrait Gallery (where she is a patron of). I think she wrote the foreword and now gives out some. It’s not as if she presents herself as an author or similar?
I haven't really looked into the contents of it. Kinda thought she wrote some chapters in it about Covid, I now know that its a photograph book.

I just think the timing is suspicious, like they have chosen to show some on its content the day after Meghan has revealed her children's book. I like the idea of it, I'm sure it will go down in history of the pandemic.

the last 2 years Kate and Wills PR has been nothing but positive. Before Meghan and Harry not many people warmed to them and Kate had a lot of negative comments.
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I do agree to an extent but there is a difference between commenting on someone's body for gossip and being concerned about their weigjt for health reasons.

Nikki Graeme was anorexic but no one is saying stop saying how thin she was. Kate is much slimmer since she got married so it's reasonable to assume there is a reason for that. She isn't naturally that slim or she would have always been like it - she hasn't.
How on earth can you say she isn't naturally slim?! She has always been thin. Even in the photo at Uni of her in the see through dress she's thin. At no point would you ever have described her as slightly overweight or a big girl.

You can be thin and healthy same way you can be fat and fit! Some people just can't gain weight especially the two skinny people I know and they are both healthy.

Yes, I also know some really thin women that are just like that. They have always been like that.
But I find it noticeable that Kate had a different figure before she got married - she was still very slim, but not as thin.

I don't seen any unhappiness either, but to be honest also don't see much happiness anymore. Even the anniversary pictures and video seemed less naturally happy and cheerful as some earlier videos/photos from when they were just married.

But I guess impressions are subjective.
You see things completely different to how I see them then! There's a youtube channel called the Royal Family that always films them on visits and only the other day on their visits they were laughing and joking with one another. But don't forget they've been together a long time now. I rarely hold hands with my husband anymore like we did when we were first together or before we had kids! Kids always take up a lot of a couples time but they still look as happy to me and I never see her looking unhappy. I also think her public speaking has improved as she's toned down the 'ultra posh voice' and she does sound better.

I would say she's running around after 3 active kids but will probably get shot down with she has a nanny and servants but she's also a 'commoner' and so probably wants to mother her kids as she was and so I see them as hands on parents.
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It was much shorter back in Oct, no one's hair can grow this fast. She's been using extensions since their engagement and her hair has been throughout the lockdowns changing in length and always freshly coloured.

No one's hair can go from this
to this
within 3 months. 3 months = 3cm growth (assuming she's healthy and has good growth)

The fail is hinting at that with their headline, but they daren't say it just yet (see the apologists in the comments, which are utterly ridiculous).

Which rumours?
oh yeah 😁I didnt notice t hat
! So shes just put flatter extensions in just to pretend shes not still getting her hair done in Lockdown!
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