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I don't know why everyone thinks Diana was so bloody innocent. I've just read The Real Diana on kindle, written by someone who worked with her and knew her personally. A real eye opener. Written by Lady Colin Campbell. Well worth a nosey at.
Yeah she wasn't all sweetness and light. There were a lot of rumours about her and James Hewitt claimed he had an affair with her, which I think there's some truth in. Also there was a bit of a conspiracy theory Harry was his if you're into that sort of thing.

I realised how sad the whole thing was when i saw the documentary on camilla, and they are such a good match but it just didn't work at the time. He was under pressure to marry soon, camilla wasn't considered high enough in the aristocracy. She married and also had a miserable marriage. He really did love her so it's no wonder his marriage to Diana never worked.
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I don't buy into the RF controlling the press. Remember when Prince Charles said he wished he was a tampon? Prince Harry dressed as a nazi? Edward failed military school?

I think they are so careful not to publish without evidence for sure. They don't publish hearsay, which the William affair was.
They most definitely cannot and shouldn't be able to control the press. That would equal censorship.

But they most certainly have power, sway and deals with the press.

At the most extreme, the press will drop a story in exchange for another story or be sued.

Do you think this was something to do with Juan Carlos indicating and all the dodgy dealings surrounding him? Not sure why they would want to distance themselves from Felipe in that case though, as I thought he had done a lot to restore the Spanish RF's reputation. Even just as a visiting Head of State you would think they would greet them, Royal or not. And they bloody love the Saudi and other ME absolute monarchies, human Rights abuses and all, just because of the horses!
No, definitely not.

In the most simplest terms, the Cambs are obtuse and arrogant and Will has been on record many times saying he doesn't read his briefs, which contain: event, those invited, most important people present, pictures of these people (so you know who they are) etc.

They just don't care and the "lazy" bit hanging onto the Cambs since they married isn't just engagements performed, it's also stuff like this, like not bothering with the most basic preparation.

Liz has been pictured even with the Dubai ruler laughing in a private capacity and it's not news that he's a terrible POS.

Official functions, esp WWII commemorations and constant mantras of "never again", when so many nations come together, isn't the place for public shows of disapproval and for the Cambs, who are basically diplomats, it is never the place to do this. Not in public. Ever.

All that aside, Felipe has reigned with an iron fist and I say this with the best possible intention and mean it as positive compliment.
He cleaned house, fast and hard.

He stripped and exiled his convicted brother-in-law and sister and he banned his father (his father "fled" but the truth is JC isn't welcome anywhere).

Felipe had to, their monarchy was on shaky grounds (still is, but their ratings have sky rocketed due to great work during the pandemic, same btw for the Belgians, the Dutch took a nose-dive due to arrogance and not being able to read the fcking room, who were for years on a constant high due to charisma).
Felipe had a lot of shit sticking to him via his sister, his sister's husband and father, but he cleaned house.
Felipe is definitely someone never to be avoided in fear of bad press, the Dubai and Saudi rulers on the other hand.....

I mean, you said this all basically yourself 😂
I haven't been too long on tattle LOL Days and it's clearly withdrawal 😂

It's not really an excuse for K that is valid (she was 30 when married in and is now almost 40), but she takes her cues from Will.
And Will has always been known to be an arrogant tw't, who doesn't like to do the most basic homework.
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Of course “bouncing back” after pregnancy is not an “accomplishment“ - what I tried to say was that Kate looked always great, even directly after pregnancy

And she always dressed appropriately - flying hens in the early years aside - and better than Bea, Eugie and Meghan (whatever the reasons might be).

Her outfits were never crumpled, too tight or mismatched.

She also never pulled embarrassing stunts lIke sitting alone at Wimbledon instructing people not to take photos (of themselves as it turned out), had a baby shower spectacle, asked for a job at a Disney premiere etc

I am not a big fan but she does represent the country well and is a great companion to the future king.
Actually I prefer Meghan's style to Kate. Kate has dressed inappropriately with skirts flying up so why is she getting a pass but not the others? It is a matter of taste. You prefer Kate's 'appropriate' dressing, others find it dull and bland. The point is why are we discussing what they (only the women??) look like and not what they are doing? Surely that is a far better and healthier discussion. Or are we saying that the only part that matters for royalty is that they dress according to some outdated rule book because frankly of that's all we are bothered about I'm sure we can get that done by others and far more cheaply.
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I don't normally comment on Kate, Will or Harry but out of curiosity did Kate start writing her book first or was it Meghan?

I saw that Kate recently has been leaving copies of her book across the UK. Honestly I find it a bit much, its like they are constantly are trying to outshine/prove they are better than Harry and Meghan. Seems strange that as soon as Meghan released her children book, Kate is leaving her book everywhere with some letter in.
Kate started work on her book last year during the first lockdown
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Although calling what they do work is insulting at least Charles, Anne and the Queen have been doing so from a very early age and even now do double the engagements that these 2 do.

That and they have a team of house staff and from people on here 3 nannies, with 2 of the children at school so what in the world are they doing all day?
Well Wills is shagging the neighbours
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Chatty Member
If she's homeschooling, what is the Nanny doing? Let's not forget they've got a full time Norland-er costing them a pretty penny - although it won't mean anything to them.
Not to mention the countless staff that have no doubt moved in and become part of their bubble - heaven forbid they do anything themselves.
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Let's make this clear.

Duchess Catherine > Meghan Markle.

All the Markle fans are almost always either Hollywood fanatics or leftists who think they're being good people by supporting a mixed-race woman.
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No but there should have been people briefing her properly. She got herself in a pickle on her first engagement with the Queen because she didn't know what side of that car to get into. That must have felt so embarrassing. That is the sort of thing l would have thought she would be informed of.

She is alleged to be a bully. I want to hear a bit more before l form an opinion.
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I also think William knew what life for Kate would be like. He wanted to make sure the same thing didn't happen to her like it did with his mum. I think he wanted to make sure she would be ok. Which clearly she has been unlike Meghan. Who just thought she could waltz in and take over and change the monarchy. Meghan could have modernised it but over time. She was just impatient at being second best to kate
Not sure if MM would have ever had the power to "change" the monarchy. She was too removed from the centre of the decision making and wouldn't have had anything to say. She could have subtly influenced, but this wasn't her style as it would also have been unlikely that she would have got credit for it
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But many 39 year olds in normal life don’t go to the type of engagements or events that she goes to?! Her non working clothes are much “trendier”. She has to look tailored and smart, regal and royal?
I agree with this. Us ordinary Joes get dressed up for weddings in smart dresses, coat dresses, hats etc. She needs to look this smart for functions. What other style could she wear? I think she looks lovely.

Personally I think Kates' ring is ugly and too big for her hand. She would suit something more like the style Meghan has. I think the nicest one I've seen recently is Eugenie.
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Well she got what she wanted, a cushy life doesn’t have to lift a finger!! She may have to do some work!! At home with the kids( a lot of women would only love to be able to do this), while the likes of me who worked her behind off got no where, while the likes of the slake shites I worked with progressed!! Unable to afford to take one holiday let alone two!! I’d say best of luck to her!!
She’d probably have had a fairly cushy life no matter who she married.
I find it hard to dislike her. I watched a couple of their pandemic Zooms on Instagram & to me she comes across quite well. She’s good with kids & I think she’s played to that.
While she may have gone for William because of his status she’s fitted into the role fairly well. I’ve no doubt there are people that would have done more with the role, but it’s a marriage first & foremost.
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Chatty Member
Kate is back again talking about how shes ' exhausted' from home schooling and ' working' and how she cuts the kids hair! As if when shes clearly getting her own hair done! No way is she home schooling and what ' work are her and William doing that takes up so much time? It's all crap. If she was talking to me about all that bullocks and pretending she was ' just like me' I'd have logged off the call. What is wrong with showing empathy without lying? Even if she is homeschooling the kids full time herself, shes doing it through choice. She has a choice of getting the nanny to do it. Also, as if their private school isnt providing wall to wall online lessons and resources to them!
Their school isn't wall to wall live lessons - like any home schooling a degree of parental input is needed particularly for younger children. I know this as my children attend the same school.
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Now that I know Kate's book was started during the first lockdown I guess its not really that suspicious. I think it was just all the positive PR with leaving the book across the UK. I just felt like it was too much and a way of showing I'm better then Meghan however someone said that it is linked to the Book fairies so that might be why.

I guess we don't know when Meghan decided to do her book, maybe she got the idea from Kate who knows. Surely her book took some time to produce though with all the illustrations.

All the PR from Kate and Will is starting to be over the top, especially with the release of their children's pictures for Diana. Also, some of the comments regarding Meghan are way over the top. It's like no matter what she does, people will always hate her. The surrogate/bellygate theories are totally ridiculous too. I don't get why it matters if she hired a surrogate or not, Archie will never be king. At the time if they did state that they hired a surrogate I'm sure people would still say horrible things, be totally against it and use it as another reason to hate her. If it true then the royal family are accountable for the lie too as they have continued to support it.

Don't even get me started on the fake Archie. Like ?? Do people really think they will get away with that.
Hey I completely agree! I don't like H&M but the hatred and conspiracy theories is way over the top and shows that the couple had valid concerns but unfortunately I just can't get into them or the rave thread! I wish there was a middle ground thread. I also agree that the mothers day post was so cringe, they could've shown a picture of the kids making mothers day cards for the Queen, Camilla, Diana, Kate and her mum rather than just Diana who the kids never met.
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Well, she looked great straight after giving birth and it takes courage to present herself and the baby right after birth.
She got her figure back within a few days and always looks immaculate - hair and clothes, she might look frumpy but she dresses in a way that is still appropriate when she is Queen Consort and photos live forever.
She also always dresses appropriately.

When she participated in this sailing competition she wore shorts and her legs were so trained, it was astonishing.

Yes, she has a PT for sure, but all of the above still takes discipline - she might have the time, but she still needs to exercise

Eugenie and Bea don’t have the same track record of dressing well and Meghan neither - all of them have been criticized for how they dress (and some of their outfits were really bad) and Meghan also didn’t bounce back after pregnancy so quickly etc
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I’ve lost count how many times I’ve heard “Prince Philip is dead but they’re delaying the announcement” rumours. It was literally going around two or three times a year at one point.

The last time, around this time last year IIRC, my brother and his girlfriend swore blind that their friend’s dad had Palace links and it was definitely true. They even said “why would our friend lie to us?” I said nah, it’s bollocks, this is such a regular urban myth that goes around.

I was so smug when I was proved right 🤣
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Chatty Member
I’m unsure what else they can do. People call them lazy and want them to be seen working more - the you tube channel is a way of increasing visibility so we can see them working (I use working in a very light sense of the word). They’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t.
Maybe actually work more might be a good idea? They're royalty they don't need to do tacky videos or pimp there kids out for attention.
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I find it odd that they're launching this legal investigation into her bullying when it has been well known for years other members have been horrible to staff - why now? Also where's the legal investigation for Andrew and his involvement with Epstein which is apperantly going on?

The cards and her and Sarah's memorial was definitely for PR, while in sure there are great intentions behind them
Because Jason Knauf filed a complaint and as nothing has happened he made it public.

With all due respect - it is not for the BRF to engage lawyers to investigate Andrew.
It is for the FBI to investigate, if anything they should encourage them to speak to the FBI (but they cannot force him, his relations with Epstein were private), but they don't need to do anything else and frankly, they shouldn't do anything else because it is not their claim!
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Yeah Kate's switched the hair up a bit over the years, nothing dramatic, but I am fine with that.
I'd love to see her with shorter hair more often though, say shoulder length and some more updos.

The black suit came only out after Meg wore that style a few times and K's black suit was imo one of her best looks.
Meg's style was a bit "office with an edge" at times (eg leather skirt) and K adopted quite a bit of inspo from M, she wore trousers and suits more often, proper handbags instead of clutches at all times, ditched the fugly wedges and fugly as heck spray on jeggings finally.
Meg was also more in the "sleek, simple, elegant, professional" categories overall.

From K's wardrobe I hate the most the jeggings, wedges, frilly dresses and busy prints and some of the military cosplay (though some of it I like a lot, but some of the black coats were eg too much).

I also like K's dress coats, but she overdid it a bit with what she thought to be "princessy/duchessy" and I like that she wears now more suits and trousers and long regular coats.
Hm, I think Kate occasionally wore suits throughout her time as a Duchess and suits are so common that I really doubt that Meghan inspired her to wear a suit or trousers.
She also wouldn't wear them when she was pregnant, so this time would need to be deducted - pregnant women don't look good in suits.

True, Meghan didn't wear prints at all, but she is also short and prints would make her look even shorter.
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Loved William on the big night in. He’s not afraid to take the pee out of himself!
Also how cute was Louis’ latest pic 😍
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