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I’m talking about prep for normal engagements where they turn up and know all about an organisation and how they work etc, they’ve learned all the info, know the right questions etc that takes time and effort and isn’t factored into the time spent on the number of engagements a year.
They don't all prep, which is part of the problem. Will has been several times now on record saying he doesn't read his briefs and their non-preparedness has shown many times over. Once notably when they didn't greet the Spanish king, who was walking past them and he was moving to shake hands and the two just ignored him. This was a few years ago at a WWII commemoration.
Will laughingly said he doesn't read his briefs as recently as just before the pandemic hit.

Charles famously doesn't need his briefs, as he's been always preparing by himself doing loads of research, so by the time his team would present him with briefs, he'd know all of that and then some. Sadly Charles's private life casts a long shadow over his work, because in the work department he's frikkin fantastic and is extremely well prepared for the role of king.

Kate's extension bonds have been visible, but again, it's not a crime that she wears extensions, it's just a simple fact. She has great hair without them, always had.
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Please dish more tea in Kate being a madam.

She has been like a Stepford wife in recent years...!
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for some reason this makes me giggle a lot. William?! Really?
I was going to say that 😁 Hes hardly brains of Britsin himself! It's not his brain he wants stimulating!

I am not a fan of Kate. She comes across as totally lazy. Never held down a full time job in her life. Is one of the least active members of the RF. And don't give me that guff that she is a mum, a total insult to us full time working Mums. Just spent her life hanging around for William. Her sister is not much better.
Yes I wish I could go on maternity leave for 8 years on full pay 😄
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Grab some popcorn....

Quite clearly she's American and a Meghan lover..

"Also, I am staunchly Team Meghan and am prepared to personally be the thinly sourced pro-Meghan tabloid that the U.K. has failed to produce".

As I's all being put out there by Meghan's PR.
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I don’t know much about the brother but it is odd considering how hard their parents worked how little Kate & Pippa (I think) worked. Who would put themselves out there to be called “Waitey Katie” could she not have worked in the family business. Perhaps it’s because they wanted to be more like their upper class friends who presumably don’t work.
The brother has had a string of failed artisan type businesses behind him. As said above, now he too is marrying into money. No matter how rich their parents were, Kate marrying into the Royals has allowed the other two to not work at all.
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I understand the argument for the mask if she wanted to be hidden (although realistically we’ve seen her wear one plenty she’d likely still be recognised) but why do people think that masks should be worn when out in the open?
It was clearly a big event and there was a mass gathering as seen in the video, shes clearly moving out of peoples way and avoiding brushing shoulders for a reason. Everyone in the videos is wearing a mask. She's worn one at other engagements, even outside. Shes meant to be setting an example. She clearly went *without the fanfare* bc she knew it would get out anyway as her whole face is on show. Cant exactly miss her! Her PR team are paid generously for a reason. This is seen as positive press. Where large crowds are formed, common knowledge should prevail. She knew it was the day of the gathering (even if it was supposedly cancelled).
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Chatty Member
I watched this & must say I was surprised at just how interested they are in the charities they work with! I think Kate especially is very hands-on, involved & came across very well. I probably thought they swan in, shake a few hands, smile for the cameras & swan out again but they seemed to have a good rapport with the people there. I think they’re a credit to the Monarchy, the Queen must be very proud.
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Even more bizarre when the gift they thrust onto Charlotte was a giant inflatable neon pink flamingo, bloody nutters queuing for hours then palming their cheap tatt off onto the royals 🤣
hahahhaa, I never understand how Kate manages to keep a poker face when people gift her absolute shit. I am sure it goes into the bin.
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I'm listening to Michelle Obama's book and she really is an inspirational woman. The beginning bit of the book, before she even met Barack was really interesting. She spoke about her ' faux pas'. Putting her arm around the Queen. To be honest, it made the people who made the fuss sound like twats to denigrate this intelligent accomplished noble woman who put her arm round an elderly woman as an act of kindness and humanity. I doubt The Queen minded, but she wasnt told how to behave and not to touch the Quren
I like Michelle Obama.
But I found it a bit patronising putting her arm around the Queen, especially giving their height and age difference.
Did she ask "how are you, dear?'. Just MO.

But I agree, she should have been advised about protocol.
I do find that very strange though, my friend met the Queen and PP at polo; and they were all instructed beforehand on how to behave.

Plus I hate strangers invading my personal space.
And all that double kissing nonsense at work/visiting clients...
At least, that should be an end to it after the pandemic; I really hope.
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Yes it must take some getting used to have someone around all the bloody time. I'd hate having someone hanging around waiting to dress me or get me up in the morning and faffing around all the time.
I completely agree. On a smaller scale I watched the reality show 'below deck' and they make your bed about three times a day, they pick up the champagne that's in front of you to pour it, unpack your cases, set up your picnic and about a million other things and I was just thinking how much I'd hate that. Some of the clients loved in and would call one of the staff over for any little thing eg please put some more food from the serving platter in front of me onto my plate, but I'd have to send them away or something I couldn't relax or let people serve me like that.
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It's shameful that William didn't express empathy for his brother and instead went straight into defensive mode.

The problem with that statement from teH qUeEn is that she has presumed to speak for the whole family. They are not a single unit, except when defending pedophiles. By making a statement that says recollections may vary they want to hide their hands and say they "misremember" when obviously there's not two ways to interpret a statement that enquires about your unborn child's skin colour.

People have said it is likely Prince Charles who made the statement, but I am sure it could also have been William. I'd have expect him to deny it was him or Kate but he hasn't. This truly disgusting family is exactly like the mafia. They will defend the most vile behaviour of their members as long as it fits their narrative.

Didn't Princess Anne wear a black head on a brooch when she met Meghan for the first time?
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It’s a gossip site so not sure I can deal up cold hard facts. The perfume was bluebell (not something I’m familiar with). Unsure if I heard here or elsewhere.

Most of what we say on here is here say and commentary?
I find it disappointing that any nasty comments about Kate do not require substantiating yet the tiniest smear on Megan is shot down as conspiracy theory.
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She WAS middle class. Now she and Wills want people to think they are middle class just like them, so relatable, look at us in our all weather gear at the beach, nothing to see here but a typical mc family!
They didn’t seem very middle class when they were in Mustique three times a year, then Ibiza and of course skiing. Being confined to the UK has brought them down to earth a tiny bit (while living in their two massive gifted residences)
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VIP Member
I personally feel that Diana's ring will always be Diana's ring. Much as I loved it when I was a little girl, loved seeing it on Diana as a teen, I would be horrified to be given it as my engagement ring.
I feel it would come with such a weight attached to it, a symbol of a fairytale that was more of a grimms fairytale and was worn by a young woman who was ultimately cheated and used.
Its a stunning ring however I would prefer a diamond engagement ring if I was kate and would feel odd having Diana's ring as my engagement ring.
It would have been fabulous as a right hand ring or remodelled into a tiara setting. It could still play its part without being something as intimate as an engagement ring.
Its almost as though William decided he would recycle Diana's rather than spend the time and money on something just for Kate.

I do appreciate the sentiment of passing on your late mothers engagement ring but only if there was a happy marriage attached to it.

I'm sure Kate was terrified of anything happening to it.
She does really suit sapphire jewellery and wears sapphires a fair bit so maybe she does love having it.
I must admit that when they got engaged, I was imagining how Carol and Kate etc felt at having a try on of one of the most famous engagement rings in the world.
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VIP Member
Which isn't entirely surprising, given Kate is decidedly upper middle class? It strikes me that Will has obviously fully embraced that family life and lifestyle with her. He sees the stable home she was raised in and wants that for his kids. As much as is possible for children who are also in line to the throne.
But they aren't really middle class though. They live in a palace with servants and also own a large pile in the country. If Kate had married into her parents class she would have a nanny and cleaner but not the maids butlers and the army of servants she has now. It was said when they married that William loved weekends with the Middleton's where he would help her dad wash the car and mow their lawn but without losing all his royal privileges that would be an entire different matter.
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I've only ever seen one nanny mentioned. She's full time live in and a norland nanny. Maria Bordello or something.
I could be fantastic with my kids as a stay home parent if I had a fully staffed kitchen, housekeeper, cleaners, someone to do all laundry etc.
Imagine if all you had to do was take care of your kids. It would be bloody bliss.

Thats without the hairdresser, trainer etc etc. As I've said before, unless William is suddenly a dab hand with a garnier hair dye then she's been having her hair cut and coloured all along
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VIP Member
Because they’re two people who did the same roles. One dresses appropriately the other is a hot mess
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You have to remember that meghan was new to the royal family and she made small mistakes with her clothes just as any new royal bride has. Let's not forget kate has had 12 or 13 years to get groomed. They married 10 years ago and her first few years saw quite a few mistakes with skirts too short, hemlines flying, hair in her face etc. I imagine it takes a few years to get the right wardrobe people to help you get it right.

Kate definitely has botox. Its my line of work and I can see it.
The key to good facial aesthetics is that you look fresher rather than immobile. Her forehead has changed, I can see it when I compare photographs of her.

Kate is very lovely im sure, she's a great ambassador for the country on the face of it but I would prefer my children to look up to others who are themselves as well as being figureheads. Michelle Obama for example.
The days should be long gone when a royal wife takes on the Queens accent, sounding posher than her husband and his family. They should be long gone where the wife is just an incubator and a clothes horse.
I wish she could show her personality because I think her real one might be lovely.
Her mum seems really nice as does her dad
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Chatty Member
Given the number of issues amongst the Queen’s children perhaps the Queen wishes she’d been a more hands on parents. 3/4 children are divorced. I think Anne is the only one who has been scandal free (although I may stand corrected on that).
The Queen has been an exemplary monarch (if you like that sort of thing) but a lousy mother.
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I personally didn't have problem with MM, I even felt sorry for her, because, if my daughter ever should get an idea to marry in such a family it will be nuclear:) But giving the interview about how hard it is in the middle of Africa, c'mon. I don't like this new "victim" ideology and phony feminism. If you are really self aware and self made person you ask yourself if you are ok, and if you are not, you state it loud and clear to relevant persons and you get out. Also I don't like that in 21. century you have stereotype classic housewife as opposed idol to MM (also it would be nuclear war if my daughter throw away all her hard wok at uni for that). But at least Kate's hypocrisy is not "in your face". She does job she signed for, whether from love or something else I don't know.
Yes Im not saying she isnt completely out of touch, but she is nowhere near comparable to Kate in relation to their roles. MM is married to the 7th in line to the Throne. Her and Harry are not going to be anything to do with anyone, yet people act as if she is going to burn down Buckingham Palace! William and Kate want to be Heads of State and expect me and my children to pay for them for the rest of their and their childrens lives. They do not have the option to say ' oh I want to be a housewife' We're paying for them. If Harry and Meghan want to get a private company to pay for them, I don't care. Its not my money. I dont care if they only got those roles because they are royals. Thats how all the Royal hangers on make their money ( and there are a lot of them). Let them be
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