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First generation surely, descendants... depends on upbringing. I know some people from wealthy families. How they treat their wealth entirely depends how their parents taught them. Some are like Harry, some work very hard.
True. I should say ' some' although there must be a part of you that knows you have a safety net if it all goes to shit. It gives you more options than someone who has no family money. I mean, my parents worked very hard and even though they arent rich, they have money, just because they were adults in the 80's from what I can see! If I really needed it or got into shit, I know they would be able to give me some cash. I dont ask them for any money but I still know it's there if I ever have a complete personality transplant and go off the rails. That's a huge difference compared to people who have no family money and no safety net, even if they never use it. Even the Royals who dont have titles etc know they wont face the same consequences if they piss about at school and fail all their exams for example. Mike Tindall may fret about his income dropping in Lockdown and paying school fees, but he wont be having to put the kids in the local comp or moving to a smaller house anytime soon, even though he and Zara have their own careers.
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Surely you don't believe that Meghan and Harry don't have any staff? They'll have the same staff as Wills & Kate! Harry is used to that life, as if he will give that up, he's as much of a spoiled brat as his brother.
This is the Wills and Kate thread but I love saying the M word. She triggers people to no end! Look how you came in here foaming at the mouth!

So does anyone think William knows how to brush his own teeth or does his old nanny still help? What about loading the washer and dryer?

Wonder what he does all day while Kate exhausts herself with blowdries and homework?
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I personally didn't have problem with MM, I even felt sorry for her, because, if my daughter ever should get an idea to marry in such a family it will be nuclear:) But giving the interview about how hard it is in the middle of Africa, c'mon. I don't like this new "victim" ideology and phony feminism. If you are really self aware and self made person you ask yourself if you are ok, and if you are not, you state it loud and clear to relevant persons and you get out. Also I don't like that in 21. century you have stereotype classic housewife as opposed idol to MM (also it would be nuclear war if my daughter throw away all her hard wok at uni for that). But at least Kate's hypocrisy is not "in your face". She does job she signed for, whether from love or something else I don't know.
If you think Kate does it for love or something else (and who knows), don’t you think the something else could apply to Meghan. When she met Harry she was a woman likely at the end of a short acting career & a huge Diana fan. I think people’s issue with MM is both the victim hood thing as you say, but also she’s not doesn’t appear to be at all genuine. The first sign - I’m American so we don’t know much about the Royal family. Ah of course you do & then it turns out she is actually a huge Diana fan so in fact knows more about the Royals than the average person! There was some truth in that interview but it seemed littered with untruths, assumptions & exaggerations.
I think BP probably didn’t treat her brilliantly but I’d have to assume they saw her coming. She strikes me as a woman who married Prince Harry for fame & fortune.
As BP pointed out to her she wasn’t staff so why was she speaking to HR? Why not her own doctor? To put it on record?

She seemed to have a go at Kate more than once in that interview. Could she not have just said she didn’t make Kate cry as she suggested BP could have done & left it.

I feel very harsh saying this but Diana has been dead for a long time. Wills kids making cards & putting them on Instagram. I’m a bit torn.
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Chatty Member
I know! I thought feminism was about choice. I hate having to leave my kids. If I could stay at home & have a nanny I would.
No one is arguing about choice but this is the life she chose, she CHOSE to be royal and the future queen which means she can't hide away and play happy families with her nannies and staff all day at our expense. As the previous poster said, most royals do over 500 engagements a year and she scraps by on 150 or less, terrible public speaking and a history of turning down events she doesn't want to do. If she wanted to be a stay at home mother so badly she should've gone down the same route as her sister.
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It really just looks like she’s straightened her hair to be perfectly honest. Hardly groundbreaking.
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Didn’t see all of it, but what I did see, they both came across so well. I’m glad it’s them who are going to be King and Queen in future not Harry and Meghan.
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es, she has improved a lot over the last few years. It was high time. Before she couldn't even read cue cards without fumbling up, in the past couple of years she's shown great improvement overall.
She did a zoom call on her own the other day with some sailor woman and she was dreadful- dull, stumbling over her words. Shes been doing this for 10 years. Its the only job shes had and she only does a couple of hours a week. Shes still a terrible public speaker and shes 10 years into the role
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I dont think anyone is beating her with a stick for wearing extensions. Isnt it an observation rather than criticism? Most of the population under 50 aren't wearing theirs right now or having salon hair colours because of lockdown.

Maybe William has become a dab hand with a colour bowl and brush.
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Chatty Member
I never got people who defended them not working saying that they'll work when their kids are older or when the queen dies etc. Do people honestly believe that years of them being lazy and a light switch goes off and they're going to hit the ground running with engagements galore?

Kate has barely worked a day in her life to follow him around allegedly and William played pretend air ambulance for a while.
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Kate takes a few mediocre photos of her kids, she has a chef and no doubt a PT, she's also naturally slender. She doesn't have an athletic body at all. She's slim.
Shes got a history of art degree which comes in handy when your future husbands granny owns one of the biggest art collections in the world.
She doesn't look like a model, she's pretty, she's had botox, veneered her teeth and of course dyes her hair.
Shes just a regular woman like the rest of us except shes married to a Prince of the United Kingdom and lives in a guilded cage.
She doesn't have any big accomplishments except for wearing a pale lemon dress, tights and nude heels within hours of giving birth.
I feel sorry for her, the first couple of hours with her newborn babies were spent having hair, make up and dressing being done for the cameras
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I do agree to an extent but there is a difference between commenting on someone's body for gossip and being concerned about their weigjt for health reasons.

Nikki Graeme was anorexic but no one is saying stop saying how thin she was. Kate is much slimmer since she got married so it's reasonable to assume there is a reason for that. She isn't naturally that slim or she would have always been like it - she hasn't.
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Her Dad comes from a wealthy family with aristocratic connections, Carole was from a working class background. Carol e is a social climber and I doubt if the would have been able to afford the house to they live in or send their kids to public schools just on the back of their party planning business. He had a lot of wealth behind him that's why Carol married him. Michael Middleton speaks with a cut glass upper middle class accent. What did Kate sound like before she met William then? Like Barbara Windsor? Or Cheryl Coles?
How do you know Carol only married him for money? Are you a relative? It's hugely misogynistic for people to keep the trope going that women only marry for money. It's 2021.
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Kate was 2.5 weeks postpartum when the supposed incident happened, and Meghan was dealing with her dads fall out and wedding. Likely both stressed.

The rumour is that Charlotte no longer fitted into her dress, and that there was an argument over whether the kids should wear tights.
I know emotions would have been all over the place with a newborn but why would anyone even care if the kids wore tights or not. Such a silly thing to argue over and its good that both settled that and put it behind them.
Its a shame that the press have portrayed it as kate being made to cry when it was the other way round.
I dont think Kate had more kids because Harry got a girlfriend, her and William made no secret of wanting a few kids.
I do suspect she felt threatened by the newcomer to the family though. She had a great relationship with Harry all along
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If she's homeschooling, what is the Nanny doing? Let's not forget they've got a full time Norland-er costing them a pretty penny - although it won't mean anything to them.
Full time Nanny that we are paying for.
She really needs to wise up if she's saying she's exhausted with the home schooling etc.
She doesn't have to cook, prepare lunches/snacks, clean the house,.do the laundry, work, get the shopping in, sort the kids baths and bedtime etc. If she is supervising homeschooling for 2 of her kids then so what? She doesn't have anything else to do. She needs to recognise her privileged lifestyle.

She has had extensions since they got engaged or since she was more in the public eye. She never had thick tumbling hair, its always been nice but never thick the way it has been since their engagement. She is also very grey as we saw during her pregnancies so someone is colouring that hair and I bet it isn't her with a garner dye!
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Never said she was innocent, it does sound like she was manipulative, spoilt and entitled to many who knew her personally. It doesn't change the fact she was essentially lied to when she married Charles though (imo) and I don't blame her for feeling bitter about her husband being in love with someone else all along.
Oh she definitely wanted to marry into the royal family. Her sister had dated Charles before her. No way would I date anyone my sister had already been with! Diana had a lot of insecurities from her childhood and her mother leaving her. She definitely had mental health problems which is why William and Harry set up their MH charity.

I do believe that in the beginning of their marriage they were happy but then Charles couldn’t handle Diana’s mental health problems. My husbands mother has MH problems and he can’t handle them at all.

I think people like to blame Camilla but Diana herself then went on to have affairs with married men so she was no saint.

That aside, I still don’t believe the story on William to be true but I do believe they put a stop to the reporting of it to protect their children as no way would he put them through what he dealt with growing up. I have never seen him and Kate looking unhappy together. Oh and apparently William and the ‘other woman’ are both suing.
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I've come across these tweets and read some things and debated whether to post about this or not since opinions are quite split at times and I don't have the will to potentially argue.


Since this thread is going again here is a thread by a journalist on William, his relationship with the press and about the RH story and lack of press on it:

Will has the most complicated relationship with the press and has a quid pro quo going with them. This isn't new and I've written about it before, it's confirmed by journalists and was talked about by Meg (eg KP parties and trotting the kids out for the press, allowing access and leaking himself to buy silence for himself by selling others' stories, mostly the Ssexes).

I have read rumours on Will having several mistresses and him not always being with K and this has been a persistent rumour ever since they married (living apart at times).
Allegedly Rose and he became "closer" when K was away (where? London with the kids?) as well as R's husband and they had dinners together in Norfolk. I am certain this has been written about before in one of the articles.

The first whiff of the story came out in the mail with the "rural rivals" headline and K wanting to push R out of her circle, which seemed odd and had speculation of infidelity going by longtime royal watchers, not in the press just yet. All in all the story would have died, if Will hadn't then gone on to instead of sitting it out, but calling R Kay with stories on Meg, which was when a new line of stories came out about M and the then still unborn A. This really set the track in motion.
This is likely where the rumour came from that H's relationship with W broke down over the infidelity, it doesn't make sense since that isn't new. But the fact that W used H's wife and unborn child to throw under the bus became an issue. H was used to being W's punching bag (eg the partying years when H was the "party/playboy prince" when W was the same and at times worse), but dragging his wife into it was likely the stick that broke the camel's back. This is one of the things that H&M talked or alluded to in their interview, which is believable and to long time watchers and by jounalists' accounts quite true.
Interestingly, when the "rural rivals" story came out, so did pap pics of K with G (an absolute rarity and pap pics of the Cambs are always either done by the angry press or the Cambs themselves), with a ridiculous article spinning a "super mum K goes swimming with G in makeup and pearl earrings" story.

Consider also that W was with R when he was working on baby n3. Not even Charles did this to a pregnant Diana and by both C&D's accounts stepping out happened after heir&spare.

Cam was an open secret and the press knew, but they sat on the story all until Charles confessed to the affair in the Dimbleby interview.
Just to point this out for anyone saying the press wrote about C&D&C, they didn't, not till it was on record from the horse's own mouth. Before the Dimbleby interview, Cam was always referred to as "friend" by the press.

Some think W might be using Houghton in the same capacity that C&C used Anmer.
Interestingly, C&C's shack up place was Anmer, the Cambs's marital countryside home.
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Actually I prefer Meghan's style to Kate. Kate has dressed inappropriately with skirts flying up so why is she getting a pass but not the others? It is a matter of taste. You prefer Kate's 'appropriate' dressing, others find it dull and bland. The point is why are we discussing what they (only the women??) look like and not what they are doing? Surely that is a far better and healthier discussion. Or are we saying that the only part that matters for royalty is that they dress according to some outdated rule book because frankly of that's all we are bothered about I'm sure we can get that done by others and far more cheaply.
I think we need to bear in mind what their role is and their function.

And senior members of the royal family they are representing the country. Their appearance is therefore important, if they look good they make the country look good.
This might be superficial, but this is how it is. Look at the Obamas, the Kennedys, Angela Merkel, the other European Royals - they all try to look their best.

None of them wears anything that an actor on the red carpet might wear, and vice versa, people in show business have a different style.

in addition, once William becomes king or the old photos will be looked at and Kate’s outfits will still look appropriate in 40 years.
Same with old photos of the Queen. And Joaquin Kennedy. And Angela Merkel and Michelle Obama.

Megan often wore outfits that were crumbled aNd simply too tight.
The dress she wore at the Disney premier was too tight, compared to how it should have looked. Even the light blue dress in the iconic rain photo is too tight.
I did not intend to body shame her, but during and after her pregnancy her outfits did not properly fit and a often were too tight.
Kate always wore outfits that fit properly. Even the short dresses did fit and suited her, despite them flying up in the wind.

she also has amazing hair, even when she was in Asia it looked great. And she’s very put together and stands out, I do not understand how people can say that she does not look good.

Again, I am not a big fan. I cannot imagine that she is a bit snobbish and a bit work shy, but she does look good when out and about.
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👋 Hello, is that you Carole Middleton? 😂

How much prep would you need for an hour on Zoom each week?

I’m talking about prep for normal engagements where they turn up and know all about an organisation and how they work etc, they’ve learned all the info, know the right questions etc that takes time and effort and isn’t factored into the time spent on the number of engagements a year.
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