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This is the Wills and Kate thread but I love saying the M word. She triggers people to no end! Look how you came in here foaming at the mouth!

So does anyone think William knows how to brush his own teeth or does his old nanny still help? What about loading the washer and dryer?

Wonder what he does all day while Kate exhausts herself with blowdries and homework?
Yeah you're right it is the Kate & Wills thread but you're the one that brought them up! Looks like you're the one foaming at the mouth having a discussion about their staff in their house, which you didn't even respond to 🥴 Megz & Haz superfan right here clearly.
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I do think Meghan is casting herself into a Diana type role.
Even the video of Diana and Charles on tour in Oz being shown as a comparison to Harry and Meghans oz tour rang a bell immediately.

I dont believe for a second that she knew nothing of Harry and the BRF. They are known the world over and the only folk who know nothing of them are those tribes in the amazon that have no contact with the outside world.

I see Pippa had her baby yesterday. I wonder if Kate wishes she had Pippas life. Nice 17 million quid house, rich husband, no scrutiny on what she spends, she can come and go as she pleases.
Seems to me that Pippa hit the Jackpot and Kate has ended up in a gilded cage for the rest of her life.
Give me Pippa’s life any day!!! €17m house nice! Nanny I assume so she can pop out for coffee, lunch, shops etc. Yes please 😉

As opposed to 17m nursing home, school etc visits wearing LK Bennett & feeling the pressure to stay thin, contribute, rear perfect children including the hier, no thanks! Plus William is rumoured to be a grump!
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I’ve lost count how many times I’ve heard “Prince Philip is dead but they’re delaying the announcement” rumours. It was literally going around two or three times a year at one point.

The last time, around this time last year IIRC, my brother and his girlfriend swore blind that their friend’s dad had Palace links and it was definitely true. They even said “why would our friend lie to us?” I said nah, it’s bollocks, this is such a regular urban myth that goes around.

I was so smug when I was proved right 🤣
My crystal ball says that he will definitely be dead in the next 5 years or so, so one day, someone will be right 😄
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Chatty Member
I have to laugh at the idea that Kate, a woman who lives in a Palace, no money worries servants to cater to her every whim and protection from the press for the most part is stressed. PP was 99 when he died and wasn't in the best health so it's safe to say that while it was sad it wasn't unexpected and her and PW have never been so loved in the press compared to other members of the royals.

Also after 10 years she's still bad at public speaking you'd think she'd get help with it, she has the resources and time to do it. I regularly have to give public speeches at work and I agress that the more you do it the better you get at it.
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Don't tell me- Archie is a robot/ dummy/ child actor and she's not really pregnant, she's shoved a pillow up her jumper? Is Harry being held hostage/ brainwashed/ being blackmailed by an international criminal underworld entirely controlled by Meghan Markle, or is he also a robot?
Yeah and we’re all getting chipped by Bill Gates when getting the COVID vaccine.
Don’t put words in my mouth
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Will's always had his own staff since adulthood and I remember very well that press corps were crapping their knickers being called into BP at the time, last minute (!!), no brief on what it was about. I never forgot that and that was a bit of an indicator that the rumour of the Windsors being basically blind sided was true.

All it needed was Will's staff to call the press corps (royal rota) and BP to be notified to let them in.

Also the Windsors were told before the press, about 2 hours before the conference and the press corps were called in last minute and had to drop everything the moment they were told to get to BP, that was well documented by the journos at the time.

They have now confirmed the rumour and all this themselves through the docu special, which their hired wedding staff (baker, embroiderer, security etc), friends and family (Uncle Fester Gary G) took part in, so you can bet it had final approval via KP.

Will being "too correct", please... The stories are he's anything but. He's often went his own way and is said to be a bad character.
The ring would've been in the vault with the other stuff the brothers had at the time jointly access to, they lived together (at Clarence H at the time and then W&K&H lived together for a while at CH with C&C) and shared most things, if not all.
But if BP was notified to let the press in they would have asked what the conference was for, surely? And even if William had his own staff back then I would imagine they would not have operated in isolation from the BP staff.

Why would they talk about this in the documentary? Do they want people to know this? If so, why?

It might well be that William is of bad character but I don't believe this story. This would have seriously harmed the relationship with his father and TQ and seems bizarre to me - if he would not have been allowed to marry her they would have made him to end the relationship permanently years before they got engaged.

If both brothers had access to the ring and "shared" it then it wasn't Harry's, but jointly their's. But again I don't believe that William would have just taken the ring without speaking to Harry and Charles at least.
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I watched an American docu series on first ladies, they only had about six talked about (1 episode for each), 3 of them being Jackie K, H Clinton and M Obama and I'm mighty impressed with these women, esp Clinton and Obama (though I still absolutely can't stand the Clintons, but H's accomplishments and career are fantastic and quite a bit of the bad press she got was over things like not wanting to take Bill's surname back in the day, bascially some press going against her because she didn't stick to the kitchen, wore glasses and retained her maiden name (till she was bullied enough into ditching the glasses and adding "Clinton")).
Jackie Kennedy was an amazing lady. She spoke about six foreign languages, and wrote most of JFK's speeches for him. She was a very intelligent lady.
She always dressed appropriately, but she still dressed very stylishly in what was the fashion of the day. Kate dresses way too old for her age. Queen Letizia and Queen Rania are both about ten years older than Kate, both dress appropriately but also very stylishly and both of them look much more up to date than Kate does. She really needs to modernise her look. Some of the coats and dresses she wears are quite similar to what Camilla wears and Camilla is more than thirty years older than her.
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Michelle Obama always struck me as a class act during her time as First Lady.
I respect her even more, when she was asked about running for office?
It was basically a no, I've seen what goes down and how you get tied up in red tape no matter how good your intentions were starting out...
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Happy birthday Kate - you must be a secret Tattler. Hope you have had an enjoyable day.
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I voted that there was an affair (I think), but I've changed my mind. I think Wills and Kate set a trap, complete with acting the part for realism, to see who was passing on family info to the press. The trap was successful and Ginge hasn't forgiven them for doing that to his Whinge.Thus the falling out between the bros. More fool him.
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I've always thought this about William! Whatever else I might think about the others they have all set up something that has really benefited people. At my work we have DofE volunteers every year, it's a fantastic scheme. My brother got excellent support from The Prince's Trust when he was unemployed and look at the success of inviticus games. William could definitely have done something if he had the inclination, commitment or imagination. I suspect he has none.
William has been very involved in climate change and created the Earthshot prize. My mum is a scientist working on climate change and she says initiatives like this have made a big difference in funding.
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Well, people perceive and interpret it in different ways.

Meghan was criticised for being hypocritical (eg whining about her hard life whilst visiting Africa) and I guess some people feel Kate hasn't had the same experience as many of us (having been with William since college, she probably never walked home for an hour but always took a cab and she also didn't live in Brixton but in Chelsea).

I don't criticise Kate and saw it as a genuine wish to pay respect but respect that some people feel that it is a PR stunt.
She didn’t wear a mask because she wanted to be recognised. Found it slightly odd that she was there at all, doesn’t seem to tie in with her “causes” as such. Women’s rights more of Meghan’s thing publicly.
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Kate looks so unhealthily skinny on the front of today's Evening Standard :(
She looks unwell. She's very very thin. I'm a size 6-8 myself but I'm only 5'3". I suspect Kate is about a size 4, if even that and she's 5'7" or 5'8" I think. I'm just under 8 stone and I reckons she weighs less than me.
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Kate is back again talking about how shes ' exhausted' from home schooling and ' working' and how she cuts the kids hair! As if when shes clearly getting her own hair done! No way is she home schooling and what ' work are her and William doing that takes up so much time? It's all crap. If she was talking to me about all that bullocks and pretending she was ' just like me' I'd have logged off the call. What is wrong with showing empathy without lying? Even if she is homeschooling the kids full time herself, shes doing it through choice. She has a choice of getting the nanny to do it. Also, as if their private school isnt providing wall to wall online lessons and resources to them!
She's so false. Honestly, it's just sickening. Her and that pompous git that she's married too.
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Do you have any links to the stories portraying them as the better couple?
Just today we have had the insta photos of the children's mothers day cards to Granny Diana that they apparently make every year.
Harry talks about Diana to Oprah and he talks about her memory, Cambridge PR decide to show that Diana is close to them too.
Google news section was full of articles last week on William and Kate. I dont keep a log of them but I notice them when I see them.
Keep an eye and you'll see them popping up.

Its just the way PR works. It happened when Camilla was slowly being introduced as Charles girlfriend. We were slowly drip fed stories about how great Charles was, his relationship with his adult sons etc, pics of camilla with her family and looking nice etc.

Kate should have had a mask on yesterday. A mask would have also ensured a bit of privacy for her.
I do think its lovely that she went, I just think it was jumped on by the PR team when they knew she was going

I can respect people's right to have an opinion but still feel saddened and disappointed that we continue to tear each other down in the moments when working together is most important.
This is a gossip website you are on.
You are going to come across what you perceive as tearing others down. Im sure kate isn't on here browsing for news on what she's doing.
I point out what's glaringly obvious to me. I have no ball in the game. I find it all very interesting and say what I see.
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The thing with social media is anything can be put out there and it's twisted then twisted some more and eventually people believe what they're reading.

I know that a lot of American's do not like how Meghan is treated by the British press. It could be that out of jealousy the story about Will was put out there as they believe he is cool towards Meghan.

I know Kate acts very professionally in her royal role but I don't believe as a 'commoner' she would be able to maintain living a lie. She looks happy on public visits and they were only pictured the other weekend with the kids and Zara and her husband. If the Royal family did somehow silence the story then I'm sure that's because it was untrue. If it was true, I doubt they could have silenced it.

I would imagine the silencing of the UNTRUE story was indeed to protect their children. Once these stories are put in to the public domain they tend to stick.

Twitter is bad for promoting untruths. I remember when Peter Kay cancelled his tour due to a family crisis. People were tweeting he was dead, had cancer blah, blah and yet last weekend he was pictured looking happy and healthy on a tram in Blackpool!
Exactly. This story has escalated through Twitter because Meghan's crazed fans are upset with William for not defending her in the press. Look at the hashtag princewilliamaffair and you'll find so many of them encouraging their followers to trend it as revenge.

To the person that said it's been confirmed by loads of high profile people - not true. The food critic Giles Coran (known for being a wind up merchant) tweeted about it and deleted it swiftly. No-one else of note has spoken about it.

All the British royal press that have been confronted about it on Twitter have said there's nothing of substance behind the story (that they've found).

Of course William (and Harry) are both capable of cheating, as is Kate, as is Meghan. But this one has been spread like wildfire on the internet by a group of people who are looking for vengeance with no regard for an innocent woman (as far as we know) and how this could destroy her private life.
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The picture you're on about has been proven to be doctored so you're going to have to find something new to hate her for.
How about her rocking up to her first date with Harry wedding Diana’s favourite perfume? That is a a bit creepy?

Re the cards. My Father in Law died before I met my husband so our daughter has never met him. At Christmas my husband takes a wreath to his grave. He’s taken our daughter since she could toddle to say merry Christmas to her grandad in heaven. It may sound morbid but it’s a little tradition they have. Our daughter is 8 now (she’s a few months older than George). It’s a small way of remembering him and he was still her grandparent. Not sure I’d share on social media but I do get the want to make a connection.
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