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Chatty Member
It’s sad really if indeed it’s true, if any of the other girls he was actually interested in wanted to marry him it would be bye bye Kate!! It’s sad that she was second best in a way!! In the end though she got what she wanted that must count for something!!
Kate must think being a Duchess / Princess / future Queen is worth sacrificing your dignity over but other girls didn't.
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Ironicaly,had she played hard to get ( i don't like to admit it, but like Meghan did from what i've heard) he would have APPRICIATED her much more and probably seen her as prize til this day.
Sadly this is more than likely true. It looks like a marriage of convenience. Whereas you have Harry who seems to have fallen head over heels for Megan.
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Chatty Member
It wasn't a photographer as such, looks like another mourner pulled out their phone and recorded her.
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Will's always had his own staff since adulthood and I remember very well that press corps were crapping their knickers being called into BP at the time, last minute (!!), no brief on what it was about. I never forgot that and that was a bit of an indicator that the rumour of the Windsors being basically blind sided was true.

All it needed was Will's staff to call the press corps (royal rota) and BP to be notified to let them in.

Also the Windsors were told before the press, about 2 hours before the conference and the press corps were called in last minute and had to drop everything the moment they were told to get to BP, that was well documented by the journos at the time.

They have now confirmed the rumour and all this themselves through the docu special, which their hired wedding staff (baker, embroiderer, security etc), friends and family (Uncle Fester Gary G) took part in, so you can bet it had final approval via KP.

Will being "too correct", please... The stories are he's anything but. He's often went his own way and is said to be a bad character (acc to insiders, journos, and the public tiffs between him and Charles (and Harry)).
The ring would've been in the vault with the other stuff the brothers had at the time jointly access to, they lived together (at Clarence H at the time and then W&K&H lived together for a while at CH with C&C) and shared most things, if not all.
There’s no way that Wills could arrange a press conference at Buckingham Palace without the Queen or her staff knowing what it was about!

As for the ring, no one knows who the ring was left to, we’re all speculating! My opinion is it could have been left to the next in line to the throne or the first of the brothers to get married? I bet Meghan is pretty happy with the gold Cartier anyway!!
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What's your source for all of this information?
So called royal watching over the course of some 10 years. I have a long memory. I remember the press stories and now a docu with KP cooperation. Don't know how much better a source can get than that.

Do I need to post credentials now to a gossip site to make my posts "legit"? Is there a verification blue tick to be had?

I don't like William at all. I think he's selfish, two faced and sly and would stab you in the back as soon as look at you.
Ever since Harry married Meghan, people seem to think that the sun shines out of William's arse and that he's this 'amazing' man with a 'perfect' family, and that he can do no wrong.

I think Harry's a bit messed up and confused and Meghan snared him when he was vulnerable, but I don't think he's a bad person. Personality wise, I think he's much nicer than William.
Quite fekken frankly the love the Cambs get since 2018 is befuddling. Can do no wrong.
Even a publicity stunt involving a dead woman is now "kindness". At first I thought "publicity stunt, but I won't be too harsh".
In the meantime it's been clear it was 100% a publicity stunt, 1st K appears even though police banned it, then turns out a journo is waiting for her to appear, then the met chief comes out and says the met knew she was coming withing the capacity of her "duties"(!!) and protected her, K leaves and the met beats the women up who are there. Then KP had a statement ready as soon as the footage of K's visit was released (which was tip off enough that it was a stunt) and then KP leaks that K wrote a letter to the family, but "it's private so ask no further".

I totally agree with you, and your character assessment is the type that I've heard about for ages now. That was what was said about them even when they were teens.

Here's the Tatler article, but it's likely wrong as the Cambs can't put a toe wrong, much less a foot

Honestly didn't think that writing what was said in a docu with KP approval would get so much push back and be treated as false or hearsay. Goodness me.
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I hope Charles get hold of he Throne and only the core Royals are left. Its too much to be having as big a Royal Family as we have now. Only George and his family should be supported. Charlotte and Louis need to be doing something constructive with their lives. The issue is whether anyone will be interested in them by the time the younger Royals get their go. They are an incredibly outdated and anachronistic institution as it is. They need to show people who are their age and younger, who will be expected to pay for them, their children and their children's children (while they are paying for the Coronovirus crisis and not being able to afford their own homes) that there is a point to them. Appealing to 70 year olds when you are 40 isn't going to cut it.
I take your point that Kate is arguably middle aged at 39 now, but 39 year olds in normal life do not look middle aged. Many aren't married or settled down. Even at 59, most women do not dress like their grans!
But many 39 year olds in normal life don’t go to the type of engagements or events that she goes to?! Her non working clothes are much “trendier”. She has to look tailored and smart, regal and royal?
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They didn’t seem very middle class when they were in Mustique three times a year, then Ibiza and of course skiing. Being confined to the UK has brought them down to earth a tiny bit (while living in their two massive gifted residences)
I think their PR teams have advised them very strongly to be down to earth. So they are carefully posing as middle class whilst living in a country pile and 20 room apartment in a Palace in London.
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Chatty Member
I think it's just because they were in Westminster Abbey where they got married, but they must have been there before in the 10 years since they got married.
Is that a thing? I’m not married but do everyday people wear something that reminds them of their wedding dress if they go back to the church they were married in? Just feels like it’s stretching a bit for a reason to wear something . I’d have put it more down to wearing something muted so as to not take away from the reason they were at the abbey.
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Chatty Member
The PR machine have been pushing the Cambridges this week to counter act the meghan and Harry claims.
I've seen a lot of stories about them which all help to portray them as the better of the two couples. Thats how the Palace PR machines work.
I've no doubt kate wanted to pay her respects and she could well have done a private phonecall or note to Sarah's family.
Going to the bandstand was an obvious PR move even if she only had good intentions, the PR machine would have been delighted to highlight it.
And they are still at it with the mother's Day card. Their PR team really is good
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I am surprised... I thought Kate was welcomed in to the en famille.. It sounds as if she wasn't deemed suitable. Why all the cloak and dagger if everyone was happy with the match... Its like he felt that people would talk him out of it or there was too much interference. For William to do that, to take Harrys ring without asking shows how selfish and calculating he is. I was thinking what an absolute Cunt...

One thing I can say, I do believe it is possible that this could have happened. Yes, but this could have been arranged under another guise...
I cannot see William doing this, he is too correct for that.

I would be well pissed off if my husband to be didnt even have to give me that engagement ring but took it from his brother to give it to me. It has horrible symbolism and was an emblem of one of the worst Royal Marriages in modern history! I heard the story about it being Harry's but not that he took it without asking. How awful.
We don't know if that is true. If the ring was formally registered as Harry's property I doubt that William could have just taken it.
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She looked fab back then, she started to lose weight just before the engagement (Will and she had a deal on when to get married, she knew it was coming) and then lost even more during the engagement (which to be fair happens to many women due to stress) and she's been stick-thin ever since.
I don't think more muscle would help, she excersizes like crazy already and you can see the muscle definition when she wears short and skin tight stuff. More muscle and she'll look very masculine (she already does sometimes).
She always looked great during pregnancy as well, due to the fat gain and she looked younger every time as well.
I don’t think she looked good in her wedding dress because of it either. The style of it - the way the lace and bodice were cut - made it look like tiny boobs just stuck on to a skeletal body.

Meghan really showed up the difference, even with them both pregnant and postpartum at different times. Kate looked drawn and ill once she "had got her figure back" whereas Meghan looked slim, ypunger and bouncing with health. Mind you, Meghan doesn't smoke as Kate is said to do (to keep her weight down?). Kate is really starting to look too thin, especially in her face, which is very ageing; the stripes of harsh makeup don't help.
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I liked Meghan up to the wedding, then after that I started to see her for what she is. There is a rift there no matter how much they try and make out there isn't. I hope these rumours aren't true but think there's no smoke without fire! I think she would leak it to deflect the heat from her.

The thing with Diana and Charles though is they didn't marry fully from choice, he had to marry someone but it couldn't be camilla, he loved her but didn't really love Diana. I think William always loved Kate, but the I suppose it doesn't stop people always.
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I really appreciated that it was low key and on the DL. Avoiding the focus being on her etc.
But then why didn’t she wear a mask like she always does? 😩 especially in a super crowded place like that with limited social distancing, etc
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VIP Member
No wonder Kate’s been looking depressed and unhealthy recently, it’s no surprise Will has been cheating on her from the start and she just put up with it cos she and her mother wanted to marry into the Royals
When has she looked depressed and unhealthy? She has always been thin and she was laughing and joking with Harry last week. Hardly the actions of a depressed person 🙄

Cheating from the start 🤣 wanted to marry into the royals 🤣 don’t tell me you’re one of those that believes her mother orchestrated for her to attend the same University as him so she could marry him 🙄 🤦‍♀️
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Isn’t that the function of Royalty? They are not allowed to be political, not allowed to work... What are they supposed to do?

They do charity work and keep relationships with political leaders and engage with the public. That‘s what they do
That is their function, yes, so they should be more transparent about their personal wealth and tax affairs, modernise the way they work, so they are not stuffed with courtiers who are desperate for it to be the 1950's again, not spend all their time leaking to the press against each other and doing deals with them to hide their dodgy dealings etc and there should be far fewer of them. And they dont need all their Royal residences either. But they're not that important. They are there because they are desperate to be there while they tell us how essential they are and how dutiful they are and how they serve us, aided and abetted by our apparently free press, who dont allow any anti monarchist sentiment to be expressed.
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