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yeah whatever

Well-known member
So it would seem that Holl has left Facebook ? But I found her music account. If she started a new relationship with the Italian ‘coffee boy’ on the 1st September she was in a relationship with Jack singing. The evidence is there to see on social media that they were still together and singing together in HUDDERSFIELD where coffee boy lives.

Also what happened to her first single on Spotify. I wanted that on my playlist 🤣🤢 so I could listen to it whilst I had an evening soak in the bath with W&W bath products and a W&W alcoholic beverage in my hand (ideally at a W&W retreat 🤣) also wonder if they will make a W&W coffee blend next ???? Be great for a morning soak in the bath 🤣


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How does such a small business that's trying to do so much have such a bad website?! Crashes after over 1000 people visit, also basically admitting they don't want to invest in a good website and then admitting they can't open the store without these funds not sure that looks great at all


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How many accounts does she have?! Her & Hollie are cut from the same cloth with their 27 insta accounts.

Also, don't know if many of you follow Ryan, but he's had the boys all weekend, meanwhile mum of the year is getting pissed at Lorna's house at a halloween party.
Nice to see that her perfect little performance lasted long.
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I know we don’t know the ins and outs of Hollie and Ryan’s relationship but for the first 18 months/ 2 years maybe more, she done nothing but sing his praises, said what an incredible man he was, how he treated and loved Oakley like his own, how he took care of them all etc. It was clear that he absolutely adored her. So for her to say that she’s never been loved correctly is a bit of a kick in the teeth to him if he saw that. If it wasn’t for him they wouldn’t have had the house they moved into. She wouldn’t have been able to afford a house like that on her own when she was doing just her music back then. He gave her a great life and her and Oakley a stable family unit. Like I say I know we don’t know the details of why it ended etc but he did give them love and stability.

Pretty sure she made reels and captions saying the exact same thing when she was with Ryan too about her previous exes.
In my opinion people that post crap like this on social media about how much they love their other half or how much their other half loves them have something missing in their life. You shouldn’t have to prove to a load of strangers how much someone loves you and vice versa. You are clearly screaming for attention if you do and lacking something in your life. So it’s 100% BS.
On another note, I thought her insta was about being a social media EXPERT. It’s all just about HERSELF again 🤣 clearly she isn’t in demand and people have more sense than to waste their money on someone who uses Canva.
I suspect with all the love crap she is spouting on her insta at the moment, that when she goes away soon, they might be eloping to get married. It wouldn’t surprise me at all. So she can bang on about it for months on end.
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And as if by magic, his profile photo on FB is now of him & the little girl that was previously plastered all over his FB & insta & Hollies profile photo is her & the boys.
It's as if they are both like "right, how can we look like less self obsessed wankers & more like parents of the year".
Also he's added Lil Peep to the Music section on his profile. They are so fucking bland it's predictable.
I'm sorry but this is actually vile.


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I was thinking earlier with how she runs her new blokes insta, she could make a living off brand management if she ever went to a less sketchy job. I have some respect for this however she has just rebranded her personal instagram instead so maybe not
I actually think she will be good at it. However is she just following the crowd with this new business idea. She is very much doing what her hairdresser Karlo Dickey is doing in the same locality.

And I hope she doesn’t give everyone the same bloody filter she has always used, tell them to fill there grids with reviews, tell them to do giveaways and offer codes every week and tell them to bang on about family businesses. Each company needs a new style and not all be the same. I wish her luck and I Hope she declares her earnings.
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yeah whatever

Well-known member
God sake 🤣🤣

I think Callums "private studio" is at their house, you know, the one they both live in but are single 😂
No it’s not at ‘their’ house I do know that.

What gets me is they clearly live together (how else is she looking after 2 kids and then at the gym all the time if she lives on her own ?) and they work together but aren’t together. So She must prance about in her knickers and bra whilst he is there too. It’s a very strange lifestyle. Also we get it, she hated herself, went to the gym, changed her body shape but why does she lower herself to the underwear shots in provocative poses. She went downhill for me as soon as she started doing that.
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The fringe lasted long. 😂 and lorna just looks a mess these days. Lornas going through another identity crisis. Wonder what her new ‘theme’ is. Why haven’t they realised that the crop tops look shit. Hollies now got a new hobby walking with Lucy the Label 🙄 anyone else just skip the singing too. I cant bare her singing at all.
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I just think it’s all wrong. No way would I introduce a new man so quickly to my kids and no way would I let him call himself step dad so quickly. If I was Ryan I would be going ballistic. It’s creepy as fuck. Nobody in their right mind would call themselves a step parent in a matter of months. He and her and just fucking weird. She introduces men far too quickly into her children’s life’s.
She is a shit mum
Absolutely agree with that.
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So it all went to shit then. Hopefully she sorts herself out now and stops letting blokes call themselves step dad after a few weeks of been together. She really does need to not introduce men so quickly to her kids. It’s gunna mess with their heads.
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Chatty Member
So they’ve spent all this time and money on the huge amazing store…… only for it to be open 16 hours a week and only 1 Saturday per month 🤔🤔 Are they actually for real?! What’s the point?! 🤣🤣
Are they worried about their tax credits or something 🤣🤣 why bother, would it even cover wages, rent, insurance etc etc ffs 🤦‍♀️
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Is Ryan away with the new misses?? Cause if he is then who's got the boys??
Grandparents likely. In defence of Ryan, this is his first time away this year after being left to single parent so, I hope he’s having a lovely time with his new woman, she’s stunning too and they seem so well suited!
Hollie’s first week having her children full time again and she’s already palmed them off for her new man, mother of the year or what 🥰
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I’m going to glue the one say it…..
why has Lorna ruined her beautiful face with all those tattoos 😭

I have many tattoos myself but never could go to the extent on my face :(
looks like hollies mum is following in their footsteps too. Face and neck tats galore
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VIP Member
I was thinking earlier with how she runs her new blokes insta, she could make a living off brand management if she ever went to a less sketchy job. I have some respect for this however she has just rebranded her personal instagram instead so maybe not
“You know how many business’ I’ve created over the years”. She’s making herself sound like a multiple business owner like all the businesses she created are still going, when in reality it’s been things she started, claimed they were going to be the next big thing, made an Instagram account for them only to stop after a few months. Wild and Wood is the only thing she’s stuck with.

Also possibly petty but it’s really annoying me how she’s putting an apostrophe after business rather than spelling it correctly as businesses. She does it every time.
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And as if by magic, his profile photo on FB is now of him & the little girl that was previously plastered all over his FB & insta & Hollies profile photo is her & the boys.
It's as if they are both like "right, how can we look like less self obsessed wankers & more like parents of the year".
Also he's added Lil Peep to the Music section on his profile. They are so fucking bland it's predictable.
I'm sorry but this is actually vile.
Ha probably changed his profile picture to show the baby in the video drinking pretend tea was actually his daughter and not Hollies kids after reading on here. Step parents within a matter of months too. They are both a joke. Well suited to each other. Pathetic. She’ll be up the duff as we speak. So Predictable. There will be an another ‘wild’ baby to add to the brood this year.
And they are reading on here as you can’t read the comments on his profile pic anymore and he’s changed his music choice 😂 wannabes the pair of them.
Also why does Hollie always post pictures of her kids practically naked. She blasted them all over insta too in just their nappies. Now middle one is just in his pants on her profile pic. She literally is just weird.
Also the house she apparently bought back in May / June has never been updated on Zoopla. She is such a liar. 🤥


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