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Wow. Lucy Flight has been posting about BLM and these are her stats. She lost 500 followers in a day!

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Chatty Member
Yesterday I was at work and I wanted to start the discussion but I was faced with a wall of ignorance. I get that they were angry that people were protesting due to Covid, I get it but really I don't....and I work in an Hospital. I heard sayings at work well it's an american problem, it's trend following or they only want to loot and break things. I said No and stop! This is a problem everywhere and I could tell my black colleague was glad I didnt just let them say it ...
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Chatty Member
The author of Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People about race doesn't want to make a profit from the book and has asked people to find her book for free and donate what they would of spent to black organisations

Thank you! I donated to Black Lives Matter yesterday. I got an ereader and will be reading most of the books listed on here. I might not be able to change the world but I can change me.
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I don't think it is surprising. Too many people are wrapped up in their own bubble. They need to take note of the quote: "privilege is when you think something isn't a problem because it doesn't directly affect you."
Those people have a lot of learning to do.
I think I just assumed that people able to find tattle and have opinions against the norm of influencers etc that people love, would also be able to apply that critical thinking mindset to issues such as these. Sad I guess
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I pray for the day where everyone will be judged on their personalities and their actions and not their skin colour. Where anyone can call out anyone for wrong doing and colour will not be brought into it. Have 13th on my watch list for tomorrow.
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black activists are asking white people to elevate their voices rather than as usual dominate with our own white feelings. No one gives a fuck if we’re crying because yet again another black human being has been murdered. White tears mean nothing right now, actions are needed and sharing/elevating the black voices on this platform for once is essential. So no, I do not think Stacey should write her own words - she doesn’t know enough to, none of us do. Yet.

ETA; if you think the unrest needs to be over and silence resumed then you really are terrifyingly part of the problem.
So you think the unrest and rioting and even more killing is going to make a change, isn't that what has happened in the past, and it's still happening now.

In what way is rioting, smashing neighborhoods, burning people's shops, ruining more lives going to help the suitation.

It needs to stop & people need to talk, these actions are not going to make the slightest bit of difference as we have all seen before.
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Firstly, can I start my saying, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I can’t imagine the pain you went through and still go through and the trauma that you must re-live every single time, you hear of yet another black life, being taken at the hands of the police.

Secondly thank you for this thread and that fantastic post. So articulate and informative. My attention was really piqued in 2015 by the case of Sandra Bland. Slightly different to George Floyd but I guess, and I am ashamed to say, that it took her death, to really highlight the Black Lives Matter movement/fight (not even sure if that is the correct term) to me. I re watched the video so many times and would show it to any family member/friend who would listen because I was just incredulous as to why she was stopped, how she was treated and the very sad outcome, all because of the colour of her skin. I wanted to see if people were as shocked, and then as angry and saddened as I felt. I also felt silly, being so far removed and feeling useless. Since then I have really educated myself and those around me & I am sure it has contributed to just how passionate my teenage daughter is on this topic & why she is so upset. I still have a lot more to learn and to actively do but it is heartening to see people talking and sharing and wanting to learn and know how best to help in the fight.

I know people in real life who would get their back up about the term white privilege and would try to deny it (perhaps due to not really understanding its meaning and thus accepting) but your description is simple yet perfect and I will be quoting it. “Remember white privilege is not saying you haven't had a hard life or invaliding that, it just notes your skin colour did not add to it.”

I will never be able to fully understand but I want you to know that You have an ally in me.
Sandra Bland was the case that really struck me too. There’s so much need for change 💗
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Hey EiiEiiiO, I understand where you’re coming from, and no one would invalidate your experience of xenophobia as an immigrant in the US and the trauma of the holocaust.

Identity is many layers of race, gender, religion, citizenship or social status; we all have our own journeys with oppression and privilege. As you said, others see you as white and you’re likely granted advantages because of that. We have to confront these possibly uncomfortable realities, and I totally agree about opening dialogue.
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Wouldn’t 1st degree require proof that he planned the murder ahead of time? I’m not sure how well they would be able to prove that beyond reasonable doubt (correct me if I’m wrong). 2nd degree I have no doubt about though - there’s more than enough evidence for any normal person to see that!
Exactly, we have watched the evidence with our own eyes. If they get out of this, their lawyer deserves to become king because I don't see how they can defend it. They will surely be looking for some technicality to mean it won't even get to trial.
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you know, I’ve been reading seeing comments on twitter and Instagram on the protests... but I’m reading a lot that people aren’t happy that white people are protesting.

I think this is the issue, we don’t know how to help. We can speak on social media behind our keyboards but will that really help really? What should help is, white people being on the streets and standing strong as a unit. But, the amount of nasty things I’m reading when we should all come together hand in hand is just shocking.

Appreantly white people have caused every single fire, the only ones looting and the police brutality at the riots - videos and photos out there say otherwise, I’ve seen people from all cultures partaking in it all and mainly young men with the looting. And the police brutality was cause by no one, they’re attacking news reporters.

How can we all move forward if no one accepts no one?
I can’t speak for POC of course but I’ve read a lot of people are happy white people are protesting. Of course there are lines they shouldn’t cross, and they shouldn’t be taking advantage of the situation to cause havoc but I think it’s important for white people to actually DO something and take a stand. Respectfully, of course. Our role is a little different than it is for POC at the protests.

I’ve seen footage of the cops starting trouble, too. Likely to make the protestors look bad. So much footage has emerged of them arriving at peaceful protests (protestors sitting down or standing still doing nothing wrong) and being violent towards them! It’s disgusting because the media doesn’t show that. The people who keep saying ‘violence isn’t the answer’ need to tell the cops that if they really believe it.
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Sandra Bland was the case that really struck me too. There’s so much need for change 💗
It really struck me deep. I remember trying to find out so much info on it, and just kept thinking how on earth has this happened? I kept thinking about her family and friends. Like if I couldn’t get my head round it, how could they possibly....and then I realised, to some degree it wasn’t as shocking to them, because they had come to almost expect death as an outcome, to being stopped by police!!
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Have a look on line, one guy got killed as he was breaking into a FedEx truck, he got caught under its wheels as the driver drove away in fear for his life.
A shop owner trying to protect her property whilst being threatened, whilst others smashed her shop up in front of her, is this what we have become? Is this OK because some are angry?

We now have protests planned for London, hopefully they will remain peaceful, god help us if they turn violent.

To destroy what's around you through looting & fire is never going to be right.

Racism is never right no matter what colour a person is, but what's happening now is not right either.

We are also in the middle of a Pandemic, how many more will die of Covid due to these protests? 😢
Those deaths are tragic and I'm not arguing that or saying that they're okay at all, but these protests still need to happen. And like I said, many of the violence occured after police started it and gave people no choice BUT to be violent back in defence of themselves and people around them.

And regarding Covid, the timing of this uprising is the worst and not ideal but they can't let it go now. It's finally making some kind of a change and making people look at themselves and their white privilege and realise that this shit needs to stop and enough is enough. To let that fade away now would be such a shame and would likely just set us back even further.

It is a risk in terms of the virus but the virus will eventually go or become managable, even if it takes years. If nothing is done about racism and injustice then things for them will stay the same for even longer. If the virus doesn't kill them, then racism probably will eventually.
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First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.
(Pastor Martin Niemoller.)
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Oh please 🙄

NO ONE has to worry about the nonsense in your second paragraph in the U.K. EVERYONE does in the US. It is a different country. That is my UK privilege, not white.

And yes actually I did learn as a child what to do when a police car wants you to pull over. Oh, the suffering 🙄

No one in the UK is legally knocked back from nightclubs because of their race. Although I’d like to see you trying to get into a black nightclub.

White people are legally excluded from jobs all the time, it’s called positive discrimination. Examples: police, TV presenters, media, medicine degree placements (which lead to being a doctor; then they claim we rely on non-white for the NHS despite us deliberately being excluded). They also specifically limit placements of foreign European (ie, white) students. We are the only race that it’s legal to do this to.

If white people cross the road it’s because we are statistically likely to be victimised. I would rather be the race that has hurt feelings than the race who are targeted for rape and muggings.

Even if the nonsense you wrote was true and applicable in the U.K., I would still take being wary of police and rejected from nightclubs, over being gang raped as a child or tortured to death.
Positive discrimination in the UK is illegal. Here's a case that went to court when Cheshire Police were found guilty to have discriminated against a white heterosexual white man:

Here's the law on it: https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreut...ontextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true&bhcp=1.

I completely agree white privilege exists, but sometimes I think in certain situations it's CLASS privilege and not white privilege at play. I feel like class privilege sometimes disappears into the shadow of white privilege.
Do you not think they are linked somehow? BAME workers are over-represented in insecure and low paid work:

I know social class isn't always linked to occupation, but it is a large part of it. I feel like this is why they are particularly hit with the Coronavirus pandemic, as insecure work is likely to have dried out and they may not qualify for furlough.
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Well-known member
I have just seen a video of the New York police department running protestors over, who look to be behind a designated fenced off area. I can’t comprehend how they think that will help them take control of the escalating situation and earn them any respect from the people participating in the protest. My heart hurts, this is so awful. It’s a distressing watch. 🙁

Also this one where police departments are using excessive force, it brought tears to my eyes.

Oh my fucking god. I find myself thinking these must be set ups because surely to fuck no police department would act like this but the worst thing is I know it's real. Absolutely disgusting.
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Is anyone else realising that their partners are just not on the same page as them about this?

I believe that I have always been fairly liberal and understanding of the systematic racism experienced by people of colour. Obviously there is always room to understand further and so I have been doing some more reading on the issue over the last couple of weeks.

I have been talking to my boyfriend about these issues and he shouts me down every time, saying that in the UK we have equality of opportunity, education, healthcare and so on forth. I have tried to explain that just because that exists in theory, doesn’t mean that it is applied in practice. He isn’t accepting of this. He keeps getting wrapped up in the vandalism of statues and side issues too, rather than the crux of the problem, which is racial bias.

On the issue of statues, I explained that I was surprised to learn than in the UK in 2020, we still have statues of people who profited from slave trading. I said that I was disgusted and that of course, these statues should be taken down, or left there but with the addition of a corrective plaque, explaining how they made their money etc. My boyfriend did actually agree with me on this part, to my surprise.

However, when I tell him that I have been listening to how people of colour explain their experience, he tells me that I am racist towards my own race and anti white people. It is absolutely blowing my mind as we usually agree on most things politically. It’s awful, and he told me today that “if I carry on with this attitude, that we will probably not sustain a meaningful relationship”. It’s insane to me.
I'm not sure what I'd do.
We have had a few disagreements but we've been able to chat about them and he, both times, has either changed his opinion or realised his opinion on it isn't necessary or needed because he's a white privileged man.

The fact he's calling you racist & anti white people is ridiculous to be honest. I don't understand how he can consider your relationship unmeaningful as you support the movement. I'm sorry you're going through this... but honestly I'd be done.
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It really struck me deep. I remember trying to find out so much info on it, and just kept thinking how on earth has this happened? I kept thinking about her family and friends. Like if I couldn’t get my head round it, how could they possibly....and then I realised, to some degree it wasn’t as shocking to them, because they had come to almost expect death as an outcome, to being stopped by police!!
I agree. As a white person if I was pulled over it wouldn’t even cross my mind that I would be killed.

And the fact that she was already dead when the mug shots were taken... the whole case just really stuck with me, I remember how horrified I was reading things as if it happened yesterday. I think I was always aware of the police brutality and racism towards POC (I didn’t realise my impact though) but that was the first time I was deeply upset by it and realised my privilege.
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I read his first autopsy a few days ago when it was released. I don't really know whether to believe it given that it was carried out by the same institution that killed him, but the comments on the post were beyond ridiculous.

From "he had meth & fentanyl in his system, that must've contributed" (even though I think the drug traces were very small) to the even more ridiculous "he tested positive for covid so he died from that..." and "so covid killed him then!" People seem desperate to find some kind of narrative... 9 minutes of a knee on your neck would kill ANYONE. No matter if you had traces of drugs in your system or a heart issue. Drives me completely insane.
To me, this is the police officers defence being started up - “oh, of course I realise that kneeling on his neck doesn’t look good, but it was COVID-19/existing health conditions/drug taking that caused him to die. Not my fault. Now if you’ll just acquit me, I’ll be on my way.”

I hope the jurors in the case see through that and convict them.
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I’ve been speaking about it with my young son over the past few days. He’s almost 5. I’ve ordered some more diverse books online too for him as I noticed that we don’t have many in his collection. I can see my online friends sharing educational posts which is good to see. I will keep learning and strive to do more and not be afraid to speak out.
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