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VIP Member
That’s awful about the photos!

I remember it too. I was out in Birmingham that night with my sister for a Christmas night out. My mum had called us early in the morning as she was worried it was us .
Yeah, that was such a weird morning as I live not far from Bham. I had so many people send me the article asking if I've heard what happened. The worst part is there are still no railings, cameras or anything on that underpass.
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Lulu Goss

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Mark Van Dogen- his story was covered on Seeing Red today. I’ve just been listening to his father’s victim impact statement. While he was in hospital his dad would split his time between working in Belgium and being with Mark in Bristol. He seemed to have so much strength for his boy.
I’ve never heard this story before but I just read the details, that is so so sad. That woman is pure evil.
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Hillsborough. I think I was about 10, my parents used to get the Daily Mirror and there was some really graphic photos of people crushed against the railings, I’m presuming they didn’t survive, I can still sort of picture their faces. It’s always made me a bit wary of crowds at gigs etc.

Also Jamie Bulger, I read a lot about the case and just found it so chilling what they did.
I lived in Merseyside at the time and was about 10 too. I can remember those pictures so clearly. Awful.

This year I read about the Station nightclub fire in the US back in 2003 - I highly recommend people do NOT go and watch the video of it (a journalist was doing a report on nightclub safety so it's all on camera). A similar thing except lots of patrons stuck in a doorway about to die. Couldn't shake the images for ages.

The Australian theme park tragedy where a raft flipped up and threw people underwater really stuck with me for a long time too. That was maybe two years ago?
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As far as I'm aware, 3 of them are still in prison. They should all be in prison and left to rot for what they did to that poor girl
I’ve just looked this case up and it’s absolutely shocking! It reminds me of that movie “an American crime”
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Chatty Member
I'll always remember the abduction & murder of a little girl called Leoni Keating in 1985, she was taken from an open window of a caravan in Great Yarmouth, we went on holiday as a family to Great Yarmouth every summer, I would have been 10 at the time and always remember my Mum getting upset reading about it and how the following year we were not allowed to go very far without adult supervision.
I'm from Norfolk and have never heard of this! Also very little info on Google, seems not to be very widely reported :(
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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but the murder of Angelika Kluk has always stuck with me. She was murdered and hidden under a church floor in Glasgow. Her killer was the handyman there. He went on the run, and after finding out his real identity, Peter Tobin, he was found in a hospital in England.

Eventually he was also found to have kidnapped and killed Dinah McNicol and Vicky Hamilton. They had been kidnapped and murdered separately, and buried in his back garden. He moved about so much that I don't think anyone believes he doesn't have more victims. I believe he also has convictions for sexual assaults on young women.
I live on the street he used to live in, believed to have lived here when he killed Vicky Hamilton.
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I know it’s recent but there is something not quite right with this case. I really wish I am wrong but there is something about her Husband that just feels odd. I can’t stop thinking about that poor woman and her baby 😥

I’ve been thinking this since the day it came out. I get a bad feeling about him.
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I read about this the other day, the remains found aren’t those young boys. I think there were a lot of presumptions it could be as the guy (Brian Field) who’s in prison for rape and murder of a young boy lived very very close to where the bones were found.
Gosh so they don’t know who the bones belong too?
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I think in the James Bulger case, they were skipping school. I might be wrong. But in any case, they should BOTH still be locked up for that specific crime. What bothered me is that I am only a couple of years younger than those evil boys. They both received new lives, new names etc. What if you found out your other half was one of those boys? How can you trust a system that allows that? They may have been 10 but one of them is back in prison for child sex offences. Neither of them should have ever left prison. I think James’ mum should be at least given that. She has campaigned for years for justice for James, what a strong woman she is.
There was a case a few years ago where a man was wrongly accused of being Jamie Bulger's killer with a new identity, it was in the papers .
Also , I live up north at there was a rumour that one of the killers had moved to one of the villages nearby ( people who move their from elsewhere in the country are often suspected of being on witness protection/ having to have a new identity) .
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I've just listened to a 3 part podcast on Josef Fritzel and learned so much, Elizabeth is an incredible woman. I knew the basics of the case but how she survived what she did and got her kids up daily and homeschooled them and tried to make their life as normal as possible Is incredible.
I listened to this to... Red-handed?? Love those girls! Really sad case :-(
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Just got stuck down a long blackfish hole... I actually haven’t watched the documentary as I am quite strange and don’t like to watch things that are upsetting in terms of animals. Is it really bad or could I watch? Can’t believe the footage of that male trainer who got dragged under a few times and very nearly could’ve also died! Ashamed to admit I have been to sea world a number of times and loved it, but this was when I was a child many many years ago 😞
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I remember the 7/7 bombings too, I was working in Liverpool at the time - did they not announce just earlier that day/week that we had won the Olympic bid for 2012? That morning on Radio 1 they kept saying there had been an outrage on the tube, but they kept saying that often you started to get suspicious. Again, the internet was just not at our disposal then, as it is now!
Autocorrect: should’ve said ‘Outage’
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The most recent cases that have really stuck with me are the suicide of Mya-Lecia and the sudden death of Archie. My kids watch their shows alot especially as cbbc repeat them often. So young and talented with their lives ahead of them. Tragic 😢

Past ones are
9/11 we were on honeymoon and didn’t realise it was a terror attack as in those days we didn’t have mobiles and just had a small tv in the games room on the island.
James Bulger
Diana’s death -it felt surreal as i had just started a job at Harrods
Holly and Jessica
Madeline mccann

many more
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VIP Member
What an interesting read. Wow. Something that stuck with me, as it did with everyone, was Madeline Mccann. I'm 3 years older than her and when it happened, I remember just thinking and trying to understand how anybody could just take someone like that. I was terrified of even going to Tesco.

Fred and Rose West
Mira Hindley and Ian Brady
Jonbenet Ramsey too. I always wondered if her family were involved in her murder
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Lockerbie for me. I was a child at the time but I remember it clear as day… it looked just like where we lived. The Paddington train crash. Grenfell was another. It was all just so close to home. I was pregnant at the time and I just couldn’t comprehend the suffering those people, those little children went through. Absolutely broke me. There was another one, local to me, I won’t say his name as it’ll give too much info, but I’ll never forget it- young guy fell in the river drunk on his way home one night around Xmas. Found his body two weeks later drowned. Just a normal kid with his whole life ahead of him who walked home tipsy and fell. Gone. Awfully sad.
Was this Jack Morrad?
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Well-known member
Murder of Sarah Payne - I remember her school picture being all over the news.

Holly & Jessica - I was on holiday camping with family in Wales and my parents wouldn't let me & my sister play anywhere where they couldn't see us.

9/11 (I was 8 so didn't understand, but remember sitting in front of the TV like it were yesterday), 7/7, Manchester Arena bombing.

Boston Marathon bombing - my friend was running the London Marathon not long afterwards and I was scared for her.

I've watched documentaries on news stories before I was born like James Bulger and the Challenger explosion, deeply upsetting.
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Katie rough in york
her stepsister walked her about half a mile down the road,and slit her throat-I’m from the area and she would have passed my old house
it made the news-then nothing

a house fire which happened about a two minute walk from my house where four out of five children died (I moved the week Katie died)
natalie unitt and Christopher Moulton had been warned by social services not to smoke in the house
they carried on-well over 100 fag butts where found outside their house
the kids where so neglected they could only point and grunt at stuff
the house was silent even though it had 5 kids living in it-the smallest child was just shoved in a buggy in front of the tv all the time
i used to see them coming into work and it’s true-they where dirty,sticky looking almost with no socks or coats on and just didn’t speak-the parents where polite enough-not demanding like some are-I remember the little one in his buggy-he just looked ‘blank’
i remember saying to my mate that I hoped ss where involved as they just seemed very quiet and something was off-but there’s a few families like this that come in-we just serve food-nothing else,but it’s hard not to judge privately as you would if you where in the street
it looks like ss where more bothered about the mother,not the kids-I hope someone is held responsible but I don’t think they will
it looks like they where smoking in bed-the bedcovers set alight from a stray fag spark and the house just went up in flames
mum and dad got the smallest child out-and the other 4 died
the parents tried to blame it on a faulty boiler (which was what was being said in the area at the time) but seems that in inquest says it was their fags that did it
theres been an outcry where I live saying they should go to prison but they won’t even serve a day-everything’s been dropped

those poor kids-i had to walk past their house to get to a hairdressing client the following day and I just broke down-those kids must have been so frightened and wondering if mum or dad where coming to save them
I wondered at the time if the media blackout was because the perpetrator was a family member who was minor. The little that was reported publicly was worded very sensitively, which makes a change. Such an awful situation for the family.
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