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The footage of the station nightclub fire is the stuff of nightmares. It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on the internet and I’m pretty unshakable like that. The fucking fire exits were chained shut!

On the subject of Hillsborough, I personally know a couple people who were there. It’s one of the many reasons I won’t click on Sun links on here.
I watched Station fire footage a few months ago (out of curiosity). It was really sad seeing the people enjoying themselves just before the fire started.
I also think one of the security guards refused to let people leave out of the stage door exit (?), so that probably caused more deaths.
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Has anyone else been following the story about Bernadette Walker? She went missing in July this year and she hasn't been found yet but her parents were both charged with her murder. For some reason it's not been in the media much (not from what I've seen). I think the charges on the mum were dropped but think the dad is still suspected of killing her. So sad 😔
This is such a strange one. It’s been kept really quiet with no indication of a motive or how they concluded the parents were involved from what I’ve seen.

Filiacide fascinates me in a lot of ways as when it’s not as a result of long term abuse or honour killing, so often the parent somehow justifies it as ‘protecting’ their child. There’s two that stick with me...
This story of Olivia Kray’s murder by her father is sad and strange. Her mental health issues meant she was dependant on her father to the extent of calling the police if he left her, needing him to be with her if she left the house and so on. He could no longer take it but it’s unimaginable how desperate he could have been to kill her and why his mind saw that as the best course of action. Why not just kill himself if anyone instead he felt he had to kill her and her mother too he claimed.

Chris Foster a millionaire who became bankrupt killed his wife, daughter, dogs and horses and torched their mansion it would seem rather than let the baliffs come and let go of his lifestyle/admit to the bankruptcy. It’s such an unbelievable level of selfishness where again ‘protecting them’ is offered as some kind of justification.
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Trigger warning?
A few years ago there was a young girl in Birmingham I think, who was raped by a taxi driver. She escaped and flagged down another car to help her. When she got in, the driver of that car took her somewhere and also raped her. So awful.
I think possibly saying what the trigger warning is for can be helpful x
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The news that keeps me awake at night is always cruelty to children. Especially when it's gone on over an extended period - children should have innocence and happiness and I just can't get my mind around anybody who could hurt somebody so defenceless. Baby P was so awful I couldn't even read it all. Just horrendous.
Have to agree. It is beyond all comprehension how someone could treat an innocent child like that, especially so when it’s done by the people who are supposed to love and protect them unconditionally. To think that there are children who have only ever known pain and horror in their little lives is just so terribly sad. 💔
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Just remembered another story that stuck with me - a mother and daughter checked into a Travelodge in (Glasgow?) and basically butchered their own arms. The daughter actually tired to crawl out to get help at the last minute it would seem.

The strange background was something to do with a girl blackmailing them, pretending to be different people and texting from different numbers. Such a waste.
Wow I’ve never heard of this how awful! 😔
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There was an episode of Law & Order SVU on last night which was obv loosely based on the Turpin story. A very malnourished girl escapes from a house, police think she is in her teens but she is actually in her twenties, she is forced to go back home by her controlling dad, parents take the kids out bowling, like a happy family day out, neighbours barely saw the children outside, when a policewoman enters the house she finds one of the children shackled to a radiator.
I thought it was a real coincidence after reading about the Turpin story on here then seeing that episode!
I am a total law and order svu geek, there’s a tonne of episodes that are loosely based on real life crimes, they usually have a disclaimer at the start of them that says it’s fiction and not based on a real story 🤣 but the actual fictional ones don’t have the disclaimer 🤣
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Quite a few but Dunblane really sticks with me as well as 911. Dunblane I remember we did a silence in school for it and my form tutor was absolutely hysterically sobbing and had to go and sit in the staff room.
I was 16 when dunblane happened-I remember buying the tape they released just after

its the reason I always tell my kids I love them as we leave each other-I couldn’t bear it if something happened and my last words to them where something else

about 4 weeks after it happened I went to go meet my mother in the school she worked in

i wandered in,no questions asked-ok they knew me-but nobody batted an eyelid
i sat in the office-nobody was there the whole 15 minutes I was there and people where wandering in and back out freely

my mates kids went to the same school years later and they had put electronic gates in-for cars-if you where on foot then you walked in through another gate and you could either go into the office-or go for a jolly trip round the school,unseen for most of it,and nobody would have known

saying that,they had two kids who’s family where the local trouble makers

These two boys where a handful but to be fair where nice kids

shame they walked up the school path,to the gates,walked through them,down the street-over a main road and where seen playing in the forecourt of the local bp garage which is a ten minute walk away-the kids at the time where 5 and 8

the dinner ladies where too busy not watching the kids and these two got out
nothing happened-no locks on gates,no making it harder to get in/out

hell,the dinner ladies simply got asked what had happened and that was it!

they also had a playing field next to the school-and that had 3 massive holes in the fence-that where there when I was at that school-and I’m 42!any adult could sneak in-or any child out-im amazed it’s not happened yet

seems this school just didn’t see any danger in the world!in their world dunblane happened in a far away world and that was that!
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I know it’s recent but there is something not quite right with this case. I really wish I am wrong but there is something about her Husband that just feels odd. I can’t stop thinking about that poor woman and her baby 😥

He said it was because she kept screaming.

I know everyone deals with grief and trauma differently but his behavior is giving me he’s involved vibes. Perhaps I’ve watched too many crime docs but when I watch and read his interviews I’m getting the ick.
He comes across as so unemotional when speaking to the media.
Also when they checked the CCTV it was either not working or had been switched off...
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Esther Dingley going missing in the Pyrenees while hiking.

There's something very off about this case.

It's why I joined Tattle.

Yes. Amy's story haunts me still.

To think she came so close to help 3 times and nada. Heartbreaking.

I admire the Canadian who flew to her parents to give as much info as he could.

That photo from the brothel that they think is her haunts me too. What a cruel existence.

And she never wanted to go on the cruise. It's just terrible.
What do you think happened to Esther? I've only seen bits here and there x
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I mind watching a documentary about that cult in Brixton, and the girl who had grown up in it. She giggles a lot when talking about all the awful things she experienced. The team who work with her and helping her adjust go in to detail explaining this is not her finding anything funny, but just overcome with trauma. Not saying its the case for Louise Woodward, but just people can have some strange reactions, but it might be beyond their control, and not representative of how they feel.
Oh yeah I agree, they did say she was a nervous giggler, still seemed very odd in a very serious court setting.
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Azra Kemal - I remember reading about her death and thinking what crappy luck. Then what has just come out in the news these past few days, it's just awful. Some real sickos in this world.
There has been some suspicions about her death, her mum thinks it should be investigated more. I believe her last texts were that she has a falling out with friend and next thing she’s fallen 40ft.
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Princess 6

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Alesha Macphail was just the most horrific case ever. The fact her killer was 16 as well, so evil at such a young age, he’d apparently killed many animals before this so there were signs. Alesha’s poor Mum, thinking she’d be safe with her Dad and grandparents but never getting to see her again and knowing the horror of her final moments. She should have been safe on such a quiet island, the dangers of drugs and the damage they can cause in so many ways.
Horrific I was on Facebook at the time when her mum came on and found out about Alesha 💔 I will never forget it
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I've never been able to forget Laura Sadler who was in Holby. She wasn't much older than me and I'd grown up watching her on TV and loved the Belfry Witches.
Yeah I liked her as well, she was in Grange Hill too. Also highly recommend the film she was in, "Intimate Relations".

Although for some reason I always get her confused with the girlfriend of Mark Speight who also died (as did he).

This was so sad. Didn’t the writers work with her family…so that her character won the lottery and emigrated. Which is just tragic…it’s the happy ending lithely would have liked for her I’m sure.

The death of Natasha and then Mark. His body hanging for days as well.

I don't know why I get Laura and Natasha confused...
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The Port Arthur massacre
Daniel Morecomb abduction & murder
William Tyrell abduction & probable murder

Tia-Leigh Palmer murder by her arsehole foster father
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Not sure if this may have been mentioned

But about 2014/2015 i remember a story about a couple in india (they may have been on honeymoon/or just graduated)
Anyways they were both found dead in the hotel room
There were loads of prescription drugs around them and apprently the guys twitter kept going on about how easy the drugs were to get out there
Always thought it was strange and wondered if there was more to the story
But it wasnt headline news or anything and i dont tjink there was ever a follow up
If you look at the man’s tweets, I think he already had major issues with alcohol and drugs, and was spending all their time in India completely under the influence (to put it politely). I think it was just a very tragic overdose.
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The two year old boy who was on holiday with his family to Florida (Disney World) and was dragged off into the water by an alligator, to his death. Just horrific. My son wasn’t much younger at the time, my heart broke for him and his family. Poor little darling. 😞
Yes :( I remember this. Weren’t they really close to the shore?
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I trained at the hospital Beverly Allitt trained and worked at, and went to school with several of her victims. It’s been 30 years and it’s still a prevalent part of the hospital.
Channel hopping and just started watching a programme about her on sky crime.
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wow I find that quite interesting about social services. I’m assuming she was given a new identity but it was obvious who she is.

I always wonder with probation office...are the offenders discussed or just the impact on rehabilitation and say funding work/employment?
All aspects are discussed, including how the offender views themselves as well as the impact on both the victim and on them in relation to moving forward with their lives. There are also charities that ex offenders can approach or be referred to that offer assistance with a range of things such as counselling, housing and work etc. I'm not saying it's always straightforward or successful though obviously but in terms of probation, it's a condition of sentencing/release that they must engage with the service.
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