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There was a little girl who was killed by her mother (I think her name was Ayesha or something similar), We done something safeguarding training at work and they played a recording of her mum on the phone and you could hear the little girl crying for her mummy in the background.
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9/11. My husband and I had just flown to the US for the holiday of a lifetime.
We woke up in our hotel, and put on the news. First thing we heard was that all flights to and from the US are cancelled. Scary.
We found an Internet cafe and contacted work and friends and said we were ok.
We had been due to be in New York that weekend, but I had changed our flights last minute.
Otherwise we would have been flying out of New York that morning.
I hadn't told our friends and family, they all thought we were on one of those flights.
I just recall my BIL crying down the phone, thinking we were dead....
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I can’t remember the little boys name and I wish I could, the poor boy was starved by his parents and resorted to stealing food from other children’s lunch at school if I recall correctly. He ended up dying due to the abuse/starvation.

I always always mention it to nasty, snide people who love playground gossip. How many times have we heard of a child stealing out of other children’s lunchboxes and parents do nothing besides tut, bitch about it and then turn a blind eye. I’ve always maintained since having my son that if I ever come across a similar situsiton, I promised myself I would invite them over for a hot meal after school. Behaviour like that is either taught or survival. I’d hate to be one of the many ignoring it on assumptions of a bad child. 😔 That baby boy’s suffering has stuck with me for years.

Edit; Daniel Pelka was his name. Recognised him as soon as I saw his sweet face.
I actually said to my partner at the weekend how some people should not be allowed to have children (should be some kind of test) it applies in this case and to the others mentioned of child neglect and abuse.
I was at the park with my little boy sat on the grass eating, there was a man and his 8/9 year old daughter nearby. He was sat smoking and ignoring her, she was just wandering around by him, she came back over to him and she trod on his trainer as she did and he said do it again and I’ll belt you. Made me feel so sad for her and worried what might happen behind closed doors 😢
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Milly Dowler. We’re the same age and I remember watching it on the news - so much news coverage about the case! - and feeling like ‘crap... she’s just like me / my friends’. She seemed like such a beautiful soul, I find myself thinking of her sometimes and wondering what she’d be doing now.

I read her sisters book a few years ago and it was heartbreaking- such a difficult read. But it really gave you an insight on how badly her family were treated by the police and the media. Not to mention the added trauma of the phone hacking scandal. Devastating for them. I hope they’ve been able to find some peace now.
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Chatty Member
I can’t remember the little boys name and I wish I could, the poor boy was starved by his parents and resorted to stealing food from other children’s lunch at school if I recall correctly. He ended up dying due to the abuse/starvation.

I always always mention it to nasty, snide people who love playground gossip. How many times have we heard of a child stealing out of other children’s lunchboxes and parents do nothing besides tut, bitch about it and then turn a blind eye. I’ve always maintained since having my son that if I ever come across a similar situsiton, I promised myself I would invite them over for a hot meal after school. Behaviour like that is either taught or survival. I’d hate to be one of the many ignoring it on assumptions of a bad child. 😔 That baby boy’s suffering has stuck with me for years.

Edit; Daniel Pelka was his name. Recognised him as soon as I saw his sweet face.
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The German pilot who flew the passenger plane into mountains. There was a school trip on board. Such a monstrous thing to do. He was suicidal. He didn’t need to kill all those people with him.
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I think the details of the Sarah Everard case are some of the most harrowing I have ever heard of. I can’t begin to imagine what she went through. 😓 it’s definitely one of those stories that will remain in the public consciousness for a long time.

The CCTV of her walking home is just so haunting. Just reminds of the Jill Meagher case in Australia, which caused outrage in 2012.
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Chatty Member
Has anyone been following the disappearance of Sarah Everard in London?

33 year old woman walking home on Wednesday evening this week and she’s vanished without a trace. Apparently very much out of character. Her route took her over Clapham Common so police have been searching ponds and places like that.

I really hope she’s found well but something feels very sinister about this one. From her family and police statements she wasn’t depressed and had never went awol before etc.
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One that’s just popped back in my head from a few years ago is the teenager who killed his girlfriend “for a free breakfast” from his mate. If I remember rightly he smashed her skull with a rock and even described the moment her skull gave way. Absolutely sickening really.
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1) A few years ago four people were killed at a water park in Australia when the ride they were on malfunctioned.

2) There was a news story about a girl called Vicky Harrison that killed herself because she couldn't find a job for 2 years and felt like a failure. I have felt like that too when unemployed.

3) A teenage boy sat down on the sofa to have a cup of tea with his dad and nan, and just died of SADS (sudden adult death syndrome, undetected heart problem)

There have been loads that have stuck with me over the years though.
Your no 3 has just made me shudder as happened to a colleague of mine. She was up on a Monday morning and had called her teenage daughter to get ready for work, she’d heard a noise from her room but when she hadn’t seen her get up she went in and she was dead but still warm so the noise she heard (I think she said it was like a snort/intake of breath) may have been her actually dying. It was so shocking and heartbreaking.
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I agree, for a place as heavily surveilled as London, it’s ridiculous that someone can just vanish in such a central area. It makes my skin crawl. Really do hope she’s ok, but now on day 4, chances are the outlook is bleak.
I’ve been following this one really closely. Sarah is friend of friends and people I work with and although I don’t know her myself this hits very hard especially as I also live locally. Genuinely this could have been me or my friends so easily.

By all accounts (as they’ve now found her on CCTV past the common on Poynders rd) she likely took the main road route and didn’t walk across the middle of the common. That’s been the last sighting and shows she made it past the common. That road is a main one and is relatively busy usually (though I don’t know in lockdown if it’s quieter) and lit up so I can understand why she would have felt fine to walk it. I am also so confused how someone can just vanish into thin air in this day and age - they surely must find her or be able to see what’s happened?! Is London not covered in CCTV -i always thought so!

I feel like there is a lot of commentary a out the area being dangerous which I don’t think is necessarily true but one thing I’d say about the area is thah you can wander from a very gentrified road into one that is (for want of a better word) dodgy very quickly. I am hoping for the best but sadly imagining the worst. Her poor family - I can’t imagine the heart ache and worry - and watching ponds be dredged for your child must be unbearable.
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This is such a sad thread. Most of these were such horrific deaths, disappearances, murders. Makes me think of how unbearably hard life must be for the family members who were left behind grieving 😢
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Whilst not in my lifetime The Holocaust of WW2 haunts me. I’ve visited Auschwitz and and I’m still haunted by the atmosphere and horror, it stays with you. The sheer scale and reasoning behind what happened is beyond anything I can ever imagine and to think that similar acts are being carried out now shows that we’ve not learnt as a cilvilised society. There’s a generation being raised where many don’t even know what happened and something as significant as this must never be forgotten. Those innocent Men, Women and Children are still important.
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9/11 is the first big news story that I remember seeing as a child, I was 5, almost 6 and i remember sitting on the floor watching it on the news, it still shocks me now. I went to the 9/11 memorial when I was 23 and it was very moving.

baby Peter or baby P as he was known made me cry, his little face, it so evil what happened to him.

The fire that happened in walkden, killing four children. It’s so close to me and it’s just awful.
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I still remember waking up to the news and hearing about the horror of people who got out in time. Then the social class injustices with the entire event too
I think a lot of it is associated with that couple that set fire to their house which I think killed all their children, the news stories happened when I was younger and I remember it gave me a bad nightmare that night, plus I lived in the flat then. But also just feels very very different.

Also the migrants in the truck in Kent. Not long ago during the trials a lot of new facts came out surrounding it and I honestly cried while reading through it all, just a horrible situation
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Tia Sharp
I remember feeling suspicious about her killer because he was rambling and going on about irrelevant stuff when he was interviewed on the news (before he was found out)
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Ana Kriegel- a young girl who was killed by 2 young boys near Dublin. Absolutely awful but the part that really got me was... she had been home with her father and one of the boys i think called to the door for her where he lured her to an abandoned house where the other lad was waiting. When her mother got home and asked where Ana was and the father said out with friends, the mother reportedly knew something was wrong as Ana had no friends... so heartbreaking
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Also the two year little girl who drowned after being left in a parked car that rolled into a river while the mum popped into visit her partner at work. Such a horrible way to die
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