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Yesterday morning, feeling really shit about how I look. Wishing I was more conventionally attractive & slim :(
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Today. I went to my childhood and lifelong home for the last time. My dad passed away in May so the house is no longer ours from Monday. So many memories, good and bad, it still smelt of him and “home” and I just really miss him, not being able to call or text him. I think where everything has been so busy over the past few months that it really hit me today that this is it now. I know how lucky I was as he was a best friend to me as well as my dad, so just a bit heartbroken today.
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Yesterday after an MRI scan when they made 6 attempts to cannulate me including trying to go in my feet. Today I had to inject myself and tomorrow I am in hospital for about 6 hours for an infusion.
i try and be upbeat and glass half full but sometimes having chronic illnesses and being in and out of hospital sucks. I was so tired and achey at work today.
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I’m mostly blocking out the run up to Christmas and letting it pass me by. I know Christmas Day won’t be bad with my family but I’ll be glad when it’s all over.
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This is really weird but sometimes I’ll cuddle a pillow and imagine I’m cuddling my younger self because none ever knew when I was feeling low and really needed a hug.
This is not weird at all! it's actually a lovely inner child / inner work exercise that you've naturally just begun doing off your own back! It's really a lovely thing and it's not weird at all 💗 you are doing what you and your inner child need

Thank you.

Sadly there wasn't really anything before this that was bad about him to cling onto, aside from him being a bit of a pushover. But he's been weak and cowardly and he's only gone back to that poor girl for an easy life which is as much his character as anything. We were made for each other though, it's a shame and he's done this in the worst possible way.
Any man who is "made for you" would not abandon you out of nowhere and run off to an ex with 0 explaination. No doubt leaving you with a deep abandonment wound that will probably take a very long and very hard time to heal.

He's an absolute coward, with no integrity.

He stood in the kitchen and looked at me and said "you manipulative BITCH".
Enough. ENOUGH. If a man who was my boyfriend ever called be a Bitch he'd be fucking dead.

If any man EVER spoke to me like this in any kind of way I'd be OUT and he'd be fucked.

You need to leave asap. This is NOT acceptable. You need to look within, find the strength and LEAVE. The longer you stay with him the worse it will get, you will waste your life and get to the point where emotional and verbal abuse is normal to you.

He does not love or respect you. He believes you are beneath him. This is NOT acceptable.

whilst he thought the solution was to go and load the Dishwasher (I think he thinks this is doing doing something “for me”)
Load the dishwasher (which you brought together) in the house (which is half HIS) with dishes HES also used FOR you... absolutely pathetic


This thread... I am honestly disgusted and endlessly tired by male behaviour.
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I'm struggling so much at the minute with Christmas coming up as I lost my dad during the summer

People say it gets easier but so far it has just gotten harder with each week that passes
You’re in the year of firsts, and that sucks. It’s early days for you, but it does become easier to bear.

I lost my mum 5 years ago and someone told me about the marble in a jar……your grief is the marble and your life is the jar. When you first lose someone, your jar is tiny and the marble takes up pretty much the whole thing. You don’t have much room for anything else. Over time, your jar grows. The marble stays the same size, your grief is always there, but your life grows around it. And sometimes your jar shrinks a bit and your grief takes up the space again. And other times your jar is huge, and while your grief won’t disappear it won’t take up as much of your life.
The idea gave me some comfort back then, and I think it’s been true for me. I hope you find times when your jar grows a bit x
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Last night. It was realising I don’t really have any friends anymore and I’m lonely despite having my partner.
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Last night. I think I’ve cried every day this week. I’ve had a lot of on my mind, both personally and professionally. My anxiety is crippling me and I’ve been struggling with stress for a long time. It’s all come to a head since I ended up with shingles two weeks ago - I believe the stress was the cause. I’m still in some degree of pain and have so much dread about going back to work that my stomach is in knots constantly and I feel like I’m going to be sick. I’ve also recently had results back from my 3yo son’s genetic blood test and he has a lifelong learning disability called Fragile X syndrome, as well as being assessed for autism. My 5yo son has had a diagnosis of classic autism since he was 3. I am considering asking my doctor to sign me off work (but my anxiety is making me dread that too).
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I woke up yesterday and instantly cried.. it took me over an hour to stop. I needed to earlier but I had a full face of make up on and had shit to do. Break ups are fucking hard.
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Kikini Bamalam

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I cry a lot. I got close to someone on twitter in 2011. She died suddenly recently and I am devastated. She nursed me through a complete mental breakdown . I miss her so much
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I cried yesterday out of frustration - I cried because I want to hug my mum and I can’t. I cried for my wedding that we can’t rearrange , I cried because my sister is waiting for her COVID test results, I cried and cried. Suicide rates are on the rise (more than COVID deaths) and I’m so worried about the world . It feels good to write it out :)
Just an update my sister is negative !! I can relax a little bit now xo
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Me again, feel like this week just needs to be put in the bin. I’m crying right now, I’ve just had a call about a job, didn’t get it. I’m feeling so low, unemployment is so tough, I’ve never been in this position before. The lady that called said I came across so well in interview and they really liked me. I just don’t have the experience they need. I feel like a failure. I just want to feel positive again, I used to be the ever optimist.
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I’m glad i’ve found this thread because i find it near impossible to be open and honest about how i feel in real life.
I’m early into adulthood, and my grandad, who has treated me and raised me as if i were his own is passing. He has his children by his side, no more visitors allowed. I’ve never lost anyone close before. Quite lucky & blessed ive made it this far without i know. I feel like i’ve been smashed out of the universe and into another where i cant feel anything but isolation.

I hope whatever is making you cry today, you all find peace and happiness again so soon. X
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Just been writing about this on the mother in law thread. I cried at the weekend when I offered a reconciliation with my mother in law....but she declined. I just don't understand how she can not want to make amends and be part of her grandsons life. He's only a baby. Some people are so consumed with bitterness they ruin every relationship they have. So I cried for my son and my partner.
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Just now. I am so anxious all the time and I can't explain why. I'm fed up of feeling like this and I've got nobody to talk to, it's lonely being stuck inside your own mind.
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I’m crying right now as I type. My eldest is emigrating tomorrow to the other side of the world and I’m going to miss her terribly. God knows when I will see her again. 😢
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Just now. A lot of things in my life not going right despite me trying my hardest for years. I don’t like life.
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Earlier today.
I’m reflecting a lot today. I’ve had a lot of sadness in my life (joy too, of course), and it really upsets me that I’m actively discouraged from even mentioning the stillbirth we suffered in the past - particularly by my husband. 💔
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