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Certain people I know buying dogs during lockdown and I know damn well that poor dog is gonna get dumped once lockdown is over. Kids back to school, they are back in work. We've wanted one for years, if you've wanted one for years why didn't you get one earlier???? I know why because you didn't have the time to look after one pre lockdown. My love for dogs is strong and I just sense that there will be some poor doggies left with separation anxiety.
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The fact that my other half’s phone is seemingly glued to his hand! Even when I ask for a hand moving something he’s still staring into it with the other! It’s like having a third wheel in the relationship sometimes 😫
OMG YES. It’s infuriating. We got a child free couple of hours thanks to a mother-in-law bubble today, went for a lovely walk with the dog and husband had three phone calls and about four whatsapp chats he HAD to keep up with. When kids came home and we’re chattering to us about what they’d been up to he was one eye on a YouTube video and one ear bud in 😤🤬
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I'm pissed off because I knew I was a *little* chubby but after seeing some photos from my sons birthday I am horrified. Pissed off with myself for not noticing sooner how big I had got. 😩🐷
Don’t worry, many of us are holding a bit more junk in our trunk than we would like. Don’t be hard on yourself.
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My husband, on his 100th bowl of cereal last night, said there "should" be enough milk for your coffee in the morning. Went to pour it in my milk frother and there's not even a dribble left. Fuming.
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Couldn’t find a thread went right back to dec 2nd
Anyway I need a rant
It’s not even lunchtime and I’m pissed off. I ordered a smart watch to be delivered to my local click and collect . It arrived there Wednesday. I sent my son to get it she pointed to a sack full of items and told him to look in there ... odd , he had a rummage couldn’t see .. so she had a look , nope not there ... so now I’ve had to make a phone call to the catalogue company who then phoned the shop .
Nope never arrived there , now they have to find out the driver. But told me to pay for it anyway as money can always be refunded ! She was actually really nice but really ... told him to look through the bag himself l.. Christ he could have had anything out of there that looked small and heavy , like a phone ... luckily we are not scumbags .. I just need to get this off my chest ..
I know EVENTUALLY it should be resolved but now I keep looking at my empty wrist where a watch had previously been there .. strap broke
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Where actually was he when sending that, because he presumably wasn't in the house with you, was he?
No, we live separately. but he goes to parties and gets pissed even though he's not supposed to with all this Covid stuff going on. Guess he got pissed with his mate and did it for a dare. Twat
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Had a huge argument with my brother because he didn’t buy our mum a birthday card or present. I wouldn’t mind, but I built him a beautiful wooden cabin on our grounds that he lives in rent free because he works for us doing jobs around the house. He has no bills, we do his dinner every day, and he has a good life. He does suffer with Aspergers, which has got worse lately. He literally makes me cry most days, but then apologises, and I would do anything for him because I feel responsible for him. But lately he’s got in with a rough crowd, and he’s really changing for the worst. The last straw was him not getting our mum a birthday card, yet he spends all his money on his new “friends”. I won’t throw him out, but I’m very upset with him...(sorry for the long post)
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My husband, I hate to be insensitive but he is afraid of dogs so every time he wants to go for a walk I have to with him. This is insane is it?
You have to walk your husband ? Yeah I’d say that’s nuts .. I don’t like birds but it don’t stop me walking the dog
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1001 others

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This probably fits in the, 'What are you particular about' thread also, but ...

We are hosting a relative who is recovering from surgery. She has stairs at her home (we don't) and needs to have someone with her much of the day (I work from home), so we're it.

From the minute she arrived (yesterday) she moaned about everything. We bought a secondhand King-sized single bed from a marketplace site that the seller said had been slept in twice at their bach; she asked if it was new and we told a white lie that it was (she expects everything brand new but would never offer to contribute); but she said she can smell someone else on it (ridiculous; it definitely does not smell; it looks brand new)! This is despite the fact it has brand new linen on it that we bought especially for her, including a puffed mattress topper, which cost a fortune. Aaaargh! If that wasn't enough, we've put her in my regular home office which is a tiny room but the nicest room in the house ... and she is moaning constantly about it ... it's apparently too bright and sunny during the day (despite having blockout blinds), and she heard cicadas outside the window all last night so couldn't sleep well. She also doesn't like the headboard (black), drawers (black, even though I replaced all the chrome handles with cute little faceted glass yellow knobs) and wardrobe (which is normally an open cavity, so I bought some sheer white curtains to conceal it ... it looks quite nice, I thought). And the pictures on the wall (black frames, with black and white still photos of landscapes I've taken over the years) apparently scare her (hopefully into leaving sooner than anticipated). Even the TV we bought especially for her stay isn't appreciated as it doesn't have Sky (it has access to enough channels to keep her happy, surely!).

As if all this isn't enough, I returned home a short time ago from visiting a friend (I normally love to stay at home and rarely venture out but I feel like my home is full of toxic energy at the moment and had to escape), to discover she's taken it upon herself to rearrange my kitchen cupboards! Aaaaargh!!!! (For the record, I'm very particular about how things are stored and I don't like people touching my things). I barked at my husband about letting her take over and he annoyingly said if it makes her happy, let her do it! No treats for him this week. She's also been telling everyone that she's going to be helping me with my freelancing work as I'm overwhelmed with how much I have on (NOT true!).

I did ask her to bring some things to keep her occupied throughout the day as I'll be busy, but of course she didn't. It is infuriating having someone ask every 2 minutes, "What can I do to help?"

Just 12 more days to go of this, and then she goes back to her house ... I'm going to have to buy a truckload of Palo Santo to clear the energy once she's gone.
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Chatty Member
I had to work while my OH and kids were home all day. I know technically he was working from home but he could still do some stuff around the house. I get home at 6:15 and nothing has been done. Not even the dog has been fed. And when I blow up he blames it on my period. No it is because you are a lazy asshole!
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under the ivy

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Already had a cry and it’s not even 9am 😂

I’m stressed with work and WFH while living back at home is now doing my head in. I wish I could get back to the office now.
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My childcare bill has gone up £200 a month. I’m sure it’s a miscalculation but I feel like I email my childminder every month because she’s forgotten we’re term time only or she’s forgotten we are owed credit.
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A viewer on our house was a no show this morning.

It’s such a pain as I have to send my baby boy away to grandads and keep the house tidy waiting for the viewings, so I waited and waited and nothing. Seriously, how difficult is it to just ring the estate agent and cancel rather than waste all of our time?
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The fucking audacity of Uber Eats sending me a discount code for free delivery from McDonald’s only for them to not allow me to use it for my McDonald’s order.

Fuck you uber eats and your rip off delivery charges. £3.99 is a joke when Just Eat only charge £1.99. Guess where I’m gonna be ordering my Big Mac from now you cunts.
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A member of SLT decided to send an instruction for an urgent 3 hour job at one minute to my finishing time. And they knew, they knew alright - because they did the simpering 'sorry it's a bit late' with a 'PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE YOU'VE RECEIVED THIS' chaser.

Unfortunately, I have experienced a sudden loss of network connectivity. I'm not paid to work next week. So their incredibly urgent thing is going to have to wait for ten days. (Not related to safeguarding, so it isn't hurting anybody).

The same person sends around trite little emails saying that staff should observe appropriate boundaries in not sending emails outside working hours/at weekends/during holidays. Well, here's my boundary, sunshine.
Good for you - I’d have done the same.

😩 Just saw a man gobbing on the pavement. It enrages me even more so now we are living in and trying to adapt to a world with C19. I feel pure blood vessel bursting rage when I see someone spitting in the street 🤬
I can’t understand why people do this! Unless a fly flies into your mouth while walking, I can’t think why you would do it. IT’S FOUL.
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Chatty Member
Thankyou everyone for replying i don't mean for it to turn into a whinge but it really gets to me every day is like groundhog day.I've made numerous efforts to start a conversation but get nothing back so i gave up and thought right see how long it takes for you to make the effort and nothing its been like this since about 9 this morning
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Lulu Goss

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My mum is trying to arrange a belated birthday break for us, plus my partner and dad. She's pushing to get dates from me and I don't want to appear ungrateful but I feel a bit overwhelmed. We're in Scotland and the dates aren't as clear as they are for England so it still feels a bit too soon to be booking things. Then I've got friends trying to arrange things, same with my partner's friends/family, and we've also had gigs/weddings/other events moved to god knows when. I know people are well-intentioned but it just feels a bit much at the moment. Of course I want to see people but after a year of no social contact...yeah, it's a lot.
I feel your pain with this. One of my friends has messaged about 15 times now trying to get everyone to agree to dates for going out, wanting to book tables and pay deposits etc. I feel like it’s too early to be setting things in stone, and I’ve said loads of times now that I have literally nothing in my calendar so once we get closer it’s not like I won’t be free!
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I hate that I cry when I get frustrated, but I was super pissed about something tiny and it's a very touchy day for me as it is.. I just feel stupid now. Everyone was very sweet but I feel like an idiot. I also shouldn't take out my issues on anyone else, I did apologise and very much meant it though.

I hate myself sometimes, I hate showing my emotions like that.
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Work place bullies that think they can talk to you any way they please. Have a hissy fit slamming and banging. And when you approach them and ask is there a problem and they still carry on. Then report you to a manager as apparently I am the one who has a bad attitude and is very rude.
The joys of supermarket retail.
In all my working life I have never been spoken to in such a way supermarket store manager and her manager side kick speak to staff.
And there all women. Shocking bullies.
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