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Phoenix Lazarus

VIP Member
Agreed. Plus, people are so insensitive. I remember when I was about 13 I went downstairs in my pyjamas and my mum had a male friend round. He looked at me and went "you used to be so slim. Now you are getting a bit plump". My mum smiled gleefully and said afterwards that she was going to stick up for me but looked at me and realised it was true.

I also had a man walk really close to me in a supermarket when I was younger too and whispered "big girl" at me. I was already sensitive about it becasue of comments my mum and her friends had made when I was little, and it gave me a complex for years about it.

In short I agree. People do need to mind their own business!
My Mum once told me 'you looked like you were wearing a fat suit,' in reference to the last time I'd been to see her.
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My neighbours. Aren’t we in lockdown . At least pretend u give a cr*p and be discreet about having visitors to your home. Parking in front of my drive every single day 🙄 ppl constantly knocking on their door. Hates a strong word but I hate them!!!! That rant felt good!
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A friend who came to me complaining and whinging, then just saying no to every piece of advise I could come up with, only to go & do the exact opposite anyway.

I'm not Dalai Lama, bitch?? What else did you want me to say? I can barely direct my own life, I have no secret answers to sort out yours. If you have a shit plan of your own, why do you waste my time in the first place? Smh.
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Lots of things annoying me today! When you want to make a coffee just for yourself but feel obliged to make it for everyone ( as per usual) . So, I’ve just boiled the kettle and im not asking anyone else if they want one!
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I hate the way my son who is 7 is treated when he has to visit his dad. He only sees him once a fortnight and this week he apparently had to work so had him sat-sun instead of a fri-sat.
He feeds him rubbish, apparently last night he had dominoes for breakfast he had pastries and for a meal today he had KFC!
He doesn’t give him a bath or shower.
He also lets him watch the grand tour which he is far to young for.
He sleeps in a cabin in the back garden and goes to bed at a stupid time and then goes and shares a bed with him!
It is so frustrating and it disgusts me how he thinks this is okay!
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Chatty Member
Mine is soooooo petty but a friend of mine always finds a way to point out she’s done something first... so if I recommend a book or a TV show or anything her response is always ‘Oh yeah, I watched/read that a couple of years ago’ ...I would understand if I was doing this one on one but in a group chat or even as a reply to my Instagram story is a bit much. It’s not even to try to engage in a conversation about whether it was any good, it’s like she just wants to show off? I really like her but I find it grating 😂
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😩 Just saw a man gobbing on the pavement. It enrages me even more so now we are living in and trying to adapt to a world with C19. I feel pure blood vessel bursting rage when I see someone spitting in the street 🤬
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rather not stop

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Blatant favouritism by my parents toward my younger sibling. I realise this is petty AF but now that I have kids of my own I just can't fathom how they can so obviously have a favourite.
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People copying the instagrammers and putting things in crates/baskets inside cupboards, kitchen cupboards mainly and all evenly spaced too . .
Like, how much storage space is actually wasted doing this?? And now, hanging crisps, sachets and bags of stuff on a tension hook in cupboards. . WTF?
I cringe for these sheep, I really do.
And me! And the obsessive labelling. It’s a glass jar, you can SEE it’s spaghetti FFS 🙄
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My sister .. 23 years old lives at home with my mum, barely pays any rent and has just bought herself a £2000 puppy.
Said puppy jumped on top of my 4 year old knocking her to the ground and was biting/ragging her clothes about so I’ve obviously tried to get the puppy off her and ended up with holes in my sleeves and being bitten 🙃 and now apparently it was all my little ones fault?! She even shouted at her when she did nothing??

Sister says he’s just being a puppy which I understand they bite etc but this was totally uncalled for. Mums tried speaking to her and she’s had a huge hissy fit about it saying I’m now a liar and it’s little ones fault etc etc??

So instead of her teaching the pup that kind of behaviour isn’t acceptable she’s now saying my mum loves me more than her and she always takes my side blah blah like a petulant child 🙄
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Had to go out for a bit and asked my husband to put stuff away (not even cleaning) and I came back and nothing was done. Like a fucking man child, 3hours on the computer.
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My rude tutor. He's an arsehole, marked me down over a couple of grammar mistakes, says he's 'blunt' which means he's actually a nob. I'm fuming! Lowest score I've ever got and with no feedback. I rely on that to help. 'That makes no sense' is not feedback.

He compared me to other students basically saying I'm shit and I'm paying for this?! REALLY.

A complaint to the uni is due I think. I'm not the only one upset.
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Personal grooming. I'm so done with it today, it's relentless. No matter how much you keep on top of it, there is always something else to sort out. If it's not the nails, it's eyebrows. If it's not that, it's waxing/shaving. If it's not that, it'll be my actual hair. Or I'll need to moisturise, or I'll need to do my skincare, or it'll be something else that needs topping up. Usually I don't mind buy today it really got on my nerves, I don't even know why. The ordeals of having a body, I guess. 😩
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Someone I follow on twitter bragging about going to a house party tomorrow. I know where they work and I know its the same branch of tesco that me and my parents do the weekly shop at. I'm so tempted to dm the supermarket with details as my parents have barely had a life other than food shopping since last March and they don't deserve to catch something so deadly at tesco (nor does anyone else) from some selfish rat who is definitely a bit of a creep too. I'm the same age as this person and I've sacrificed seeing friends regularly, going clubbing, my entire uni experience to keep people safer so we can get out of this mess sooner rather than later so I'm sure he can wait a few months to do ket in someones living room. Rant over :)
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My boyfriend last week telling me that he’d work from home a couple of days this week to “help with school work and housework” because I have training all week.

Fast forward to today and he’s done fuck all. So I’m still using my breaks to catch up with school work, hang washing up and make drinks.

Why does it seem so much that any extra work is picked up by the mum/woman/wife? 😠
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watermelon sugar

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I've been waiting in for the oven man to fix our oven (obviously) since this morning. I need to go to the doctors to get my prescription. He still hasn't been. My bf finished work at 1. I asked him to come straight home cos 1) I hate work people in the house I'm just soooo awkward ahahaha 2) I need to go to the doctors! So he's all 'yeah yeah will do' he just rings me then 'ahhh I'm at my Mums' why? She's not our bubble... and he's like "she can't be bothered walking the shop to get cigs so im going for her" 😡 i just buttoned him. Dickhead 😂
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Mulholland Drive

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My Mother

Yet another argument over something I would consider relatively trivial. But because I am temporarily living with my parents, she is turning every little drama into a major crisis, and it pisses me off no end.

Yesterday, I posted on one of the threads on here how she would walk into my bedroom without having the courtesy of knocking first. Today, she moaned about how the electric bill has gone up since I arrived here roughly 5 or 6 weeks ago.

I offered to pay the difference, but she wouldn't have it. Instead she just went on and on and on about how much electric, how much gas, how much water, how much food I've used since being here!

Big argument ensued, and then she said "Why don't you bugger off to your girlfriend!"

So now we have the usual silence, which will probably last until the evening, and then we'll be friends again until probably tomorrow, and it will probably kick off all over again.
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