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Have a phone appointment with the in laws tonight. I really do love them, but these calls are just too much. It's so hard to make conversation about things because obviously nowts happening so they ask loads and loads of questions about inane things, it's so draining. I don't know why they can't be satisfied with a 10 minute hey how are you, all good, great, chat to you next week. My other half struggles too but he just clams up (I think it's a response to his mother's constant questions over the years) so then I end up having to carry the conversation on our side. It'll be an hour long conversation at least and because they don't work usual schedules, they ring later in the evening so by the time we've had tea and then spoken to them, the evening is gone. I could go off and do something else but last time I did that (I'd gone for a bath because I had a bad day) they hung on to wait for me to get out of the bath because they wanted to say hello. I don't think it helps when it's "booked in" because then I just spend the day dreading the conversation, I think it would flow a bit easier if we just had a couple of shorter calls spontaneously in the week.
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😩 Just saw a man gobbing on the pavement. It enrages me even more so now we are living in and trying to adapt to a world with C19. I feel pure blood vessel bursting rage when I see someone spitting in the street 🤬
Omg. This fills me with rage.

Same for when people throw their rubbish out of the car window.
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The news being about the royals and very little else. I understand it's a hot story at the moment but there's only so much they can say without starting to repeat themselves a million times.

I just want to know wtf is going on in the world and domestically, not what the PR team for the palace has said analysed a million ways or an interview with some random person to get their views on things
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watermelon sugar

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I am trying to lose weight. My lovely friend bought me some mini treats (they were tiny - brownie, cookie etc) as she knows im trying to lose weight, and she knows i can't spend valentines with my boyfriend of almost 4 years due to lockdown. So it was such a nice surprise that cheered me up. Just to be told by my Dad, that the best thing i can do is throw them away as i'll never lose weight by eating them. Having half of each a day would not totally ruin my efforts at all. Made me so upset. Day ruined
What a horrible thing to say. Don't listen to him, I'm trying to lose weight too but I just have one snack a day and it's fine. Eat your brownies and enjoy them!
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My other half is so fucking lazy, I’ve done loads of tidying, uni assignment, washing etc today and all he’s done is sat staring at his phone. I asked him to help me get the tv on the wall as I don’t want it on the unit now as it’s too low and he’s just sat on his lazy arse doing bugger all
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People walking really slowly in 2s or 3s taking up the whole pavement so I have to walk in the road. Also people taking ages to select an item in the supermarket, and I just stand there waiting for them to move ... normally I’d just reach over them but can’t obviously. So annoying.
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He makes the mess, he cleans it.

Men...I’m fuming for you! 😂
Right, one time I said can you clean the toilet (so he went in and literally cleaned the toilet bowl only) because apparently I didn’t say bathtub, sink or use the correct term which is BATHROOM.
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Chatty Member
My other half 😤 😂

He ordered us burritos for lunch (with work expenses, I know this story sounds a bit ungrateful). I don't like cheese or sour cream on mine (I know...don't @ me!) and he KNOWS this, but the burritos arrived... and mine had cheese and sour cream on. Mistakes can happen, but this is literally the THIRD TIME in a row, in the space of a fortnight or so. WHY is this so hard to remember? He's known me and my cheese-hating palate for coming up on a decade now. He said he asked them not to put them on mine, claiming "oh no, I'm sorry, they mustn't have seen my note!" but I seen the receipt which shows that he didn't add a note at all, so he sits on a throne of lies! I ate half of it anyway but didn't enjoy it as much, I was so looking forward to my burrito arriving too, so I was a bit disappointed 😭

Another thing: we're living in a small studio apartment and anytime I get up to go to the kitchen/the bathroom, he asks me "where are you going?" or "what are you doing?" I mean for goodness sake, where do you think I'm going, what do you think I'm doing? 🤣
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Red hair

Really silly. But the car door slamming chorus that starts every morning around 7.30. I can tell each neighbour now. Each car needs at least 3 slams apparently. And then the guy with the van that sounds like the space shuttle starting up.
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Being on neverending furlough with only a few hours working from home every week. And still not sure if I'll have a job to go back to because my line manager is a teasing bitch and likes to play me as if she wants me to beg to keep my job:mad:
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I am doing an evening course and shared something with Mr Jarv that I learned recently and he just went "nah that's definitely not right" and I was like well I think my tutor with years of experience in this area wouldn't get it wrong would they? He does this ALL the time. I mention something random and suddenly he's the fucking encyclopedia of the subject. Listens to too many sodding podcasts methinks.
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Apparantly our friendship has broken down so much that we don’t even buy birthday cards anymore. It’s sad.
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Jeez! Can he edit them out? That's mad. Why wouldn't he just take it from an angle where the stuff wasn't visible?
We’ve asked for them to be cropped and if not for him to come back to retake the photos!

I’ve sent three emails. I felt like an ex girlfriend with my emails...”oh and another thing!!!” 🤣🤣
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My housemates as they never seem to empty the bins in the kitchen. I emptied them yesterday and they're full again now. I know they will just either squeeze their rubbish into the bin or wait until it has been emptied. It's always me that takes out the rubbish.

I know I should say something but what? They're adults and I thought they'd know by now. I don't want to baby them or have a chart but I feel like they don't have enough sense to empty it when it is full otherwise.
Dirty pigs, some people are prepared to see the waste spill onto the floor rather than take out the rubbish.

Unfortunately making a chart will only cause resentment.

This probably fits in the, 'What are you particular about' thread also, but ...

We are hosting a relative who is recovering from surgery. She has stairs at her home (we don't) and needs to have someone with her much of the day (I work from home), so we're it.

From the minute she arrived (yesterday) she moaned about everything. We bought a secondhand King-sized single bed from a marketplace site that the seller said had been slept in twice at their bach; she asked if it was new and we told a white lie that it was (she expects everything brand new but would never offer to contribute); but she said she can smell someone else on it (ridiculous; it definitely does not smell; it looks brand new)! This is despite the fact it has brand new linen on it that we bought especially for her, including a puffed mattress topper, which cost a fortune. Aaaargh! If that wasn't enough, we've put her in my regular home office which is a tiny room but the nicest room in the house ... and she is moaning constantly about it ... it's apparently too bright and sunny during the day (despite having blockout blinds), and she heard cicadas outside the window all last night so couldn't sleep well. She also doesn't like the headboard (black), drawers (black, even though I replaced all the chrome handles with cute little faceted glass yellow knobs) and wardrobe (which is normally an open cavity, so I bought some sheer white curtains to conceal it ... it looks quite nice, I thought). And the pictures on the wall (black frames, with black and white still photos of landscapes I've taken over the years) apparently scare her (hopefully into leaving sooner than anticipated). Even the TV we bought especially for her stay isn't appreciated as it doesn't have Sky (it has access to enough channels to keep her happy, surely!).

As if all this isn't enough, I returned home a short time ago from visiting a friend (I normally love to stay at home and rarely venture out but I feel like my home is full of toxic energy at the moment and had to escape), to discover she's taken it upon herself to rearrange my kitchen cupboards! Aaaaargh!!!! (For the record, I'm very particular about how things are stored and I don't like people touching my things). I barked at my husband about letting her take over and he annoyingly said if it makes her happy, let her do it! No treats for him this week. She's also been telling everyone that she's going to be helping me with my freelancing work as I'm overwhelmed with how much I have on (NOT true!).

I did ask her to bring some things to keep her occupied throughout the day as I'll be busy, but of course she didn't. It is infuriating having someone ask every 2 minutes, "What can I do to help?"

Just 12 more days to go of this, and then she goes back to her house ... I'm going to have to buy a truckload of Palo Santo to clear the energy once she's gone.
Ungrateful beggar, whenever I stay at someone else's house I am always grateful for whatever I get, as I know they don't have to do that for me.
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Lulu Goss

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Cooking or thinking about cooking. I feel like I run a cafe, I’m always trying to plan a meal that makes everyone happy ( not happening) . I’m fed up of planning it, buying it, cooking it, clearing up after it and being asked what’s for tea.
Planning meals is the bane of my life. I feel like I spend my life trying to think of dinners and even then it still feels like we have the same thing week after week!
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Picking my kids up from school, where they’ve spent the day in a bubble, to walk past the park and see loads of mums, no masks, no social distancing, and loads of kids all year groups playing together. The teachers must be 😤🤬😤 when they see it!
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My boyfriend has pissed me off we’re always snapping at each other these days. We don’t enjoy each other’s company and we’re stuck here together 24/7. Just his presence is too annoying to me sometimes I have to take myself to another room rather than listen to him breathing.
my bf ended up moving out recently (having moved in just before first lockdown) because we just kept bickering over random stuff like doing the dishes, he is still working but I am not, but obviously neither of us have any other life outside/socialising etc. I think it is really an effect of lockdown and just general frustration. like usually if you argue you could just go and sit in a cafe/go to a friend but obviously now you can't really
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