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VIP Member
Certain people I know buying dogs during lockdown and I know damn well that poor dog is gonna get dumped once lockdown is over. Kids back to school, they are back in work. We've wanted one for years, if you've wanted one for years why didn't you get one earlier???? I know why because you didn't have the time to look after one pre lockdown. My love for dogs is strong and I just sense that there will be some poor doggies left with separation anxiety.

A lot of people I work with bought dogs are they now work from home and believe this to permanent . I thought it was insane as we will have to go back a few days a week not to mention job security.
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My 2 dogs.
Its a nice bright day here so perfect for leaving the front door open and letting the fresh air in.
They are terriers so love sniffing and scratching for wildlife etc. .
We have a pile of logs waiting to be chopped and they have spent the last 45 minutes scratching and yelping/barking at whatever has moved in there and then come pounding in the house with dirty black paws . . Pricks 🤬
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Thankyou for replying, thats really kind of you.

Yes i understand what you mean, my mum and I had that conversation this morning. Im 34 now, but i remember our old GP being like a family friend, he even helped deliver my older brother. And my mum said she used to be able to phone him up and talk to him without having an appointment.

I think im just being over sensitive and paranoid due to my mental health issues, and having a UTI on top of that has made me feel even worse. Plus it took me a lot to really open up and be honest about my hallucinations and his reply just seemed abit flippant. But ive been given Nitrofurantoin antibiotics for 3 days, so hopefully i will feel better soon :)
Just to say to save you from having to go to the gp if you’re prone to UTIs you can actually get antibiotics via superdrug and a couple of other places online. You have to fill out a form. You can also request to have a supply for future use if you’re confident at recognising the symptoms. Been a lifesaver for me!
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Pippa M

VIP Member
It snowed ! I cleared the snow at the front and neighbour seems to have missed her bit and blames me for it not being done.Crass and P'd off indeed.
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Blue Rose

VIP Member
I love her to bits but my 6 month old kitten Rosie bangs on the door and meows every morning without fail between 6-7am! I play with her before bed, feed her and she sleeps all night but it’s just the morning thing. I have to be up anyway for work so I’ve stopped using my alarm because the banging wakes me up 😂 I’ve read that they don’t like citrus smells so I’ve rubbed some lemon juice on the door - I feel cruel doing that but I don’t want her doing it anymore!

Also pissed off with my noisy neighbour who does her washing at night and I can hear it spinning and banging at 10pm onwards! She’s in all day, do it then!
We usually shut our cat in the kitchen at night, she has access to her litter trays in the utility still, but can’t get out and come upstairs so we can all sleep without any disturbances. Could you set up an area in your kitchen or living room, for her sleep in, and so you can keep her in one room all night, or would you still hear the banging?
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The weather. Its way to cold to go for the walk we wanted and is on off raining.
Normally wouldnt bother me, i blame lockdown
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I’m meant to be recreating IKEA’s meatballs and mash for tea but have none of the lingonberry jam 😫 I have the creamy sauce though so swings and roundabouts I guess.
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Having to do a ton of laundry that isn’t even mine because my dads washing machine just broke and he asked me to do the houses laundry until he gets a new one. (I gave him a few hundred euro so he can get one, just that we are in lockdown it’s hard to get one and for someone to plumb it in)
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Phoenix Lazarus

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My kids. All they bloody talk about is a game called Adopt.Me on Roblox. Literally all. Fucking. Day. They never stop and I’m not even exaggerating. One minute they’re ecstatic because they got a legendary pet, then the next they’re practically in tears because they accidentally traded that same pet for one that isn’t as good.
Well that's life: highs and lows; ups and downs; win some, lose some.
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Chatty Member
god same, I've been having the most weird/awful dreams for the whole of this disaster, I basically never wake up feeling rested anymore. It is so weird as usually I could tell why I had a certain dream, influenced by something I had seen/read etc but now it is just totally random
It's awful! The dreams seem to last ages as well. I can definitely relate to not feeling rested, it's so shit. :(
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My best friend's sister in law who is a complete twat and I'm having second hand rage over the stuff I have learned this evening.
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My job is really starting to wind me up.
I work in a GP practice which is hard and tough enough as it is without management being absolute arseholes about everything! I actually love my work, I love most of our patients, I love helping people but today, I was sat in the back office, management were also sat in there for the first few hours. I answered call after call, I'd answered 96 calls between 8am and 12pm, they could see how busy I was. They didn't answer any calls to help get the queue down & at 12pm when I was about to go for lunch, my manager says to me 'how come you're behind on registrations'!!!!! I'm sorry.... have you not been sat here watching how much I'm doing whilst you sit there on your phone, drinking your fucking tea!!! I wish I'd said it out loud. Honestly, I'm going to snap soon. She is the laziest woman I have ever met, all she does is eat and pick at people. Barely does any work all day, watches netflix in her office when she's meant to be working, watches me struggling with calls, has a brand new range rover outside the door and has the audacity to question why I'm a little behind on my work! There's 6 of us that work in the office, we are rushed off our feet all day, we get told one minute to prioritise calls as we have 26,000 patients and then the next minute she's questioning us as to why we are a little behind!!! Rant over.
Is she the practice/reception manager? Decent partners of the practice would want to know if you could speak with one of those in confidence. It could be classed as a safeguarding concern (or something akin to that), no?
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Go for it, I applied for a job 2 grades above the one I'm in now and I got it. Start next week, better working hours to suit nursery drop offs and just the challenge I need right now to take my mind off lockdown. If you don't succeed then you can ask for feedback and focus on areas to improve on for the future
Aahhhhh fab!! Well done. What industry are you in if you don’t mind me asking?
I don’t hate my current job, it’s decent but this one caught my eye 👁
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VIP Member
Same here. I started off in January well but so stressed with work and life the last month, I've just been like yeah eat whatever. Just got no willpower
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