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VIP Member
A really mild thing but Tesco had a really good sale on towels and I thought I'd buy some for the new house. I didn't pick any up last week because I only had cash on me not card and needed the money for food shop, went back in today for some lunch bits and they only had bright yellow left, not the navy blue which I saw last week. Stupid thing to be annoyed at but it has annoyed me even though it's my own fault.
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How loud everyone in the house talks. Man they can whisper or lower their voices when they're talking about someone else, but normal conversation? Better shout it.

I'm going absolutely insane at this point. The only thing I can think to do is either move back to uni for less than a month or somehow soundproof the door? Though I'm not sure how to do that
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My boss and certain members of my team!

Boss just being an arsehole and team members asking daft questions and just not leaving me alone to do my own work!

Had a shit day even though I’m WFH! 🙄🙄
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Earlier on it was the surf advert. Then it was the leaf blower man. Then, there was an issue with my prescription and I had to trek across town to sort it and now...I can’t bloody sleep and it’s pissed me off as I have to be up early for an appointment and have a busy day tomorrow (or today actually) 😩 I hate having chronic insomnia.
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VIP Member
A lot of horse riders( and cyclists) round our way have helmet cams.

I would report them anyway. Your local police may have an online facility for reporting anti- social behaviour.
I don't think the police would do much as no-one got hurt.
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
What’s stalling you from moving further forward? X
It's other people . Like businesses and companies.
Ones who don't answer their phone or reply to emails. Blaming working from home absolutely infuriates me .
After waiting ages for an optician appointment, I found they'd ordered the wrong prescription for my contacts , so back to square one again.
Waited ages for a dentist appointment and it got cancelled ( I honestly think the in laws think I keep pretending to have appointments so I can get them to look after the kids).

Generally, blaming the pandemic for inefficiency.
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Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Microsoft and their security updates

I won't bore you with the techie details, but basically every month they have a Patch Tuesday, where they roll out security updates, bug fixes, feature updates etc to everyone who has a Windows device. But just lately their fixes have caused more problems than they purport to resolve.

The last roll-out was about a week ago and included just over 80 security fixes, some of which have caused more issues that still remain unresolved, but make people's machines extremely vulnerable to a remote hijack!

I wish Microsoft would get their act together.
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
Merged as they’re the same thread.

I've started this because often I feel frustrated about things in life and I want to complain about it without derailing the pissed off or rant threads.

I feel like I haven't actually made any progress with things that are supposed to be well underway. From the outside it doesn't look like I'm any further forward than I was last summer, and it's not through lack of trying. Said things are all things I pay for / buy so it frustrate me even more.
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Phoenix Lazarus

VIP Member
Everyone in my department and year group got shout outs during staff briefing—apart from me. I was crying to my mum saying how unappreciated I felt. My mic was on so all my year group (staff and students) heard. I’m so embarrassed.
Are you staff or a student?
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Having a fucking period .. my last period was 2008 when my daughter was born and I had an irregular bleed 2014 which I was given utovlan and tranexamic acid for .. not a period since because I’m on the mini pill which I don’t break from
I only stopped to conceive , I don’t want periods that’s why I religiously take the mini pill
Why now !! I’ve fished out utovlan and tranexamic acid ... do I take them together, I can’t remember... will they work seeing as they are from 2014 .. 7 years old ? ... I’m bloody annoyed , I loathe periods , just take it all away I don’t want more children anyway
My tampons are 7 years old too fffs , I’m surprised they haven’t disintegrated
And I’ve realised I’m a hoarder too and throw nothing away hence the 7-8 year old tampons and medication 💊
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Traffic!! yesterday I had the misfortune to be in the Romford area around rush hour, traffic was fucking murder!

Today, just a trip to get my tyre replaced, traffic, heavy including the M25!
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What’s pissed me of today was my asthma flared up and I barely moved from bed or I’d get breathless again

My husband hasn’t been well. During he was sent home from work as he had turned yellow. I managed to get him to the GP that afternoon. 21 hours later the GP calls to say that he needs to be seen in hospital. He’s had scans and tests. They’ve found a growth.

His consultant suggests he meets with him and they get me in to go through everything.
I was in the bath at the time.

So while I was blow drying my hair, I could feel my phone vibrating. It’s not hubby, it’s not the kids. It’s people are are also known to some family members. Sending me messages that they are sorry to hear about the cancer. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Turns out a family member has been told that he has a growth and seems to have loved the drama of telling everyone. They are now in a huff after I told them they had no right to share this news and it’s not their news to share as it’s a growth and as I had only found out an hour before I wasn’t happy with them. They’re now in a huff with me not realising that we haven’t had time to process things ourselves and didn’t want the world to know.
Oh wow that’s bad :—/
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My boss was chatting to me earlier and snuck in a "by the way in future can you let me know before doing x as I need to sort stuff out when we make these changes" so I was like oops sorry! My other colleague had spoken to her and told her that I must have done x task.

I went back and looked through my emails and it wasn't even me that had done it, I found an email from my other colleague to say she was going to do it! I cba to go to my boss and explain especially as my boss didn't make me feel bad or tell me off but it's still annoyed me 🤷‍♀️
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I love her to bits but my 6 month old kitten Rosie bangs on the door and meows every morning without fail between 6-7am! I play with her before bed, feed her and she sleeps all night but it’s just the morning thing. I have to be up anyway for work so I’ve stopped using my alarm because the banging wakes me up 😂 I’ve read that they don’t like citrus smells so I’ve rubbed some lemon juice on the door - I feel cruel doing that but I don’t want her doing it anymore!

Also pissed off with my noisy neighbour who does her washing at night and I can hear it spinning and banging at 10pm onwards! She’s in all day, do it then!
the issue might also be just closing the door, apparently, true to the idiom, cats are very curious and are basically drawn to closed doors! if you left it open she might leave you alone (6/7am doesn't even seem early to me, my spoiled cat starts miaowing at 5 for breakfast :LOL:)
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Chatty Member
I've had a really sore eye the last 2 days. It keeps twitching and like pulsating. It's throbbing😔
I came here to say I also have an eye twitch! My left eye has been doing it since I woke up today. Very annoying!! I used to suffer from migraines and an eye twitch usually meant I was about to get one. Don't have one yet, though.
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