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Have a phone appointment with the in laws tonight. I really do love them, but these calls are just too much. It's so hard to make conversation about things because obviously nowts happening so they ask loads and loads of questions about inane things, it's so draining. I don't know why they can't be satisfied with a 10 minute hey how are you, all good, great, chat to you next week. My other half struggles too but he just clams up (I think it's a response to his mother's constant questions over the years) so then I end up having to carry the conversation on our side. It'll be an hour long conversation at least and because they don't work usual schedules, they ring later in the evening so by the time we've had tea and then spoken to them, the evening is gone. I could go off and do something else but last time I did that (I'd gone for a bath because I had a bad day) they hung on to wait for me to get out of the bath because they wanted to say hello. I don't think it helps when it's "booked in" because then I just spend the day dreading the conversation, I think it would flow a bit easier if we just had a couple of shorter calls spontaneously in the week.
Ooh I feel that. The hour-long calls. Phoning at bang on 8pm. Scheduling them in for the next week. Always descends into chat about the latest political scandal (mostly covid right now) in the news and I honestly space out because I've just got nothing to add anymore. Wish I had some more useful advice but I can totally relate.
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Yes! And not just any old bus - a bus outside of Selfridges. Wtf?! Has she forgotten she is the one who wanted to get a divorce? She decided after doing strictly being at home looking after her children wasnt for her and jamie was holding her back from her career.. well that comeback didnt work out well did it, Louise?!
I still believe Daisy Lowe had something to do with how Louise changed during SCD.
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We were forecast lots of snow for tomorrow but every time I check the weather the predicted chance of snow is getting lower and lower. I was really excited, still holding out a bit of hope for some of the white stuff
I'm not, I want to go to work on Monday.
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He's gone for a fucking nap again!!! It wouldn't piss me off so much if he did it within his lunch hour as we close the office between 1pm and 2pm for lunch. But no, this prick went upstairs at 13.50!
I’m sorry that’s not on! Is there anyone above him you can tell? If he’s not fit to last the day without a nap he shouldn’t be in work!
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Nothing .. I’ve woken up with the raging hump , thrown the food processor across the worktop because the cunting thing won’t work and basically shouted at anyone that’s looked at me . I blame last nights gin sesh, gin turns me into a raging lunatic. I dint want to do a reasonable human today
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We have new management in work who are making us do formal reviews with our managers (my boss said I have nothing to worry about) and get two reviews from our co-workers.

The problem is, the questions your co-workers have to answer about you are so loaded and almost hostile... well I'm anticipating a wave of negative feedback that isn't even that constructive. What's the point in all this time wasting? Just let me do my job in peace!
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Absolutely not getting another , I won’t even entertain it 👍👍
Take it to a rescue centre if you are truly unhappy. Not fair that you should do all the walking. Should always be split between the adults in the house.
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Someone used the word “ch1nkies” to describe Chinese takeaway. I’ve seen it before loads of times and usually just move on with my life but today is Lunar New Year and I’m not putting up with that. I reported it and think it’s been removed.

And if you still use this word because it’s what you’ve always done or that’s the word used in your local area, I implore you to just have a rethink. If you didn’t know it was offensive (and plain racist really) then I am telling you now that it is horrible. I’m not judging you for what you may not have known, but you know now.

This is the casual racism that is often not picked up during face-to-face conversations. I’ve been guilty of letting it slide because I’m either too shocked or just too embarrassed.

Right now I’m just super pissed off. Pissed off to have to say this in 2021. Pissed off for all the times I’ve never said anything in the past.

I bet some people are reading this thinking I’m making a big deal out of nothing. And I don’t know what to say to that.
yeah I agree, I teach international students and on a few occasions (not many thank god) I have been confronted with racism (not exactly racist language but sentiments) and I have been so shocked I haven't even reacted and just moved on. I really wish I had
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Im pissed off with my GP/Doctors surgery.

Ive got quite bad mental health issues and im prone to UTI's, and im recovering from opaite addiction.

Anyway i noticed my urine smelling, and my mental health has been a bit worrying recently- auditory hallucinations, and feeling more paranoid than normal, and my back feels like im being constantly punched and kicked. So i plucked up the courage to contact my doctor using the ask my gp service. And literally he replied with " I cant give you codeine because of your issues" I wasnt asking for fucking codeine! and then said " I cant do anything for your mental health. You should contact the CMHT" and finally told me to drop in a urine sample.

Im just pissed off because he just seemed so flippant about my mental health and it took me a lot to tell him exactly how i felt/what has been happeneing to me. And it just felt like it was pointless and i dont know why i bothered being so open and honest. And i also feel so so so paranoid because i feel like he thinks im telling lies just to try and get some codeine. Which i absolutely didnt! I know i cant take codeine and im doing well on my methadone prescription, and yet that was the first sentence of his reply.

So all in all its just pissed me off
I'm really sorry you had an experience like that. How horrible for you. Try not to dwell on it too much if possible (I know that it's hard not to sometimes though). Hopefully the person you speak to when you get the results from the sample will be a better listener.
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Work is really getting to me today.
If I get to the end of day without telling someone to shove it, it will be a miracle.
Yet more people moaning that another company has not contacted them yet.
I dont work for them the clue is literally in the title. Contact them yourself, then they say can I not do it for them, no I cant. Have had to explain that replying to the email sent by said company will get a response from them quicker than emailing me to moan about it.
ahh, good old customer service?
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Thank you, my job was alright too but just part time and felt like entry level tasks , I hadn't been in long it as I was made redundant last summer, its administration for the nhs - the new role is working within a project at a much higher level, I was able to use my previous work experience of projects to get me the interview and the role. I was in shock to be honest as I never in a million years thought I'd get it but now I'm so excited for a challenge and means I can increase my sons days at nursery and he gets more time with his little friends since all our usual groups are on hold for a while yet. So yeah, go for it as it just depends who you're up against and if they can see potential in you.
Will you miss your current job or the people you work with?
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I would actually consider ending this relationship. That's horrible behaviour and I wouldn't stand for it. I hope you're okay.

Update to this.... He's back. He tried calling me this morning, I didn't answer. I then had two WhatsApp messages from him asking to talk. Lol no.
Good lord, why would I want to get involved? His ex is pregnant and he's unsure on whether he wants to be with her or continue with me. He needs to do the responsible thing here and be a father to his child.
I'm actually shocked he thinks I would hang around. This has heartache written all over it if I did stay.

Just ranting again but it's therapeutic.
god you can just imagine how the relationship would go, something akin to Jeremy Kyle I would assume. He just soudns really full of himself if he thinks at the very beginning of a relationship you would put up with this and be so desperate to stay with him when he has, effectively, not only cheated on you, but also been totally irresponsible in not using protection. pathetic tbh
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I do that 🙊😅

My wife refuses to answer her mobile if she doesn't recognise the number, I have told her how stupid that is. It could be someone calling for an emergency, ie someone is ill, or involved in an accident etc. If I am home I answer it.

I don't know why she does this, but it is annoying.
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I do this all the time, especially when washing black clothing!
Same here...and it leaves horrible fibres least on light stuff you can give it a shake and carry on. Instead I have to pic the bits out of machine, shake and put on a rinse cycle . Super annoying.
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