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VIP Member
Walked past a little boy at eating in a cafeteria with his grandad, who clocked me and then pulled his mask up and pinched his nose and said to his grandad “foreigner” in his own language.

Obviously not pissed off with the five year old boy, but more the fact that he’s been taught that ideology.
Bad. How that’s been instilled in a child of that age says a lot about the family.
So there’s nothing wrong with being pissed off at a 5yo. They are annoying 😆
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Chatty Member
The fucking audacity of Uber Eats sending me a discount for free delivery from McDonald’s only for them to not allow me to use it for my McDonald’s order.

Fuck you uber eats and your rip off delivery charges. £3.99 is a joke when Just Eat only charge £1.99. Guess where I’m gonna be ordering my Big Mac from now you cunts.
McDonald's is free delivery on just eat for me!!

Edit - over £5 but still!


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I’m waiting for a large-ish delivery (2 pairs of boots) and it’s said it’s coming every day since Saturday and then I’ll get a message to say it’s been delayed. So now I have another day of waiting in tomorrow on the off chance it will actually turn up!
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Phoenix Lazarus

VIP Member
My daughters teacher is saying they need to do 100 of something ???100 laps of the garden ( I’m assuming it’s a Captain Tom thing ) ... she also says 100 LITRES OF WATER 😟😟😟... yes drinking ONE HUNDRED litres of water ..TODAY... fucking imbecile...
That is fucking dangerous and I want to put in a complaint
Perhaps she wants a chance to consume a lot of clear liquid that she's passing off as just water...
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VIP Member
The bashing of people on benefits. Even though a lot on benefits do work and work fucking hard. Like if you're entitled to something and dont claim it, more fool you. You're not on any moral high ground, you're being played.

The fact minimum wage hasnt risen anywhere near the rate of inflation. Saw a woman on a group moaning that minimum wage is going up so she has to pay her staff more. You cant expect staff to be available every time you want them and then get snotty about paying them.

Current housing prices being on average 200k plus when the average wage is 37k. Not right sorry, who the fuck let that happen.

England has no backbone. My mum was telling me earlier ny grandma and grandad once attended a mass.pritest against poll tax in London with a crown of thousands. This country is full of corruption and the Toties are ahead in the polls. How times change hey!

Sorry most of my current grievances are political, I wish they werent and were more trivial and "first world problems" based and one day I hope they will be again.

Being labelled as 'radical' and 'extreme' for wanting people to have a decent standard of living no matter their background, work etc.

My parents feeling the need to mention whether someone works or not when talking about ANYTHING. Again, my mum was telling me earlier about their v short time as landlords in the 2000s and how the person they rented to worked part time and claimed benefits so her rent was paid directly from her benefits to them. I really dont care if someone is on benefits or not, it dowsnt make them less of a person or it doesnt make someone more of a person if they work 80 hours a week.

Englands obsession with wealth inequality. See above. People thinking those who dont work every hour under the sun deserve to shrivel up and die. If it's for someone poor, it's a handout, if it's for someone rich, it's an incentive. Just like how areas of poor income are labelled as rough, they arent, the people there just have less money and live differently because of it.
yeah exactly, the majority of benefits payments are actually for people in work that is badly paid so the government is effectively subsiding companies and allowing them to make more money, this is why so many companies (Facebook etc) are supporting the state paid living wage, so they can save money on salaries.
I really dread to think what is going to happen in a few decades when all of the people who haven't been able to save or buy property have to retire, it is really a ticking timebomb
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Came downstairs to see my husband has put the most random load of things in the washing machine last night. Things that didn't actually need washing, it's like he hunted for things to justify washing one item he wanted. For some reason he used the Napisan. But he reassures me there is some left in there.

So, knowing I have at least one more load of nappies to wash before my next food shop comes, I load up the washing machine, tip the Napisan upside down and out falls two little grains of Napisan like little snowflakes.
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
Everything is annoying me today, I'm rather irritable. I think it might be hormonal.

I'm trying to make progress and have about 3 different companies I'm waiting to hear from so what I've thought about can actually be done/ put in place
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Chatty Member
Huge mass gatherings of football fans in Glasgow. Police suddenly doing f*ck all, so much for being stuck at home and not being allowed to anything the last 2 months. The lack of enforcement means that 2 months were for nothing and are now in the bin.
aw thank you! I thought no one else on Tattle would understand.

I am RAGING. All day, everywhere. Groups and crowds. Someone has shimmied up a lamppost and hung a fecking Union Jack at the top of my road 🤮😢😭

The lack of enforcement of lockdown on football fans today is a disgrace. Just seen the footage of Shankhill as well so guessing N.I lockdown going as well as West Scotland 😡
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My neighbour has had a cat hanging around her garden and obviously fed it - honestly imo it's not the biggest of issues since the neighbourhood I live in feeds a lot of the other neighbours cats we just don't let them inside pretty much, but I can see how other people may see it as an issue.
Anyway, this cat hardly looks like a stray - looks a fine weight and overall healthy, but she has decided that it probably is a stray and has seemingly let him inside. Granted, she asked people on Facebook if it's anyone's cat but it really just feels like she's going the wrong way around this for a cat that looks so good - one of those paper collars would have been a good choice to see if she could get a response before taking it in in.
I reckon she will get him scanned for a chip and if none is found she will either keep him or send him to the local non-kill shelter. Honestly, I just feel annoyed for the potential owners of the cat at this point.
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Well-known member
Is she the practice/reception manager? Decent partners of the practice would want to know if you could speak with one of those in confidence. It could be classed as a safeguarding concern (or something akin to that), no?
She's the practice manager but is also a partner so would be extremely difficult to approach another partner in confidence I would imagine. We are being run in to the ground. It will obviously be busy in the middle of a pandemic but we simply do not have enough staff and we are getting extra work added on each day. We are also taking over another surgeries patients in May so God help us all. They've even added vaccination clinics on for Saturdays and Sundays, haven't even asked us and just expected that we will all work 7 days per week due to the 'needs of the business'. What about our needs?!
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Thank you. It came out of the blue. I know we hadn't known each other for long but FFS don't just randomly text me saying you've got your ex pregnant and expect me to stick around. 😅 I turned into the ice queen as soon as he admitted it and thought about my reply as in the past I would have gone at a guy in this situation with both barrels. This time around I was cool, calm and collected and just replied with 'thank you for telling me, I wish you well with fatherhood.' He kept messaging me after asking 'is that it? Is that all you're going to say?' I've not replied LOL.
I love the fact I've left the situation with my dignity and I'm quite proud of myself. 😅
I have a bf already but I totally understand how relationships (even with not meeting in person) became way more intense in long down, for obvious reasons! yeah I totally agree, and the same if I was younger I would have tried to hang on to them and ended up fucked over anyway. Thank god we learn!
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VIP Member
don't let it make you feel bad about yourself! :( all jeans are so different in sizing, you could order the same size from a different brand and have them fit perfectly! the clothing size doesn't define you :)
Thank you, you’re right. I can’t wait until it’s safe to go clothes shopping in person again - I took trying things on for granted before the pandemic!
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I won't give my views about Covid I will be banned.

But grassing really pisses me off.
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watermelon sugar

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I always get so confused between the rant/whinge thread and this one. I've been writing on the rant/whinge thread thinking it was this one the whats pissed you off thread 🤣
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Chatty Member
Trying to trace old pensions and being made to feel like I’ve got the begging bowl out.
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I play white noise for the baby to sleep to through his naps on my Alexa and it's just randomly stopped 5 times so he's woke up 5 times and I've had to settle him 5 times. Stupid bloody thing
This has just reminded me when my girl was a a few weeks old I used to have to sit with her on the toilet with the shower running to get her to go to sleep. She sleeps 12 hours a night now- it’s so tough but they normally get so much better at sleeping x
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I feel your pain, kids next door run/bang/scream 24/7 I swear. It honestly doesn’t bother me that much it’s just the nighttimes I lose my rag and get so annoyed about it... but then come the morning I have calmed down so never say anything!
I'm sure there is a beastly sound effect of some kind you can use to terrorise them in return and play innocent in the morning. 😇😁
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I sometimes think that my neighbours must hate my kids but then i listen to their daughter screaching all summer in the garden. So its swings and roundabouts
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