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What’s pissed me off today is the complaint that went to the BBC about the use of the term “nitty gritty”...unbelievable
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I saw both your related posts and I feel really bad for you, but what you see on tv is not really true. When doctors had surgeries as opposed to clinics there was a closer relationship, but with the government rules and targets there really isn't time to build a close relationship as in the past.

Nowadays in most cases patients are just that patients, before they were almost friends, you would ask about their families etc have a quick chat now it's all targets, and which patient will screw them up.
Thankyou for replying, thats really kind of you.

Yes i understand what you mean, my mum and I had that conversation this morning. Im 34 now, but i remember our old GP being like a family friend, he even helped deliver my older brother. And my mum said she used to be able to phone him up and talk to him without having an appointment.

I think im just being over sensitive and paranoid due to my mental health issues, and having a UTI on top of that has made me feel even worse. Plus it took me a lot to really open up and be honest about my hallucinations and his reply just seemed abit flippant. But ive been given Nitrofurantoin antibiotics for 3 days, so hopefully i will feel better soon :)
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I did this once and the nice man at the entrance got a magical key out and unlocked a trolley for me!
Also the tab things off a tin of Spam work too. I keep those coins in my bag, car and purse just because I always forget and never have change!
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Thats ok, yes its actually more painful than period pain and more constant. Its like a deep ache rather than any stabbing pain. It can hurt to sit down and sort of feels like there is something trapped in there. It can also feel like trapped wind as you say. It goes all the way around to the back too. Ive even got it on my right side and i havent got a right ovary. If you need to know more ask me. I dont mind xx
Ahhhh thanks for your reply. Now I think of it I always have the same unusual feelings half way between periods but even at my big old age I never thought it’d be ovulation pain

I will now defo be paying a lot more attention to my body!
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Nope I get up every morning with him 🙄
Time along with very young kids/babies is the best bonding time.

When my wife's nephew was under 1, I used to get up if he got up early. When he began to talk he used to ask for me instead of my wife if he woke up early.

This used to annoy my wife as she had to do all the dirty stuff as nappy changes etc.

Unfortunately kids don't remember that part
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Hahaha yes!! I’d be more than pissed off if it were a human
Oh no 😩 I got pooed on by a bird on my lunch break once, right at the entrance to a shopping centre in my face. A seagull dropped an almighty “bread bomb” (as my vet calls them). And another time walking the dog speaking to another walker, heard a loud noise and my foot was covered 🤮 they’re the only time it’s happened and within months of each other so I was para around birds for ages after 😂
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Being in a small flat with one other person 24/7 is getting to me now 😂 even though we are good pals it’s just too much. Considering asking her to move out but I need the spare cash!
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I studied sociology & politics at university. The politics seminars were painful to be in. Nobody spoke either! I once joined in with a discussion and a guy said ‘your opinion isn’t valid’ - ok then, we’re all discussing political theory but my opinion isn’t valid 😂
I was about to say the same! by final year it was better (possibly as people had dropped out/changed courses), but I was so shocked that so many of the people in class seemed to have no real interest in politics/current affairs
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The woman up the road who bought a puppy for xmas. She’s letting the 9 or 10 year old kid walk it. It’s wild. Jumping around, barking at other dogs. He’s literally running up and down the street with this dog, four times a day. It’s driving me dull.
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The weird almost “Gas Lighting” culture where I work. If you go to management with a concern or tell them you feel unsupported it is always turned around and positioned as your problem - sometimes blatantly, sometimes subtly. It basically just teaches you not to express any worries as you get labelled. It’s even being pushed onto me from higher up in the way that I deal with people below me. I get so angry thinking about it, write a list of all the stuff I want to bring up, but then it somehow gets twisted and I come away feeling like somehow it must be my fault. I’ve honestly never felt this unsupported in a job before it’s scary.
This ☝Every time I ever take abuse or have to deal with an incident at work its ‘oohhh it’s always you. Like everything from a customer trying to commit suicide to me bring verbally abused. Like seriously a bit of concern wouldn’t go a miss. Makes me think what the hell I must have a face for dramas fffs. And if I ever dare to speak up voice concerns then it’s oooohhhh who rattled her cage sort of thing. Can not wait to get a new job it wasn’t like this in the last place I worked. We actually supported each other you know like normal people do 🤷‍♀️
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Just come off a horrendous shift last night working short-staffed, exhausted and tired. Didn’t get much sleep in the day, the kids have been acting up big time all day and very very loud and draining. I’ve shouted more times than I can count. My eldest’s way of expressing his anger is by self harming (he has ASD) and he’s even started saying things like “I don’t want to be alive anymore.” They are in bed now and I’ve just sat here crying because I feel so much guilt. Guilt because I am too tired most days to cope with the meltdowns and tantrums from both of them. Guilt that I’m not doing enough and that they can’t be at school/nursery. I feel I’m having to split myself down the middle with working full time and being with them and they aren’t getting the best of me anymore. I know my son doesn’t mean those things he’s saying, it’s just his way of expressing his frustrations at being told it’s time to put the tablet away or not being able to win the game, but it knocked me for six to hear that. He’s only 5.

Also my youngest is awaiting assessment for ASD too, and we have appointments coming up but as they’re telephone and video calls, I’m worried they won’t take us seriously because they have never met my youngest son, and can only go by what we’ve told them.

Less of a pissed off post really, but I’m feeling all sorts today.
I had a video assessment/appointment last month with my son for suspected ASD. Unfortunately the scenario you are worried about is exactly what happened for us. I felt the whole appointment was quite pointless. It really needs to be done face to face. I hope yours is more successful!
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Flight cancelled!

Arrived at airport 3 hours before, checked in, handed over my passports, tickets, PCR test printouts etc, under the assumption the flight was still on!

With less than an hour before boarding, they announce the flight is cancelled and that I should contact my airline either for a refund or rebook.

Next available flight isn't until over a week away so didn't bother.

What a fucking shitshow!

Oh no way!

Pissed off for you
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McDonald's is free delivery on just eat for me!!

Edit - over £5 but still!
I've noticed this with deliveroo, me and my bf both have accounts and we often have different charges for the same thing ot the same address

Another update.

I've just received a text that he misses me and wants to try again with me. He said his ex has very sadly lost the baby which of course is heartbreaking. I'm just disgusted at his behaviour now, he is honestly deluded thinking he can just come back to me if that makes sense? I didn't want to reply at first but relented and said I was very sorry to hear the news. I didn't say anything further. I should have blocked him really. Sorry just venting because I had forgotten him and decided to get on with my life.
This sounds harsh but honestly I know lots of people who have been in very similar situations and I wouldn't be sure there even was a baby to begin with so I wouldn't worry too much.. you should definitely block him, it is totally unfair for him to just think he can play with you like this when it suits him
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A girl I work with who has time to go for 2 runs and a 45 minute workout a day and posting it all over her fitness Instagram. I know fine she does F all work and gets away with it cus working from home 😡. Annoys me so much as I’ve been doing so much over time and basically no time to workouts!
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We have an ice cream van around every week day, I was always wondering who nowadays buys them, especially with corner shops and ice cream everywhere, guess I have my answer! £10 a day is insane!
Yes, thank you - it bloody is! Plus we’re only in March, is he gonna keep this up every weekend throughout the year?! 🙄
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under the ivy

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Workmen starting digging up the street at 7.30am, I was up but still annoying when I'm WFH and can't hear myself think!
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Same!! I keep moaning about him today because he’s top of my hit list 🙈 his latest, “I could definitely beat Mark Labbett at chess”.

You just have to humour them 🙃
Haha! The stuff they come out with eh?!
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